Speaking of this, it doesn't make any sense to hide it anymore.

Song Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and Xie Yi let him go.

"I can only tell you that this is to protect you. I will not talk about the specific things until Grandpa wants to talk to you." But specifically, Song Liang couldn't make a decision for Mr. Xie. The old man, knowing that he would say something dangerous, went on to say, "Some of this matter has been investigated so far. As far as I know, it should be related to the Song family."

Xie Yi's eyes darkened a little, and he asked, "Is that how you agreed?"

Song Liang didn't react: "What?"

"I said..." Xie Yi said, "You just promised him to be my scapegoat?"

Song Liang: "I didn't think I was going to die." From before to now, Song Liang never felt that.

He added: "They have been protecting me, but you suddenly appeared in the entertainment industry, everyone is very worried about you, I can only say that I am going to the entertainment industry."

Song Liang simply dumped the blame on Xie Yi and reminded him: "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have left this house."

Xie Yi was still angry: "If grandpa didn't let you enter the entertainment industry, you would..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Liang interrupted him simply: "Only this is my own idea."

Xie Yi was taken aback.

Song Liang: "The moment I saw you on TV, I knew I had to go to your side, no matter what method I used, I had to stay by your side."

He never felt that way.

It seems that the lost preciousness suddenly appeared in front of me, and the heart that had been dry for a long time came to life in an instant.

All he could think about was the past.

So Song Liang informed Mr. Xie of this decision overnight.

At that time, it was Mr. Xie who opposed them.

Anyone can see how good the relationship between Xie Yi and Song Liang was at the beginning. Song Liang snatched Xie Yi's position and did that kind of thing to him. Injured by Song Liang.

Old Master Xie didn't think that Xie Yi would trust Song Liang any more, and it was possible that he would even ignore him.

But Song Liang insisted on insisting. In a fit of anger, Mr. Xie told Song Liang that he would not help Song Liang. If Song Liang wanted to enter the entertainment industry, he had to rely on his own efforts. When he got results, the Xie family would help him. .

Song Liang asked him back: "If grandpa let me enter the entertainment industry, why didn't he help me all the time? He obviously only needs to quickly make me a top-notch, and then he can be with you. He doesn't need to make me go around Such a big circle."

Among the artists who did not come from the black city, there have also been quite a few top-tier artists. Those are just short-lived, but for them, they are enough.

Xie Yi reacted, and suddenly lost his voice.

Song Liang chased after the victory: "If I just wanted to meet you, I wouldn't have spent so long studying on my own."

Xie Yi finally understood clearly, and the knot in his heart was instantly untied.

He looked at Song Liang: "So you came here because you like me?"

Song Liang shook his head: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't know I liked you at the time."

If they hadn't gone to the temple together and spent those days together, he wouldn't have believed that he liked him.

Song Liang said: "But thinking about it now, the decision I made at that time should be because I liked it, but I didn't know it myself."

Xie Yi doesn't need to listen to the rest.

He lowered his head and kissed Song Liang's lips.

The two used to play and fight in the room, chatting about ghost stories together in the middle of the night, avoiding grandpa's beatings during the day, and even the quarrel over the heir was carried out here.

And their kiss should also be engraved in this room.

There is also grandpa outside, and they can't stay in the room for too long.

Xie Yi let him go and started looking for things in the house.

Song Liang was surprised and asked him: "Did you really leave something at home?"

"Yes." Xie Yi said, "A necklace, my dad left it for me, I remember he met me before the accident..."

He can't remember the specifics clearly, but he only remembers that Xie Zhengliang once met him and handed him a necklace, but told him not to wear it, but hid it at home, a place where no one could find it.

After Xie Yi finished hiding his things, he heard the bad news. As time passed, he didn't remember it either.

It wasn't until a few days ago when Gu Xia mentioned the grievances between the Xie family and the Song family that he vaguely remembered it.

It's just that I don't remember where I hid it in the first place.

Song Liang helped him find it, and while listening to his answer, he couldn't help but said, "You have already guessed?"

"Your answer is similar to what I found." Xie Yi turned over a box and tried to open it, "I don't think what Song Shi did to you before was a coincidence, and there is also the matter that he wanted the Xie Group ...do you know the follow-up?"

"Follow-up?" Song Liang didn't care too much about this matter, after all, it had already been handed over to Gu Wu, he shook his head, "What happened next?"

"He told Gu Wu that even if he couldn't get the Xie Group, the Xie family's old house would still be given to him."

The size of the Xie family's old house is small, and it is worthless compared to the Xie's group, and normally, the Xie's old house should not be acquired.

