"In the vast universe, human beings, as the species at the top of the food chain, are just a speck of dust in the universe.

Under the sky, everything is fleeting, and how many of them can leave traces of their existence in the torrent of history.

Time has changed, and the tribal civilization period has only existed for a hundred years. So far, we know very little about it, so it is also covered with a layer of mystery.

Although there are only a few words recorded in the history books about the Xingtu tribe, from the cultural relics unearthed one after another, we speculate that the tribe existed at the end of the tribal civilization.

During the tribal period, the totem was the spirit of each tribe, just like our national hui.

Everyone look at this showcase, what we see now is the totem of the Star Map Tribe.

Although this totem is very old, it is vaguely recognizable that the sea and the moon are engraved on it.

Scholars believe that the origin of the Xingtu tribe is Linhai. Everyone knows the Hope Village in Haitian City, right?

The fruit of life grows there, and this fruit is called the fruit bestowed by the gods in the inheritance of the Xingtu tribe.

Mr. Bai Zheng, the father of our life, discovered the God-given fruit through ancient books, and later he developed the S1 potion for girls to give birth.

Therefore, Haitian City should have been a vast ocean a long time ago, and then go this way.

This board was recently excavated by the archaeological team, and we repaired it using technology.

The pattern carved on the wooden board should be some kind of mysterious ceremony, and everyone can see the picture above.

The woman standing at the front is the goddess of the tribal civilization period mentioned in our history books, and the one kneeling behind her should be the servant of the gods.

I have also explained to you the servant of God before. . "

"Team security, no targets have been found on the second floor. The personnel in this area have been deployed."

A cute girl with glasses was quietly reporting to the woman standing in front of the totem booth.

The woman was wearing a short jacket with a beautiful vest line on her exposed waist and abdomen, her long hair was tied into a high ponytail, her head was like a moth, and her collar was like a grub.

Hearing that the woman turned her head towards the pretty girl and slightly bent the corners of her mouth, two small dimples appeared beside the corners of her mouth, which softened the woman's stern temperament a lot.

An Ge looked back at the totem again, then turned and left, and the pretty girl immediately followed.

The long-legged one walked far away in a few steps, and the short-legged Fang was panting slightly behind her. The secret rumors were true.

An Ge, the famous ice beauty in their team, can't be said to be difficult to get along with. She is still very attractive when she smiles, but she doesn't laugh often.

An Ge is an orphan. It is said that she originally had parents, but her parents passed away after an accident when she was very young. Growing up alone made her somewhat taciturn.

Fang is also a new rookie, and the team assigns her to An Ge because she has a soft personality and comes from the north.

When the captain insisted on her strengths, she said that Fang was also cold-resistant and versatile, so she partnered with An Ge.

Said to be a partner, but in fact, An Ge is at the front every time he goes on a mission, and he is not as good as her holster.

After all, the holster is still useful, and she can't say it's useless, but it's better than nothing.

Today, the bureau received news that a wanted criminal who had been absconding for a long time was found near this exhibition hall.

This kind of desperado is usually accompanied by reflexive personality disorder, he wanders around the exhibition hall, the purpose is self-evident.

An Ge, who was the light of criminal justice, was sent over as a matter of course. His marksmanship was accurate and his skills were excellent, and the people in the team loved and hated him at the same time.

What she loves is her ability, and what she hates is her independence. An Ge is very independent. She should have been paired with a partner long ago, but there is no word for cooperation in her dictionary.

According to the words of the director who hates iron and steel: "You are a lone wolf. If it weren't for your independence, you would have been promoted a long time ago, and you still need to hang out among the grassroots cadres."

"Captain Captain, found the target! Direction at two o'clock!"

The subordinate's voice sounded through the earphones he was wearing, An Ge raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings, his brown pupils were as beautiful as amber under the lighting of the hall.

The eye shape is not the traditional big eyes with outer double, but the inner pair is a bit narrow and long, and when she is not smiling and squinting, she will have a striking sharpness.

found it!An Ge narrowed his eyes, didn't turn his head to care about his partner, and approached the target quickly and covertly alone.

Today, the city museum will display the cultural relics of the Star Map Tribe, so the tourists in front of the various booths in the hall are walking around, bustling.

The wanted criminals appear here, and they cannot arrest them with great fanfare, lest they cause panic and cause unknown out-of-control events.

At this time, the wanted criminal was wearing a hat and lowered his head slightly, standing in front of the booth with the most people, pretending to watch.

He glanced at the crowd around him, then slowly put his hand into the lining pocket, the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a trace of cruelty and excitement on his face.

Just as he was about to take action, a hard metal object was suddenly pressed against his waist.

"Don't move! Now slowly take your hands out of your pockets!" A deep female voice came from behind.

The suspect frowned slightly, and after pausing his hands, there was madness in his eyes. He didn't stop the movement of his hands, but tilted his head back and grinned.

An Ge sensed something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward to try to restrain his actions, but unexpectedly, it was still a step too late.

damn it!He made his own bomb!

"An songs!!"

"Team Security!!"

Seeing only a glimpse of the fire, the body flew backwards uncontrollably, and instantly felt that the eyes were blurred, and the screams of the crowd were full of panic.

The glass of the booth with a gorgeous scabbard was shattered after being hit, and An Ge slammed straight into it as he flew backwards.

A drop of blood fell on the scabbard, followed the lines on it, and slowly soaked into the slightly dim night pearl, and then disappeared.

An Ge didn't know about this, she only knew that at the last second before the darkness came, the wanted criminal's grin and the monstrous madness were in front of her eyes.

It hurts. .hiss. .where is here. .

