When Song Jiayi woke up, Su Xiaocheng was getting dressed,

She lifted the quilt and took her into her arms and pressed her: "Be my girlfriend?"

Su Xiaocheng looked at her indifferently: "I can't fall in love yet."

"You can." Song Jiayi kissed her on the mouth, "I like you."

Su Xiaocheng sneered, pushed her away and continued to put on her clothes:

"You also liked my sister a few hours ago. You are really a playful woman worthy of the name."

Song Jiayi also got up to get dressed: "I admit that my relationship changes too quickly, but I can guarantee that during the relationship with you, my body and mind belong only to you."

Su Xiaocheng turned her head and looked at her: "I said, I don't want to associate with you yet."

Song Jiayi stared at her: "I am very dedicated and dedicated to every relationship. I have never liked other women during a relationship, and I will never mess around with other women. You can rest assured of me."

Su Xiaocheng shook her head and said, "I told you, I don't want to fall in love yet."

Song Jiayi thought for a while: "Would you like to try it out with me then? Just make an occasional date?"

Su Xiaocheng thought for a while: "Then will you still pester Sister Orange?"

Song Jiayi shook her head: "It's strange to say that I still have feelings for her, but my love was transferred to you last night. I have never experienced this before. I am willing to love you, understand you, and pamper you .”

After hearing this, Su Xiaocheng's mood didn't change much: "Then I'll investigate you next, if you don't like Sister Orange anymore, if you are really sincere to me, I might consider having an affair with you. "

Song Jiayi smiled slightly: "I hope you don't make me wait for a long time. I have been waiting for Xiaoju for several years, and my patience is exhausted. I feel that facing you now, I can no longer calm down and wait like I used to."

Su Xiaocheng curled her mouth: "Send me back, I still have an announcement."

Song Jiayi wanted to hug her, but she avoided it.

"Why are you so nonchalant? You obviously liked me first, and you took the initiative last night."

Su Xiaocheng showed a strange smile: "You just think I'm playing hard to get, after all, I can't be too cheap in the face of your flirtatious old attack."

Song Jiayi's eyes changed: "I don't allow you to say that about yourself, the person I like is always the most precious. From now on, you are my baby."

Su Xiaocheng paused in her heart, opened the door and left without saying anything.


Liu Qingqiao had been sleeping at home since returning to Star City yesterday, and today she drank for a long time and watched the photos and videos taken with Su Xiaoju over and over again.

She was lying drunk on the sofa, hugging the toy cat but couldn't fall asleep.Her heart was hurting all the time, as if she wouldn't give up until it hurt to death.

She originally wanted to pester Su Xiaoju, but she felt that Su Xiaoju should not be stopped from pursuing happiness.She would rather suffer herself than Su Xiaoju to be happy.

She looked around the house full of her and Su Xiaoju's sweetness, leaned on the wall and came to the bedroom to cover the plush cat with a quilt.

"I won't take you away, wait for your sister Orange to come back and take you away."

Liu Qingqiao staggered and took a fruit knife to the bathroom, lying in the bathtub filled with more and more water.

She turned on her mobile phone and played several of her classic songs on a loop. When there were only music and the sound of running water in her ears, her heart finally settled down.

But when she thought that Su Xiaoju didn't love her anymore, and Su Xiaoju fell in love with someone else, her heart ached again.

She turned on the phone and sent a paragraph to Su Xiaoju's editor, but the exclamation point reminded her that she was still on the other party's blacklist.

Liu Qingqiao wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, put down her phone and picked up a small knife.

"Juzi, I'm very happy to meet you in my life and be your girlfriend. The only regret is that we didn't grow old together."

"The time with you is full of colors, I am really happy. You can have different lovers, but I only have you as a girlfriend."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't give you happiness. I was selfish. I gave up on you when you needed it, and pestered you when you didn't need it."

"I have never regretted meeting and falling in love with you, but I regretted breaking up with you at the beginning. I thought that as long as I worked hard to treat you well, I could make you love me forever. I was wrong, let you live like this these few years sad."

"If you can't love each other forever in this life, then I hope to meet you again in the next life and never give up on you. Orange, you must be happy!"

