AA mutual teasing notes

Chapter 4 Classroom

It was Yan Qi's first time to sleep with his shirt on, because his roommate was in the susceptible period and couldn't see other people naked.

On a rainy day in April, he didn't have pajamas. He put on a long-sleeved uniform shirt and lay on the bed, sweating all over.

Tossed and turned all night, and finally fell asleep——


The person on the opposite bed slammed his fist against the wall, jolting him awake.


Yan Qi sat up and turned to look over.

Ye Yang withdrew his fist, his chest heaving violently.

His muscular lines were deep, and the sweat rolled down to the sheets along the contours, soaking a large area on his back.

Across half the dormitory, Yan Qi could smell the strong smell of tequila.

If this continues, the situation of the previous two days will be repeated again, and it is not appropriate to affect other students' rest time and time again.

Yan Qi rolled over and got out of bed, went over and patted Ye Yang on the shoulder: "Go to the hospital for two more injections."

Ye Yang casually put on a large black T-shirt, and the two of them dug out of the dormitory.

Yan Qi was still wearing the shirt he was sleeping on, and the sweat that was smothered in the bed was now blown by the wind, making him bone-chillingly cold.

Both of them had broad shoulders and long legs, and a black long-handled umbrella was not enough to cover them, and the rain drifted in obliquely, soaking half of his sleeves.

There were not many people in the hospital in the middle of the night, so they registered and went directly to the department.

It just so happened that the doctor was on duty before. He smelled the restless alcohol pheromone and immediately guessed the reason: "The sedative has failed, right?"

Ye Yang turned his wrist and nodded.

"The symptoms of susceptibility are affected by the strength of your body and pheromones. Both of you are far beyond the target. The sedative will not last long, and - its ingredients are harmful to the human body. No matter how good your physical fitness is, you can only take two tubes a day. many."

Hearing what the doctor said, Ye Yang frowned slightly.

Yan Qi stepped forward and pressed his shoulder, asking, "Is there any other way?"

"There are, but the hospital can't provide them."

"You said."

"...He probably needs an Omega." The doctor added with difficulty, "It's best to mark it for life."

Yan Qi: "..."

The hospital really can't provide it.

This has to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

He asked again: "Temporary markers are okay?"

"That's fine." The doctor quickly said, "But with his pheromones and physical strength, the temporary mark will impose a great burden on Omega, and most Omega can't bear it. If you must, I suggest finding a particularly strong one."

"How strong?"

"Preferably eight-pack abs, like Schwarzenegger's."

Ye Yang: "..."

Is there really such an Omega?

He felt Yanqi's hand on his shoulder trembling slightly.

I can't hold back my laughter.

Ye Yang turned his head, Yan Qiyun calmly lowered the corner of his mouth, and asked again: "Is Beta or Alpha okay?"

The doctor thought for a while: "If I have to say it, Alpha is actually the best. Alphas are generally strong and can handle it, but the problem is—it's hard to find an Alpha who is willing to be bitten."

Ye Yang's eyes were originally on Yan Qi's face, but when he heard what the doctor said, he unconsciously slid to the back of his neck.

Yan Qi was too hot to sleep, so the buttons of his shirt were all open, revealing his extremely deep collarbone, and the muscles from the side of his neck to his shoulders were tight and beautifully lined.

As an Alpha, Ye Yang couldn't find a single flaw in his figure.

Sensing his gaze, Yan Qi calmly buttoned up the collar of his shirt, expressing his refusal.

Ye Yang was silent, then turned to the doctor and said, "Prescribe two injections first."


The doctor saw that there were red blood streaks that could not be suppressed and spread around his pupils. After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and said, "Okay, but just this time, never overdose in the future."

"Thank you."

Back in the dormitory, the heavy rain was still falling, the sky was not completely dark, and it was gray and I didn't know what time it was.

Yan Qi was drenched and blew the wind all the way, coupled with lack of sleep, his temples were so painful that they were about to burst.

He put yesterday's homework and a stack of student union leaflets next to Ye Yang's pillow: "I'll take a leave of absence, and you can help me take these to the classroom in the morning."

Ye Yang opened his eyes and looked at him: "Uncomfortable?"

"Yeah." Yan Qi said, "I'll sleep."

With his physique, he would be fine after a night of sleep.

Ye Yang got up from the bed, opened the dormitory drawer and looked through it. He didn't find the medicine, so he went to put on his shoes.

Yan Qi had already laid down with his back to him, only the faint sound of the door closing.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he was woken up by Ye Yang.

On the table is a cup of Banlangen steaming white.

"Drink before going to bed."

Ye Yang didn't wait for him to get up, and closed the door again to go out.

Yan Qi sat up, took a sip from the water cup, it was boiling hot.

The tip of his tongue was slightly numb, he pressed the center of his eyebrows, and took a look at his phone.

