Death is coming GL

Chapter 25 Death Flaw

By the time the police arrived, we had already left.It's not that the three of us think that we can escape the police's pursuit and get rid of the responsibility for the violence, but because Jiang Wu and Feng Yu are worried about my injuries, they find a nearby hospital and send me to bandage up.

After Feng Yu knocked out one of the boys, the chaotic situation in the room gradually became that Jiang Wu and I had the upper hand. Before Jiang Wu subdued the two boys, he dragged Bancuntou and the little yellow hair, Jiang Wu tied up the two boys trapped by her with a microphone line, and then rushed to stop before I continued to suffer. He returned to my side, kicked Huangmao and Bancuntou to the ground, followed the same pattern, and tied up these two boys.

It wasn't until this bloody farce came to an end that a white and clean little waiter in the 'Ginza' discovered the chaotic accident scene when he went upstairs. The young boy had sharp eyes and saw the blood all over the floor.He hurried downstairs like the wind and reported this important event to the general manager.

The blood on the ground was trampled everywhere by everyone's feet, but in fact, the blood on the ground was not only on my body, there were two boys whose noses were injured by Jiang Wu's uppercut, and the nosebleeds spread all over the ground, but at first glance It seems that the scene is really a little creepy.

As soon as the five boys were dealt with here, Jiang Wu ran up to me and took off his shirt twice, and wrapped his sleeve around the bleeding wound on my arm several times to strangle me.The bleeding that I couldn't cover just now was finally temporarily stopped.

Although Feng Yu ran up to me in panic when Jiang Wu dealt with Huang Mao and Bancun just now, but seeing the blood, she was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.

I tried my best to smile, reassuring her that she was fine.But in fact, the pain in the arm is a constant dull pain, with the pulse beating, as if the injured part is receiving someone's continuous pounding... It really hurts.

It was only after I arrived at the hospital that I saw myself pale with little blood in the mirror of the hospital.Thinking about how I had forced a smile on this face to comfort Feng Yu just now—that is no consolation, and matching this face is obviously making things worse.


I took a taxi to the hospital, and Jiang Wu helped me hang up the emergency room.

Because that time was the time when the day shift got off work and the evening shift was handed over, even though there was no one in front of us, we still waited for a while before going to the clinic.

Jiang Wu was very dissatisfied with this, but because he didn't want to cause any trouble to delay the treatment of my wound, he kept frowning tightly and remained silent.

Until the male doctor who was in charge of treating my wound roughly untied Jiang Wu's emergency bandage, I gasped when his vigorous movement touched the wound.


"What's wrong? Does it hurt?" Jiang Wu asked me nervously for the first time.

"Um... not, not bad." I know Jiang Wu's temper, if I add fuel to the fire and say it hurts, she might reach out and slap the male doctor.With Jiang Wu's style, that is very possible.

She also knew that it wouldn't do me any good if she did some perverted things at this time, so even though her anger was stuffy in her chest and she couldn't vent it, she only moved her lips and didn't say anything about the male doctor.

It wasn't until the wound on my arm that was stabbed by a beer bottle was treated and bandaged, and she and Feng Yu escorted me out of the emergency room, one by one, that she seemed to remember something, and turned to the male doctor. Said: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to say a word... Doctor, you used to learn the postpartum care of 'sows'—so you don't even know how to help 'people' with wounds!!" When saying the previous words , there was a sarcastic smile on Jiang Wu's lips, the latter sentence gradually put away the smile on Jiang Wu's face, and said coldly.

After saying what he wanted to say, Jiang Wu didn't even look at the male doctor who was scolded for a moment, he took my uninjured hand and walked away.


"Jiang Wu... what you said just now... isn't it a little too much? After all, the nearest to our school is the [-] Hospital. Before Song Yang's arm is healed, we have to go there to change the medicine." Feng Yu followed behind Jiang Wu and me, and after thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said.

"I'm going too far? Heh... Didn't you see how that bitch helped Song Yang just now? It's considered light to scold him. With my previous temper, he's already lying on the bed and waiting for others to bandage him. His level of bandaging, I only need to read it once, and I will know it. Song Yang, I will go to buy medicine and gauze in a while, and I will change the medicine for you next time." Jiang Wu turned to me with a serious face.

"Pfft." After the wound on the arm was treated, although the wound still hurts, at least you don't have to be too careful, and you don't have to worry about the blood seeping out of the gauze again, so you feel relieved and can laugh.

"You're still laughing!! That bitch hurt you just now, right??? Why didn't you scold him!" Jiang Wu said bitterly.

