Death is coming GL

Chapter 6 Can't Stop

Although the three of us are trying our best to persuade Yan Jinyun to report this matter.But she still chose to remain silent.Regarding her choice, we have no right to interfere. Feng Yu also said that she would respect her choice. After all, we were not the ones who were injured, so we had to let her go.After staying with her outside for a while, Jiang Wu went to their dormitory again and helped her open the dormitory window to release the smoke in the house.After the three of us confirmed that there was no other danger, we gave Yan Jinyun a few words and left.

After watching the three of us leave, Yan Jinyun coughed twice and returned to her dormitory.


"Hey, Song Yang, tell me, why did Yan Jinyun insist on not reporting this matter? This is obviously a disadvantage of being dumb!" Jiang Wu was still frowning and thinking about Yan Jinyun, walking beside me, he finally couldn't help his complaints He poked me with his elbow and asked.

"Everyone's personality is different. Her personality is not a personality that can speak for herself, and it has always been like this in our class." I think I can probably guess the reason why Yan Jinyun chose to suppress things. .The people who live in the upper bunk should not be ordinary people.Although Yan Jinyun's mother helped her sign up for the last event, she didn't want her family to spend money on this trip. Generally speaking, she was conflicted in her heart. If she stood on her own side, she certainly hoped I can also happily participate in this trip like other people, without worrying about how much the trip will cost, but if I think about it from the perspective of my family, I should not participate in this event, only for my own It is not something she would do to have fun and make the family spend money.That's right, among the traveling people, her family background should be regarded as the lowest. I am afraid that no one will be more difficult than her family, but her mother would rather make up for her in order to get rid of her inferiority complex since she was a child. The money for this trip was used to allow her to participate, just to make her more confident, and no longer always keep the trivial things at home in mind to add pressure to herself.

Of course, she would not say such a detailed matter, I analyzed it from her few words on the road.After all, he was not very familiar with the people in other classes, so he said a few more words to her.It's like something happened today. She just said that she stayed in the dormitory and didn't go out to eat because she wasn't hungry. I don't think she looks like she's not hungry, but more like she's enduring it.But I can't rashly say to her, 'Let me treat you to dinner. ' It would appear that I am too reckless, and it is not appropriate for no grandiose reason.The more people like her, the stronger their self-esteem, and she won't appreciate it.Just like me, I will never let people know that my parents are dead, and my relatives have exiled me.So I think I can fully understand her mind.

"I don't think this is over yet." Feng Yu suddenly interjected.I looked at her, only to see that she was turning her head and looking in the direction of the school dormitory behind her.

"Don't think too much, let's go, let's go eat first." I gave her a hand, and then she looked back at me, with a lot of thoughts on her brows.

"Hey? What's going on? Look, why did they all run outside the school?" Jiang Wu raised his eyes and saw the people around him whispering to each other, then ran out of the school gate with solemn expressions, and asked Feng Yu and me to watch together.

The lights on the street seemed to meander like a long dragon extending into the distance. At the crossroads of the street under the lights, a large truck carrying goods hit the concrete pole at the corner of the street, and one of the lights was completely smashed.On the street on the opposite side of the big truck, there was a Buick parked diagonally in the middle of the street, the lights in front of it were blinking.No one got out of the car.The passers-by around were all attracted by the screeching sound of brakes, the two collision sounds of 'boom' and 'boom', as well as a woman's scream.The crowd gradually gathered towards the center of the accident.

When the three of us arrived, this was what we saw.If you look further away, you can find a person lying on the ground in a pool of blood at another intersection, life and death unknown.

The people around had already started to gather near the crossroads, and most of them were watching the excitement. Jiang Wu, Feng Yu, I looked at each other, and walked behind the sparse crowd.

"Cheng Ming!!!" A crying girl's voice came out from the crowd, the three of us squeezed through the outside crowd, and saw a long-haired girl shivering and crawling towards the fallen man In the past, it seemed that she was the one who shouted just now.It was a boy who fell into the pool of blood. This boy and the girl who crawled over were wearing the same style of couple clothes. The girl was already crying so hard.

"Cheng Ming! Cheng Ming, wake up! Wake up!! Wake up!! Woo..." The girl cried and crawled to the side of the boy who was lying in the pool of blood, rolled over the boy's body, and was caught A lot of blood stained the T-shirt on her body, and she didn't have time to take care of it. She just shook the boy's body with trembling hands stained with blood, while repeating the three words 'wake up'.However, the boy lay silently in her arms and did not respond at all.