At seven o'clock in the morning, there was an unread private message, which Tan Jie sent half an hour ago.

Tan Jie: Brother Qi, I suddenly remembered, isn't Brother Ye's birthday next week?Still a rite of passage.

I think this gift is very suitable, it just solves his urgent needs, and it is a blessing that an adult Alpha should receive!


The dormitory network is not good, Yan Qi waited for a while before loading it.

Just as he guessed, it was the custom Omega that Tan Jie mentioned last time.

Still a handle.

Yan Qi clicked on it and read it, deleted this record and the pictures in the phone's local cache, took a sip of medicine, and replied to Tan Jie with no expression on his face: Wonderful.

When Lin Jiayu walked into the classroom, he heard Shen Qing talking nonsense.

"Tell me, God Ye sent the last school bully to the hospital last year, this year the former school bully to the hospital, and next year he will be promoted to a third grader. Can we change the principal?"

The others laughed twice: "The principal doesn't care if he doesn't come to class all day, isn't he just afraid of messing with this guy and changing him?"

"Look at Lu Yicheng's family background is not bad, even if he was spanked, he didn't dare to let go. I heard that after the operation last night, he took him home and recuperated."

"It's really unlucky for him, he didn't provoke Ye Shen to get beaten up like this."

"Do you need to provoke me?" Alpha Xu Qing sitting in the back pouted, "God Ye is trying to reason with you? Those Omega who like him are also stupid... don't want to think that a relationship like God Ye can be serious .”

"That's right." Shen Qing said with a smile, "Don't let our mediocre Alphas ignore it, but prefer Ye Shen's handsome grades, good fights, strong family background, and a particularly tricky family background, what kind of eyes are there!"

"Don't think I'm sour." Xu Qing was agitated by his yin and yang, and stood up from his seat, "He just hit people casually because of his background..."

"He's not." Lin Jiayu couldn't listen anymore, and slapped the book heavily on the table, "Lu Yicheng is not a good thing, God Ye did it just to help me."


After a brief silence, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

They just heard that Lu Yicheng was carried away on a stretcher last night, and Ye Yang moved his hands, but they really didn't know what was hidden in it.

Shen Qing is well-informed, has heard a little about Lu Yicheng's affairs, and guessed it immediately: "Is Lu Yicheng harassing you?"

Lin Jiayu: "...um."

Shen Qing nodded, his eyes slanted towards Xu Qing.

Xu Qing choked for a moment, and then said: "Then, even if Lu Yicheng harassed, the police will take care of him. If he has to use violence to solve the problem, it means that no one in the school can control him."

Others sneered: "Who dares to control? You can try to control one?"

Xu Qing shrank his neck: "I don't want to die yet."

Shen Qing was delighted: "You think about it now? What did you fart just now?"

"It's not you..."

In the middle of Xu Qing's words, his whole body trembled suddenly, and his face turned pale.

Everyone followed his gaze to the back door.

——Ye Yang was standing there.

But he seemed to have just arrived, and he didn't know how much he heard, and there was no expression on his face.

Xu Qing felt guilty and panicked, and quickly hid behind.

While scolding myself a thousand or eight hundred times in my heart.

It's just so unlucky to talk about it, Ye Shen has never come to self-study early before, and this can make him bump into it.

Other students who participated in the discussion were also very nervous.

In the front row of the classroom, an Omega who was secretly playing with his mobile phone noticed that the atmosphere was not right, so he turned his head.

At the back door, Ye Yang stood against the light, wearing a short army green top, with straight long legs.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Very loud in a quiet classroom.

Ye Yang leaned against the door frame and looked around, everyone was frozen, but Xu Qing was obviously trembling and hiding.

He raised the corner of his mouth and hooked his fingers towards Xu Qing.

Xu Qing: "!!!"

The classmates next to him immediately pushed him out.

Xu Qing was about to cry, and moved over slowly: "Ye, God Ye, you're coming to class too? Have you eaten?"

Seeing his cowardly appearance, the other students wanted to laugh but dared not.

Ye Yang smiled, took out his homework book and a stack of leaflets from his jacket, and put them on the table in the back row: "Student Union flyers, please distribute them."

Xu Qing: "..."

He glanced at his workbook.

The name of the president is written on it.

Yan Qi finished drinking Banlangen and was about to lie back to sleep when he received a private message.

His classmate Xu Qing sent it, praising him for being great.

Yan Qi is inexplicable.

When he got up after sleeping, he saw Xu Qing reporting that he had distributed the leaflets of the student union.

Yan Qi thought about it, and it must be that Ye Yang went to the classroom to scare the children again.

He got up and went to the bathroom to clean the glass of medicine soaked in the morning, and saw that it was dark outside the window, and it was still raining heavily.

I don't know how long it will rain.

Yan Qi scrubbed the medicine stains around the cup wall and was distracted, remembering that he had overheard those classmates' comments on Ye Yang, which was generally not a positive image.

