Death is coming GL

Chapter 31 Unexpected

"This is... the house you rented?" I stood at the door of Jiang Wu's 'rental house', just looked inside, hesitating not to enter.

"Yeah, no... why are you two in a daze? It's not a mansion, so there's no need to be so surprised?" Jiang Wu said, pushed me and Feng Yu, and pushed us into her house.

Although it is not considered a luxury house, but because the decoration is very unique and the space is well utilized, the living room is obviously only [-] to [-] square meters, but it does not feel small when you walk into the room, and the color matching is probably very reasonable. In short, it is for me. It feels like a house with two bedrooms and one living room can be decorated to such an extent, it should be considered quite impressive.

"This house...was it installed by the previous owner?" I took off my shoes at the porch, and the three of us entered the house, I couldn't help asking.

"No. What's the matter? It was designed by my dad and someone installed it." Jiang Wu poured two glasses of juice for us and Feng Yu, and sat on the sofa beside him and said as usual.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just think the person who designed this layout is amazing, don't you feel it?"

"It's not a big feeling, I just feel very comfortable. Because my father also designed and decorated my house, I'm probably used to it." After Jiang Wu answered my words, he glanced at Feng Yu and found that she was a little absent-minded, so he winked at me.

I turned my head and called out, "Feng Yu?"

Feng Yu didn't respond to my cry for a long while, and she looked numb, with her head slightly lowered, her eyes fixed on the tea table in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

"Feng Yu?" I bumped her arm with my elbow, and she suddenly came back to her senses, looked at me at a loss, and then at Jiang Wu: "What... what's wrong?"

"We're fine, but you...are you thinking about something bad again?" I frowned, worried about her mental state.

"No, no... I just feel a little tired today, can I go to sleep first?" Feng Yu smiled, and the whole person really looked extremely tired.

"The bathroom is over there. It's too late today. Let's go out to buy daily necessities for both of you tomorrow. You can take a shower here. Wash and sleep, and there is an exam tomorrow." In fact, the worst part of the realization stage is that not only We can't take things lightly that "there is death in the world" that sounds unbelievable, and we can't even escape the chores in reality-for example, the final exam at the end of each semester.

Before this series of incidents happened, perhaps the final exam was the most important event in our days. Many people grind their guns, spend their time thinking, burnt the lights, and study hard, just to make up for the absent-mindedness of the past 100 days And doing nothing, it’s good to have an explanation when you return home during the holidays. The most important thing is that if you don’t fail the course, you can pass the entire holiday without any scruples.

But now, where do I, Jiang Wu, and Feng Yu have any spare thoughts for the exam?If you are going to face death tomorrow, is it a big deal if you fail a course or not?

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.


"You live on the sofa?" Jiang Wu looked at the back of Feng Yu who was walking towards the bathroom, and turned to ask me.

"Huh? Well. I'll just sleep here, and your sofa is so soft, it's much better than the hard bed in my dormitory, so you don't have to worry about me. It's already this time, you can go back to your room and go to sleep. "I looked at my watch, and before I knew it, it was past eight o'clock. Recently, my concept of time seems to be not as strong as before. It is probably because there are too many chores, which disturbed my previous life rhythm.Lately especially, life has been chaotic, with days beginning and ending in a blur.

"Then I'll get you the quilt, wait a minute. I've wronged you these few days, there's no way, I'll sleep on the bed."

"Why are you wronged? Your tone is becoming more and more like an adult. Don't you know that they live outside when they go out to play? You just think that I came to your house to play for a few days, and now there is a sofa to live in , It’s not about making a floor bunk, hurry up and get the quilt, this sofa is mine, no one is allowed to snatch it!” As I said this, I threw myself on the sofa, hugging the edge of the sofa with both hands and pretending to be tough.

"...I have fulfilled you."Jiang Wu was speechless for a long while before turning around and saying.


After the bedding was made, I sat on the sofa and took off my thin coat.Jiang Wu has already gone back to her room to sleep, but I don't know if she is still asleep or not.


I looked in the direction of the bathroom.Feng Yu has been in the bathroom for nearly half an hour, and he hasn't come out yet, so I'm a little worried.


"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." A faint cry came through the door, and my hand that was about to knock on the door stopped in mid-air.Feng Yu... crying? ? ?

Because I was too worried about Feng Yu, I sat on the sofa and thought about it for a long time before deciding to knock on the door to find out.As a result, I just walked to the door, before I knocked on the door, I heard crying in the bathroom.

