Xie Yi was silent.

In fact, he has been thinking about when and who found out about it.

Now I know that Zhuang Rong did it, but Zhuang Rong should never have had this opportunity.

"Looks like I have to find a chance to ask Zhuang Rong." Xie Yi lifted the pen and twirled it between his fingers, his eyes were calm, but there was something turbulent in his eyes.

From Song Liang's perspective, he couldn't see the change in his eyes at the moment. Hearing Xie Yi's words, his eyebrows were pressed down.

He believed in Xie Yi, and if Xie Yi said he hadn't shown it to Zhuang Rong, he definitely hadn't.

But why did Zhuang Rong know?

Could it be that he was born again?

But if this is the case, he should also remember Song Liang's matter.

But it's also possible...

He was just reborn not long ago.

Song Liang broke out in a cold sweat from his guess.

At this time,

"Song Liang, what are you thinking?" Xie Yi called out a few times, and managed to get Song Liang's thoughts back, "I see you have been restless."

"It's okay, it's just weird." Song Liang sat down on the bed with his eyelids downcast. There was a shelf on the other side of the bed with the script of the play on it. He pulled out the book, put his phone on the shelf, and said, "Your phone You have to charge it, maybe he accidentally saw it at some point."

Having said that, Song Liang actually knew in his heart that if Zhuang Rong was born again, then he had seen everything he should have seen in his previous life.

Not only that, but Zhuang Rong may have other evidence in his hand.

Just thinking about it, Song Liang couldn't help opening his mouth: "About Zhuang Rong..."

"Closed on weekends..."

It happened to speak at the same time as Xie Yi.

Both of them had a meal, looked at each other, Xie Yi couldn't help but smile: "Don't think about him anymore, I can take care of his affairs, take a day off on weekends, want to go out and play?"

Song Liang was startled by the speed at which he suddenly changed the subject, and he had no thoughts for a moment.

In his last life, he didn't have time to go out to play at all.

After being silent for a while, he thought that Zhuang Rong should not be involved in this life, so he nodded: "Let's go out and play."

After he finished speaking, he paused, and added: "The kind that doesn't write analysis."

The corner of Xie Yi's lips twitched: "Okay."

The two just fell in love, and they were very tired. It was in the middle of the night when the video was played, and Song Liang saw that the phone was about to run out of battery, so he asked to hang up.

After hanging up the phone, he went to take a shower. He seemed to hear a few sounds vaguely, but Song Liang didn't pay much attention to it. He went back to bed and turned off the light to rest.

Early the next morning, Song Liang arrived at the training room early.

Xie Yi had to catch an announcement this morning and would not participate in the morning training, so Song Liang could only stay by himself.

Bored, he took out his breakfast and sat down to eat it. After a while, people arrived one after another.

The prescribed time was seven o'clock in the morning. Many people arrived a few minutes after seven o'clock.

Even so, they insisted on being there.

At 07:30, the coach roll call.

A series of names were clicked, and after one answer after another, they got stuck on one name.

"Zhang Xiaocheng? Is Zhang Xiaocheng here? Where is Zhang Xiaocheng?"

Everyone looked left and right.

Only then did Song Liang notice that Zhang Xiaocheng hadn't come over in the morning.

"Make a call." The coach gestured to the assistant teacher next to him with his chin.

A series of bells rang in the house.

Everyone followed the reputation and saw that the source of the sound was the locker in the house.

The lockers here are all numbered according to the ranking in the play, and each person uses one, usually storing temporary supplies and so on.

"Didn't he bring his mobile phone home?" The coach walked over and took out the master key to open the cabinet.

Song Liang frowned, Zhang Xiaocheng called him last night, why is the phone in the locker today?

He unconsciously twitched his eyebrows, and then he heard the coach mutter strangely: "Why isn't it in my locker."

Then he shouted to the assistant teacher: "Keep fighting."

Listen to the lockers one by one.

Not long after, the coach stopped in front of a locker.

He stared at the number on the locker and asked, "The third man... Song Liang, is this your locker?"

There was a few seconds of silence in the air.

Song Liang licked his lower lip, stepped forward, and opened the cabinet with his own key.

The bell suddenly rang cheerfully.

Song Liang felt all kinds of complicated sights behind him, and said, "You can check the surveillance."

"We'll do it later." The coach took out the cell phone inside, with a gloomy face, "Assistant teacher, go and see where he is and what he's doing."

The assistant teacher quickly responded and ran out.

The director team and Xie Yi were not here today, they never expected to encounter such a thing, everyone's faces were very heavy.

The coach has a heavy responsibility. He glanced at Song Liang and called his assistant: "You watch here first. Song Liang and I will go to the monitoring room."

The assistant also wiped off his sweat and nodded quickly.

The two walked out one after the other, probably because they were afraid that Song Liang would leave midway. The coach asked Song Liang to walk in front while he watched from behind.

Song Liang already guessed at this moment that most of this is inseparable from Zhuang Rong's revenge, but it is very strange, his key has been kept in the bag, who took his key?

