Death is coming GL

Chapter 1 Broken Bridge Incident

"Hi everyone, I'm Song Yang. I'm the guide for this summer trip of the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Commerce. The destination of this trip is the manor located in Panlong Mountain - the forgotten castle of King Louis XIII. I hope this This trip will leave a good memory in everyone’s memory.” I stood in front of the swaying bus, holding the armrest in one hand and the microphone in the other, and finished speaking, I couldn’t help putting down the microphone and reaching out to wipe the sweat from my forehead .I hate summer, because summer is always very hot, which makes people feel uncomfortable both mentally and physically.Fortunately, the destination of this trip is Panlong Mountain Manor, which is known as a summer resort in this city.

This summer trip was organized by the head of the department, because the owner of Panlong Mountain Manor and the head of our department are close relatives, so it is a matter of mutual benefit to arrange us here.For the student groups introduced by us as the director, there are certain discounts for spending in Panlong Mountain Manor.On the other hand, Panlong Mountain, as a newly developed resort in this city, also needs a certain amount of publicity.The 36 of us can just be used as their living publicity boards. As long as we are treated well, they will not have to worry about follow-up customers or repeat customers, because students from all walks of life in our group Yes, for example, Ding Ning whose father is the director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, Cheng Xiaoxiao whose mother is the director of the Education Bureau, and Fu Ying whose parents are both university professors... Although these identities are only known to a few people, the effect of word of mouth is also true. It should not be underestimated, so this kind of situation is also an open secret among students.

At this time, everyone in the car was in a drowsy state, so they all had the attitude of going in one ear and out the other when I spoke.But for me, as long as I say these words, I can earn money to buy a mobile phone, so whether they listen or not is not a big deal to me.On the contrary, no one asked this and that, which made my work easier, and for this, I think I should be grateful.

This incident also tells us a truth, that is, for a college student who is not rich, gift giving is necessary!And to give it to the right person, the price of the gift is also particular, neither high nor low.Believe me, this is definitely an experience, just look at my [-]-day tour guide fee.

Because Panlong Mountain covers a large area, the site was selected in the suburbs.And our school needs to cross the entire Jing'an City from south to north to get to this manor.The car has been driving for nearly two hours. Going forward, we will pass the Hengkuan Bridge. After crossing the Hengkuan Bridge, our destination - Panlong Mountain Manor is visible to the naked eye.

On the way, I recounted all the materials I took from the head of the department, but I kept talking to myself, and no one paid attention to me, except Jiang Wu who was sitting next to me.Jiang Wu is a good friend I met in college. We are not in the same class, but we are in the same department. We belong to the kind of friends who share similar interests and like-mindedness, so we have a lot of common language.Jiang Wu wore a refreshing T-shirt, shorts and summer clothes, fanned himself with a fan in one hand, and handed me a bottle of water in the other hand: "Drink some water, are you done?"

I nodded and licked my lips. My mouth was really dry, so I took the water in her hand, unscrewed the cap and gulped it down.

"Is it almost there?" She stretched her neck and looked out the window.

"Well, do you see that bridge ahead?"

"Hehe, the most famous bridge in this city—Hengkuan?"

"Yes, we'll be there after crossing that bridge." I wiped my mouth and put the water aside.

The car was still moving forward unsteadily, and the people in the car were all drowsily waiting to get out of the car.There are toll booths on both sides of the Hengkuan Bridge. When I arrived at the toll booth, the car stopped. I was looking out the window unconsciously, but suddenly a white light flashed in front of my eyes. For a moment, my head seemed to be drunk. Yiwei fell directly into Jiang Wu's arms.

Jiang Wu was just as bored as I was waiting for the car to reach its destination, but my sudden fainting startled her.She didn't know what happened to me, so she could only hug me in a daze: "Song Yang! Song Yang! What's wrong with you?" Hearing Jiang Wu's cry, Feng Yu in the second row also quickly Jumped to me and Jiang Wu's side.

"What's wrong with her?" As soon as she stepped forward, she asked the confused Jiang Wu.

"I don't know either. She just drank water and suddenly passed out without any signs."

"Pinch people!" Feng Yu came up with an idea immediately.

"Ah?" Jiang Wu hadn't reacted yet.

"Oh, I'm so stupid! I'm coming!" After finishing speaking, Feng Yu snatched me from Jiang Wu's arms, and strangled me nimbly.I frowned, coughed twice, and woke up leisurely.

Realizing that this was still in the car, I immediately jumped out of Feng Yu's arms, rushed to the driver and said, "Stop quickly!!" The cold sweat on my forehead hadn't faded away, dripping down my forehead, and I looked nervous With a pale face, he tightly grasped the driver's right arm.The driver had just heard Jiang Wu's cry, and after collecting the ticket at the toll booth, he planned to see what was going on.But before I turned around, I saw me jumping up to him and asking him to stop in panic. The driver looked at me with contempt as if he was looking at a mentally ill person.

At this moment, the cars behind me who were already waiting in line to pay the toll could not wait any longer, and someone started to honk their horns.

The driver let out a 'tss', frowned and put the gear on, ready to start the car and move on.But I stepped forward and pulled out the car key, and the car's fire was turned off immediately.

He looked at me in disbelief, widened his eyes and shouted: "Are you sick?!! Give me back the key!!" He stood up from his seat and walked towards me.

"You can't drive, you can't cross the bridge!" I gritted my teeth and repeated these two sentences, holding the car keys firmly in the palm of my hand, even though my palm hurt from the pain.

"She said she couldn't drive, didn't you hear?" Although Jiang Wu didn't understand what was going on, but because I was her friend, she chose to believe me and stand by my side.So I stood up and pulled me behind her.

My heart was beating very violently at this time, because I was frightened by the scene that just appeared in my mind, because the few intermittent scenes at that moment were too real, so I am still a little scared now.However, at least now I can't take the risk of being treated as a mental illness.

Most of the people in the car were woken up by Jiang Wu's yelling just now and the episode on my side.Some of them still don't know what happened.They were all asking each other what happened in low voices.Just when our two sides were in a tense confrontation, and then the people around were planning to watch the excitement, the car body shook violently.

Everyone was shocked, so they all moved their eyes out of the window, and then saw the most famous bridge in the city—Heng Kuan, the suspension cable on it broke off from the top with a bang, and the bridge There is also a vehicle that just passed by, which was directly deformed by the broken first suspension cable, and the life and death of the people inside are unknown.After the first suspension cable was broken, like a chain reaction, the remaining suspension cables also broke one after another. The bridge deck was smashed to pieces by the suspension cables, and the cars on the bridge were smashed into various pieces shape.The cars that were not hit all rushed out of the bridge like crazy. As a result, some wanted to move forward and some wanted to retreat, and traffic accidents continued to occur.There were many large passenger vehicles inside, and the people on them were screaming like crazy, trying to break the windows and get out, so all kinds of smashing happened at the same time, and all the people in the cars on the bridge were shouting loudly. Shouting or yelling, some people who rushed out first were hit by the suspension cable that fell from behind due to bad timing. In an instant, their bodies were shattered, their brains overflowed, and their blood spattered on the spot.From the moment the bridge was broken, people continued to die, and in various ways.

And in our car, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them. The timid girl started screaming and wanted to jump out of the car and run away. Fortunately, there was a more reliable girl beside her who kept holding her down. calm her down.

If you want to say the most shocked person, it must be me.Because, the scene in front of me has just been staged in my mind as real as it is at this moment.

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