That cry was depressing, but also full of sadness and despair.

This hopeless cry made my heart feel as if someone had pinched it in one place, and it hurt my heart.

Should he knock on the door, or choose not to bother and let her vent?This is really a difficult choice.I stood outside the door, listening to the uninterrupted crying inside, my fists clenched and then loosened.

Although there are not many things happening these days, there are also many things, and they are all things that subvert people's worldview. The most confusing thing is that the protagonist of the incident is ourselves.Everyone's ability to bear is different. There will always be a moment of collapse when there is too much pressure, and after the emotional breakdown, no one knows what will become of themselves. Like me and Jiang Wu, it's okay, not yet. It is relatively easy to adjust her state after reaching the point of collapse, but now that Feng Yu is like this, it is obvious that she has reached the brink of collapse, and what she fears most is the last straw that can crush her.

what do I do?How to comfort her?But God knows what I'm worst at is communication, let alone comforting people.

Speaking of this, in fact, Jiang Wu once warned me - 'You'd better not comfort others, otherwise it will only have a counterproductive effect. 'Recalling Jiang Wu's words, I retracted the hand I stretched out again.

Maybe, like what Jiang Wu said, is it better for me not to comfort me?

I took two steps back from the door, ready to turn around and avoid, leaving Feng Yu a free space to vent.But after turning around, the intermittent crying that came to my ears still didn't mean to stop, so I hesitated again.

Although there are quite a few girls I have met before, in fact, there are almost none who know each other better. Everyone is basically just getting acquainted with each other, and this part of the contact is all due to me, the "Minister of Sports". These girls met temporarily during the preparations for activities, and some of them I can't even pronounce their names.Therefore, of course, it is impossible to talk about understanding girls.So now Feng Yu's situation makes me very at a loss who wants to help - where should I start?

I hesitated so much, and I wasted a lot of time.Just when I finally made up my mind to knock on the bathroom door, the door was opened from the inside.

I stupidly stood outside the door with my hands raised, and even surprised Feng Yu who came out with red eye circles.

", you..." This broken mouth didn't work when it came to a critical moment, and he stammered for a long time, unable to say anything.

"You came out..." I blushed with anxiety, and finally finished my sentence, but it was just such a meaningless sentence.

"Yeah." Feng Yu's answer could still be heard in a strong nasal voice, she deliberately turned her head slightly, probably because she didn't want me to see her crying just now.

"The house... the house Jiang Wu has packed for you, can go to sleep." Damn, what I want to say is obviously not this, and now I let her go back, I don't think she will have a good sleep tonight up.After all, crying is just a common way to vent for many things that are backlogged in my heart, but the problem has not been resolved.What Feng Yu needs now is not only to vent, but also to communicate.

Like what my grandma used to say to me - keep things in your head, and sooner or later you'll make things happen.

"...Mmm." Feng Yu was silent for a long while, then responded in a low voice, and then walked slowly past me to the direction of the guest bedroom.

say!Speak up, Song Yang, you idiot! !I gritted my teeth and urged myself loudly in my heart.

Stop her now!Isn't it for communication!If you don't talk to her, how do you know what she is thinking and why she is crying! !

Seeing that Feng Yu was about to leave.My heart sank, I turned around and grabbed Feng Yu who was about to leave.

"...Huh?" Feng Yu didn't speak, but turned his suspicious eyes to me.

"Let's talk... let's talk..." Why am I stuttering... It's not to confess my love! ! !

Unexpectedly, Feng Yu looked at me earnestly for a long while, wondering what was going on in his head, lowered his head and said dejectedly: "...I'm fine, don't worry about me..." As he spoke, he was about to break away from my hand.

"Don't pretend it's okay. With your appearance, how can I believe that you are okay? How can I not worry about you?" Feng Yu's dishonesty irritated me a bit, and because of this, the atmosphere became less embarrassing, and what I wanted to say was more comfortable. It was a matter of course.Yes, I just want Feng Yu to speak her mind.Because it is never possible to solve the problem by hiding it, and we are now "victims" on the same boat. If we don't help each other at this time, do we still expect others to save us?

Feng Yu was startled by my words, and raised her head in surprise.

Only then did I realize that the tears she had just stopped rolling down again.

"Huh? Don't...don't cry." I calmed down a little, and after seeing Feng Yu's tears, I became confused again.

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