An Ge tried his best to open his eyes, but there was still darkness in front of him, and suddenly he heard a woman's painful screaming and two anxious voices.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Work harder!"

"I saw it, I saw it! It's coming out!"

Then An Ge felt that she was directly pushed out by a force, and the sudden light made her eyes go blank, causing her to close her eyes in a hurry.

She didn't open it until she got used to the light, and before she could see clearly, she was slapped vigorously on her buttocks, An Ge was stunned.

Who hit her!And hit her ass!

After struggling to lift his eyelids, he finally saw the two women in front of him clearly, no, they were two grandmas.

Both of them had loose hair, and a few strands of gray hair were braided together by linen cloth.

The gullies of the years are deeply imprinted on their faces, and they still wear necklaces made of unknown shells around their necks.

Looking down, I saw that they were wearing strange clothes that looked like linen.

. . .So she was saved by the minority grandma?

The question has not yet been answered, because she tried hard to speak, and actually sent out: "Ah! Ah! Ah!"

. .what sound?I'm dumb? !my body?my hand?

The baby tossed her hands and feet back and forth in the old woman's hands, and the brown eyeballs were still rounded in astonishment.

At this time, a voice sounded in the room. It was an old woman in red linen who was speaking. She was facing one direction with worry in her tone:

"Why doesn't this child cry, my lord, please look at her." Then he handed the baby who was still kicking around to the woman on the bed.

Because of childbirth, the woman's hair was full of sweat stains, and her face was a little pale, but her delicate and fair facial features still couldn't be concealed.

After she took the baby, she showed a gentle smile, and then she said politely to the two old people:

"Thank you two mother-in-laws. I told Puhe to put your gifts outside the door earlier. The mother-in-laws have worked hard. May the moon god bless you."

The woman opened her chest with her left hand, bowed her head while talking, and had a pious attitude.

The two grandmothers also responded with the same attitude, "May the moon god bless you." Then they left one after another.

An Ge stared blankly at the direction the old man left. She didn't pay attention to what these people said.

At this time, she was still thinking about what happened in her mind, but she was sure that she was reborn, but why. .Will she be reborn? !

"My wife, how are you? Can I come in?" A gentle male voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in." Anya's voice was still weak.

An Ge raised his eyes and stared at his reborn mother. What is this woman's name?

When he was in a trance, a man pushed the door and entered. He was wearing light blue linen clothes with a leather belt around his waist.

From the belt hung a sharp tusk threaded through a black cord that looked like some kind of animal tooth.

The man's figure was a little thin, but the joyful expression on his face made his already handsome features a little brighter.

He quickly stepped forward and knelt down by the bed, looked at An Ge happily and curiously, and looked up expectantly when he raised his head again: "My wife, you have worked hard, is it a boy or a girl?"

An Ge turned his head hard to look at the man, no way. .Is he patriarchal?

Although the decoration in this house does look backward, they will not turn around and throw themselves into the river. .

The baby was worried alone, but Anya had already replied to him: "It's a girl."

The man's eyes lit up when he heard it, and the joy visible to the naked eye made An Ge feel relieved.

He looked out the window happily, opened his chest with his right hand, and shouted reverently to the sky: "Thank you Moon God!"

An Ge was taken aback by the loud voice. This man didn't look very strong, but his voice was really loud.

After thanking the Moon God, the man knelt down and climbed to the bed again, his tone anxious: "My wife, me, can I hug the child?"

Anya's originally soft face gradually turned cold, and she scolded him in a low voice:

"Nonsense! How can a girl be hugged at will, what if she grows up and becomes weak!"

The man lowered his head in fear and knelt down on the ground: "My wife, it's my fault. Don't be angry, I will never say such things again."

Anya stared at him for a few seconds, then waved him out. The man looked up at the baby again, then stood up and walked out.

An Ge was dumbfounded again, what's going on, isn't this man a so-called father?Why do you look like a slave?

And why is it so hard to understand what her mother in this life said!Girls can't be held casually?

Just as he was thinking, his body was turned over by a pair of hands, and An Ge endured being wiped back and forth with aggrieved strength, which was not gentle.

Anya, who was tossing the child, discovered that there was actually a small crescent birthmark on the cub's pi.

Her child seems to have been blessed by the moon god, well, she is a blessed child.

The blessed child felt that she was very uncomfortable lying on her stomach, and her face was flushed a little because her breathing was not smooth.

Thinking that he still can't speak, coupled with a series of embarrassment, he cried out with a "wow".

When the woman heard the cry, she turned her over in an unhurried manner. She tapped An Ge's little nose with her finger, and suddenly smiled:

"Don't you cry? You will be called An Ge from now on. Mother hopes that you can be praised like a warrior."

This is really the most simple expectation of a mother for her child. She was considered a warrior in her previous life. Will she still be a warrior in this life?

I have bid farewell to my previous life, and I don't know what's going on here. After finally growing up, I will grow up again, and the baby is crying more and more sadly.

The author has something to say:

The preview of the next book "There is an Anti-Want to Build with You", also known as "Clouds and Night Bamboo"; normal ABO setting; overhead; strong; scheming;

Brief introduction: Qin Kingdom was first established, the founding emperor suddenly passed away, the eldest princess's daughter hurriedly ascended the throne with the backing of powerful ministers, there are two kings with ulterior motives inside, and powerful countries are watching from outside. Jing Yunshen was trapped in the deep palace.Jiangmen and the Gu family are two generals. The enemy country invades and dies tragically on the battlefield, and the Gu family declines. , home country and the world, the wind blows, and the rainstorm is approaching.

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