The day before New Year's Eve, Su Xiaoju handed over the work "Deep Sea Shallows" to Song Jiayi for review.

This story is somewhat different from what Song Jiayi mentioned at the beginning. The heroine Lin Yao was not abandoned by the scumbag ex, but a sadomasochistic love affair that had to be married to Liu Wei in order to save Feng Feng, who was imprisoned by the hero Liu Wei. deep story.

Lin Yao and Liu Wei are classmates in the university. The former is beautiful and the latter is tall and handsome. Not only are their grades always next to each other, but they also often get together because they are the class monitor and party secretary.

The classmates in the class are very optimistic about them, thinking that they will become a good couple sooner or later.

Liu Wei thought the same way. He fell in love with Lin Yao at first sight, and thought she would fall in love with him sooner or later.

However, no matter whether he is by his side with consideration and tenderness, or whether he is getting more and more courageous in creating romance, Lin Yao refuses to accept his love.

He still refused to give up, and still pursued her, even to the point of stalking her.It wasn't until that day, when he confessed his love to her again, that she told him clearly that she already had a boyfriend.

Liu Wei didn't quite believe it, but he stopped pestering her, but silently guarded her side.

However, one day, Liu Wei accidentally saw Lin Yao talking and laughing with a man on the campus road, very warm and happy, and suddenly felt that he was poured cold water.

But he still couldn't let Lin Yao go, and still loved her selfishly.

Liu Wei found out that his rival planned to propose to Lin Yao on the day she graduated, and felt that the end of the world was coming.He was uneasy, flustered, and struggled for a long time before he came up with a nasty way to get Lin Yao.

Liu Wei is a rich second generation, and his family is very rich.He hired a few boys who usually hated Feng Feng to beat Feng Feng, and took the opportunity to plant illegal drugs in Feng Feng's schoolbag.

The police took Feng Feng away, Lin Yao was sad and helpless, and immediately thought of Liu Wei, a warm man, and begged him to lend her money. She wanted to hire a barrister to file a lawsuit against Feng Feng.

Liu Wei agreed on the surface, but secretly used tricks and tricks to make Feng Feng's crimes true.

Feng Feng was sentenced to 50 years in prison, and he had to pay [-] yuan in compensation for medical expenses, and even [-] yuan in legal fees.

Lin Yao couldn't afford so much money for a while, and felt very sad that Feng Feng would spend ten years in prison just after graduation.

Liu Wei took advantage of the situation, and when she was weak and helpless, he proposed that if she married him, he would hire a more senior lawyer to reduce Feng Feng's sentence and help Feng Feng pay all debts, even when Feng Feng was in prison. He will spend money to make contacts so that Feng Feng can have a better life in prison.

Lin Yao was moved, and married Liu Wei under the condition that the lawyer guaranteed that Feng Feng would only need to spend three years in prison.

Feng Feng didn't know all this, and tried his best to behave well in prison, hoping to be released early.During the first six months in prison, Lin Yao visited him once or twice a month.

Later, Lin Yao lied to Feng Feng that he was going to study abroad and would not be able to return until three years later, but he would send international express mail to him every festival.

In the three years since Feng Feng was released from prison, Liu Wei loved Lin Yao very much, cared for her meticulously, always created romance and surprises for her, and was also very considerate and gentle.

Lin Yao treated him very coldly in the first year of his marriage, treated him with respect in the second year, and raised eyebrows with him in the third year.

Gradually, Lin Yao fell in love with Liu Wei, deeply in love with him.

After Feng Feng was released from prison, he was very angry when he learned that Lin Yao was married. He contacted Lin Yao three times and four times, hoping that she could divorce Liu Wei and get back together with him.

Although Lin Yao felt guilty towards Feng Feng, he was determined not to leave Liu Wei.

Feng Feng was very disappointed and began to hate Lin Yao.He went to find the people who beat him that day, and accidentally learned the truth that Liu Wei was behind the scenes.

He gave the recording to Lin Yao and advised her to leave Liu Wei.

Angry and heartbroken, Lin Yao filed for divorce from Liu Wei.

Liu Wei disagreed, and tried every means to get his wife back, and finally got Lin Yao's forgiveness.

Feng Feng was very disappointed, and also hated because of love.He invited Lin Yao and Liu Wei to a remote place and assassinated them when they were unaware.

"What about the ending?" Song Jiayi closed the script.

"There are two endings, one is that Liu Wei bled to death, Lin Yao committed suicide, and Feng Feng became an outlaw; the other is that Liu Wei did not die, Lin Yao did not choose to call the police, Feng Feng let go and returned to his hometown. "

Su Xiaoju lowered her head slightly, knowing that Song Jiayi didn't like the story she wrote.

Sure enough, Song Jiayi said, "I'm sorry, I can't accept this from you."

Su Xiaoju nodded: "I know it too, it's very bloody."

"Since you know dog blood, why do you still write?"

Song Jiayi couldn't laugh or cry, "What I want is a mythical love story, not a realistic love-hate relationship."

"Actually, I've also finished writing another book." Su Xiaoju's voice was low, and her head lowered.

"Let's not talk about the other one, just find the reason from this one, why didn't I pass it for you?" Song Jiayi raised her chin.

Su Xiaoju left her hand: "Speak, I'll listen."

"First of all, in our production plan, the audience is girls under the age of 30, and your story is a bit like an ancient romantic novel, which is not very popular anymore."

"Furthermore, neither the hero nor the heroine's characters seem to be very pleasing. No matter what the ending is, it's a tragedy."

"Also, both the hero and heroine died in the end. This is really ridiculous. After all, it's not a suspenseful police movie, but yours is more of a life drama."

