Liu Qingqiao's whole body was numb, and she didn't want to watch the scene in front of her at all. She was about to stop the video immediately, but her hand was grabbed by Zhang Kaicheng.

Liu Qingqiao turned her head and stared at him fiercely, and asked, "Zhang Kaicheng, what are you trying to do?! You are secretly afraid of us, can you be more shameless?!"

"I'm shameless, so what? What can you do to me? Sue me? Do you dare to take this video to the court to sue me?!"

As soon as Zhang Kaicheng pulled Liu Qingqiao up, he locked her tightly behind her, forcing her to face the video that was still playing.

"Look, look! This is a warm and sweet picture of you and her. When you have seen enough, I will let you go."

Liu Qingqiao glanced at the more explicit scene again, struggling to get rid of Zhang Kaicheng's restraint, and asked sharply:

"You invaded my privacy, what exactly do you want?! Let me go! Zhang Kaicheng, did you hear me, let me go!"

Zhang Kaicheng hugged her hard, and asked angrily:

"Why? Tell me why? You can make out with her, but I'm not allowed to touch you, right?"

Liu Qingqiao broke free from his restraints, ran to the opposite side of the table, and stood across the table from him, glaring at him angrily.

Zhang Kaicheng looked relaxed, sitting on the swivel chair unhurriedly:

"I didn't expect that you can play better than us playboys."

Liu Qingqiao said coldly: "I am not just playing with her."

Zhang Kaicheng put on a curious look: "It's not for fun, what is that? Is it possible that you are going to get married and stay together forever?"

Hearing his contemptuous words, Liu Qingqiao didn't want to pay any attention to him at all.

Zhang Kaicheng said again: "Little Qiao, I have been waiting for you for so many years, and I am not afraid that she will stay with me until you get tired of playing with me."

Liu Qingqiao turned her head away not to be stared at by him:

"I told you a long time ago not to wait for me. I haven't fallen in love with you after knowing you for so many years. I think I can only be friends with you in the future."

Zhang Kaicheng sneered and asked, "Why? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with her, or do you mean that you will find another man in the future?"

Liu Qingqiao took a deep breath and faced him: "I think you should let me go and love other girls."

Zhang Kaicheng stared at her: "After so many years, I love you too, do you think I can let you go?"

It was rare for Liu Qingqiao to be humble to Zhang Kaicheng, and said softly:

"I think you can, but you are not reconciled and unconvinced. You may get bored of me within a few days. You will prefer to be with others, and you will find the person you love to marry and have children with."

"What do you think? I will? Are you my brain worm?" Zhang Kaicheng sneered.

Liu Qingqiao looked at the paintings on the wall and said, "You will soon find that you can't wait for me at all, because I like girls, and because I'm in love with Su Xiaoju."

Zhang Kaicheng stood up and leaned against the table one meter away from Liu Qingqiao.He lit his cigarette slowly and deliberately blew a puff of smoke on her.

"Don't forget that you are a singer, a rising star, a public figure with many fans, and the only daughter of the head of Star City TV. If this video is posted on the Internet, people all over the country find out, and your parents find out Now, how do you deal with yourself?"

Every word of Zhang Kaicheng seemed to be able to pull Liu Qingqiao's heart to death.

Liu Qingqiao was in pain and panic, and asked slightly tremblingly: "You want to make it public?"

Zhang Kaicheng was very satisfied with her current reaction, and said: "You are the person I like, and you are also a capable artist in the company. I will not destroy you easily. I just need you to separate from Su Xiaoju and not have anything to do with her anymore. "

Liu Qingqiao's face turned pale: "I won't be separated from Juzi, so just let us be okay? I beg you, Zhang Kaicheng!"

Zhang Kaicheng crushed the cigarette and took a step closer to her:

"Little Qiao, you have treated her very well. Don't play anymore in the future and take your heart back. If you no longer have anything to do with her, then this video will not be seen by the public. As long as you fire her personally, Let her move out of your residence, and the company will organize a concert for you immediately, and it will be on tour, you can sing anywhere in the country you want."

