After nestling in my arms for a long time, Feng Yu's body finally stopped shaking slowly, and his cold body gradually warmed up after absorbing my body temperature.

"I know... I know, I understand everything - about your difficulties and your helplessness. But it's different now, do you know?" I hugged Feng Yu and never let go, just explained excitedly .

"You have me now..." The words were out of my mouth, and I realized the ambiguous meaning in the words, and hurriedly changed my words: "...with me and Jiang Wu, the three of us can solve everything together, don't you You are 'alone' again, if you feel tired, then leave the matter to me and Jiang Wu to deal with it, no one insists you stand out to shelter from the wind and rain, and you don't have to sacrifice yourself."

"...Is it okay..." Feng Yu grabbed the hem of the clothes beside me and asked hesitantly without looking up.


In Feng Yu's cognition, there is no one in this world who will treat you well for no reason, so no matter what you have to fight for and do your best, you can win the love and trust of others, but probably only heaven and earth And she herself knows how tiring it is to please others.Sometimes she is really envious of Song Yang, because Song Yang is a person who is not sociable, and he will not take the initiative to meet anyone, but everyone's first impression of her is very good, just like her and Song Yang was like the first time they met, although it was not a spring breeze, but it was very comfortable after all.


"Why not?" I said a little excitedly. "The three of us can now be regarded as friends who live together and die together. Isn't it right to support each other?"

"..." Feng Yu was taken aback by my sudden over-excitement, and raised her head to look at me in a daze.

"...Look, what am I doing..." Looking at Feng Yu's clear and unwavering eyes, as deep as if hiding a whole universe, I felt a little inexplicably nervous for some reason, and subconsciously let go of Feng Yu.

"Are you nervous about me?"

"..." What... what do you mean... I watched Feng Yu's expression suddenly become a little inexplicable, and I didn't understand what she meant by such a sudden question.

"...Pfft." After a long silence, the atmosphere fell into a slight stagnation. Feng Yu and I stared at each other for a long time before she let out a 'puchi' laugh. Seeing that she finally laughed, I couldn't help but relax. Take a breath.

"...What are you laughing at?" I felt very baffled.

"Just kidding, I think it makes you nervous." Feng Yu smiled, although there was no sign of blame in his eyes, but I seemed to feel the deep meaning contained in the words.

"I...I'm not nervous, no, I'm nervous. No, I'm not nervous about this, I'm nervous about you...ah, it's messed up." I explained in a hurry, but found that the words I said were as tangled as tongue twisters , and finally found that I really couldn't explain it clearly, I covered my face resignedly and hummed.Although I behaved very naturally, I still felt that some things in my heart were not spoken, at least, the words that were spoken did not reach that point in my heart.

"...Pfft, haha..." Feng Yu was stunned for a while when he saw my logically confused explanation, then he seemed to understand my meaning, laughed, hugged me and said with a smile: "You Why are you so cute..."

"...Huh?..." This time it was my turn to be stunned.cute?


Feng Yu hugged Song Yang's waist, and his mood seemed to improve a lot, maybe it had something to do with Song Yang's illogical explanation, or maybe it had something to do with Song Yang's "I'm nervous about you", or maybe it was because he cried just now I also vented about it, in short, the heart that was still gloomy to the bottom of the valley just now seemed to have finally let go of something, and began to float up little by little, and most of the heavy suffocation in my heart disappeared.The body temperature of Song Yang in his arms is so warm that it makes people want to sleep, and it seems to have magic power to temporarily forget the pressure and all the bad things that make him worry and worry. It only makes people feel safe and peaceful.

Feng Yu closed her eyes and found that her nose seemed to capture the smell of Song Yang, which did not belong to any kind of fragrance.Although I can't describe it, it smells comfortable and reassuring.His consciousness was a little heavy, but he still didn't want to let go. He really wanted to sleep peacefully with Song Yang in his arms, if possible.

"...Feng Yu?" Song Yang's tentative cry came from his ear, but his teeth were clenched, and he was powerless and unwilling to answer.Feng Yu thought capriciously, "Stop screaming, let me sleep", but honestly did not let go of Song Yang's arm, nor did he answer Song Yang's words, but let his consciousness sink a little bit. go down.


Jiang Wu changed into his pajamas in his room, and when he left the bedroom to go to the bathroom, he realized that Song Yang, who was supposed to be sleeping on the sofa, had disappeared.After walking around the living room and the bathroom twice, Jiang Wu finally confirmed one thing - Song Yang... She seemed to be in the guest room where Feng Yu slept.