Bai Xiaoying came to Qiaomu Garden with the concert announcement just issued by the company, and was going to give Liu Qingqiao a surprise so that the smile could reappear on her face.

"Ding dong ding dong..."

The door of Liu Qingqiao's house has been replaced with a combination lock. Bai Xiaoying doesn't know what her password is, but she vaguely guesses that it might be related to Su Xiaoju.

Now, after ringing the doorbell three times, but no one answered the door, Bai Xiaoying looked at her phone, the time was five o'clock in the afternoon.

At this point, Liu Qingqiao neither slept nor ate, so what else could he be doing?Are you walking downstairs?Could it be that she went back to her parents' house?

Bai Xiaoying couldn't figure it out, so she had to call Liu Qingqiao, but was not connected three times.

Bai Xiaoying also contacted Liu Qingqiao on WeChat this morning. If nothing unexpected happens, Liu Qingqiao will be at home today.

Bai Xiaoying called twice more, but still no one answered.She suddenly had a bad premonition and became anxious.

She logged into Baidu Encyclopedia, searched for information about Su Xiaoju, and then entered Su Xiaoju's birthday number on the combination lock, and the door opened.

She thought, Liu Qingqiao's password is really not secure at all, she has to quickly change it to something that is difficult for ordinary people to guess!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoying had already stepped into the room and closed the door.She heard Liu Qingqiao's song, and she searched for the sound and came to the door of the bathroom.

Inexplicably, a creepy feeling emerged from her heart, and Bai Xiaoying knocked on the door nervously:

"Qing Qiao? Are you in there?"

No one answered, Bai Xiaoying almost cried, quickly turned the handle and opened the door, jumped into the bathroom and saw Liu Qingqiao lying pale in a pool of blood.

"Qing Qiao!" Bai Xiaoying cried and rushed over, "Ah, Qing Qiao! Qing Qiao, you..."

Bai Xiaoying felt that the pulse in Liu Qingqiao's neck was still throbbing, so she quickly called the hospital for emergency services, and then called Wang Dalian.

Zhang Kaicheng learned from Wang Dalian that something had happened to Liu Qingqiao, so he raced with Wang Dalian to Arbor Garden in a hurry, but he was still one step behind the ambulance.

They followed the ambulance to the hospital and watched Liu Qingqiao being sent to the emergency room.

"What's going on! What's going on?!" Zhang Kaicheng asked Bai Xiaoying with a blushing face.

Bai Xiaoying cried and said: "When I went to her house, she was already like that! I don't know why?"

Wang Dalian patted her on the back lightly: "It's okay, Qing Qiao will be fine, let's calm down first."

Zhang Kaicheng walked back and forth anxiously, and decided to call Liu's parents to come to the hospital immediately.

Liu's parents rushed to the hospital anxiously, and Liu's mother burst into tears when she saw the lights in the emergency room, and Liu's father supported her with red eyes.

"Little Qiao! You must be safe! Your parents are the only child..."

Mother Liu cried so hard that she almost fainted.

Liu's father blinked his wet eyes, but couldn't say a word.

Zhang Kaicheng comforted them with red eyes: "Don't worry too much, Xiao Qiao is still alive when he comes here."

Father Liu choked up and asked, "What's wrong with her? It's..."

"Cut your wrists, you lost too much blood."

Zhang Kaicheng helped them sit down, "We encourage her, she knows we are worried about her, she will definitely wake up."

"Cut your wrists?" Mother Liu looked at her husband with tears streaming down her face, "Hurry up, call Su Xiaoju over here! Xiao Qiao definitely wants her here!"

Father Liu looked at Zhang Kaicheng, who nodded.

Su Xiaoju has been restless today, her left and right eyelids twitched several times.

She didn't want to write a manuscript, and she lost her appetite, so she could only lie on the sofa and read novels with a little interest until she received a call from Zhang Kaicheng.

But she didn't connect right away, the call rang again less than half a minute after it was cut off, she didn't know what else Zhang Kaicheng could look for her.