Liu Qingqiao remained silent.

Zhang Kaicheng also said: "Now there are several new songs for you to choose from. Movies, TV series, etc., as long as you want, you can immediately sign a contract. There are also fan meetings and fan clubs that are being prepared recently, all waiting for you to agree. Your team and producers can't live without you."

Liu Qingqiao felt extremely painful in her heart, and begged: "Frankly, I beg you not to treat me like this, don't use that video to threaten me to break up with Juzi. You and I are young, you can't treat me like this!"

The anger in Zhang Kaicheng's heart was getting bigger and bigger, he didn't expect that Liu Qingqiao would still refuse to give up on Su Xiaoju under such coercion and temptation.

He still made himself look gentle, and still patiently advised:

"Do you know? Once this video of yours is exposed, you will be pushed to the top of the public opinion, and you will be talked about. Your parents are the hardest hit. They are very sad and sad. Both you and your parents will drowned in gossip..."


Liu Qingqiao burst into tears, "Zhang Kaicheng, stop talking! I really beg you not to disclose my relationship with Juzi, and don't post this video on the Internet!"

Zhang Kaicheng continued to talk about what was interrupted:

"Once this video of yours is made public, don't even think about going far in the entertainment industry. The company will hide you and won't give you any benefits. You signed a ten-year contract. When the contract expires, your career is golden." The period has passed, can you still expect to find another company to continue singing?"

Zhang Kaicheng paused for two seconds and exaggeratedly said:

"You just won an award and became popular. If this happens, your stardom will come to an end, and all your dreams about being a singer will be impossible to come true."

Liu Qingqiao clenched her fists, wishing she could beat Zhang Kaicheng to death:

"You keep saying that you love me, but is this an expression of your love for me?"

Zhang Kaicheng looked at her coldly:

"Of course I love you. It's because I love you that I kept a secret for you and didn't tell your parents! It's because I love you that I worry that your future will be ruined and your self-esteem will be hurt by the public! I just because I love you, so I have to stop you from continuing to make mistakes in time, and give you all the best!"

"If you really want to be nice to me, don't make it public!" Liu Qingqiao begged, "Keep a secret for me, please?"

Zhang Kaicheng has never seen such a weak side of Liu Qingqiao, so he turned his head away and said:

"Paper can't hold fire. This time it happened to be discovered by me. What if there is another time? The next time you are followed by those paparazzi, what will you do? They will write close-ups and make you feel ashamed. In one night, you will fall from the sky and be smashed to pieces."

"Is it wrong for me to like girls? I'm in a relationship with a woman, so I have no future?"

Liu Qingqiao mocked, "Yes, there are very few people like us, but we are also normal people. Why do you think my sexual orientation will affect my career?"

Zhang Kaicheng sneered: "Have you ever thought about your parents? Those people will pick out your parents, say that the director's only daughter has sex with Lily, and that the professor's favorite girl has come out of the closet. Your parents will be very sad, sad and angry. Xiao Qiao Be obedient, break up with Su Xiaoju, and concentrate on your career!"

Liu Qingqiao had a terrible headache, and her heart was also filled with depression.

She didn't want to, and didn't dare to break up with Su Xiaoju: "Be honest, I really beg you. Please put forward other conditions, and don't force me to separate from her."

Zhang Kaicheng's hand was grabbed by her, he couldn't help feeling sad when he saw her sad face, but jealousy made him hard-hearted.

Ignoring the tears on her face, he said, "I'll give you time, and you can go and break up with her tomorrow afternoon. She has to leave you, she can't be your assistant, she can't live with you, and she can't contact you."

Finding that Zhang Kaicheng would not change his mind, Liu Qingqiao said in grief and indignation:

"I'm in a normal relationship with her. Why can't you understand me? Why should I give up on her for you who don't care about my feelings? Why should I give up on Su Xiaoju for those fans who give up on me so easily?"

