In the evening, the rumor of #刘清乔草女粉# reached the top of the trending search with lightning speed, and hit the headlines within half an hour.

The first to split this melon was the well-known entertainment official account. Its latest news showed a paragraph and attached a short video.

In the nearly 2-minute video, Liu Qingqiao hugged and kissed her super girl fan in a place that looked like a bar.

During this process, the female fan pulled down her sleeveless blouse, and then put Liu Qingqiao's hand on it.

Due to the shooting angle, the video only showed the female fan's side face and her movements, but completely captured Liu Qingqiao's face.

Liu Qingqiao was very devoted and skillful in kissing, until the last second of the video, they were still kissing.

This big melon hammer together with the previous scandal about Liu Qingqiao's coming out of the closet caused a big news that surprised the whole people.

Everyone believed that Liu Qingqiao was interested in women, and they also believed that her previous denials were lying and covering up. Even if passers-by were not against homosexuality, they were disgusted by her deceitful behavior.

The back garden of Angel Baby was completely silent. Some of Angel Baby Amusement Park spoke highly of it, some stood by and watched, and some silently withdrew.

These off-fan babies are also considered kind, and they didn't step on or splash dirty water on the former idol's head before leaving.

With the help of black fans, the majority of netizens know that the female fan in the video is the baby Luo Xiaoli, the angel director of the back garden.

They searched for Luo Xiaoli's information one after another, wanting to see what Luo Xiaoli looked like, and she could be compared with beautiful young ladies like Su Xiaocheng and Su Xiaoju.

[I have a bold idea, the order of girlfriends is Sister Chengzi, Chengzi and the director]

[The principal may not be a girlfriend, but just a date~ She offered to throw herself into her arms, □□do not want to refuse? ]

[Cheng Zi and her sister aren't that cheap, are they?Both sisters...should they pay back 3~? ]

[3 is very likely, □□ is amazing, how embarrassing are we men! ]

[I really don't dislike them for being that or something, but I really hate them for lying! ]

[□□I guess this is not the first time I have attacked fans, tsk tsk tsk...your circle is really messed up]

[How much I loved once, how much I hate now, several sisters and I are off fans, □□ goodbye, we don’t regret loving you]

[Thinking about it now, what is the difference between □□ and those rich second-generation hooligans and little sisters who are flirtatious and rebellious?Drag racing, coming out, hugging left and right, grass powder, lying...]

[□□Both parents seem to be decent people, and their family education should be quite good. Why is this so? ]

[Fans voluntarily, what you love and what I want, is said by you as if heinous!Maybe it was the female fan who came to the door automatically]

[The big melon I have eaten the most in the past two years is □□, I had a good impression of her before, and I also like to listen to her songs, now?nausea!It made me sick of all the food I had eaten in the past few years! ]

The news of Liu Qingqiao's scandal came without warning, and Starlight Media Company was caught off guard by this, and was thrown into chaos for a while.

Previously, the video of "Su Xiaocheng" entering Liu Qingqiao's room to discuss the script also occupied a hot search, and the topic of Liu Qingqiao's suspected ex-assistant coming out of the closet also occupied a hot search.

Now the three trending searches are ranked No. 6, No. [-] and No. [-] respectively. No matter how much money Starlight Media makes, it is not as much as the enthusiasm of the majority of netizens. The trending searches cannot be withdrawn.

Since it cannot be withdrawn, it can only refute the rumors.

Moonlight Media immediately refuted the rumors: its artist Su Xiaocheng and Liu Qingqiao are just good friends, and they have never come out of the closet.

Thousands of orange fans were encouraged, and they joined the hotly searched comments on the topic, vigorously clarifying the rumors that their idols and Liu Qingqiao are lovers or friends with benefits.

Therefore, netizens pointed their finger at Su Xiaoju one after another, thinking that she really had an affair with Liu Qingqiao.

The people who eat melons can just guess, Su Xiaoju currently has three identities, the first is Liu Qingqiao's ex-girlfriend, the second is Liu Qingqiao's current girlfriend, and the third is Liu Qingqiao's girlfriend with benefits.

If it is the first type, then why did they separate?Could it be because Liu Qingqiao liked someone else?