Thinking of today's state, she suddenly suspected that something had happened to Liu Qingqiao. Although it was groundless, she still answered the call in fear.

Zhang Kaicheng said right away, "Xiao Qiao is in the hospital now, life... Come here quickly! She needs you!"

The phone fell on the sofa, Su Xiaoju jumped up and was about to rush out the door, but remembered that she was wearing pajamas and slippers now.

She packed it up very quickly, went downstairs and drove to the hospital.

She called Zhang Kaicheng while waiting for the red light: "Which hospital is it?"

"First." Zhang Kaicheng hung up the phone because the door of the emergency room was open.

There are more than a dozen traffic lights on the way to No.1 Civilian Hospital, and the road is congested during rush hour.

Su Xiaoju stopped at the red light again and called Zhang Kaicheng, wanting to know why Liu Qingqiao was in the hospital, but the other party didn't answer her call.

Su Xiaoju was worried, trying to guess why Zhang Kaicheng didn't answer her call.

Don't answer the phone... Ah Qiao...

When Su Xiaoju thought that Liu Qingqiao might be gone, her heart ached to death, and she felt bad.

She honked the horn heartbroken, but the cars ahead were obediently waiting for the green light to come.

The more she cried, the more sad she became, and she kept chanting "A Qiao", praying for Liu Qingqiao's safety and health.

In the special exclusive ward of the hospital, Liu Qingqiao finally woke up. Seeing the tearful eyes of her parents and friends, she felt like a lifetime away.

Mother Liu sat on the bed and held her daughter's hand, choked up and said:

"Little Qiao, I am mother. If the whole world abandons you, mother will never abandon you. You must remember that you must never abandon me in the future. Be obedient, you know?"

"I'm sorry." Liu Qingqiao looked at his father, and then at his mother, "I got too drunk and was impulsive."

Liu's father asked sadly: "Then don't drink so much alcohol in the future, and don't be impulsive when you are drunk. Mom and Dad don't want white-haired people to give away black-haired people. If you are gone, how will parents live? You have the heart Parents are heartbroken and die with hatred?"

"I'm sorry." Liu Qingqiao shed tears, "I will never be overwhelmed again. I'm sorry, Mom and Dad."

Zhang Kaicheng said: "Xiao Qiao probably got confused because she drank too much. After this time, she should not be so unfilial again."

Mother Liu finally couldn't help crying again, lay down and hugged her daughter, very sad.

Father Liu touched his daughter's forehead with one hand, and patted his wife's back with the other, and wept a little.

Mother Liu cried and cried, and suddenly passed out.Everyone was startled and quickly called the doctor.

The doctor said that she had low blood pressure, and now she was worried and sad for so long, and passed out without having dinner.

Papa Liu accompanied her to rest in the next room, and asked the nanny to prepare dinner and send it to the hospital.

Zhang Kaicheng stood guard in Liu Qingqiao's room: "Look at you scaring your parents, you must never abandon them in the future."

"I know I was wrong. I didn't think of anything else at all at the time."

Liu Qingqiao looked up at Bai Xiaoying, "Thank you for finding me in time, can you help me bring the cat here now?"

"Maomao?" Bai Xiaoying didn't expect that Liu Qingqiao was still thinking about a toy doll.

Liu Qingqiao said: "No one will accompany it tonight, it will be afraid."

Bai Xiaoying and Wang Dalian looked at each other, agreed and left the hospital, only to find that many reporters had already arrived.

She hurriedly notified Wang Dalian, and Wang Dalian called the staff of the team.

Su Xiaoju ran through several red lights and was stopped by the traffic police near the hospital.

It took her a long time to convince the traffic police not to take her away, and hurried to the hospital.

But she was discovered by the reporters, and she slipped away quickly before they came to surround her.

She slid around and finally got rid of the reporter's sight, but she was far away from the information desk.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Zhang Kaicheng, when she saw a masked woman walking into the elevator with a toy cat in her arms.

She seemed to see the dawn, and hurried over, but the elevator had already climbed up.

She saw that the elevator went up all the way and stopped at the sixth floor, and then she walked into the next elevator to reach her destination.

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