Nakahara Chuya originally wanted to spend more time with Natsume Yuku, but it was still time for the leader to fight the war, and there were too many things to be busy.There wasn't much time for the two of them to chat.Just when Yujiu said that he didn't need help, Zhongya Nakahara received another call and had to leave temporarily.

Natsume Yu stayed in the house for a long time, and he also went out. He still wore a watch with a GPS tracker on his hand, so that Mori Ogai could monitor his whereabouts.But Yujiu thought it was just a decoration and didn't care at all.If Mori Ogai doesn't want him to go out, he has to tell himself, otherwise Yu Jiu doesn't know that he can't go out.

This time he was going to the bookstore to buy Yusaku Kudo's "The Earl of the Dark Night" series of novels. Last time he only read half of the first book, but because of this scene of escape, he couldn't go back to the clinic to get it.

The bookstore Haku went to was much quieter.The rhythm of life in the light world and the dark world does not seem to be on the same timeline. Most ordinary people in this timeline are still working from nine to five, and magazines are still full of news, gossip and scandals.While other gang organizations are still fighting, stray bullets, gunpowder smoke, explosions, and flooding constitute the non-daily work elements.

In the most conspicuous place of the bookstore, there is also a banner advertising the "Night Earl" series of novels.Yu Jiu was studying, when a female student next to him leaned over and told him positively that she also likes to watch "The Earl of the Night" very much, and knows the famous scenes and lines in it very well.Yujiu took a look at her attire, she was just an ordinary girl of the same age, it didn't look like a sales promotion.

"I'll see it myself."

After Yujiu finished speaking, he noticed that the girl's expression was awkward for a moment, and he was still wondering if he had said something wrong.The girl raised her fists again, moved closer to Yu Jiu, and said, "Classmate, which high school are you from and what's your name? Can I exchange social accounts with you?"

This is the first time Yujiu encountered such a situation, and subconsciously glanced around, and found that there were two girls in casual clothes hiding next to another row of bookshelves, and just caught his sight, they shrank like frightened rabbits up.

surveillance?track?Spy news?

Article [-] of the Japanese Stalking Prevention Act?

So Yuhisa said solemnly and honestly: "In order to prevent crimes, my answer is "no". "With the girl still in a daze, Yu Jiu walked away with the whole series of books in his arms.

The conversation between Yuku and the girl fell into the eyes of the bookstore staff at the cash register.

When he was helping to scan the barcode, he said, "Little handsome guy, although he should be approached often on the road, he shouldn't be so indifferent to girls, right?"

"No, I care about her."

Yuku successfully thwarts another impending crime.

The corner of the clerk's mouth twitched, he didn't know what to say, he could only blame himself for being too talkative all of a sudden.However, it was Yujiu who said, "Why is this series of books suddenly republished?" The cover of the set of books that Yujiu put in the clinic before was different from the current one.

"The great writer Yusaku Kudo came back from the United States. The publishing house held a meeting with readers in Tokyo for him, so a batch of new books were republished. Now it is a limited edition and sold for a limited time. However, the meeting ended today. I heard that their family will go to Hawaii in the United States during their summer vacation. The life of a famous and promising writer is really nourishing."

Although this clerk likes to gossip, there are plenty of gossip.

However, after hearing the news, I realized that I had already missed it, and Yujiu was somewhat regretful.

As soon as Natsume Yuhisa left the store, he saw Mori Ogai who was wearing a white coat and shopping with Alice not far away.At this moment when gangsters are tense, as the leader of the port mafia, he still has room to let Alice wander around leisurely.Yu Jiu paused, turned a corner and followed Mori Ogai.

There are no security personnel around, and the back is full of holes. If you are sniped in this situation, you probably can't stop it no matter what.Natsume Yujiu still remembers the last time she rescued Alice with Nakahara Chuya, she looked very calm, not like a child should behave.Of course, this should be the realization of the ability, so the child does not have the reaction that the child should have.But this Mori Ogai is so suspicious.Yujiu suddenly had a new idea - could it be that Mori Ogai is just a puppet, and Alice is the leader?

So Yujiu poked Alice on the shoulder: "Are you the leader of the port mafia?"