If it was the second type, then did Liu Qingqiao cheat on Luo Xiaoli?

If it's the third type, then...

But netizens soon stopped talking about it, and their focus returned to Liu Qingqiao's coming out of the closet and Liu Qingqiao's intimacy with fans.

Arbor Garden was already being watched by the paparazzi, as soon as Liu Qingqiao appeared, they would immediately rush over to interview her.

Wang Dalian and Bai Xiaoying sneaked into the community and walked into Liu Qingqiao's house. At this time, Liu's parents and Zhang Kaicheng were already here.

Six people sat in a circle, and no one wanted to speak for the time being.

Ten minutes later, Wang Dalian asked, "Qing Qiao, is that you in the video?"

No one answered, Wang Dalian asked again: "Did you find any suspicious person at that time?"


Liu's father asked: "Little Qiao, why are you in that place with that girl?"

"Her birthday, I treat her to dinner."

Mother Liu asked with red eyes: "Do you like her?"

"She is my fan and my friend."

Zhang Kaicheng: "I have an impression of that Luo Xiaoli. She seems to know Xiaoxiao as well. She usually walks around Yuecheng."

Bai Xiaoying: "It's normal for a huge fan of her to come to Xingcheng to meet Qing Qiao, but it may be premeditated."

Wang Dalian: "What good will it do her if this matter is exposed? If she is Qing Qiao's true fan, she will definitely not record it on purpose."

Liu Qingqiao: "Have you found the source of the video?"

Wang Dalian: "I heard that the email was sent anonymously, and the reward is not much."

Bai Xiaoying: "He may not know that the news is valuable, or it may not be for money."

Mother Liu asked, "Little Qiao, why did you kiss fans in that place?"

Liu Qingqiao said annoyedly: "I never expected that I would lose control. I would get on top after drinking a little wine, and I couldn't control what happened afterwards."

Zhang Kaicheng was surprised: "Then what happened afterwards, you?"

"Juzi suddenly appeared, slapped me, and ignored me again."

Liu Qingqiao became more and more aggrieved, and her voice became weeping.

Mother Liu felt pain in her heart, she lowered her head and sighed.

Liu's father said in a low voice: "Now it is impossible to deny that you kissed a girl. If you keep quiet, everyone will agree that you like women. Isn't it better for the future to admit it now?"

Wang Dalian: "Since netizens are accusing us of lying, I think it is still necessary to publicly declare that we did not lie before, and at the same time admit that the person in the video is Qing Qiao."

Bai Xiaoying: "There were two denials before. The first one was to deny that she was in a relationship with the screenwriter Su Xiaoju at the time. This is not considered a lie. The second one was to deny that she had an intimate relationship with the actor Su Xiaoju that night. This is not considered a lie."

Liu Qingqiao: "Admit the video, then explain what?"

Wang Dalian thought for a while: "If you don't explain, just apologize, saying that it is because your personal behavior has caused such a big impact on the public opinion of the society. I am deeply sorry and reflect on myself."

Liu Qingqiao closed her eyes and leaned on the sofa: "Well, thank you for helping me deal with it. I'm so tired these days, I won't go out for the time being."

Mother Liu persuaded: "Daughter, live with your parents at home, and wait until the turmoil subsides."

"No, I still want to find oranges." Liu Qingqiao looked at her parents and suddenly knelt down.

"Father, mother, my daughter is unfilial and has caused you so much harm. I really feel very sorry and guilty, but I really can't help it. I will be very unhappy without Juzi. Now she is very angry. I have to think about it. How to get her back."

Father Liu helped her up: "Obviously if you choose to be with boys, the road will be much easier, and we are all happy. Why are you so stubborn to walk this road full of thorns?"

Liu Qingqiao knelt down again: "There are many helplessness in life. The more you walk, the fewer paths you can choose. I am very lucky to be a daughter under your knees. Unfortunately, I can't associate with men as you wish. Because, I want to control own life."

"Originally, as long as you are happy, I can obediently marry the boy you like. But doing so will hurt the other person I love. I will not compromise easily. I hesitated. Maybe I will love him more after all. myself, so I choose to be happy with her."

"In this life, except for disobeying you in choosing a partner, I will be very obedient and be your filial daughter."

