AA mutual teasing notes

Chapter 28 Power Outage

The school canteen is directly opposite the dormitory building, and it takes less than 5 minutes to go back and forth.

Yan Qi came out after washing his face, turned on the lamp on the desk, and began to write the speech for Monday.

As soon as he started writing, Ye Yang walked in, carrying two cans of soda besides candles in his hand.

Tall cans, beautiful translucent bottles, a bottle of 30% alcohol tequila cocktail drink, and a bottle of sea salt citrus soda.

Ye Yang took out the alcoholic drink and put it on the table, opened another can by himself, walked behind him while drinking, and looked down at the content on the paper.

Four eye-catching black characters on the first line: "Stop Puppy Love".

"Ah Qi, why are you writing this?"

Yan Qi said in a low voice, "The director of moral education felt that we were in puppy love and asked for a self-examination."

Hearing what he said, Ye Yang was silent, and suggested: "Why don't we prove this crime?"

Yan Qi: "Then you are below."

Negotiations failed.

Ye Yang stuck a candle on the table: "I'm going to take a bath."

Yan Qi heard him closing the bathroom door, and twirled the pen with his fingers, unable to think of how to start the speech for a moment.

Simply pull the can, open the tab and take a sip.

The alcohol content of this cocktail drink is relatively high, and Yan Qi usually has a good capacity for alcohol, but this time it is probably due to the susceptible period and illness, so one sip is actually a bit overwhelming.

A slightly drunken heat surged from the throat and burned to the roots of the ears.

He didn't drink any more, pinched the center of his brows, and picked up his pen to finish his speech.

When the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, the entire dormitory was plunged into darkness and the power went out.Yan Qi fumbled for the lighter from the drawer, lit a candle, and pushed open the bathroom door.

The candlelight dimly illuminated the humid space, and Yan Qi suddenly remembered that it was also in junior high school, when a typhoon landed in Baicheng one year, the entire teaching building was cut off, and in the panicked darkness, someone secretly kissed him.

Yan Qi only felt a chill on the side of his face, as light as the rain splashed in from the window.

So he didn't worry about it afterwards.

At this time, the scenes overlapped, and only then did I recall this incident.

Yan Qi looked at someone in the faint light and felt that he was suspected of committing a major crime.

The bathroom was wet and dark, Ye Yang didn't notice that Yan Qi was looking at him, he just covered his wet hair with a white towel and walked out.

The dormitory was cut off, and there was no way to plug in the hair dryer. He walked to the table and lit another candle.

While drying his hair manually, he picked up Yan Qi's speech to read.

In just three hundred words, it succinctly stated the dangers of puppy love.Next Monday, Chairman Yan will read this speech in front of the whole school and conduct a self-reflection, even though they have not actually started dating.

If the director of moral education had arrested Ye Yang, he wouldn't have responded at all, but Yan Qi was different.

Yan Qi has his own solution to any situation, Ye Yang doesn't need to worry about it, and he doesn't intervene casually.

But the speech in front of him seemed to say that he had a negative influence on Ah Qi.

President Yan is a three-good student, so he must conduct a self-criticism in front of the whole school.

This is Yan Qi's choice of handling, and Ye Yang doesn't want to interfere.

He just finds it annoying.

An indescribable depression.

Ye Yang wiped his black hair half dry, and lay down on the bed sullenly.

Summer nights are already sweltering, and now there is no air conditioner or fan, Yan Qi took a shower and didn't even want to put on beach pants, she was naked to the waist, wrapped in a towel around her waist, and went out with her long legs bare.

When I went outside, I saw half a can of alcoholic beverage left on the table, and my throat felt a little dry, so I picked it up and drank it in one gulp.

The slightly drunken feeling of alcohol burns down the throat and burns all over the body, as if it is getting hotter.

Ye Yang heard the movement and looked back at him, then turned his face back to face the bed, and said, "Ah Qi, can you wear some clothes."

Yan Qi stared at his back, remembering the kiss in the typhoon classroom in junior high school.

