Early the next morning, Song Jiayi was no longer in Su Xiaoju's room.

With the help of the nurse, Su Xiaoju took care of her personal hygiene, and the door opened as soon as she lay back on the bed.

Song Jiayi handed the newly purchased mobile phone to her: "Your number card is put in it, please check if the mobile phone works well, and send me a message."

Su Xiaoju took the mobile phone: "Did you go to help me find my mobile phone just now? Is my mobile phone broken?"

Song Jiayi nodded, and handed her a small square box: "Is this yours?"

Su Xiaoju opened the box and saw that the watch inside was not broken, and she was relieved.

Song Jiayi asked: "Can you give me this?"

Su Xiaoju was stunned for two seconds, and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, may I buy other ones for you?"

Song Jiayi lowered her eyebrows, she opened the nutritious breakfast she put aside and was about to feed Su Xiaoju.

Su Xiaoju thought for a while, handed the watch to her and took the breakfast in her hand:

"I gave you the watch. Thank you for everything you have done for me from last night to now. After I leave the hospital, I will treat you to a big meal."

Song Jiayi smiled slightly, put on her watch, took a photo and uploaded it to Moments.

Su Xiaoju took a few sips of porridge before remembering to ask, "Don't you have to go to Yuecheng today?"

"No, I'll be with you today."

Song Jiayi took two newly bought books from the side and opened them, "There are books here, shall I read them to you?"

"No, I'll just watch it myself, and you can have breakfast too."

Su Xiaoju asked hesitantly, "Jiayi, why are you so nice to me?"

"So you feel better?" Song Jiayi said with a smile, "You are my friend, if I don't treat you well, who will I treat well?"

Su Xiaoju said seriously: "Jiayi, why don't you go back and have a good sleep or go to work in the company? I sleep here alone, and I can find a nurse if necessary. Don't worry about me."

Song Jiayi asked seriously: "Is it because I am here that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset?"

"I'm not upset, I'm just sorry, don't delay work because of me."

"That's fine, Xiaocheng is fine these few days, let her stay with you."

Su Xiaoju nodded and said, "Then be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Song Jiayi touched her face before turning and leaving.

Su Xiaoju suddenly said impulsively, "I like Liu Qingqiao."

Song Jiayi stood still, and Su Xiaoju said, "I still like her very much."

Song Jiayi turned around, expressionless: "I know."

Su Xiaoju smiled slightly, closed her eyes and began to pretend to be asleep.

She didn't know if she was worrying too much or thinking wrongly, maybe Song Jiayi didn't like her at all, maybe Song Jiayi really treated her as a good friend.

Another day later, when Liu Qingqiao flew back to Star City from Fengcheng, she heard Han Xiaoxiao say that Su Xiaoju was injured and went to the hospital, so she immediately drove here.

When she saw Su Xiaoju walking slowly with the support of Su Xiaocheng on crutches in the backyard, she immediately felt sad and distressed.

With moist eyes, Liu Qingqiao quickly stepped forward and hugged her beloved: "Juzi, I'm here."

Su Xiaoju let go of her crutches and hugged her sweetheart back, with tears in her eyes: "Aqiao, you're here."

Su Xiaocheng realized that she seemed to have nothing to do here, so she quietly went not far away to send a message to Han Xiaoxiao, asking if she had told Liu Qingqiao about Su Xiaoju.

Han Xiaoxiao admitted that she heard that Su Xiaoju got into a car accident because she went to have a tryst with Liu Qingqiao, so she knew that the two people's relationship was unresolved and there was a tendency to rekindle their old relationship. Now that Su Xiaoju was injured, of course she had to remind Liu Qingqiao to take care of it.

Su Xiaocheng said that since Liu Qingqiao had chosen to give up on Su Xiaoju and refused to be with Su Xiaoju again, the two of them shouldn't be in a relationship, otherwise Su Xiaoju would never be able to get out of this old relationship.

Han Xiaoxiao thinks that Liu Qingqiao really loves Su Xiaoju, but reality always makes people very helpless, Liu Qingqiao needs time to think about whether to hold Su Xiaoju's hand again.

Su Xiaocheng thought that Liu Qingqiao didn't love Su Xiaoju enough, so she shouldn't pester Su Xiaoju anymore, and shouldn't use Su Xiaoju's healing time to think clearly for herself.

Han Xiaoxiao thinks that a slap can't be slapped, the two of them are willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, Su Xiaoju really hopes to get back together with Liu Qingqiao.

