So Song Yang, who has lived in the school for a long time, is already very familiar with the layout of the campus.Although under normal circumstances Song Yang is also a cold guy, but that's just under normal circumstances.If he happens to meet an elderly person, a child, or anyone who is in urgent need of help, Song Yang will still go forward enthusiastically.

Just like meeting Feng Yu who needed help today.

Before Feng Yu could turn his head, he saw a person in front of him. He had half-length black hair, neither dyed nor permed, hanging down straight and softly. The length exceeded his chin, and his bangs were naturally slanted. Under the bangs are a pair of indifferent eyes, with single eyelids, but the eyes are not small, and the eyes are burning. From the indifferent eyes of this person, it can be seen that she should be a stuffy bottle who is not very good at expressing.Under the divine eyes is a slightly handsome but no exaggeration nose, and under the round nose tip is a pair of thin lips pursed into a line.In this late summer and early autumn season, the other party only wore a white single T-shirt, straight dark blue jeans and a pair of brown sneakers.It's a very neutral dress, but you can still tell that the other party is a girl by looking at her appearance, but... Feng Yu subconsciously stood up, and the other party was half a head taller than herself.

A girl... so tall... Feng Yu was a little bit tongue-tied, and even forgot what she was going to say, but before she could speak, the other party asked again: "Which building is the dormitory?"

Feng Yu even forgot to answer the other party's first question, and skipped the second: "Uh, Liudong."

"Six buildings? Coincidentally, we belong to the same building. Let's go, I'll give you a ride." Song Yang didn't see anyone, picked up Feng Yu's big suitcase and walked in front.

"Uh, I...wait for me." Before Feng Yu could say his refusal, Song Yang had already walked out.In desperation, Feng Yu had no choice but to carry his handbag and follow behind Song Yang.Although she is strong, Feng Yu also knows that if she carries these two large luggage by herself, she might be tired again. Sometimes it is good to not be so stubborn, but she just can't bear to beg others help.Even Song Yang's help is the same now, if Song Yang didn't give her time to refuse, I'm afraid she would still say no.

What's the point of being strong alone? ?Probably because she didn't want to admit defeat, she Feng Yu just didn't want to admit defeat in any aspect.

"Student, what department do you belong to?" It's just a stubborn expression of a person who likes to be brave and unwilling to bow his head. In fact, Feng Yu himself is quite cheerful, so he thought that he should not receive his favor in vain, so he asked.

"Me? I'm from the Department of Economics and Management, who studies international economics and trade in the Department of Economics and Management." Song Yang turned his head, and his slightly long oblique bangs drooped down, covering half of her eyes.

"I... I am also from the Department of Economics and Management..." Is there such a coincidence?Not only did the two live in the same student apartment, but they were actually in the same department.Feng Yu was taken aback for a moment, and said blankly.

"What a coincidence? Haha, a classmate from the same department... Hello, my name is Song Yang."

"Well, hello, my name is Feng Yu..." Although Feng Yu was talking to Song Yang, his eyes unconsciously looked at Song Yang's other hand, and he didn't notice it after walking for so long just now. , her big suitcase, which she couldn't lift with both hands, was just carried in one of Song Yang's hands, and it was completely hard to see how hard she was struggling on Song Yang's face.

"Hey, my box, isn't it sinking?"

"Huh? This? I feel fine..." Song Yang actually raised the hand holding the box a lot to signal Feng Yu.

"..." What did you eat to grow up... Feng Yu thought.Looking up again, I realized that I had already reached the door of the apartment in Building Six. "It's good to be here, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you." Feng Yu bowed to Song Yang, sincerely thanking you.

"Hey? You're welcome. I'm going to climb the stairs anyway. Let me help you up the stairs. It's hard enough for you to carry a travel bag." Song Yang didn't know why he was so enthusiastic today, and he didn't ask for it. Just be proactive.After thinking about it, maybe it was because Feng Yu was not annoying in the first place.

"Really? Then which floor are you on?" To be honest, although it was carried all the way here, the distance that was laboriously moved before was not as easy and simple as Song Yang walked, it was simply... Forget it, useless I don't even bother to mention Chai's experience.

"How about you on the fifth floor?"

"I'm on the sixth floor."

"That's just right, I'll help you carry it up, and I'll go back to the dormitory." After Song Yang finished speaking, he walked in front of Feng Yu again.

Both are girls, how can the gap be so big?Feng Yu raised her eyes and looked at the back of Song Yang who was walking up the stairs in front of her. He was just taller than her. It was obvious that her frame was a circle bigger than her own. Otherwise, how could the men's T-shirt hold up?Feng Yu looked at himself, rolled up his sleeves again, looked at his obviously thin wrist like a bamboo pole, sighed and completely gave up comparing with Song Yang.

Unfortunately, this sigh was heard by Song Yang.

"What's wrong?" Song Yang turned his head, just in time to see Feng Yu's unhappy sigh.

"Uh, no, it's nothing... By the way... How did you... Uh, grow so tall? Is it inherited from your parents?" Feng Yu regretted it as soon as he asked this.This sounds like deliberately looking for a topic... But it's not, I really want to know, I think my height is the result of non-stop participation in sports in junior high and high school.Then someone like Song Yang can only grow so tall without any effort if he is inherited from his parents.

"Parents?" Song Yang was taken aback, always feeling that this word is so far away... It's been a few years since he said such a word?I can't even remember. "It's not actually..." Song Yang explained with a smile.

"Ah? No? Then how did you grow so tall?" Did you guess wrong?There is no reason... other than genetics, is there any other way to make me grow so tall?Feng Yu really couldn't figure it out.

"My height is due to playing basketball." Song Yang touched the top of his head and said thoughtfully.

"Play basketball?" Because Feng Yu is a girl through and through, like most other girls, she doesn't like competitive boys' games like basketball, so she basically doesn't get in touch with it, so she can't do anything about it. I learned that playing basketball will help me grow taller.

“I was drafted into the varsity team—the girls’ basketball team—in junior high school.”

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