"Uh... didn't you vent your anger for me... If I scold him again, we probably won't be able to get out of the hospital." I smiled dishonestly and raised my injured arm, but it affected the wound, and it hurt I have to frown.

"Hey, don't move around, you!" Feng Yu walked beside me, seeing that I didn't realize that I was a wounded person at all, she quickly pulled me back, and lightly reprimanded me.While blaming, I nervously checked my injured arm.

"You... I really don't know what to say about you... Let's go, let's go to the nearby police station."

"Why?" Feng Yu was taken aback and asked.

"Of course I'm taking notes!"

"Make notes!!"

Jiang Wu and I said in unison, and we both stared at each other for a while after talking together, and then she finally burst out laughing without holding back her laughter.

I also laughed: "If you don't take the initiative to 'turn yourself in', the police uncle will come to your door again, and... if we go, we won't suffer from face-to-face testimony."

"You can't escape, there are surveillance cameras in the KTV." Jiang Wu glanced at Feng Yu and led the way first.

I looked at the back of Jiang Wu who was walking in front, then lowered my head to look at my arms, and a big stone fell from my heart.

Huh, finally... I saved Jiang Wu. Although I hurt myself, it was worth it.I must... protect her who has been implicated by me.


In the scene I foresee, Feng Yu and I are not by Jiang Wu's side. In the situation where one girl is fighting five boys, how long will she be able to fight? Li didn't have the concept of taking advantage of playing more and fighting less, and couldn't explain the reason to them. Their goal was to make trouble regardless of the consequences. To achieve their goals, they would do anything.

In fact, the blow I blocked just now was right at the back of Jiang Wu's heart, because in the scene I foresaw, Jiang Wu fell after receiving that blow, so the most important thing is that blow just now. Fortunately, I blocked it regardless of the consequences.


After solving all the trivial matters at the police station, we were able to escape from the police station at 08:30 in the evening.

"Fortunately, it's just a record. Otherwise, wouldn't the two of us have implicated our respected student union chairman?" Finally, the matter was resolved, and the three of us didn't have to take any responsibility in the end. After leaving the police station, I felt a lot relieved Jiang Wu laughed and teased Feng Yudao.

I nudged her with a good elbow to warn her not to joke around.

"Why? Isn't what I said the truth? If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Feng!" Jiang Wu frowned, and asked Feng Yu for confirmation with a look of 'grievance'.

"...Huh?" Feng Yu didn't hear Jiang Wu's words just now. After she came out of the police station, she was a little distracted, wondering if she was frightened by the scene of the fight just now.

"What's the matter?...Are you feeling unwell? Your complexion is not very good." I moved closer to Feng Yu, looked at her and said.

"Uncomfortable?? That's not true... But... I feel like I figured out something from the past few times... Something just flashed by, but the damn thing is that I didn't catch it. "Feng Yu had a tangled face, racking his brains in order to retrieve the thing that flashed by just now.

"Gulu..." But I didn't expect that I didn't think about important things, but I felt hungry.

Jiang Wu and I looked at each other for a while when we heard Feng Yu's stomach growl, and then laughed again.

"Uh..." Feng Yu also blushed in embarrassment after hearing her stomach growling.Just now Jiang Wu drank a lot of wine and naturally got full by mixing it with water. I also drank nearly two bottles of wine, and the feeling of hunger was not so obvious. Only Feng Yu hadn’t eaten since I asked her to sing. It’s been another four hours now, and I’m naturally starving, but just now I’ve been tied up by other things so I didn’t take care of it, and now that I’ve settled everything, I’m going to protest when I’m free that's it.

"Let's go have some supper together, I happen to be hungry too." Seeing that Feng Yu was too embarrassed to mention it, I suggested.

"Okay, I didn't eat anything. I just did some 'exercise' and I'm a little hungry." Jiang Wu touched his stomach and nodded.

"It's not time for gate control yet, don't worry... Besides, don't you think about something? After eating, your brain's nutrition supply goes up. Maybe you will remember it. Let's go..." I saw Feng Yu Looking at the watch, he hesitated, and persuaded.

"……okay then."

"Gulu..." Before Feng Yu's voice fell to the ground, her stomach growled again.Feng Yu was embarrassed, and his face turned even redder.

"It seems that the human body is much more honest than the mouth..." Jiang Wu laughed, and there was something in his words.

"Jiang Wu! Don't make trouble."

"I'm telling the truth!" Jiang Wu actually blinked at me, which made me stunned. This guy... must be thinking about something!


The author has something to say:

Completion, the tentative plan is to add two chapters...not necessarily more complete, but as much as possible...

I passed the exam.After a week, you can safely drive on the road without fear of being caught (do you dare?)...

Favorite Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi loves you.

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