The training room is monitored, who put Zhang Xiaocheng's mobile phone in Song Liang's room secretly?

To the monitoring room.

The coach briefly explained the purpose of coming, and the staff called up the monitoring from last night, and started to play it at an accelerated speed.

Everything was normal at first, until the middle of the night, when the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard, the door of the training room was quietly opened.

The man walked into the training room and took out his phone to illuminate the surroundings.

From the monitoring angle and the brightness of the light at that time, it was impossible to see who the person was, but his clothes and figure were very similar to Song Liang.

This planting couldn't be more obvious, but the coach can't judge it based on this: "Sneakily put your mobile phone in your locker in the middle of the night. Although I think this is obviously unbelievable, I can't prove that you have no problems at all."

He pointed to the clip and asked the staff to copy it down, and then said to Song Liang: "I'll go to the director's place later, what will happen, it depends on the director's decision, is this okay?"

The calmness on Song Liang's face made the coach raise his eyebrows involuntarily.

"No problem, are you looking for Zhang Xiaocheng now?"

"Yes." Just as the coach finished speaking, a phone call came in.

He frowned and picked it up, and the assistant teacher's terrified voice came from the other end of the phone: "Coach, come here quickly, Zhang Xiaocheng seems to be dying!"


The ambulance came roaring, and then roared past.

For a while, the whole Black City knew about it.

[Zhang Xiaocheng was bullied and suppressed by a rookie actor, and was sent to the hospital, where his life and death are uncertain. 】

Song Liang, who was at the center of the incident, was busy giving Zhang Xiaocheng first aid. His body was covered in blood, and he was finally sent to the ambulance. When he went back, he was about to change clothes and rush to the hospital, when he bumped into a woman head-on.

A short, fat woman with sharp features.

"You belong to Song Liang, right? I heard that you bullied Xiaocheng like this." The woman is Zhang Xiaocheng's manager, "I have already notified the director."

"It's not me." Song Liang said, "You can tell whoever you want."

"Yo, the tone is quite loud." The woman took a step forward, poked the blood on Song Liang's body with her fingers, glanced at him strangely, and then asked in a low voice, "Could it be that you are jealous of our Xiaocheng? Are you jealous?" Don't bully our Xiaocheng, if you feel uncomfortable, just come to me."

"..." Song Liang stared at the fingers that were poking around his body, and said in a cool tone, "Take your hands away."

"What? Are you angry?" The woman leaned closer, "You want to hit me?"

Song Liang: "..."

He glanced around, and there was no one in the hall that should be full at the moment.

It's not hard to wonder if the surroundings are covered with surveillance cameras. Just wait for Song Liang to push hard and the woman pretends to be pushed down, and this photo will be on the headlines tomorrow.

Song Liang didn't speak any more, just casually moved that person like a pillar, and touched his pocket with the other hand, but suddenly remembered that he didn't bring his mobile phone.

"Why, stop talking?" The woman smiled, "Do you want to call someone?"

Then he took out a mobile phone from his pocket, it was Song Liang's.

Song Liang asked: "What do you want to do?"

"I just want you to admit that you bullied our Xiaocheng." The woman said, "This phone is the proof!"

Song Liang: "..."

He suppressed the irritability in his eyes, trying to hold back his hands as much as possible, so as not to follow Zhuang Rong's words, but the woman kept stirring up the only trace of anger as if she didn't feel it, and tried to turn on his screensaver.

After the woman tried various passwords, the screen saver was successfully locked.

Song Liang looked down at her: "Have you played enough?"

The woman trembled suddenly when she heard the voice, and she felt that Song Liang was not in the same state as just now, but she still put up her airs: "I play? What am I playing? You bully our Xiaocheng, and now you want to Bullied me?"

"If you're really worried about Zhang Xiaocheng, shouldn't you go to the hospital to accompany him now?" Song Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a step forward, while the imposing woman around him stepped back, "What are you doing now? Pengci asked me to hit you, and then I took a picture and posted it on the Internet..."

Song Liang paused for a moment, then smiled: "First of all, I don't have any fans, and Zhang Xiaocheng doesn't have many, so this matter won't cause any big disturbance. Secondly, you have no evidence."

After going through several fairy dances, netizens nowadays are all about evidence, they will immediately charge into the battle and fight to the death after being guided. Zhang Xiaocheng's incident is too obvious that someone did it on purpose. Even if Song Liang is suspected of being the suspect, Zhang Xiaocheng When you wake up, you can turn around immediately.

So this is basically an act of abandonment.

Zhang Xiaocheng realized it, and his manager naturally realized it too.

To take such a big risk, one is to transform the value, and the other is to suppress Song Liang.

The woman lost her momentum by what she said, every word was poked at her flaws, she was extremely guilty and had no way to refute, she turned around in a moment of desperation and wanted to run, but was held back by Song Liang.

"What are you running for?"

However, in the next second, the woman suddenly jumped up and slammed her cell phone at Song Liang.

Song Liang's eyes suddenly tightened, and his body froze.

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