camouflage scum continued

Chapter 34 Extra Story 4

Wang Yijiao's breathing was stagnant, he blinked slowly, and then exhaled slowly, after all, he just said "um" and didn't speak again.When she spoke at this time, no matter what she said, her brain would short-circuit, and she couldn't express what she wanted to express, in short, she was incoherent.What's more, she still doesn't know what to say, she can only lower her eyes and give a faint "um", her face is calm and calm, but in fact, the turmoil in her heart has already exploded countless fireworks.

"I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't plan to have one." What does it mean?

Hu Wen is also crooked?

"Wang Yijiao," Hu Wen called her, breathing a little unsteadily: "Shall we go have dinner together later?"

"Okay." Wang Yijiao agreed, almost without thinking about it.

Xin Yuanfan's whistle came from not far away, followed by his idle and lazy voice: "Where are you two going to eat? Take me with you."

Wang Yijiao: "..."

She walked to the desk and began to wipe the table without saying a word.

Hu Wen: "..."

She returned to her seat and sat down, and began to organize her things without saying a word.

Xin Yuanfan: "..."

Is this appropriate?ah?Is this appropriate?The two of them saw each other right from the first sight, and they didn't even want to take her with them for dinner!Well, he's superfluous, his only function is a light bulb, isn't it?Is this something that humans can do?Is this still a person? ? ?

So he understood: not only his brother Jiao is not a man, but that beautiful Miss Hu Wen is also not a man in front of love.

"Okay," Xin Yuanfan said clearly, "I understand, I'm in the way, right Brother Jiao? OK, I won't serve you anymore! Goodbye!"

He turned away.

Wang Yijiao even felt that he had stepped out of the complex feeling of emptiness, loneliness, sadness, sadness and pain.

Tsk, there are so many dramas.

Let her make up for her brother after her love is completed.

"Hey," Hu Wen yelled, Xin Yuanfan's back disappeared around the corner before she finished calling, so she turned her head and asked Wang Yijiao, "Is he all right? It seems a bit too much for me not to speak..."

"It's okay." Wang Yijiao wiped the table and shook the rag: "He has that kind of personality, it's okay, don't think too much, I'll just coax you."

Hu Wen nodded, stood up and said, "Let's go, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever," Wang Yijiao said casually, and then added: "I'll eat whatever you eat, I'm not picky."

"En." Hu Wen responded, and walked out behind her.

I don't know if this steel straight girl understands the implication of her words...

"What do you eat?" Wang Yijiao looked at the menu and asked, "Are there any taboos?"

Hu Wen shook her head: "Come and see the selection, try to be as light as possible, I can't eat too greasy."

Wang Yijiao didn't speak, but nodded, secretly pleased.What a coincidence, she doesn't like greasy ones either, the light ones are so fragrant, the plain ones don't have so many ups and downs, it tastes like a long stream of gentle water, green vegetable tofu is also a delicious dish.

She handed the menu to the waiter, and didn't know what to say, she could only stare at the table in a daze, thinking about the topic in her mind.

She hasn't used her brain very much in her studies, but now she needs her brain to run at a high speed, and it takes a long time to start it up.

Hu Wen was also silent for a while, and when she pursed her lips and was about to speak, five or six gangsters walked into the restaurant, dressed in the attire of delinquent youths, and their exposed arms were covered with tattoos, all of them were full-length, and the eyebrows were full of tattoos. It's all hostility.

Wang Yijiao noticed that the eyes of the girl in front of him were dull for a moment, her pupils dilated slightly, her face quickly filled with fear, then she lowered her head, shrank her body into a corner, and trembled slightly.

What's wrong with Hu Wen?

She suddenly became nervous, wondering, this is not a normal reaction, did she see something?She turned her head to look, and immediately understood.

The girl must have recalled some disturbing memories—that group of beasts might be quite similar to the delinquent youth in front of her.

Wang Yijiao felt a lot of pain in her heart, she bit her lip and forced herself to calm down, she stood up and walked to the opposite side, walked to Hu Wen's side, tentatively stretched out a finger to touch her seemingly thin shoulder— — Still trembling slightly, Wang Yijiao's voice seemed to be blocked, and after three seconds she asked softly: "Are you okay?"

"Hu Wen, don't be's not them, I'm here." She softly comforted the frightened girl, as if she was facing a butterfly whose wings had been torn off, cautiously, with twelve times her own strength. Gentle to care.

Wang Yijiao sat beside her and blocked Hu Wen with her body, making sure that she couldn't see those unscrupulous youths when she raised her head, then she said in a low voice, "It's okay, it's okay..."

The girl didn't speak, and after more than ten seconds, she slowly tilted her head towards Wang Yijiao and plunged her head into her shoulder. Wang Yijiao froze for a moment, and without thinking too much, he hugged her shoulder, gently Patted, and kept repeating "don't be afraid" in a low voice, Hu Wen grabbed the clothes on her chest with a small force, and clenched it tightly.

He maintained this posture for 10 minutes, and the people in the store didn't pay much attention. After all, it's normal for two girlfriends to cry together.

But we all know that love always happens inadvertently.