To sum it up, everything is good except personality.

Most of the students who like him are overwhelmed by his appearance. As for him——in the imagination of the sweet O, he is somewhat similar to a violent king.

Just imagine a cruel and ruthless handsome guy who covers the sky with his hands but is gentle to you. It is not difficult to understand their behavior of turning into a nest of groundhogs because of Ye Yang.

However, as far as Yan Qi knew about Ye Yang, he couldn't be said to be exactly the same as they imagined, it could only be said to have nothing to do with him.

If he has violent behavior, it is only because of the susceptible period.

——By the way, Ye Yang already overdosed with two injections yesterday, if the symptoms still haven't subsided today...


The door of the dormitory was kicked open.

Yan Qi turned his head and saw Ye Yang clasping his fingers tightly to the door frame, his knuckles were turning white due to excessive force, as if they were about to protrude from the skin.


Before he could organize his words, Ye Yang kicked the door shut with his back foot and slammed it into the bed.

Yan Qi put down the water glass and walked to his bedside.

Ye Yang didn't take off his coat, and his black hair was wet.

Yan Qi wanted to help him take off his coat, but when his fingers touched Ye Yang's back muscles that were tense and undulating due to panting, he felt that he almost jumped up.


Very sensitive.

Ye Yang suppressed his voice: "Ah Qi, don't touch me."

Yan Qi paused: "...um."

I have known Ye Yang for ten years, and this is the first time I heard his hoarse voice.

It sounds like it's about to suffocate.


Throughout the night, the torrential rain outside the window did not stop.

Yan Qi sent a message to Tan Jie, asking him to deliver the birthday present in advance.

Tan Jie was probably in the dark, but he didn't reply.

The rain was crackling on the window, as if it was going to flood the small space of the dormitory.

This kind of rainy day is actually very suitable for sleeping under the quilt, but even though his temples have started to throb, Yan Qi still can't close his eyes.

He knew that Ye Yang was not asleep either.

Unlike the night before, Yan Qi didn't smell the overflowing pheromones.

Ye Yang should be trying to suppress it.

But more dangerous.

It's like a balloon that keeps expanding, and finally explodes with a light poke.

Yan Qi opened WeChat for the seventh time, but Tan Jie still hasn't replied.

He pressed the phone off, turned over, and just closed his eyes when there was a muffled sound behind him.

First, one or two restraints.

Then bam!boom!boom!boom!

Irregular, intense to the point of madness.

He hurried over.

Yan Qi folded one leg on the edge of the bed, wrapped his arms around Ye Yang's waist, grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him back.

But Ye Yang's sudden burst of strength after enduring to the limit can be said to be terrifyingly strong.

When he regained his sanity a little, a huge hole had sunk into the wall.

Yan Qi stepped up and pressed his arms hard to his shoulders to hold him down. He was also sweating profusely at the moment.

Ye Yang heard him panting above, his eyes flickered, and he caught the sweat dripping from Yan Qi's Adam's apple.


on his lips.

Dry mouth.

For a moment, Ye Yang wanted to drag him down and bite him hard.

— But the dormitory door rang.

Yan Qi went down to open the door, and when he turned around, Ye Yang saw the back of his neck, where the Alpha glands were located.

The pheromone of Yanqi is sea salt citrus, which smells very good.

... so crazy.

Realizing what he was thinking, Ye Yang gasped and rolled into the inner side of the bed.

Because of forcibly suppressing the pheromone, his whole body was tingling like a needle prick, and he had lost all feeling in his fist, only the dripping blood was still dripping down.

And these can even be said to be insignificant compared to the beast-like primitive impulse and the out-of-control crazy and absurd thoughts.

Ye Yang pressed his hand against the cold wall, which was full of cracks.Like sanity on the verge of collapse.

Outside the door was a boy from the dormitory next door, Yan Qi spent half a minute explaining to him.

When the man heard that Ye Yang was in the susceptible period, he didn't dare to stay for a second. Judging by his posture, he might call his roommate to pack his things and run away when he goes back.

Yan Qi closed the door: "Ye Yang."

Ye Yang didn't respond.

Yan Qi stared at his back for a while, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

There was a sound of dripping water.

Not long after, the pheromone that Ye Yang had just vented began to stir again.

He turned over, wanting to undress casually and leave the dormitory.

At least don't stay with Ah Qi.

When he sat up, he happened to meet Yan Qi who was walking to the bed.

Yan Qi's hair was still dripping, and his body smelled of sea salt and citrus.

Ye Yang's eyes flashed, and he lowered his eyes and took his clothes to leave.

He tore open the collar of his shirt, lowered his eyes, and casually nodded his slender neck: "It's really not possible, you'd better bite me."


The author has something to say:

The automatic thank you will draw no ouo, so let's do it manually every few days.

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