This person used to know how to kiss him secretly, but now he doesn't even dare to look at him naked.

Tomorrow is Saturday, so it's okay to go to bed late, but Yan Qi suddenly had bad thoughts.

He took out a thin white shirt from his closet, buttoned two buttons halfway, and the hem of the shirt just covered the heels of his legs.

Then he blew out the candle, lay down beside Ye Yang's bed, and hugged him from behind.

Ye Yang rolled his Adam's apple, hesitantly raised his hand to touch the back and down, and felt a piece of smooth skin under the shirt, which was still a little hot.


He curled his fingers, took his hand away again, retracted it, put it honestly in front of him, and asked, "Sleep with me?"

Yan Qi hummed lightly, moved forward, and stuck it to the back of Ye Yang's neck.

This person also wore a short T to sleep, which was not too hot.

He picked up the hem of Ye Yang's T-shirt with his fingers and helped push it up.

The firm abs are exposed to the air.

"... Ah Qi."

Ye Yang frowned uncontrollably: "Don't mess around."

The heat of Yan Qi's words was blown into his ears: "Don't you like it?"

Ye Yang pressed Yan Qi's hand, feeling the scorching temperature: "It's so hot."

He turned around, faced Yan Qi face to face, raised his hand to touch Yan Qi's face: "You have a fever again."

Ye Yang groped around the pillow to find the phone, turned on the screen, and a dim blue light hit Yan Qi's face.

This person's eyebrows and eyes are always cold, and the corners of his eyes are a little red, which doesn't look like he just has a fever.

He remembered that Yan Qi looked like this once when he was drunk.

President Yan has a good wine taste, and he won't be crazy about drinking, but he has a common characteristic when he is drunk and when he is sick - he is unreasonable and has a lot of bad thoughts.

Ye Yang thought for a while and asked him, "Go to the hospital and hang another bottle?"

"No, I'll leave tomorrow."

Ye Yang touched his forehead carefully, and it was indeed not that hot, so he didn't force it, but just held Yan Qi's hand that touched him randomly: "Then you calm down."

He didn't use much force, and was easily broken away by Yan Qi, and continued to do whatever he wanted.

Ye Yang endured it, he couldn't bear it anymore, and pressed his palm against the man's back and rubbed it hard.

Yan Qi was so violently tossed that he almost jumped up.

He and Ye Yang looked at each other in the dark, raised their fists and punched them.

The latter frowned in pain, rolled over to the top, bent his arms to support the sides of the pillow, bent his face, arched the tip of his nose into the back of Yan Qi's ear, and bit the root of Yan Qi's ear hard.

Yan Qi let go of his fist, and pushed hard with his palm, but he was still sick, and his strength was slightly inferior to Ye Yang's, so he couldn't push it away.

Ye Yang stopped his movements slowly, panting and whispering in his ear: "Ah Qi, what do you want, you know that I like you. If you don't want to be C, go back to your own bed."

Yan Qi raised his eyebrows: "Who fucks whom?"

His palm changed from pushing to kneading.

Ye Yang arched his waist sharply, and when he collected his mind, he grabbed Yan Qi's wrists and clasped them together, pushed them up to the head of the bed, and then clamped him with one hand to prevent him from moving.

Yan Qi couldn't break free. Normally, he and Ye Yang would fight on equal footing, but now that he is weak, Ye Yang really can't win if he goes crazy.

After being suppressed like this for a long time, Yan Qi's breathing gradually became a little rough.

He turned his face away and met Ye Yang's eyes, the temperature in his eyes dropped to freezing point.

Ye Yang looked into his eyes, froze, and slowly let go of Yan Qi's hand.

Then turn over and get out of bed.

Go to give the sick president the isatis root.

Yan Qi lay on the bed silently, closed his eyes, lowered his head and lifted the hem of his shirt to take a look, pulled the thin air-conditioning quilt next to him, covered everything below his abdominal muscles, turned over and lay on the inner wall of the bed.