Liu's father's eyes were red, and Liu's mother's eye sockets were moist.

They looked at each other, as if they had reached a tacit understanding.

Mother Liu held her daughter's hand: "Your grandmother asked me about you, and I answered her truthfully. She didn't object, and even wanted to support you. But because of my firm attitude, she didn't want to intervene in this matter."

"But she told me some truths, let me understand what is the most important thing in a person's life, what is the most precious thing, and what is the most rare thing in life."

"At this turbulent moment, you still miss that girl. I guess, even if I am the mother who gave birth to you and raised you, I have no right to deprive you of your freedom, rights and happiness."

Liu's father also held his daughter's hand: "Mom and Dad bless you, no matter who you live with, we will not strongly oppose it, but we may not be able to say support."

"Xiao Qiao, you are well, no matter how fierce the storm in the entertainment industry is, don't be afraid, Mom and Dad will always be your backing port!"

Liu Qingqiao burst into tears, and hugged her parents with a blushing face: "I'm sorry...thank you!"

Zhang Kaicheng's eyes were also slightly red, and he suddenly let go of a big stone in his heart, and there was a strange thing churning in his heart, like metabolism.

It was late at night, and Liu Qingqiao was the only one left in the room.

She didn't dare to log on to Weibo to browse what netizens had commented on her behavior, and she couldn't contact Su Xiaoju.

Luo Xiaoli sent a message, apologizing for having such a bad influence on her.

Liu Qingqiao ignored her and just played game consoles in front of the TV in the room. She didn't go to bed until three o'clock in the morning, but she couldn't fall asleep with the toy cat.

Near noon, when she came out of the shower, Bai Xiaoying brought her lunch.

Bai Xiaoying had dinner with her and said, "Dalian asked me to tell you that a public apology will be made on Weibo at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the specific words will be sent to your WeChat at 02:30."

"Hmm." Liu Qingqiao asked nervously, "What's the trend of the discussion now?"

Bai Xiaoying: "Let's just say that you're lying, and that Su Xiaoju is your ex-girlfriend, and that you're as special as your fans, but there's nothing malicious in your comments."

"The sailors hired by the company have been working properly since last night. You shouldn't be able to tell that we hired the sailors. The babies are relatively quiet and haven't attacked us in turn."

"The stickiness of the babies is still quite high. I don't know if they have any regrets when they climbed up on a woman like me who has been constantly scandalized."

"Of course not."

Bai Xiaoying comforted her, "What's wrong with Lily? It's only natural to like women, and they have no right to ask you not to fall in love with women. Besides, young people nowadays are more open, and they are more accepting of such things."

Liu Qingqiao ate two mouthfuls of rice with no appetite, and asked: "Then what else did they say about me and Juzi besides thinking that we were lying?"

Bai Xiaoying thought about it for a while: "Let's just say that if it's true, it's actually not a big deal. If you don't understand why the person involved lies, you should still feel angry when you were cheated."

Liu Qingqiao looked at her: "If Juzi and I admit it publicly now, and explain the timeline clearly, will netizens scold us?"

Bai Xiaoying said sincerely: "You are not lying, so why do they scold you? If they start scolding you because you are women in a relationship, don't worry, the babies and our sailors will scold them to the point of blood and tears!"

Liu Qingqiao smiled.

Bai Xiaoying added: "But you must not be impulsive. If you want to make this matter public, you have to discuss it with Dalian in advance, and you can only act after the company's approval."

Liu Qingqiao nodded: "But even if I want to admit it to her now, she might not be willing."

Bai Xiaoying said sympathetically, "She bumped into her by such a coincidence? But as long as you talk to her well and chase her after she calms down, we should still be together."

Liu Qingqiao was not confident.

Bai Xiaoying added: "Actually, when Mr. Zhang and your parents were against you, I didn't support you either, but now that they don't object, I want to support you."

"I apologize to you for disclosing your information to him at the entrustment of Mr. Zhang."

Liu Qingqiao smiled lightly: "You see that I have always been friendly to you, so you know that I don't care about you."

Bai Xiaoying smiled slightly, "It's your generosity that you didn't care about, but I still have to apologize. If I have a chance, I'll treat you to a big meal."

The corners of Liu Qingqiao's mouth curled up.

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