Even though Su Xiaoju retweeted Liu Qingqiao's post to clear up the relationship, rumors and rumors still swept over, because Liu Qingqiao's black fans picked up that Su Xiaoju was a writer of Lily novels.

Netizens continued to talk about it, thinking that they just had love for Ji Ji, which caused things to continue to ferment.

The baby angel in the amusement park resolutely defends Liu Qingqiao, fighting hard against the Keyboard Man.

The angel baby in the back garden pointed the finger at Su Xiaoju, causing bad remarks to be transferred from Liu Qingqiao to Su Xiaoju.

Liu Qingqiao found out that her fans intended to target Su Xiaoju, so she asked Wang Dalian to temporarily hold a press conference, and wanted to personally deny her lover relationship with Su Xiaoju in person, both to protect Su Xiaoju and to appease the emotions of fans.

That day, Su Xiaoju and Song Jiayi were having dinner when they saw Liu Qingqiao's interview being broadcast live on TV.

Facing the camera, Liu Qingqiao recited the lines that Wang Dalian had written for her.

"The night before yesterday, I attended a party among friends with my former assistant and good friend, Ms. Su Xiaoju."

"Su Xiaoju was in a bad mood because of personal matters. I went to comfort her as a friend and drove her home to rest."

"I didn't fall in love with her, but this incident brought a lot of bad remarks to her and to me. I don't want this incident to continue to ferment."

"I hope that all friends can give me and her more space in personal life, and pay more attention to my music works and her film and television works, thank you!"

Su Xiaoju closed her eyes to hide the sadness in her eyes.

Moonlight TV entertainment reporter: "Hi Qingqiao, I want to know why Su Xiaoju became your ex... assistant?"

Two seconds later, Liu Qingqiao said, "She has her personal ambitions, and she likes to write novels and scripts. I wish her career a higher level."

Starlight TV entertainment reporter: "Hi Qingqiao, may I ask if the angel baby and the sorry person in your heart you talked about at the concert held in Star City the year before last was Su Xiaoju?"

Three seconds later, Liu Qingqiao: "No."

Starlight reporter: "Who is it?"

A second later, Liu Qingqiao: "Sorry, please allow me to choose to keep it secret."

Twilight TV entertainment reporter: "Hello Qing Qiao, have you ever been in love?"

Four seconds later, Liu Qingqiao said, "Once."

Twilight reporter: "Can you tell me what kind of person you are with?"

A second later, Liu Qingqiao: "Sorry, please allow me to choose to keep it secret."

Entertainment reporter of Fengguang TV: "Hi Qingqiao, may I ask if your first love was a man or a woman?"

Wang Dalian spoke from the side: "I'm sorry everyone, now I'm only giving a reasonable explanation and asking questions about Liu Qingqiao's personal behavior on the night of the [-]st of this month. Please don't bring up other irrelevant topics."

Wang Dalian didn't talk about it sooner or later, but he just interjected at this time, which seemed to the reporters to be a bit self-deprecating.

Sunshine TV Entertainment Reporter: "Hi Qingqiao, do you currently have a romantic partner?"

Liu Qingqiao: "No."

Sunshine Reporter: "Can you tell me about the type of your ideal partner?"

Wang Dalian said: "Liu Qingqiao is currently concentrating on the creation of pop music, and will not fall in love for the time being. If she leaves the single, we will make it public. If you don't have any targeted questions, let's stop here."

Song Jiayi turned off the TV, and the cabin became much quieter.

She looked at the blushing and bowed man opposite, and said, "Don't be sad, she's not worth it."

Su Xiaoju's tears fell drop by drop on the rice, she stuffed the rice into her mouth mouthful after mouthful and swallowed it without chewing.

Song Jiayi hurriedly took out a piece of paper to block the transparent snot that was about to drip on the rice, left her seat, went around to embrace Su Xiaoju on the opposite side, and said softly:

"Don't be sad, I'm here."

Su Xiaoju lay motionless on the table with her waist bowed, and Song Jiayi kept hugging her tightly.

After a while, Su Xiaoju calmed down and gently left Song Jiayi's embrace:

"I'm fine, you can eat."

"I'm full." Song Jiayi hugged Tears again,

"Forget about her, she can't give you a future, and also denies the past and present of you and her."

Su Xiaoju said: "I want to forget her too, but I just can't. I also want to let her go, but I just can't let her go. What do you think I should do?"

"If you can't let it go, you have to work hard to let it go. It may be difficult, but you have to try."

Song Jiayi said softly, "Juju, don't contact her anymore, cut off all ties with her. She has changed, and you and her can never go back to the past."

Su Xiaoju shed tears again, choked up and said:

"I didn't want her to disclose our relationship, but when I heard what she said just now, my heart really hurt! I don't want to love her anymore, but I just can't bear it. I just can't bear her!"

"She has nothing worthy of your nostalgia. You can have better relationships and lovers."

Song Jiayi let go of her slightly and kissed her forehead, "I like you, are you with me? I will definitely not let you be wronged."

"Meow, meow..." Su Xiaoju came out of Song Jiayi's embrace and answered the call.

Liu Qingqiao finally waited until Su Xiaoju answered the phone, and heaved a sigh of relief:

"Orange, have you eaten yet?"

Su Xiaoju said "um" and didn't speak again, Liu Qingqiao's heart was raised again.

Liu Qingqiao asked cautiously: "Have you seen my interview?"

Su Xiaoju didn't say anything.

Liu Qingqiao said apologetically: "These days I have caused you to be pushed to the forefront of the storm, but the lies I told on camera just now should calm this storm down, and you will no longer be accused."