Su Xiaocheng believes that short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Since Liu Qingqiao can't give Su Xiaoju a future, she should let go as soon as possible and shouldn't drag Su Xiaoju like this.

Han Xiaoxiao thinks, since they both intend to get back together, why can't we as relatives and friends help out, besides, no one in the world can't live without being separated. Sadder than when we first broke up.

Su Xiaocheng thought that Han Xiaoxiao was helping Liu Qingqiao, not Su Xiaoju.

Han Xiaoxiao admitted that she was helping Liu Qingqiao, but not hurting Su Xiaoju, so she didn't understand why Su Xiaocheng was angry.

Su Xiaocheng denied that she was angry, but she no longer wanted to continue discussing with Han Xiaoxiao.She put away her mobile phone and looked over, and the two women had long since disappeared.

She quietly went back to the door of Su Xiaoju's ward, and saw Liu Qingqiao feeding Su Xiaoju bananas.The two looked at each other affectionately, smiling and talking.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaocheng sent her sister a farewell message and left the hospital.

In the ward, Liu Qingqiao asked, "Shall I take you back to Arbor Garden today?"

"Is it possible?" Su Xiaoju asked expectantly, "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Zhang Kaicheng?"

"Leave him alone." Liu Qingqiao said, "I've been practicing songs at home these few days and taking care of you."

Su Xiaoju was excited, but pretended to be indifferent: "Okay."

But on the way back, it rained heavily again.On the section of the road near Arbor Garden with few cars, Liu Qingqiao's wheels were buried in the stagnant water and it was difficult to run.

After parking the car, Liu Qingqiao rolled up her trousers up to her knees, and said, "It's only a few hundred meters away from the side path to go home. I'll take you back first, and then drive again when the water improves."

Before Su Xiaoju could answer, Liu Qingqiao walked around to the passenger seat with an umbrella and opened the door, and the water climbed up.

She bent down: "Ju Zi, I'll carry you on my back."

"I'll go with you." Su Xiaoju took the crutches and wanted to walk home with Liu Qingqiao.

"No, I'll carry you on my back, be obedient, come up quickly." Liu Qingqiao still insisted.

Su Xiaoju had no choice but to obediently lean on Liu Qingqiao's back, hold an umbrella to keep out the wind and rain, and told softly:

"Be careful, don't step on glass nails or anything like that."

"Okay." Liu Qingqiao walked in the flooding rain with her beloved behind her back with a smile on her face.

Su Xiaoju paid attention to whether there were any uneven "traps" on the ground that Liu Qingqiao was about to step on every step, while feeling Liu Qingqiao's warm body in the small umbrella amidst the wind and rain.

But just as he was about to walk out of the deep water area, Liu Qingqiao slipped on a banana peel or something.

She was about to lean back, but she quickly turned around and knelt on the ground on one knee.

Su Xiaoju was safe and sound, but she was terrified because Liu Qingqiao fell down: "Aqiao, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." Liu Qingqiao smiled and stood up, walking forward more cautiously.

Back home, Liu Qingqiao, whose trousers were soaked, changed into home clothes, and Su Xiaoju was already waiting with medicine and cotton.

Su Xiaoju applied medicine to Liu Qingqiao's bruised and bloodshot knee, and told her softly:

"Pay attention when you take a shower later, don't let your knees get wet."

Liu Qingqiao looked at her tenderly and stroked her hair: "We are really right."

Su Xiaoju heard what she meant, said "fool" with a smile, packed up the medicine and limped away.

Liu Qingqiao came out of the shower and saw Su Xiaoju preparing dinner in the kitchen.

She hugged her behind her: "Juzi, you should rest if you have limited mobility. The food I cook is not as good as yours, but it can still keep you fed. If it's not good enough, we can order takeaway."

Su Xiaoju limped and brought a bowl of ginger soup to her: "My hands are very flexible, and I can walk with both feet. I don't want to eat your food, but I want to cook for you. Come, drink it."

Liu Qingqiao said with a smile: "Obviously I took you home to take care of you, but now it's you who take care of me."

Su Xiaoju looked at her tenderly: "Go and feed the goldfish, just serve the food later."

"Of order." Liu Qingqiao quickly kissed her on the cheek before turning and walking away.

Su Xiaoju touched her cheek that had been kissed heavily, and smiled brightly and gently.

At night, while Liu Qingqiao washed and washed Su Xiaoju's hair, she asked her about work.

