Song Liang always felt that this meal was particularly dangerous.

Any topic would be brought back to the two by Xie Yi.

Song Liang swallowed the pork knuckle in his mouth, took a spoonful of pork rib soup, moistened his throat, and then he was mentally prepared to ask: "Are you planning to make it public now?"

The demonstration in the car and the inquiry just now seem to mean this.

Xie Yi shook his head, somewhat helplessly: "That's all second."


"Because I found that you didn't regard yourself as a member of the Xie family."

Xie Yi paused as he spoke, and added: "The Xie family can also be called the Song family. It doesn't matter. With you and I here, it's a family, and it can be called whatever you want. I just want to say, I hope you will call it the Song family. You yourself are part of it."

Since Song Liang entered Xie's house, he has never had a household registration, and he has not changed his name or surname. Although he now pays attention to the role of deprivation of surnames and pursues independent individuals, whenever someone asks, this will always embarrass Song Liang.

Xie Yi used to think that although their household registrations were different, they were a family and would be together for the rest of their lives. Song Liang always wanted to understand this truth.

But as he grew up, he didn't realize it was wrong until Xie Yi realized that Song Liang valued the position of heir so much that he had to rely on taking it.

This happened because Song Liang didn't regard himself as a family member.

Xie Yi said: "When did you know to tell me to go home instead of Xie's house."

Song Liang was silent.

Xie Yi was prepared in his heart, and it would be difficult for Song Liang to fully accept it for a while, he could wait.

He just wanted Song Liang to know: "I don't care about the heir at all, and you don't have to feel guilty about it. I never wanted to be the heir."

Song Liang's eyes moved slightly.

Xie Yi said: "If grandpa asks you to do something again, you just refuse him. That's how he is. If you obey him, his desire to control will become stronger. If you disobey him, he will know that enough is enough."

Although it is not clear why Song Liang insisted on keeping his mouth shut, Xie Yi still made Song Liang feel at ease based on his own guess.

He couldn't figure out why Song Liang was greedy for the heir's position before, but now he put down the heir's position and ran around with him, which shows that Song Liang might not be voluntary at all.

Xie Yi can afford to wait.

Song Liang didn't speak. He knew Xie Yi's intentions, but he couldn't respond right now.

The two of them tacitly agreed, and didn't mention this matter in the second half of the trip. After eating, they drove to the hotel.

Thinking that maybe Song Shi would send the media to wait outside, the two parked a car a little far ahead of time, then Xie Yi took out two sets of clothes from the back seat of the car and handed one of them to Song Liang.

"Put on your clothes and go out later."

Song Liang took the clothes and unpacked them, and saw that they were 20 yuan shirts and black trousers on the side of the road. The trousers were still thin, very social.

Can't help but wonder: "Why did you buy this?"

"I asked my nephew Guxia to buy it for me. He earns pocket money during the holidays, so I asked him to buy two sets for me."

"Oh." Song Liang took out the clothes and smelled them, but there was no smell of plastic on them, as if they had been washed, the labels were removed cleanly, and there were no creases.

Only then was Song Liang satisfied, first took off the clothes on his body, and then put the new clothes on his body.

It's just a little embarrassing when changing pants.

Song Liang glanced at Xie Yi, just as Xie Yi was also changing, glanced at him, and felt a little unconscious warmth behind his ears.

Xie Yi moved very quickly. After wearing it, he took a look at Song Liang, saw that he was still a little slow, and didn't know what he was thinking, so he leaned over and grabbed Song Liang's hand.

"Why..." Song Liang wanted to jump up violently.

Xie Yi held his two hands together, hooked his trousers with the other hand and lifted them up, patted him, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything." Song Liang looked away, appearing even more guilty.

"Really?" Xie Yi pinched his fingers and asked, "Then I'll have to ask carefully when I get back."

"..." They are all grown-ups, so they naturally know the meaning implied in his words, but just saying it like this still makes Song Liang flush with embarrassment.

He moved his thin lips for a while, but still couldn't figure out how to find an excuse, so he urged Xie Yi: "The time is almost up, go up."

"It's still early." Saying so, Xie Yi also set off.

In fact, it's only early nine o'clock, but the closer it is to ten o'clock, the more vigilant the other party will be, and they have to go in when the other party is not vigilant.

Not only that, as early as noon, Gu Xia asked someone to open a room with someone else's ID card. Xie Yi and Song Liang didn't even need to go to the front desk, they just took the room card and went upstairs.

The two wore social clothing and sunglasses, entered the hotel openly, and walked into the elevator in front of everyone.

The crowd was crowded, and some people looked at Xie Yi's figure and thought it was very familiar, but when their eyes fell on his clothes, they dared not go forward to confirm it.

In addition, there is a social person with the same style next to him, no matter how you look at it, he looks like those Internet celebrities.

