The flow of people continued to gather on the playground, and there were all kinds of discussions in my ears.

"I heard that some people were trapped inside, and the number seems to be quite a lot." A girl with short hair of a different style stood beside Song Yang and said.

"Ah? Which department?" A chubby girl beside her asked worriedly.

"The sixth floor is for the information department, and the fifth floor is for management. It seems that the fire has surrounded the sixth floor." The short-haired girl pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose and said solemnly.

"But didn't the school do the large-scale fire drill last month? Our things are still in the dormitory, what should we do?" Another long-haired and thin girl asked anxiously.

"The fire will not spread to the third floor for the time being, and the firefighters are already doing rescue work. They should rush to extinguish the fire before it burns down the fourth floor. In addition, compared with things, the most worrying thing now should be those trapped on the upper floor. They are all girls, so even if they managed to escape from death, they would probably be quite frightened." Although the short-haired girl did not look at the long-haired girl with reproachful eyes, the criticism in her tone was already obvious .

"..." Although the long-haired girl was impatient, she wisely stopped talking and just watched the fire in the dormitory building with frowns.


"Could it be that something happened to her?" Feng Yu, who was leaning against my arms weakly before, slowly gathered some strength, and asked as he stood up straight and tried his best to look calm.But the hopelessness in her words betrayed her thoughts. She tried to be calm, but I still heard the deep meaning in her words.

"I don't know, but... things still have to be positive." Although Feng Yu was so comforted, I knew in my heart that according to my previous understanding of Yan Jinyun, there is a 90.00% possibility that she is trapped of people.

"If I had discovered it a long time ago, I should be able to escape..." Feng Yu said unwillingly, grabbing my arm.

"It was an electric fire caused by overloading electricity. Moreover, our school's dormitory building is an old building, and the wires inside the walls are probably aging." Jiang Wu just went to a location very close to the fire brigade to inquire about the news , I probably understood it pretty well by now, and walked back to me and Feng Yu and said.

"Electric fire...? Then..." I whispered to myself, turned my eyes away from Jiang Wu's face, and looked at the fifth and sixth floors burning with raging flames.Then, the chances of surviving will not be great.

Both Feng Yu and I know the situation in the dormitory building, because girls like to be clean, so at any time of the day, some people will wash clothes, hair, and various things, and it is inevitable that water stains will be left on the ground. If there is too much water dripping, the ground will always be wet, and there will be moisture in the cracks in the walls of the old building itself. Combining the two, the girls' dormitory is always cloudy and damp all year round.Even in the hot summer when you will sweat even if you don’t move, you will feel the coldness when you enter the dormitory building. It is like a world of ice and fire with the outside world.

It stands to reason that even if it is a fire, the fire will not spread quickly.But because the building is a long-standing old building, the doors of the dormitory inside are all made of wood, and they are solid wood that will burn very vigorously once a fire occurs. In addition, the speed of ignition of the electric fire and the power of the fire are not what an open fire can do. It is comparable, and it is not afraid of water, so that the fire brigade cannot directly use large-scale water spray to extinguish the fire.

"Uh, the dormitory for the two of you..." Jiang Wu suddenly remembered something, looking at me and Feng Yu, he was stunned and said.

"That's right, it's all burned." I sighed helplessly in my heart, responding to Jiang Wu's words.

"The list!!" Feng Yu didn't even have time to care about how many of his belongings were burned, and where he was going to live for a while after the dormitory caught fire today. The first thing he thought of was the list of 36 people.

I looked at the nervous Feng Yu somewhat dumbfounded: "Don't worry, I put the list in the class."

"Compared with the list, I am more worried about you two." Although Jiang Wu's eyes were still on the fire, she knew that what had happened could not be undone.Instead of lamenting what is lost, it is better to hold on to what is still in hand.

I watched the fire, but made no sound.If nothing can be changed, then what are we doing in vain?

"But you have a good attitude, it doesn't matter if everything is burned?" Jiang Wu smiled, turned his head and glanced at me and asked.

"Of course it has something to do with it, but it's all burned, and it can't be rescued, and it's useless to cry." I just omitted the troublesome details, and besides, I don't have any valuables. Old clothes and so on, the most expensive wallet with bank cards is on me, and the old mobile phone that I wanted to replace before is also in my pocket. Among the remaining things, I am probably the most valuable.

"Both of you... go live with me tonight." Jiang Wu turned around while talking. "I still have a small guest room, otherwise the two of you will have to open a room tonight." It was only at this time that Jiang Wu could still make jokes.

"You don't live at home?" I was a little surprised, because I always thought that Jiang Wu's home was near the school, so she didn't live in a dormitory.

"Oh, that's right. You don't seem to know that I rented a house..." Jiang Wu seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and asked me belatedly.

"I don't know. But...the two of us go, is it convenient for you?" As soon as I mentioned Jiang Wu's residence, I couldn't help but think of other things.Especially... She rented this house alone.

Jiang Wu stayed for a while before realizing what I was referring to. He took a step forward and punched me on the back, laughing: "Okay, you can teach a child!! You have learned to tease me the other way around so quickly! !"

"Ahem... no... I'm not joking, I'm serious." My chest was itchy, I didn't laugh, I just coughed twice, looked at her without change and said again.

"Can we still have fun together?" The smile on Jiang Wu's face stopped awkwardly for two seconds, I seemed to feel the three black lines hidden in her expression, and the murderous look in her eyes seemed to be aimed at me The neck is eager to try.

"Yes. But, to live with you, do you have any luggage for both of us?" I suddenly realized that after the dormitory burned down, Jiang Wu was about to become the "parents of food and clothing" for the two of us for a long time.Anyway, don't offend the 'financial owner'... oh no, it should be the 'landlord' in the future.So he quickly took over the topic and quickly changed the subject.

"You two don't have to worry about this. There are temporary bedding for my parents in my guest room, because the two of them occasionally come to live with me, but in fact, they only live there three times in half a year, and the total amount does not exceed It’s only five days. You two can stay with me first, and wait for the school’s explanation. You can’t destroy so many people’s things and not compensate them?” Among the three of us, the one who is most likely to fall into depression is not me, nor Not Jiang Wu, but Feng Yu.Although Feng Yu has always acted very strong in front of others, she is actually very fragile inside and can be easily hit. Moreover, she has strong self-esteem and is always very competitive, and she will not give up easily.Therefore, although both Jiang Wu and I know that it is not suitable for joking or gagging at this time, in order to divert Feng Yu's attention and also divert our own attention, we can only pretend that this matter did not happen, or that today's matter is not important at all. .

But having said that, will this existence we call 'Reaper' be defeated so easily?Today's fire should have given the answer.We don't admit defeat... or we don't admit defeat temporarily. The result of fighting the god of death to the end is that more people are involved and another round of death chains is promoted. Things have not improved. It's getting worse.

But, should we just bow our heads like this, admit that the god of death is omnipotent, and then let him 'kill' us one by one?

No, I am not reconciled.I believe Jiang Wu also thinks so.


The author has something to say:

good night.

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