"Help... help! Please save him, save him..." The girl suddenly remembered to ask the crowd of onlookers for help, but even though she kept crying and begging sadly, the passers-by and The students from the same school just looked at each other in blank dismay, no one dared to step forward, and still kept a distance of three meters away from the girl. "Cheng Ming!!! Don't die! Don't die!!!"

And it wasn't until she raised her head in the middle, by the light of the street lamp, that I realized that this girl turned out to be Fu Ying, the girl from the same department who is said to always be the first in grade and whose parents are both university professors.

"Hey, is there an emergency center? Please send a car to..." I was still thinking about this but I heard Feng Yu's voice behind me. When I turned around, I found Feng Yu was holding a mobile phone and making an emergency call. Feng Yu is a very courageous person. A girl is a first-class communication expert, whether it is in handling affairs or communicating with people, so it is understandable that the teachers in the department would choose her to be the chairman of the student union. Although it is only an option now, it is also possible This shows the trust of the teachers in her.Moreover, Feng Yu is also a girl who acts resolutely and does things without delay in daily life, so at this moment, both Jiang Wu and I were shocked by the scene in front of us, but Feng Yu had already beaten me. Emergency call.

"Hey, Song Yang." Jiang Wu on the side shook my wrist and motioned me to look at Fu Ying. Obviously, she also recognized that Fu Ying took the bus with us to Panlong Mountain Villa at that time One of them.

"Do you remember her too?" I tilted my head slightly and asked Jiang Wu.

"Well, there are a few beautiful girls in the back row. When I got in the car, I sat in the front row and they got in behind, so I took a good look at them while it was convenient."

"..." I turned my head to look at her speechlessly, and she scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Actually, what I want to talk about is not just this matter." Jiang Wu scratched the back of his head twice, and suddenly lowered his voice seriously and approached my ear.

"What?" I saw her motioning me to look at Fu Ying who was holding the bloody Cheng Ming in the middle of the road, so I turned my gaze away.

"Look, that girl crawled over to the boy just now, right?"

"Well, indeed, we all saw it when we first came here."

"Why is the distance between the two of them so far away? Leaving aside the vertical distance caused by being knocked into the air and the resulting lateral rolling error, if the two are lovers, don't they walk hand in hand or with their arms around their waists? Then the horizontal distance cannot be just The distance between them."

I looked at the distance between Fu Ying's position and Cheng Ming's position just now - that's right, there is not much difference between the horizontal and vertical distances.The positions of the two are diagonal and slanted.

"Besides, before the girl crawled over, she put her hands behind her back and put her legs in front of her. She was sitting, not kneeling or lying on her stomach..."

"You want to say that the reason why Cheng Ming was hit and fell in that position was because when the danger happened, he threw or pushed Fu Ying out and saved Fu Ying's life? I understand ,Right?"

"He really saved... Is that girl named Fu Ying? He really saved that Fu Ying, and he saved her on the premise of sacrificing himself."

"Why are you so sure? Could it be that after Cheng Ming pushed Fu Ying away, he didn't escape the collision range of the car?"

"Have you never watched a police movie? What is the scene where the car crashes? Or, in a romantic drama, how do the hero and heroine hide from the car?"

"Police and gangster movies... are usually aimed at highlighting the protagonist's heroic image. I'm not interested in such movies with similar packaging, and I don't even watch romance dramas, because I understand the essence of so-called family, friendship, and love better than anyone else. .”

"Tsk, how gloomy is your life... Then let me tell you, usually in such a scene, the rushing to save people you see is nonsense, think about it, if the car accidentally turns the steering wheel to the inside , wouldn’t that be both scrapped? And since most people are right-handed, steering to the left is most common when this happens.”

I subconsciously stretched out my hand to measure it. Indeed, I would subconsciously want to lean to the left...

"So..." I put down my hand, waiting for Jiang Wu to explain her reasoning.

"So the situation of the two people at that time was like this-the two were walking on the road, the boy was walking on the sidewalk on the outer side of the road, the girl was walking on the inner side, and suddenly a car rushed over when they were about to cross the intersection. The boy who reacted first suddenly exhausted all his strength, pulled the girl on the inside and threw her to the side of the road. As a result, due to the reaction force, he was taken to the road further inside, and was hit by the rushing car. It's..."

"That is to say, it was not the boy who would have died in this accident, but Fu Ying, who was rescued by the boy..." I followed Jiang Wu's words.

It was Fu Ying who was going to die, one of the 36 people on that bus, including me, Jiang Wu, and Feng Yu.

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