If you want to go up to confirm, it turns out that the other party is not Xie Yi at all, and when it is spread by your peers, where will you put your face, and it will also bring heat to them. In the future, tie Xie Yi to market for yourself, and he must not be scolded to death by fans ?

Thinking about it this way, although they all had doubts about Xie Yi, none of them dared to go forward to confirm it.

After arriving at the designated room safely, Xie Yi opened the door, and the two of them entered the room.

The room was not chosen to be close to Song Shi, because it is not yet confirmed whether there are paparazzi near the room.

Xie Yi even suspected that Song Shi asked the two of them to come here because he was going to take a picture of the two of them entering the room together to make trouble.

Song Liang entered the room and lay down on the bed: "What do you think will happen later?"

"I'll just go there later." Xie Yi had already thought about it, "I'm on the phone with you, so I'll go in with you."

"What if it was photographed?"

He didn't know about Song Shi, but if Zhuang Rong followed Song Shi, Song Liang was sure he would come up with such a bad move.

After all, it is not unheard of.

Xie Yi took off his glasses and handed them to Song Liang.

Song Liang looked at it, and didn't see anything strange. After Xie Yi pointed his finger, he saw a square-shaped protrusion on the temple, and then he understood: "There is a camera on these glasses?"

"Yes, it can record everything I see, plus I'll bring a recording device and call you in, so that's the bottom line.

Public opinion means whoever moves first loses first.

It is always more powerful to fight back than to discredit.

I'm not afraid that Song Shi and Zhuang Rong will make moves, but I'm afraid they won't make moves.

Song Liang was relieved now, but he said: "Then I still have to go."

"You go?" Xie Yi disagreed, "They are here for you."

"So I should go." Song Liang got up from the bed, moved to Xie Yi's lips and kissed, full of consolation, "They will only talk when I go."


"This thing belongs to me first." Song Liang took Xie Yi's sunglasses and exchanged them with himself, then checked the time, and it was almost time, so he walked towards the door.

Xie Yi hurried to stop him, but Song Liang nimbly avoided his hand.

Then he sent out an invitation: "Why don't we go together?"

Don't engage in these routines where I protect you and you protect me, just be together.

"Together." Xie Yi immediately took his hand.

Song Liang smiled, and pulled Xie Yi outside.

The two went all the way to the 15th floor, then let go of their hands and walked to the reserved room number.

No one was encountered along the way, but both were keenly aware of the cameras piled around them.

Every camera rotates as they walk, trying to dig out some big news from them.

After arriving at the room, Song Liang rang the doorbell.

There was a sound of footsteps inside, and then the door was opened.

Song Liang took a step back, and when he saw someone, he shouted, "Zhuang Rong, are you there?"

Zhuang Rong was so shocked that he almost jumped up. He hurried to pull Song Liang into the house, but who knew that Song Liang hid again, and instead fell staggered and was exposed to the public's sight.

"It's over." Zhuang Rong cursed in a low voice, then raised his head and stared at Song Liang: "Aren't you going into the house?"

"I'll go in." Song Liang didn't care, and continued, "But Zhuang Rong, why are you here?"

He asked: "Oh, you joined Shengshi Entertainment, here with your boss Song Shi..."

When facing the wicked, one should use the moves of the wicked.

Zhuang Rong's face turned blue: "I have nothing with him!"

"Then you..." Song Liang leaned over, pulled back before Zhuang Rong hit someone, and spoke quickly, "I was invited by Song Shi, my friend from middle school, to come with Xie Yi, how about you?" ? Why are you here?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuang Rong knew that all the filming just now had to be cancelled.

He glared at Song Liang angrily, and then at Xie Yi. He was too annoyed, but he could only say, "Shut up, come in."

Then turn around and enter the house.

Song Liang noticed that the cameras were all moved away, so he started to walk in.

Xie Yi followed behind.

When Zhuang Rong walked in, he deliberately tripped his foot and tried to fall into Xie Yi's arms.

But Xie Yi entered the room and just stood aside, Zhuang Rong almost hit the wall.

He braced himself against the wall with his hands, barely made a fool of himself, and stared at Song Liang more fiercely.

However, Song Liang didn't care. He looked at Song Shi who was sitting and drinking tea in the room, annoyed: "Why did you call me over so much?"

"Song Liang." Song Shi asked him, "Don't you want to know your life experience? I thought you came here for your life experience?"

Song Liang was speechless: "It's just my life experience, I don't want to hear it, but you chased me to tell me, now I want to hear it, are you still putting on airs?"

He took out his mobile phone: "Why don't I call the police and say that you threatened me."

"..." Song Shi also laughed angrily: "Do you think the police will talk to you?"

"I have all the recordings of previous calls." Song Liang didn't care, "I don't really believe that the police will talk to me, but this is enough."

He looked around, cleared his throat, and said: "Tomorrow's headlines are shocking. The actor Xie Yi and the three men of the same crew went into and out of the hotel together because they were threatened."

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