It may be a kiss, a hug, a look at each other, or even a redemption that touches the heartstrings.

Hu Wen calmed down a little, got out of Wang Yijiao's arms, her head was still lowered, her voice was a little hoarse: "I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay," Wang Yijiao interrupted her.

What's the matter?It's not her fault.

"I mean..." Hu Wen sniffed, pointed at the clothes on her chest with her index finger: "It wrinkled your clothes."

"It's okay." Wang Yijiao said quickly.It doesn't matter what it is.

"En." Hu Wen nodded, lowered her head and said nothing.

The waiter started to serve the food, but Wang Yijiao didn't sit down again, he still sat next to Hu Wen, trying to use his body to shield her from those unscrupulous youths.

It's so distressing, her girl is really distressing.

Wang Yijiao handed her the disposable chopsticks, arranged the food in front of her, and took a bite of the food first.

The air fell into silence, but she knew that Hu Wen must have something to say, she didn't rush, but just waited quietly.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Hu Wen put down her chopsticks, and she stopped eating.

"I was obedient that time," Hu Wen said, her voice still hoarse, Wang Yijiao handed her a glass of water, she picked it up and took a sip, then put it down and said, "I told my mother... my uncle is a policeman , and then I don’t know who it is, put..." Hu Wen seemed to be choked, she clasped the wall of the cup in a tangled state, and then said after a few seconds: "I don’t know who it is, put... that is, the group Someone beat me up, and then... they turned themselves in, after my mother told my uncle."

Wang Yijiao clenched his fist secretly, his face tensed, and he didn't speak.

Hu Wen still clasped the side of the cup, more like an unconscious movement: "Then I... decided not to evade anymore, so I sued them and was sentenced, but I don't know how many years they were sentenced.

He should be sentenced to death, Wang Yijiao thought.

"It's because I didn't study hard in high school, and I failed the college entrance examination. The school I went to was not good, and I met a lot..." Hu Wen raised her eyes to look at the bad young people, then lowered her head, and said, "Like them The same person, they made an appointment to go to the bar to dance together that day, and they were on the way back..."

When Wang Yijiao heard this, he stuffed the water glass into Hu Wen's hand, and said in a firm voice, "Drink water, drink water, stop talking."

She doesn't want to hear it.

"...Well," Hu Wen took another sip as she said, "and then I got a little scared."

"Are you afraid of boys?" Wang Yijiao asked softly.

Hu Wen nodded and shook her head: "I'm afraid there are many boys together."

Wang Yijiao let out a breath, feeling the tearing pain coming from her heart, she adjusted her breathing, and fell silent for a while, trying to say something but didn't say anything.

What can she say.

It was that scene the first time we met, and it was already like that when Xin Yuanfan found out, it was impossible for her to be ahead of Xin Yuanfan, let alone ahead of those scumbags.

"I'm fine." Hu Wen noticed her emotional change, and said, "It's been a long time, and the days still have to move forward, and everything will be fine. You told me that."

"Well," Wang Yijiao nodded vigorously: "Let's eat first."

Seeing Hu Wen picked up the chopsticks again, she moved her lips and said in a voice only she could hear: "I will protect you from now on, don't be afraid."

Hu Wen didn't hear it.

Looking at the girl's quiet and gentle profile, Wang Yijiao smiled, and then the smile disappeared slowly.

Forget it.

Put away the thought of falling in love with her first, just stay with her and protect her.

The girl she likes shouldn't be tired of being in the world, it's a shock and a blasphemy to her.

Just be her best friend, do what she wants to do with her, laugh together, or be her knight, help her fend off many boys in public, protect her and accompany her.

This is also a favorite way.

After Hu Wen returned to school, she was Wang Yijiao's deskmate and... roommate.

The dormitory is a room for two people, with air conditioning, wardrobe, bathroom and shower.Wang Yijiao didn't want to go home to face her father, so she chose to live in school. Before that, she lived alone because of various reasons.

For example, in the first and second grades of high school, the number of girls in the class was odd, or... no girls dared to live with her. Boys and girls who knew Wang Yijiao knew that she was a good fighter. She smoked, drank, clubbed and danced. She was also a double-faced person ——In front of Father Wang, she looks like a good girl, and no one treats her like a girl.

Wang Yijiao also knows that her friends are basically of the opposite sex, either friends who fight or date, or friends who play games together in Internet cafes, or friends who meet in bars. Her best friend since childhood.The same-sex friends she knows are also messy, in bars, in lesbian groups, who don't know where... It's very mixed, but there is one thing in common-they are all 0, and they are all in great shape.

I heard that they also secretly created a group called "Li Zhi slept with Wang Yijiao".

When did she become so popular in the lesbian circle?Wang Yijiao himself was dumbfounded.

None of them were her type.

Hu Wen is.

But the way she decided to like Hu Wen may not be easy to achieve... because people's concentration is so bad, especially now.

Hu Wen walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, wearing loose pajamas, her long hair was wet, her face was light pink, like a peach, she wanted to take a bite, her eyes were misty, thinking...

Wang Yijiao forced his gaze away.

If you look at it and think about it, some bad things may happen. After all, her breathing has begun to become short, and her body has also reacted.

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