The image of that person was just passing by, Song Liang hesitated for a while, then turned around and walked towards his room.

The scheduled inspection was after the lunch break. Song Liang had just had a full sleep and didn't plan to go back to sleep. After lunch, he simply started looking through the bag Qin Chen brought.

Most of the bag contained his toiletries and a cell phone of his own.

Heicheng's mobile phone needs to be reconfigured, and Zhang Xiaocheng's case has not come to fruition. His mobile phone is temporarily stored with the police as evidence, and certain procedures must be followed to get it back and replace it with a new mobile phone.

Besides, he is not in the Heicheng and is not under the control of the Heicheng, so his mobile phone is naturally in his hands.

Song Liang didn't get used to it for a long time since he didn't get his mobile phone.

He posted a few posts on Weibo first, sucked cats and dogs for a while, and then switched back to WeChat to read the pile of messages that had been going on for dozens of days.

After Xie Yi ran away from home that year, Mr. Xie declared that Song Liang was the heir of his family.

This story was widely spread. Because he was still young, the old man did not reveal his appearance to the outside world, and there was no photo of him in the company's roster.

Everyone knows that the new heir of the Xie family is a child with the mother's surname.

However, what they didn't know was that Song Liang was only a nominal heir, and he was not responsible for handling any business of the company.

You don't need to work too hard, as long as you bear the identity of the heir and cooperate with the performances of various private banquets.

When Song Liang didn't enter the entertainment circle, his acting skills were not good, so the old man made him face paralyzed and reduced his activities.

Also in the past two years, Xie Yi's sudden explosion made Mr. Xie start to worry about his safety. Song Liang also wanted to go to Xie Yi, but Mr. Xie refused. The two had a quarrel, and finally Song Liang came out alone Draw a full stop.

There was no disturbance in the outside world, and the insiders with close connections got gossip that the new heir of the Xie family had a quarrel with the old man and ran away.

In fact, Song Liang still kept in touch with the old man.

Old Xie: [I haven't heard from you for a long time, how is the situation in the entertainment industry?Is Xie Yi alright? 】

Song Liang: [He's okay, I've already got in touch with him, and I'm going to live with him next. 】

Old Xie: 【Be careful. 】

Song Liang: [Okay. 】

The rest were some friends I met online and in college. Song Liang replied a few words, then left it there and turned on the game to draw a wave of cards.

Unsurprisingly, he was very lucky.

He closed the game in pain, ran to the Internet to collect a wave of earthy love stories and sent them to Xie Yi.

Song Liang: [I drank pulse and ate jelly today, but I still can't help but fall in love with you. 】

Xie Yi: [Add a stomach lavage test for you. 】

Song Liang: […]

Song Liang: [I'm very playful. 】

Xie Yi: [The leg was interrupted by you. 】

Song Liang: [Every second of you, I like... what the hell! 】

Xie Yi: [I made an appointment for a brain examination for you. 】

Song Liang refused to accept it, he quickly searched for earthy love words, and finally found another earthy one to send to him.

[This is the back of my hand, this is the back of my foot, you are my baby~]

The other side was silent for a while.

Xie Yi: [Knowing you is my point. 】

Song Liang: […]

Xie Yi: 【Do you want to write an article about your hospital experience? 】

Song Liang quickly refused: [No need, I'm still very normal. 】

Xie Yi obviously didn't believe it.

Song Liang made the phone call speechlessly, explaining repeatedly that it was a momentary brain twitch that he sent those words to him.

Xie Yi obviously suppressed his laughter, and said, "Okay, then you have an extra brain examination in the afternoon, and I have to make sure that there is no problem before accepting you."

"..." Song Liang sat cross-legged on the bed, whispering, "How late will I be able to see you?"

Xie Yi paused, raised his eyebrows, and replied to the doctor with the other hand, deleting a few more tests that he had just asked him to do: "Soon, maybe I can accompany you to the checkup."

"Oh, okay." Song Liang was not very satisfied, but Xie Yi's status as a big star was indeed very busy, he had to understand.

The two chatted one after another, Song Liang didn't want to hang up the phone, Xie Yi just listened to him, and when he started working, he put the phone on Gu Xia, and continued to listen when he came back.

So Xia Xin said that she was speechless, she had never seen a relationship like this, it was normal for Xie Yi not to talk, and the talk would be endless.

She picked up the phone and looked at it, and sure enough, she saw a familiar name.

When Xie Yi came back, she mouthed Xie Yi: "You should pay attention to the occasion."

Xie Yi took the phone and sat down to touch up his makeup, quite indifferent: "I never said I don't want to fall in love."

He has always done whatever he wants, relying on his own strength, and he is not from an idol background, so he does not need to remain single.

"That's true." Gu Xia couldn't change it for a while, "But you guys talked too quickly. It's not that I'm throwing cold water, you should talk, and work can't be delayed."

In just those fifteen days, what kind of feelings can we have?

Fortunately, she thought Xie Yi was very stable.

Xie Yi said: "Some people just glance at Wannian, isn't this normal? And I have a clear distinction between work and private life."