Zhang Kaicheng lit another cigarette:

"Ask your parents and ask them how they feel. Have you ever worried about their feelings? Why are you so emotional and irrational? You once said that you hope to sing classic songs that have been passed down for a long time, and hope to hold many concerts Yes. You said that singing makes you happy and makes you happy. Do you want to give up these things, regardless of gossip, just for a person who is impossible to be with you for the rest of your life?!"

"Meow meow..." Liu Qingqiao hung up the call disheartened.

Zhang Kaicheng added: "Do you want to sneak around for a lifetime? Besides, how long can you love each other? One year? Two years? The career of a singer is the road you have to go in your life! You still have dreams to realize and songs to create , and parents who love you deeply and want you to bring them son-in-law and grandson! And Su Xiaoju is just a passer-by in your life journey! How long can she love you? How long can you love her? Love will expire! "

Surrounded by resentment and pain, Liu Qingqiao stared coldly at Zhang Kaicheng:

"You broke my heart by doing this. Even if I separate from Juzi, I will never be with you. Do you want to be my enemy from now on?"

Zhang Kaicheng was very sad, he didn't expect Liu Qingqiao to be so unwilling to give up on Su Xiaoju.

"I'm jealous of her, I don't want you to be with her. I like you, I want you to have a legal husband in the future! She won't love you forever, can you be sure that you will love her forever? Don't give up for her Great future ahead!"

"Meow..." Liu Qingqiao didn't hang up or answer the call, "Meow..."

Zhang Kaicheng continued: "Don't put yourself and your parents in such a sad situation because of her. Xiao Qiao, do you understand? Not all love is great, nor is it all permanent. You love each other now, what about the next moment? This In this world, only you are your only reliance. You have to rely on your own efforts to realize your dreams!"

Liu Qingqiao looked at him sadly: "As long as I break up with her, will you return this video to me? And you won't let my parents see it?"

"I will keep the video, but I promise not to make it public."

Zhang Kaicheng said, "After you break up with her tomorrow, I will give her a generous dismissal compensation. Also, don't mess with her in public."

Liu Qingqiao couldn't believe it, didn't believe that Zhang Kaicheng, who had always been obedient to her, would ruin her career and even her life because she refused his request.

She thought he was terrible, but his words kept echoing in her mind.

She was threatened by him, and she gave in, which was something she didn't expect.

Every word he said seemed like sharp arrows one after another, piercing her heart fiercely.

She was angry because she wanted to break up with Su Xiaoju, sad because she might break up with Su Xiaoju, and painful because she would hurt Su Xiaoju.

She was sitting on the floor, her eyes were sad and her eyes were not focused on anything.

Zhang Kaicheng couldn't bear to see her like this, so he turned off the computer and left the office.

Liu Qingqiao stopped crying silently, and called Su Xiaoju back, trying to make her voice sound normal:

"Juzi, I was in a meeting with them just now, and the phone was muted."

Su Xiaoju on the other end relaxed a little: "So it was a meeting, and I asked why you've been here for so long."

Liu Qingqiao breathed smoothly and said, "I want to tell you that I'm going back to my parents' house for dinner tonight. If you have nothing to do later, take a taxi and go home to rest."

Su Xiaoju heard the tiredness in Liu Qingqiao's tone, and asked, "Are you feeling unwell? Why does it seem..."

"I'm fine." Liu Qingqiao interrupted her, "Tomorrow, let's see you tomorrow."

Su Xiaoju asked with concern: "Are you really okay? Don't lie to me, my intuition is very accurate."

"Actually, when I'm in a meeting, what I talk about doesn't suit my mood."

"Really? Then don't think about these unhappy things, pay attention to safety when driving home, and say hello to my uncle and aunt for me."

"Okay, be good too, goodbye."


Su Xiaoju felt that Liu Qingqiao's voice was gentle and lacked strength, and it seemed that she had something to hide from her, but she could only return to their love nest with a worried heart.

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