Xie Yu called Wang Yijiao once, the day after the make-up class ended, but he didn't get through.After that, he went home to accompany Ms. Gu, went to Heishui Street to greet Xu Yanmei and other enthusiastic citizens of Heishui Street in his free time, and took care of his boyfriend who was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. The end of the summer vacation passed like this.

I got busy after school started.The Research Office of the School of Medicine appointed Xie Yu as an associate researcher. He not only had to do experiments, but also had to know the freshmen to do research. He basically settled in Tsinghua Medical School.

On the other hand, when He Zhao returned to school, he was immediately overwhelmed by a large number of graduate students, and even felt that the atmosphere became tense and the air became thinner.

He never imagined that one day when he got up early in the morning, he found that there were no empty seats in the library. Everyone lowered their heads, either staring at the computer screen without blinking, or frowning and looking down at the book. , or staring at the book while looking at the actor who is writing on paper with a corner of the eye.

Canteens, cafes, and outdoor quiet small stone tables are full of postgraduate entrance examination troops.The competition for the postgraduate entrance examination entered a fierce stage, and for the second time in his life, He Zhao lacked confidence.

He remembered that day, the young man standing beside him on the podium, his whole body was covered with brilliance, his expression was indifferent, his eyes glanced at the green faces below, and he said softly: "What are you afraid of? Just do it."

Thinking of having him by his side and behind him, He Zhao smiled.

What are you afraid of?Just do it.

It was another overtime research until ten o'clock. Xie Yu received a call just as he walked out of the laboratory. He thought it was He Zhao, so he opened his mouth and said, "I'm going back to the dormitory. Is there anything to eat? I'm so hungry."

"Yes!" The girl's clear and clear voice came from the receiver, "Thank you, Teacher!"

Xie Yu finally opened his squinted eyes. On the one hand, he was surprised that Wang Yijiao called him after two months. On the other hand, he saw a boy standing not far away, dressed in casual clothes, leaning He was leaning on a tree with a lazy expression, obviously waiting for someone.

He Zhao saw the person coming out, and walked towards him.Xie Yu stopped in his tracks, waiting for someone to come, talking on the phone: "Wang Yijiao? What's the matter?"

"What a great thing!" The person on the other end of the phone shouted excitedly: "My parents seem to agree with me and Wenwen, and we are still having dinner together!"

At this time, He Zhao was standing in front of Xie Yu, Wei Yu first smiled and kissed him on the cheek, turned around and squatted on the ground, signaling Xie Yu to come up.

Xie Yu was not pretentious either, as soon as he straddled his legs, his upper body lost strength and fell directly on He Zhao's back, buried his head in the back of his neck, closed his eyes and said, "Congratulations! You have come out successfully, you have great courage." Chia."

He Zhao picked him up with a light lift, and walked steadily towards the dormitory.

"Thank you, teacher!" Wang Yijiao said, "Do you have time to have a meal together? Wenwen and I want to thank you very much."

"Okay," Xie Yu agreed, "you send me WeChat."

"Okay, thank you teacher, see you another day!"


After hanging up the phone, He Zhao turned to Xie Yu's ear and said, "Are you hungry? I bought wontons."

Xie Yu rubbed his head against He Zhao's neck, kept his eyes closed, and let out a "huh".

He Zhao said softly, "Your work is hard."

"En." Xie Yu said in a muffled voice.

When Hu Wen knew that Wang Yijiao's parents were going to invite her to dinner at home, she was so surprised and happy that she almost threw her phone away, screamed a few times, and asked over and over again: "Really? Really? You Do Mom and Dad really agree with us being together?"

Wang Yijiao confirmed it over and over again, and replied patiently: "Really, it is true."

Hu Wen screamed again, and then choked up and said, "I really want to find you, now."

Wang Yijiao lowered his eyes to look at the bruises on her thighs, and tried to coax, "Good boy, it's not enough now. You'll see us when you come to our house for dinner, don't worry about it."

Hu Wen let out an "ah" in frustration, and soon laughed again: "It's okay! It's not too late! Yijiao, I love you."

"Iloveyou," Wang Yijiao's tears welled up suddenly, and he added with a suffocated breath, "somuch."

Because of this phrase "I love yousomuch", Wang Yijiao would not tell his beloved girl what happened the day after she left her home.

Father Wang had a social event that day, and he drank too much all of a sudden. When he got home and saw Wang Yijiao, he threw out a bunch of keys in his hand without making a sound.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't even stand firmly, but he made every mistake.Wang Yijiao turned his head to avoid it, but was still hit by the car key on the forehead, and the red mark appeared instantly.

The harsh and jerk side of the old prince was suddenly exposed because of this drunkenness. He picked up the mop stick by the door and waved it towards Wang Yijiao, cursing indistinctly: "Fuck you, you little boy!" Trash, how did I give birth to such a disgusting homosexual like you after eight lifetimes of blood mold!"

"Don't you think you're very honorable? Don't you fucking think you're normal? You still bring people to your house arrogantly? Do you think I'll forgive you that day? Tell you, there's no way!"