"..." Gu Xia couldn't speak, so he nodded, "Yes, yes, let's talk."

Anyway, she has nothing to object to.

Song Liang heard the conversation between the two clearly, and couldn't help but think of the ending of Xie Yi in his previous life.

He is indeed like what he said, when he falls in love and communicates, he never hides it. Work and private life are very separated, and there are also love breakups.

But work is work, and he just doesn't want to work when he's broken in love.

So even though he was scolded at that time, it didn't affect him to continue to break up in love and not work at all.

While talking, the nurse came and called him for an examination.

Following the nurse outside, Song Liang felt nervous for the first time.

This was the first time he had been checked after his rebirth.

The inspection was done very quickly, mainly because the waiting time was relatively long. The two chatted intermittently for several hours.

After Song Liang finished his inspection, the sky also darkened.

The inspection couldn't come out on the same day, Song Liang heard Xie Yi said that he was on his way, so he hung up the phone, turned and went into the bathroom.

He was in a good mood, although it was not so coincidental that he read a novel about rebirth, the male protagonist managed to live a good life, and finally had a checkup for terminal cancer.

But he felt that he was not so unofficial. Although he didn't live long in his previous life, in this life, he made up for so many regrets, so he couldn't...

Song Liang looked down and saw his slightly trembling hands.

Another thing came to mind.

In his last life, he only rode in the car with Xie Yi once.

That was the time the two had a car accident.

At that time, both of their careers were at their peak, with many fans and many black people. Song Liang refused to be sneaked and provoked many people. Later, he was exposed as the heir of the Xie family and gained great attention. It's as punctual as eating.

At that time, for some unknown reason, Xie Yi was suddenly reported to have reported that an actor in the industry was sucking D, so many people stared at him openly and secretly.

After the car accident, after inspection by the police, there were traces of being tampered with, and the notification that asked them to change their destination was also a notification of account number hacking by others.

But until Song Liang died, he never knew who was behind the scenes.

Song Liang still can't figure out whether that person came after Xie Yi or Song Liang.

Song Liang couldn't hold back, and sent a message to Xie Yi, asking if Xie Yi had any enemies.

After sending the message, Song Liang raised his eyes and met a scrutinizing gaze.

The man was slightly fat, with a strong physique, and there was a bar on his chin.

After looking at Song Liang, he said, "Are you Song Liang?"

"You are..." Song Liang remembered that this person was the figure he saw when he sent Xie Yi away today, and now he felt more and more familiar with him.

It was as if someone from the depths of the memory suddenly rushed out to have a face-to-face meeting, and a fat figure came to mind, and the tone and reality gradually merged.

"I'm Song Shi, don't you remember?"

"Song Shi..."

Song Liang remembered.

I used to be in the same class as Xie Yi, but not him. When he went to find Xie Yi, he would always bump into Song Shi. Sometimes he was bullying his classmates, and sometimes he was walking around awkwardly with a group of younger brothers. His relationship with Xie Yi Very bad, they often quarreled, and even Song Liang had a bad impression of him.

"Why are you here?" But after all, those things happened in the past. Now that he was recognized, Song Liang couldn't turn around and leave.

He asked perfunctorily, intending to find an excuse to leave, when Song Shi explained: "I came to see a friend who was injured, and you were also injured?"

"I accidentally bumped into it." Song Liang pointed to the bandage on his head, "I have to go back for an examination after going to the toilet, so I won't talk to you any more."

Then he went straight into the compartment.

He came out after a while, and sure enough, Song Shi was nowhere to be seen.

Song Liang didn't take this matter to heart, after walking out of the bathroom, he suddenly remembered that he had sent Xie Yi a message, took out his phone, Xie Yi had already replied.

Since Xie Yi has been in the entertainment circle for a few years, he has never encountered any antagonistic relationship that can be called an enemy, Song Liang also heaved a sigh of relief, facing Xie Yi's question, he only said that he was asking casually.

While replying to Xie Yi's message, he walked upstairs.

I didn't pay much attention to the road, and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I didn't look at the road." Song Liang hurriedly took a step back, then looked up.

It was Song Dynasty again.

"It's okay." Song Shi asked with a smile, "You didn't get hurt anywhere, did you?"

"Ah, no." Song Liang inexplicably felt uncomfortable. He maintained basic courtesy and made way for Song Shi.

However, Song Shi had no intention of leaving.

Song Liang had no choice but to avoid him.

Before taking two steps, Song Shi's voice came from behind him.

"Does Xie Yi still keep in touch with you?"

Song Liang paused and looked back at him.

Song Shi's eyes were still smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, instead it revealed a bit of calculation, the pool-colored eyes seemed to be full of dirt.

Song Liang looked at him vigilantly, and asked, "Why do you care about this?"

"After all, I'm an old classmate, and I'm also preparing to enter the entertainment circle recently... Of course, it's the kind of boss, don't get me wrong, I still have something for myself, I want to talk more with Xie Yi, and you. "Song Shi's tone was light, as if he couldn't see Song Liang's rejection, he said slowly, "I think you will agree, right?"

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