"Finally, since it's a life drama, it has elements of reality in it. The male supporting actor who kills or hurts others cannot pass the trial without some penalty."

Su Xiaoju listened obediently: "I also know that it is very bloody, so showing it to you is also a muster of courage."

Song Jiayi smiled helplessly: "You are completely different from what I asked before. Could it be that the Lily novel you wrote is also so bloody? It's unpopular for the heroine to have an ex-boyfriend, right?"

Su Xiaoju shook her head and said, "No, when I wrote about Lily, I was much more normal. I don't know why it became like this when I wrote about romance."

Song Jiayi smiled and pinched her face, "Okay, show me another book."

"Oh." Su Xiaoju embarrassedly put away the work that had been dismissed as worthless, and went to the desk to get another one.

Song Jiayi flipped through the paper in her hand and asked, "Why was the previous one called Deep Sea Shoal?"

"Because Lin Yao and Feng Feng made love on the beach, and they made love with Liu Wei in the sea." Su Xiaoju sat on the side obediently, her eyes downcast in a daze.

In "A Beauty Like Water", the heroine Bai Luo and her male partner Li Zhu fall in love with each other, but they are forced by their father to marry Lord Hou's sickly eldest son to celebrate.

Not long after, Bai Luo's nominal husband died of illness, but the Zhang family wanted her to stay at home as a widow.

Li Zhu couldn't see it, and urged Bai Luo and him to flee to the end of the world three times and four times, but Bai Luo refused to escape from the Zhang family in order to protect him and his family.

The eldest son Zhang Wudi has a secret affection for his sister-in-law Bai Luo, and also sympathizes with her for becoming a loner early on.He accidentally discovered that Bai Luo and his subordinate Li Zhuou were disconnected, and he felt jealous and angry.

Under Zhang Wudi's secret operation, Li Zhu was sent to the front to fight, during which he also communicated with Bai Luo.

When Zhang Wudi learned of this, he was confused and sent someone to poison Li Zhu, causing Li Zhu to die in battle.

Bai Luo was deeply saddened by Li Zhu's death, and since then he has kept his heart and mind ignorant of worldly affairs, never leaving his door or leaving his door.

But Zhang Wudi often appeared in front of her, giving her care and care, giving her romance and surprises.

Bai Luo fell in love with Zhang Wudi and even wanted to be his concubine.But when the two were deeply in love, Bai Luo discovered the truth about Li Zhu's death.

Bai Luo had a love-hate relationship with Zhang Wudi, so he resolutely escaped from the Zhang family and embarked on the road of revenge.

Zhang Wudi and Bai Luo fell in love and killed each other. Since he could not get her forgiveness, he sneaked into her boudoir with a sword and asked her to kill him to let go of the hatred in his heart.

Bai Luo assassinated Zhang Wudi, but was heartbroken.She asked a doctor to treat Zhang Wudi in time and forgave him, but she did not reunite with him, but helped him defeat the villain behind him.

At the end of the story, Zhang Wudi eradicated the enemy, Guangzong Yaozu, eight palanquins to marry Bai Luo as his wife, and never took a concubine in his life.

"Orange." Song Jiayi handed the notebook to Su Xiaoju, speechless for a while.

Su Xiaoju smiled slightly: "I know that the writing is not good. It doesn't matter. I'll take it as practice."

Song Jiayi asked: "Why can't your male protagonist be more kind and beautiful? Such a male protagonist is not very likable, is he?"

"I don't like this kind of male protagonist either, but for some reason, I want to write such a story, about such a couple who hate each other."

"Juju, you have to know that you didn't write it for yourself. Your original intention of writing this story was to show it to me for TV."

"I'm sorry." Su Xiaoju said, "tell me about it, and I'll see if I can make it better."

Song Jiayi was also not polite to her: "First of all, it's not good that the heroine has a white moonlight cinnabar mole, and then it's even worse that the hero commits crimes and murders in order to eradicate his love rival. Don't you think, this and just now Is that the same one?"

"It seems that I am really not suitable for writing scripts."

Su Xiaoju lowered her eyebrows, "I don't know why, I just want Lily to be sweet, and when men and women are in love, I want to be abusive."

Song Jiayi saw that this was Su Xiaoju's first time writing a script, so it was not easy to hit her:

"Actually, if you really want to make a film, deep sea and shallow waters would be more suitable, let alone this ancient book."

Su Xiaoju nodded: "Then I'll change it again? Or write a better one?"

"It's up to you to decide."

Song Jiayi said, "But if it's deep sea and shoal, I hope it can be changed like this. Liu Wei is not the culprit for Feng Feng's imprisonment. He has nothing to do with this matter, but when Lin Yao asked him for help, he was selfish. He asked her to marry him, and on this condition, he will have a long-term relationship with Lin Yao."

Su Xiaoju: "The ending of the story, why not change it to Feng Feng after he was released from prison, because he was jealous of Liu Wei and wanted to murder him or the couple, but failed to escape. Both Liu Wei and Lin Yao felt ashamed and did not call the police. Some bad things happened to Feng, with the help of Liu Wei and Lin Yao, he got through the difficulties and regained happiness?"

Song Jiayi stood up: "This is okay, it's much better than the previous one, I'll take a look after you fix it."

Su Xiaoju sent her out and said sincerely, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Song Jiayi smiled: "If you really want to thank me, you can often cook for me."

Su Xiaoju nodded: "No problem, as long as you are at home, I will cook your meals too."

"It's a deal." Song Jiayi rubbed her fragrant shoulders before leaving.

Su Xiaoju closed the door and rubbed her own shoulders to erase the feeling of others rubbing her.

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