"Gu Wu contacted me immediately. He suspected that Song Shi's main purpose of wanting the Xie Group was not for money, but for the Xie family."

For this reason, Gu Wu investigated the grievances between the Song family and the Xie family, and soon found out that they had reported the Song family when they were young, and found out that not long after they reported, Xie Zhengliang actually reported the Song family again.

At that time, the Song family suffered a disastrous defeat, relying on their strong family background to not be able to withdraw from the stage of history, but the blow was not small, and even the Patriarch of the Song family was imprisoned because of this, and it took several years before he was released.

Xie Yi thought that Xie Zhengliang must have had something to do with the Song family, and Xie Zhengliang was revenged by them.

Plus the little reminder Song Liang just said.

In this way, Mr. Xie's deliberate act of calling Song Liang the heir of the Xie family is also in line.

After Xie Yi finished speaking, he took a special look at Song Liang, and sure enough, seeing his somewhat bewildered expression, he knew he had hit the mark.

Song Liang couldn't hide it anymore, so he simply said: "Sure enough, you can guess it yourself, I haven't seen anything that you can't guess."

"Not quite," Xie Yi stopped, looking at Song Liang.

Song Liang instinctively felt the crisis, and wondered if it was because Xie Yi also doubted his rebirth...

Then I heard Xie Yi say: "I didn't guess that you liked me when you were not enlightened."

Song Liang: "..."

Xie Yi sighed: "If you don't understand, I won't be able to confess to you."

This was true in the previous life, and it is also true in this life.

He has been waiting, waiting for Song Liang to wake up.

It's a pity that I didn't have this opportunity in my previous life...

Song Liang saw Xie Yi's horrific face in the car accident again in a daze, he came back to his senses, his voice was a little hoarse: "Then I've opened my mind, and there's nothing you can't guess."

Xie Yixin said that there is still, I can't guess anything related to you.

But Song Liang was like this, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

After a while, Xie Yi asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Song Liang shook his head, his little sadness quickly disappeared, and the two continued to look for things.

But I searched the room again, but couldn't find anything.

Song Liang was surprised: "Did you really put things in the room?"

"I don't know, I just remember that the necklace is at home." He asked instead, "Didn't you go into the house and search?"

"Of course not." Song Liang said, "As long as the butler comes in to change the sheets and clean things up, he won't move around."

The butler has lived here for decades, so he would not do such a thing. If he finds a necklace or something, he must report it immediately.

Xie Yi walked out of the room, and was about to ask, but saw that grandpa was no longer in the living room. The butler said, "It's time for the master to take a lunch break. You should rest in the room for a while, and I will call you when he wakes up."

The two had to go back into the room.

Blindly looking for it is not an option, the two simply lie on the bed and chat to see if they can recall the past.

Song Liang's memory is not very good, most of it is Xie Yi who is talking about it, from when the two of them mischievously broke the glass of the neighbor next door, to Xie Yi secretly preparing another birthday gift for him every birthday, Song Liang finally understood that there was something about him Xie Yi remembered everything clearly.

"Did you take care of all the birthday presents I gave you?" Xie Yi asked suddenly.

Song Liang said naturally: "In my room."

Xie Yi got up and dragged Song Liang to his room.

Like Xie Yi's room, since Song Liang left, the housekeeper has come to clean the dust and change the sheets every day.

So when I entered, the room was clean.

Xie Yi asked: "Where are the gifts I gave you?"

Song Liang went under the bed and turned a big box out.

He opened the big box, which was full of birthday presents from him that year.

From a bouquet of dried flowers when I was young, to watches, mobile phones, books and various things when I grew up.

Xie Yi said casually, "You put away all my things properly."

After counting, he suddenly asked, "Then what did I give you when you became an adult?"

At that time, he failed to confess his confession, and the most vivid part in his memory is the confession, but he forgot the other things. Now that he thinks about it, he can’t remember what he gave, so he asked Song Liang: "Do you keep the one I gave you?" ?”

"Of course." Song Liang took out a small box from the box. At that time, Song Liang woke up drunk and didn't remember what happened. When he saw a black and white box in his hand, he vaguely remembered that Xie Yi gave it to him. He put it away in the box carefully, and then went to find Xie Yi.

But when he learned that Xie Yi had run away from home that day, he was worried and anxious, so he didn't have time to take care of this birthday present.

It was not revealed until today.

Xie Yi took the black and white box, and remembered that it was Xie's mother's relic. At first it contained a seal, and later it was given to grandpa.

But now, what's in it?

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