"..." Jiang Wu stood in the living room, looking at the closed door, feeling cheated.Didn't Song Yang know that Feng Yu liked her?Could it be that he is the outsider who knows nothing?But looking at Song Yang's stunned face just now, it doesn't look like he knows it... Hiss... Wait... Could it be that Feng Yu has amplified his move? ?Jiang Wu frowned and touched his chin, analyzing intently.

After a while, Jiang Wu rubbed his hair as if giving up.

Am I sick?Why analyze these?If the two of them are together, I will be a hard-working matchmaker, and I must give them a hard blow, ouch, my stomach hurts... go to the toilet and go to the toilet.

It wasn't until his stomach hurt that Jiang Wu remembered his real purpose when he came out just now—to go to the bathroom, and Jiang Wu who ran into the bathroom clutching his stomach decided to ignore the two of them and let them develop, making decisions based on the results. I haven't figured it out yet, how can I have time to take care of others?


"..." I stood beside Feng Yu's bed. Because Feng Yu didn't speak, the whole room was silent. The only sounds I could hear were my own breathing and Feng Yu's.

Because I didn't dare to move around, my waist is a little stiff now, but Feng Yu didn't respond to me.

I lowered my head and turned my neck to the side, trying to see Feng Yu's facial expression, but she buried her head so I couldn't see what she was doing at all.

"Feng Yu?" I called again tentatively, but this time the voice was even softer than last time, and it sounded like it was not much louder than a whisper.

He held his breath and listened carefully, but he could only hear her breathing, and it seemed to be quite stable. ……Why?Steady breathing?She, isn't she asleep?I looked up and the clock on the wall did show that it was 11:30.

But... isn't it?She fell asleep, what should I do?I stood where I was, my whole face wrinkled in pain.

Don't sleep anymore?But……

"Uh...ha", he yawned uncontrollably.what to do?I was sleepy too... I blinked hard, but my eyelids were still heavy and slowly fell down.

no!I can't sleep... er, no, I can't sleep standing here!I looked at the empty half double bed behind Feng Yu.

It looks so attractive, it must be very comfortable to sleep on.I licked my lips, thinking that if I could lie down and sleep now, I would die happily.


I looked at Feng Yu in my arms again... This girl seems to be sleeping quite comfortably, but there is such a big bed behind her, wouldn't it be more comfortable to lie down?But in an instant, I thought of the appearance of her crying into a little rabbit just now—the red eyes seemed to be covered with mist, and that appearance made my heart ache.

with her?Or ignore her and go to bed by yourself?It doesn't seem appropriate.Choose a neutral approach, like this - gently put her on the bed, cover her with the quilt, and then I will go away quietly?Well, yes, it's decided.

I moved my body little by little, trying to escape smoothly without disturbing the sleeping Feng Yu, so that I could go to sleep.However, just when I released Feng Yu's arm that was holding me, held her by the back of her neck and gently put her down on the bed, thinking that I was about to finish the job, a tragedy happened—she was placed on the bed by me. The arms on both sides raised unconsciously again, and this time hooked my neck accurately, and hugged her into her arms. My hunched body was already unstable, and being surrounded by her like this, Unprepared, I rushed towards her. Fortunately, her neck was still pressing my arm. I used my elbows to stop the forward momentum of my body so as not to press Feng Yu's entire upper body. live, but what is unavoidable is...

"Huh..." Feng Yu's aura came oncoming, and it was only under the blowing of this aura that I realized how obscene my current posture is - less than five centimeters forward, it is Feng Yu Eyes, Feng Yu's nose tip, and Feng Yu's... lips.

My current posture looks like I want to 'molest' Feng Yu. The correct way is to support her body with the other hand and pull out my arm slightly, then cover her with the quilt and walk away.


Plop, plop, plop, plop.The sound of the heartbeat is getting louder, and the body can't exert its strength, huh?what happened?As if doing something shady but still expecting to be caught, a strange and strange excitement gradually escaped from all parts of the body.Breathing also became rapid up.

"Huh...huh..." His face gradually heated up, getting hotter and hotter.

"Hmm..." What I didn't expect was that at this moment, Feng Yu woke up faintly, her blurred eyes wandered around my face for a few times, I don't know if she didn't react or because of something, He didn't say anything, just stared blankly at me for a long while without making a sound.

"Night... Good night, good night." As soon as I opened my mouth, I found that the tone of my words was trembling because of nervousness, and I was so nervous that I stuttered.After saying this, without waiting for Feng Yu to answer me, I hurriedly pulled out my arms and stood up and left Feng Yu's room.


The author has something to say:

big change.The beginning of the next chapter is the whole chapter update.Sorry for not updating for a few days.

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