When Ye Yang came back with the water glass, he saw Yan Qi rolled up his quilt and lay on the innermost side of the bed. He turned his face away and smiled helplessly, and turned his head to look at him: "You just have to lie I won’t leave the bed?”

Yan Qi ignored him, and Gu Zi lay down with his eyes closed.

There is a saying that people who are usually strong will become extremely vulnerable when they get sick. Ye Yang didn't see this at all in Yan Qi.

He only felt that Ah Qi had a particularly violent temper when he was ill, and it was unreasonable to refuse to eat, and it was extremely difficult to coax.

Obviously she ran to his bed and flirted with him, but she still wanted to get angry with him if she couldn't beat it.

"Ah Qi." Ye Yang sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and patted his arm lightly, "Get up and drink the medicine."

Yan Qi glanced back at him, then sat up expressionlessly, and took the water glass.

Ye Yang watched him drink the medicine, and discussed with him in a friendly voice: "Brother Qi, I beg you, go back to your own bed and sleep."

Yan Qi's eyelashes moved, obviously hearing him speak, but he didn't pay attention at all, just blew on the surface of the water, and drank the medicine slowly.

Ye Yang really had nothing to do with him, so he turned around and took his mobile phone into the bathroom, closed the door, and leaned on the door to learn from Gu Ye on WeChat: I have a question for you.

Gu Ye:?

Ye Yang: The person you like runs to your bed and refuses to leave, what should you do?

Gu Ye: ...

This still needs to be asked?

up!Don't wait for anything!Keep it for the New Year!

Etc., etc.

Your Ah Qi... ran off to your bed? !

Ye Yang: No, I dreamed about it.

Gu Ye: ...

I'm fucked up.

How can you still have such a dream?

It's a pity that I still regard you as a male god, so you are so promising?It's all a dream, you just press it up!up!up ah ah ah!

Ye Yang: He has a fever.

Gu Ye:?

Wouldn't that be better?

Anyway, what happened to you being a beast in the dream, but I said that you did this dream well, and there are quite a lot of details. Do you keep thinking about it during the day?

Ye Yang didn't bother to talk to him, and asked directly: If it were you, what would you do in reality?

There was silence for a while before sending a reply: Then I can only hold back, just sleep under the quilt, what can I do.

Gu Ye probably imagined it himself, and it was so beautiful, he sighed: Oh, what a sweet burden!

Ye Yang: "..."

He didn't discuss any effective solutions after talking nonsense, but he stayed in the bathroom for a long time, and the evil fire somewhat dissipated.

Ye Yang turned on the faucet to wash his face, took a towel to dry, and opened the door to go out.

Yan Qi had already finished drinking the medicine, and put the water glass on the table next to him. He took it to the bathroom to wash it, and then came out, standing by the bed and persuading him for the last time: "Ah Qi, the two of us are more than 1.8 meters tall, and we share a bed. Do you think it's appropriate?"

Yan Qi nodded quietly: "It's suitable."

Ye Yang sighed, raised his hand to press the center of his eyebrows, gave up completely, and just turned over and lay down next to Yan Qi, with his back facing him.

Ye Yang's back was very wide, and Yan Qi raised his hand to touch his strong back muscles twice, almost touching the child hard again.

Ye Yang got up in a breakdown, went to hug Yanqi's quilt, wrapped himself tightly from head to toe, and lay back on the bed like a mummy.

Yan Qi couldn't help laughing at him, pressed the corner of his mouth, and asked solemnly, "Don't you bother me?"

Ye Yang felt that Chairman Yan was simply unreasonable.

He turned over and only exposed his face from under the quilt to Yan Qi: "Ah Qi, can you stop torturing me."

Yan Qi stared at him for two seconds, then suddenly lowered his eyes, put his arm around Ye Yang's shoulder, and leaned over to kiss him on the side of the face.

Ye Yang was taken aback.

Then his crooked neck tree was hung on him like this, and he said softly, "Go to sleep."


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