Unprepared, Alice was suddenly touched on the shoulder, and couldn't help being startled: "What's the matter with you?"

Yu Jiu was not frightened by Alice's surprise, and after finding that there were no so-called bones, organs and blood vessels in her body, he put it aside.Then it can be speculated that Mori Ogai was able to walk on the streets so decisively and boldly because Alice herself was a bodyguard.

At this time, Mori Ogai realized that there was a little brown skin next to him.

The juvenile is less than 1.7 meters, and it is still in the growth stage, so it is relatively thin, but it does not look very thin, and there are obvious muscle lines on the arms.These days, very few teenagers cut their hair so short that their forehead and sideburns are all exposed.If there is no hair styling at this time, you can only rely on your facial features to attract attention.And this boy's facial features are very brilliant, retaining the softness of a child, but also the edges and corners of a boy.

Some young people are good-looking because they are good-looking on the outside, but inside they are superficial and have no real connotation.However, this young man has a solid heart at first glance, and he has been constantly honed to grow up, which can be seen from his firm and persistent eyes.

"Who are you?" The second Mori Ogai said, he noticed the GPS positioning watch on Natsume Yuhisa's hand, "Are you Natsume-kun?"

"I'm Natsume."

Yujiu felt that his face had not undergone plastic surgery, nor had it been disguised. Is it so difficult to recognize it?

Mori Ogai was a little speechless by his taking it for granted, and said, "Shouldn't you avoid people's eyes and ears at this time?"

"Why? No one here knows me either."


What he said was so reasonable that it was impossible to refute it.

However, thinking about it carefully, Mori Ogai felt that Natsume Yuhisa might be the most difficult of the three children.

Because Natsume Yujiu is a little lunatic who doesn't care, and is not afraid of him at all.Even Dazai Osamu would be afraid of him when doing things.Zhongyuan Zhong also occasionally acts on intuition, but he also knows what kind of judgment to make.

If it was Natsume Yuhisa, Mori Ogai had to admit that he had absolutely no way of controlling his thoughts.

In fact, on Friday night, if it was Natsume Yukui who shot, Mori Ogai had an intuition that Yukui would definitely beat him into a hornet's nest.Even Mori Ogai threatened "Are you afraid of the consequences", trying to make him think rationally and weigh the pros and cons.However, Osamu Dazai acted instead of Yuku, which was expected and the best result.If Yujiu is really going to act, I am afraid that he will be placed in the jurisdiction of the port mafia one kilometer away from the headquarters building.Because I don't know what he will do.

Mori Ogai once asked Yuku about his assassination ability.Yu Jiu said that he has no experience in assassination, but it is not difficult to track without closing his eyes for three days and three nights.And within 72 hours, the other party must also relax, whether it is going to the toilet, eating a meal, or staring at the wall for a second, these are opportunities.

"Would you like to try it?"

"It's a funny joke."

"I'm not kidding."

"Then you can be quiet."

The conversation between the two was forced to end.


Mori Ogai glanced at the bag in Natsume Yuhisa's hand, and said, "Are you bored enough to start reading? If you're free, you can also follow Chuya to help."

"I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow."

"I found that Natsume-kun is really not afraid of me at all."

Normally, after the incident last night, everyone should have a deep understanding of the inviolability of the authority of the leader Mori Ogai.If not understanding this, there should at least be a sense of awe or frustration.Instead of going wherever you think of.

What's the difference between his appearance and a month ago, he's still so reticent.

"If Natsume-kun has time, would you like to go shopping together?" Mori Ogai thought for a while, then took out a candy from his pocket, "I'll eat it for you."

Xia Muyu took it without hesitation, and said, "Thank you."

"I thought you wouldn't eat."

When I was in the office last time, Mori Ogai invited Natsume Yuku to eat high-end dim sum and black tea, but was rejected.

"Last time, twice in a row, I was hated by Natsume-kun."

"Boss Sen, have you noticed that when you tell a lie, there will be a small movement in your hand?"

Mori Ogai turned his right hand and said, "You are the only one who told me that. What action do I have?"

"When you tell a lie, the ring finger of your right hand is unconsciously pressed against the little finger. Because you are constantly changing your hand movements, neither you nor others notice this. However, there is such a thing In other words, the farther the body position is from the brain, the less it is controlled by the brain."

