The police were called after the head of the department arrived.The old woman didn't even dare to take a look at the miserable situation inside the door, so she asked the female teacher from the outside department to call the police.After all, no one wants such things to happen in their lives, even if she is an engineer of human souls - there is no need to revolve around the souls of the dead all day long.

The speed of the police's work is not bad, and it may be that they have run more times, so one of the reasons is that they are familiar with the road.

After returning to the big classroom for class, Jiang Wu squeezed together with me.

I looked at her suspiciously and asked in a low voice, "Don't you like being crowded with other people? You can't afford to delay your old 'Juehuang' career..."

"Oh, isn't this a special time? Since you saved my life, it's okay to sleep or something. Ben'Juehuang' trusts you very much now and wants to chat with you!" Jiang Wu patted his chest A look of 'don't take it to heart'.

"Oh? Did the Caomin want to 'Thank you Lord Ron'???" I pulled off the pen cap and spread out the notebook on the table.

Jiang Wu didn't speak, lying on the table, staring at me sideways.

"Why are you looking at me?" I was inexplicably stared at by her.

"Hey, Song Yang, tell me the truth, are your ancestors from the Onmyoji or Maoshan sect?"

in my heart:…….

Then I turned my head and looked at her very seriously, and said word by word: "You guessed it all?? Don't tell others, in fact, I am..."

"Huh? What??" Jiang Wu's eyes brightened, and he felt for a moment that he was about to touch the truth of the matter.

"Caomin is a normal person!! Master 'Juehuang'!!" She stretched out her pen and tapped Jiang Wu's forehead lightly. She was so frightened that she did not dodge.So he covered his forehead with a resentful look on his face.

"'re dishonest..." Jiang Wu was very dissatisfied with my answer, which in her eyes was definitely a bluff, so she moved two places to the side, turned her face sideways, and left only the back of her head with me. cold war.

I smiled helplessly, opened the previous notes and continued to write.How should I explain this kind of thing? Besides, no explanation is reliable, right? ?Do I have to say that my grandma has been watching over me since she died? ?Although this explanation is the closest to reality, it is not very reliable... Besides, I have never seen grandma with my own eyes....Thinking of this, I felt a little chills down my spine, I quickly shook my head and concentrated on listening to the class.


Soon, the class is over, and after this class is a short weekend vacation.I made an appointment with Jiang Wu to go out for dinner tonight, so the two of them walked outside the campus together, and finally ran into Feng Yu at the entrance of the hall on the first floor. Jiang Wu finally didn't speak, and walked past us with a blushing face, but when she walked by, for some reason, I felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and I shivered unconsciously.So subconsciously turned around and stopped her who was about to go back to the dormitory.

"Hey, Feng Yu..."

Feng Yu turned around eagerly as if grasping at straws to save her life, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Uh... this, that... Jiang Wu and I are going to have dinner, will you come with me?" I just called her on a sudden impulse, but she turned around and asked me what was wrong. Can use the meal as a pretense to invite her.

She hesitated.Thinking of what happened before, I hurriedly said, "Just take it as a thank you for saving me in the car, okay?"

Seeing that she was a little shaken, I walked behind her and pushed her towards the outside of the school, saying, "Okay, okay...the president of the student union is also so unhappy... Hurry up, let's go eat." In order to prevent her from going back on her word, I could only force her Put on the scalp and pretend to be enthusiastic.

Seeing that I have invited you so 'hardly', she also felt that it would be too much for her not to agree, besides...she really doesn't want to go back to the dormitory.

I pushed Feng Yu out of the main teaching building with Jiang Wu.

Everyone walked on the road, no one spoke.I really can't bear this silent atmosphere of inexplicable reasons, so I can only throw out a topic to break the deadlock. The topic is as follows——

"Ah, I'm so hungry... what do you want to eat??"

"I ate dry pot chicken several times this week, should I change it?"



The two had an unprecedented tacit understanding, and with a single slap, I extinguished the little flame that I pretended to be excited about.

"You two have a good understanding, don't you? By the way, can you really survive until midnight with only ice cream?" The lights on both sides of the street came on one after another, and the number of people on the street began to increase.

I am used to being the leader when there are many people walking together, so after seeing that there are few cars on the road, I walked to the opposite street. In the university town here, the universities are very close, basically Belonging to one another.The more intelligent businessmen have already started their businesses here before the university town was built.Most of the shops across the street are restaurants, and there are also huts selling snacks.We have to cross this street if we want to eat, which is understandable. What I didn't expect was that I just looked in the direction behind me and didn't see a car, so I thought about crossing the street.As a result, before I crossed the yellow line, a car came out of the slant and roared towards me, who was about to cross the yellow line.

"Be careful!!" Feng Yu, who was walking not far behind me, saw the car speeding towards me even though he was a little distracted. He quickly reached out and grabbed my arm, brought me back, and then The next second, I felt a gust of wind blowing behind me, and I came back to my senses only when I saw Feng Yu who was frowning in front of me.Then I swallowed my saliva and was dragged back to the sidewalk by Feng Yu. I squatted down, because a sudden sense of dizziness hit me, and I closed my eyes subconsciously, but a scene flashed in front of me in a hurry.Rely on... come again...

Fire, black smoke, a man falling out of bed and struggling towards the door.Wait, he (she) slowly raised his head.yes……

Yan Jinyun!

Among the people who went on that outing, there were three students who were in the same class as me.The reason I was so impressed with Yan Jinyun was because she was sitting on my left. When the car was parked in front of the school and waiting for the students to gather, she once grabbed me and asked a bunch of messy questions.

The dizziness receded like a tide, and I broke out in a cold sweat.

Feng Yu and Jiang Wu asked me one by one, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, got up slowly, and grabbed Feng Yu to walk back.

"Hey? Song Yang! Why are you going!" Jiang Wu looked puzzled behind me, she thought it was because she didn't answer my words properly, which made me angry, and hurried to catch up.

My complexion did darken, but it was not because of the two of them, but because of the scene I 'saw' just now.

"Something went wrong...", I said.

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