"I know, I know your helplessness." Su Xiaoju said weakly, "When will we meet again?"

"Well...maybe not in the last three months, it depends on the situation?"

"Aqiao, do you still want to continue with me?"

Liu Qingqiao's heart skipped a beat, and she said in a panic:

"Juzi...why do you ask that? I can't help myself, I am, I'm sorry for you, but...that's, that's, are you angry? "

Su Xiaoju asked: "Have you ever thought that we have no future at all?"

Liu Qingqiao was flustered: "I want to be with you, I want to have you in the future, but I don't have enough ability and courage, I... can you give me more time?"

Su Xiaoju suddenly laughed out loud: "Okay, why are you so nervous? I'm your dung beetle, and I like to hang on to your pile of cow dung."

Liu Qingqiao felt that Su Xiaoju's smile was weird and fake.

She also forced a smile: "I'm not cow dung!"

Su Xiaoju felt that she was about to cry, so she hurriedly said, "I still have things to do, bye!"

Before Liu Qingqiao could say a word, the call was cut off.She was at a loss and drove home, telling herself to call her sweetheart more often.

Song Jiayi poured a glass of warm water and handed it to Su Xiaoju: "You can lose your temper with her, why don't you say anything when you are sad and angry?"

Su Xiaoju took the water glass, and said flatly: "I really want to have a big fight with her, but what qualifications do I have? I'm not her girlfriend, and I dare not ask her, because she can't do it."

Song Jiayi sat beside her and persuaded: "Since it's not a relationship, then don't think about her anymore. You're too tired to bear it like this."

Su Xiaoju said: "They seem to be able to like her openly, but I'm the only one who wants to be sneaky. I've been communicating with myself, telling myself to be more tolerant, and not to feel tired."

Song Jiayi said: "Don't wrong yourself, you can either separate from her or complain to her, don't hold back."

"Gulu Guru Guru..." It was Su Xiaocheng's call.

Su Xiaoju said to Song Jiayi: "You go home, I want to be alone and quiet."

"Okay." Song Jiayi rubbed her shoulders before getting up and leaving.

Su Xiaoju answered the phone: "Sister Cheng."

Su Xiaocheng asked earnestly: "Sister, how are you and Qing Qiao doing now? Although you have denied it, many people still think that you are a couple. I am worried about you."

"We all denied the relationship. Netizens can no longer stir up troubles. The troubles will soon subside. I can continue to have sex with her after a while."

"Liu Qingqiao's fans believe her, but those people are talking bad about you!"

Su Xiaocheng felt aggrieved for her sister, "Sister Orange, you must be well, and I will help you talk."

"I'll be fine and won't be depressed anymore."

Su Xiaocheng said vigorously: "Sister, I wish you a good harvest in both career and love!"

Su Xiaoju smiled slightly: "I also wish you a bright future and a happy life!"

"Thank you for your words, good night."

"Good night." When Su Xiaoju put down her phone, the smile on her face disappeared.

But early the next morning, #苏晓树证别喜欢刘清乔#'s hot search hit the headlines.

A netizen nicknamed "Mo Deqing" posted on Weibo claiming that he was Su Xiaoju's old colleague. When they were working together in a modeling agency, Su Xiaoju had personally admitted to him that she liked women and that she was dating Liu Qingqiao.

That was four years ago. At that time, Liu Qingqiao had just debuted and had few fans.

Netizens were taken aback again, they didn't expect the two women to be together so early, and accused them of lying in public to deceive everyone.

The angel baby in the back garden hurriedly denounced under the "no emotion" Weibo, saying that Su Xiaoju was not Liu Qingqiao's assistant at the time, and probably had a unilateral crush on her, which could not prove that Liu Qingqiao had dated with her, nor could it prove that Liu Qingqiao liked women.

The baby angels in the amusement park also criticized, accusing "Mo Deqing" of spreading rumors, and saying that he lied out of thin air without evidence, telling him to record it if he has the ability!

Some excited fans left comments on Su Xiaoju's Weibo, asking if she really said that she liked Liu Qingqiao.

Su Xiaoju was forced to be upset and irritable, and felt more and more that her relationship with Liu Qingqiao was opposed and resisted by people all over the world.

This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable, her heart was blocked, her will was even more depressed, she really wanted to vent her emotions but she didn't know what to do.

Impulsively, she didn't want to calm down by herself, so she wrote this paragraph on Weibo:

"In view of the fact that you are very concerned about my private life and relationship experience recently, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles to my relatives and friends, I hereby solemnly explain your doubts."

"When I was still working in a modeling agency, a male colleague surnamed Zhao pursued me, but he still harassed me even after I politely refused. I had to lie and say that I had someone I liked. But he was thick-skinned and insisted on I took him to meet and compare with the person I like."

"I was very impatient with him, and I was afraid that he would continue to pester me, so I told him that the one I liked was a woman. To this day, he may have seen me and Liu Qingqiao having an affair, so he didn't know why he spread rumors about the one I liked back then. The woman is Liu Qingqiao."

"This has brought a very bad influence on Liu Qingqiao. I am deeply sorry. I also hope that the gentleman who has no feelings will stop inciting speeches. Otherwise, I will pursue his legal responsibility. I hope that the majority of netizens can no longer Thank you for discussing this!"

Su Xiaocheng liked her sister's Weibo and commented below:

"Sister Orange, I love you! Friends, please respect my sister's privacy, and don't be spoiled by people with evil intentions. Thank you very much!"

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