Mori Ogai raised his eyebrows and said, "Dazai-kun said before that you have strong observation skills, but you really surprised me now."

"Which aspect?" Natsume Yujiu raised his voice and asked.

"What do you think?" Mori Ogai asked with a smile, as if a child was holding a certificate and asking what the Chinese characters on it were.

"Forget it, I'm not curious either." If Mori Ogai believed his words, he could tell whether he was lying by just looking at the position of his fingers in the future.If he didn't believe it, it meant that his speaking skills had to continue to improve.


what is this?

Yujiu stopped chatting, turned to the topic, and said, "If I want to take Dazai and Chuya away, and guarantee that they will never be entangled by the port mafia, how much will I have to pay?"

Before Mori Ogai could react, he found himself laughing: "I was just wondering why you stayed here so obediently. It turned out to be for such a purpose."

Mori Ogai paused, and said: "But you can think about it carefully, Dazai and Chuya will become cadres in a year or two. At that time, they will know more internal information about the port mafia. Do you think I'm going to sit back and watch people leave the organization? In other words, they're both expensive."

"so what?"

"5000 billion is an exaggerated number. There is no second prize of 5000 billion in the world, but with Yujiu's ability, 500 billion should be achievable."

If it is 500 billion, if it is a policeman, it is estimated that it will have to work continuously for at least 5000 years.

The salary of the port mafia cadres is at least 1 million yen a year, and it will take 500 years.

It takes three or four bank robberies to get the money together.

"I do not have money."

"Then maybe, Natsume-kun, have you ever heard of a license to operate a supernatural power? Teacher Natsume once gave them such a gift when the Armed Detective Agency was established. If Yuku can give me such a gift, Maybe only 100 billion yen is needed.”

Yuku had never heard of such a thing as a business license.


According to the agreement, Zhu Fu Jingguang waited in the terminal of the international airport for the little white guy in his memory.

The Black Organization is not only the target of Japanese public security, but also one of the targets of intelligence organizations, crime prevention organizations, international terrorist countermeasure organizations, and national security agencies around the world.Their whereabouts are secretive, there are very few people with code names, and the leader of the organization is even more mysterious and confusing like a thick fog.

The person reported by Yujiu this time will be one of the few clues to the black-clothed organization that the police have found over the years.As soon as Zhu Fu Jingguang reported it, the decision-making department immediately decided to hurry up the deployment.Now the Ministry of Public Security is using its authority to occupy the vacant seat on the plane that Belmode may be flying on, and even the captain has been transferred from the Air Force.

The time to arrest her was right after the plane took off, and it would be difficult for her to fly with her wings.

Zhu Fu Jingguang confirmed the time with his mobile phone.


Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was carrying a professional tennis bag, let out a sigh of relief.This is the first major case to enter the police.The seniors attached great importance to it, and a group of people joined the arrest operation in a mighty manner.By capturing a member of an organization with a code name, they can save a few undercover agents from entering that organization to die.

As soon as Zhu Fu Jingguang hung his phone down, he noticed that a young man next to him rubbed him.Because they seemed to have no place to stand, they were accidentally squeezed together, so Zhu Fu Jingguang just moved to the side, and then glanced at the other party from the corner of his eye.

The boy is not particularly tall, and the brim of the hat covers half of his face tightly. His skin is a healthy wheat color, and he is carrying a light travel bag on his back. He is dressed in a white T-shirt and black overalls, with an awe-inspiring demeanor. , In the school, it should be a member of the sports club.

"Playing tennis mainly relies on the lower limbs to exercise strength, and it exercises the leg muscles, such as the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, etc. Are your calves too thin? This prop may not be well chosen." Yujiu said. , while taking off his hat, his eyes were still on the tennis bag on his back.

Zhu Fu Jingguang stared at the opponent's face and tried to find Yu Jiu's shadow.It may be because of the change of skin color and eye color, the whole person does not look like the gloomy and weak image before, and now he is healthier and more youthful than before.

"...Haku? Did you go to Okinawa to bask in the sun for a month?"

"It's a long story, and it's a waste of time, so I won't say it."


Yes, this is Yuku.

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