"How did you want to write the script? It's all filmed."

"During that time, I was very depressed, and I didn't want to go out, so I found something for myself to do."

"Then what are your plans next?"

"I may go to the broker's work certificate, but I may not be able to do this job. I may prefer to write novels and scripts."

Liu Qingqiao smiled: "During the promotion of "If There Is Love in the Sky", I saw a topic about you on Weibo, and I heard that you also wrote Lily novels."

Su Xiaoju grabbed the hand that only wanted to enter her body, "I'll do it later, dry my hair first."

Liu Qingqiao obediently followed suit: "I have read your Lily novel, and I really like the one called "The Thousand Golden Princess"."

"Really?" Su Xiaoju smiled, "Why do you like them?"

"I really like the relationship between them and their relationship." Liu Qingqiao asked, "Why did you write the story of the general and the princess?"

"Because the female general is cool and the princess is cute, I think they are very suitable."

"Did you ever think about the relationship between us when you wrote it?"

Su Xiaoju shook her head and said, "It's different, they have their stories, their joys, sorrows, joys and endings."

"Do you prefer a general or a princess?"

"I like the general more, but I love the princess more."

"So your princess can be willful and domineering, and still be favored by the general?"

"That's right." Su Xiaoju said with a smile, "Princess is for pampering!"

Liu Qingqiao asked: "Did the script you wrote be sent to Moonlight Media for review by Xiaocheng? "Deep Sea Shallows" seems to be the lead of Moonlight Media, right?"

Su Xiaoju said: "Song Jiayi gave me the theme for me to write, and when I finished writing, help me take it to the company for submission."

"Song Jiayi?" Liu Qingqiao thought for a while, "You know her very well?"

"We are friends." Su Xiaoju felt inexplicably guilty, "She is the landlord of Meteor Apartment and an executive of Chengmei Company, so we got to know each other."

"Your landlord is her? Do you often meet?" Liu Qingqiao felt a little uneasy.

"Hmm." Su Xiaoju changed the subject, "Do you think Chengmei looks like General Dugu?"

"Xiaocheng and your general don't seem to resemble each other in terms of temperament and image, why do you suddenly ask?"

"I have put this play on the market for auction before, but no one has ever wanted to buy its copyright. Director Han told me yesterday that she is very interested in my play and is willing to help me find investors. "

"So once it can be made into a movie, you want Xiaocheng to be the heroine?"

"Hmm." Su Xiaoju asked, "Do you think it's better to make a movie or a TV series?"

"It depends on the strength of your script and director, and you have to weigh the cost. I can't judge which is better." Liu Qingqiao picked up the naked beauty and went back to the bedroom.

Su Xiaoju was gently placed on the big bed, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to take a picture? Actually, you play the general very well."

Liu Qingqiao suppressed her: "As long as you want, I am willing, but this is not something I can decide on my own. Let's see if Starlight Media is willing to buy it."

Su Xiaoju pinched her with both hands and feet: "Zhang Kaicheng knows that I wrote it, so he definitely won't buy it."

Liu Qingqiao moved: "Why do you think I am suitable to play the general? My acting skills are not very good."

Su Xiaoju groaned a few times before answering: "Although you don't have the cold temperament of a general, you are also very gentle, and her expression doesn't change much, so you should be able to do it."

"Isn't that the legendary facial paralysis?"

"No, the eyes must be in place. When looking at the princess, there will be a deep love inadvertently."

Liu Qingqiao stopped talking. After working hard for a while, she suddenly remembered that there was still something important to understand: "Is Song Jiayi treating you very well?"

Su Xiaoju pretended to be speechless.

Liu Qingqiao didn't move: "Huh?"

"Just friends, it's good." Su Xiaoju grabbed the buttocks of the person on her body.

Liu Qingqiao noticed that Su Xiaoju didn't want to talk about Song Jiayi, so she didn't ask any further.She was depressed, and always felt that she had a rival in love.

During the week of cuddling each other, the two women did all the things they should and should not do at home before saying goodbye.

Su Xiaoju no longer needs crutches, and her walk is almost normal.

Liu Qingqiao was going to other places to record a variety show, so she sent her beloved girl back to Meteor Apartment to catch up on the draft.

Afterwards, they communicated via video for at least 10 minutes every night, telling their daily life and thoughts, listening to each other's profiles and love stories, as sweet as if they were in a long-distance relationship.

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