"Is this something normal people do? Can a normal person do something that is worse than a pig or a dog? I tell you, you are not normal! A girl who is not married and gay, you are a dick?"

Father Wang cursed with red eyes while waving the mop stick to beat him. Wang Yijiao subconsciously raised his arm to block it. With a sound of "哐!", the mop stick hit her arm. , is totally painful.A red mark appeared on the white and slender arm, and it turned purple after a while.

Immediately afterwards, another kick hit her back, and she stumbled up to a wall, tears streaming down her face.The place where the mop stick had been whipped began to blaze with pain.Wang Yijiao bit his lower lip and didn't cry out in pain, his face turned pale.

The more Father Wang thought about it, the angrier he became, the louder he scolded, the more unpleasant his words became. All those dirty, obscene, and filthy words were thrown at Wang Yijiao at the same time. She only felt that her heart was He was gripped by these vulgar words and kneaded vigorously, as if he would not be reconciled until he crushed it into slag, showing a sense of viciousness.

Father Wang kicked Wang Yijiao's stomach. The girl was kicked two or three meters away, and her back was knocked against the corner of the table. In an instant, her entire waist became numb and she lost consciousness.She opened her mouth in pain and couldn't utter a word, only thinking that she might be beaten to death by her father.

"You broom star, you are really unlucky! What kind of garbage dump are you able to hold so much garbage? Until now, you are disgusting from the inside to the outside! Wang Yijiao, you make me sick!"

a bolt from the blue!

Wang Yijiao only felt that his eyes were turning white and black, bright and dark, and his brain was buzzing.The part of her body that had been beaten was so painful that she didn't know where it hurt more, whether it was time to cover her arms or rub her lower back.But mentally, she was devastated by these vicious words, and she only felt that the whole world was dark.

What does it feel like to be scolded and disgusted by your own biological father?

— want to die.

At that time, Wang Yijiao really wanted to take a knife directly, and cut his wrist, neck, abdomen, or anywhere to have a good time.

But she thought of the girl in her arms again almost instantly, what would she do if she died?

Wang Yijiao clenched his back molars tightly to keep himself from crying.

When a girl is cornered, not crying is her last pride.

If the queen mother hadn't just returned home when the king father lifted the small bench that day, Wang Yijiao felt that he would not be able to leave the house alive, and he would have to be carried out by the 120 if he wanted to go out.

But even if she didn't bear the heavy hammer of that bench, she still lay on the bed for a whole morning. The queen mother bought various ointments and applied them on the bruises, and the pain slowly spread.Move one part and pull the whole body, it hurts everywhere.

The meal of "agreeing Wang Yijiao and Hu Wen to date" was arranged three days later.

After Wang Yijiao stopped moving and felt pain, the Queen Mother dragged Wang Father into her bedroom.At that time, Wang Yijiao just hung up the phone with Hu Wen and sat with her back against the head of the bed.

The Queen Mother looked calm, but her eyes were full of distress and intolerance, and she said, "Yijiao, please invite your...girlfriend to come to your house for a meal, and I will cook for myself."

Wang Yijiao was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react.

The father of the king behind the queen mother snorted coldly, his body was stiff and his expression was tense, "We won't do anything to her, we just have a meal together."

The words were addressed to Wang Yijiao, but his eyes were on the wall.

"Okay." Wang Yijiao twitched his lips and agreed.

Father Wang didn't mean to apologize to her, maybe it's okay to ask him to apologize for beating his daughter, but as long as he apologizes to "homosexuals who are ignorant and shame the family", then there is absolutely no way!

As far as his father's previous virtues were concerned, Wang Yijiao never thought that he would admit his mistakes first.In short, no matter what, at least the result is good. Parents also invited Hu Wen, which is half the success.

She didn't intend to tell Hu Wen that she had been beaten by Quiet Mimi, that girl was extremely gentle and weak, these sharp and painful things were really not suitable for her to tell.

After returning to the dormitory after dinner, Wang Yijiao's WeChat message came. It was a group photo of the day Hu Wen went to her house for dinner. It looked like a harmonious family.

Xie Yu sent a sentence of congratulations, I wish you happiness.

Wang Yijiao replied quickly: Thank you, teacher.Then they sent the address of a restaurant, and the time was set at three o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.

Xie Yu turned to call He Zhao who was in the bathroom: "Brother Chao! Do you have class at [-]:[-] the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow?" He Zhao's voice came: "Isn't the day after tomorrow a Saturday? Of course there are no classes."

"Wang Yijiao said to invite us to dinner."

He Zhao walked out of the bathroom wiping his hair, and sat down next to him. The scent of the fragrant shower gel instantly filled the air. Xie Yu tilted his head on He Zhao's shoulder, and his temples felt itchy as they were rubbed against the wet hair.

"She doesn't know me," He Zhao said, "Why 'we'?"

Xie Yu touched his earlobe with his hands, the soft touch, the fragrant breath, and the warm embrace, and said lazily: "She saw the photo of us, and I admitted it, and she praised you for being handsome."

"Really?" He Zhao raised his eyebrows proudly: "Brother Chao is handsome, you can tell it alone."

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