When Yu Fu woke up, it was dawn, and through the gaps in the closed windows, some meager morning light came in and fell on his face, which was cold and without warmth.

He struggled to open his eyes, his head was dizzy, his whole body was weak, he couldn't even lift his fingertips, and he didn't have any strength.

There was a sharp stabbing pain in both wrists, and he looked down at his hands. Fortunately, there was no bleeding, but the gauze dressing the wound was blood-stained, dirty, and looked a little scary.

He lay on the ground for a long time, sat up with difficulty supporting his body, picked up the Jinchuang medicine thrown on the ground by the maidservant, untied the hastily wrapped gauze, and poured the medicine powder in the bottle onto the wound.

"Hmm!" He gritted his teeth and let out a low moan. Tears came out from the pain, the corners of his eyes were red, but his face was pale.

The maid did not lie to him, this medicine is indeed of high quality, it is probably only available in the family, ordinary people can't afford it, and the effect is very fast, when it was first poured, the wound was hot and painful, but it never happened After a while, the wound felt a burst of icy coldness, which was quite effective in relieving pain.

He tore off two pieces of cloth from his clothes, re-bandaged the wound, stood up with difficulty, a burst of dizziness hit him, his legs were weak, his body staggered suddenly, and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately he was supported in time wall.

He was leaning against the wall, exhausted, panting heavily, and it took him a long time to recover.

When those people achieved their goal, they ignored him. The door of the woodshed was unlocked, and he opened it easily. The sky outside was so bright that he could see the road under his feet clearly.

He leaned on the wall all the way, stumbled towards the small courtyard of the eldest son, walking very slowly.

It was too early, the servants in the mansion hadn't woken up yet, and there was no sign of anyone along the way. According to common sense, the eldest son's small courtyard should be quiet, but when he walked to the door, he heard laughter inside. With a voice, a few young boys dressed as house slaves came out from the inside, with hurried steps and a flustered expression.

They struggled to lift a wooden plank. It seemed that there was a person lying on the wooden plank. It was covered with a huge white cloth, and the face could not be seen clearly.

They didn't care about Yufu's unfamiliar face, just ignored him, and walked straight past him. One of the boys complained in a low voice, "Why did the eldest son kill someone again? This is already the third day of this month. Damn, every time we asked us to help him deal with it, I was scared to death, and I dreamed that their wronged souls came to me in my dreams, and I didn't sleep well for several nights."

"Shh!" Another boy quickly interrupted him and reprimanded softly, "You can't say these words. If the eldest son hears it, we will have to deal with your and my corpses tomorrow."

Yu Fu panicked when he heard this, he didn't know that the eldest son was such a cruel and ruthless character, the book boy was in his hands, he was stupid, he always spoke without thinking, easily offended people, he didn't know what kind of trouble he would suffer .

Thinking of this, he became more and more worried about the safety of the book boy, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace, but his physical strength couldn't keep up. When he passed by several boys, he accidentally bumped into their wooden board.

When the wind blew, the white cloth covered was lifted, and the person lying on the board rolled to the ground, face down.

"Hey, where did the blind thing come from?"

The boys cursed and rushed to lift the corpse on the ground, thinking that Yu Fu was in the way, and pushed him to the ground rudely.

Yu Fu fell to the ground and was about to get up when he suddenly saw them turn the corpse over, revealing his face. He only glanced at the corpse's face and then widened his eyes in horror. Shaking his head, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The corpse was clearly the bookboy.


He didn't know where the strength came from, and he rushed over, holding the wooden plank tightly, not letting them carry it away, holding the corpse's arm unwillingly, and raised his sleeve, seeing the scar on it, his heart was cold.

He couldn't deceive himself anymore, the person in front of him was Xiaotong.

The scar on his hand was caused by Shutong being naughty when he was young, distracted while decocting the medicine, and scalded by the overflowing hot water. He tried many methods but failed to remove the scar.

"No, no, boy, wake up, I'll take you home."

The tears that had dried up returned to his eyes again. He held the bookboy's hand and kept calling his name, but no matter how much he cried, the cold body would never regain its temperature.

The book boy's body was covered with bruises and bruises, on his arms and legs, everywhere he could see or not. Imagine how many inhuman tortures he suffered during his lifetime.

"Ah!" Yu Fu yelled unbearably.

"Where did this lunatic come from, pull him away!"

The boys turned pale with fright, and couldn't pull away the collapsed Yufu, fearing that he would yell and disturb other people in the house and attract the master's attention, so they covered his mouth with a handkerchief, alone He ran in and called a few helpers to come out, dragging him and separating him from the corpse.

He struggled desperately, until finally he lost his strength, and was bound hands and feet by the slaves, and brought him in front of the eldest son.

The eldest son is an ignorant dude, good at masculinity, the mansion has always kept several male favourites, relying on his power and power, he often does things like robbing men from the people. The local people hate him so much that even the mansion The other young masters also disliked him.

The book boy was brought to the mansion by his wife, and within a few days, he was bumped into by the eldest son. He was white and tender, and he was still childish. He was just the type that the eldest son liked, so he brought him to the courtyard on his own initiative. , chose to open one eye and close one eye.

The eldest son has many tricks to toss people. The book boy has never been bullied like this since he was a child, and he couldn't stand such an insult, so he bumped his head against the pillar and lost his breath.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my yard?" The eldest son embraced from left to right, and a naked beauty was sitting in his arms. Yufu asked in a deep voice.

Yu Fu raised his head, stared at him fiercely with red eyes, with a veil in his mouth, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

"What a beautiful woman." Seeing his face, the eldest son raised his eyebrows, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes. Looking at the celestial figure that could not be covered by coarse linen clothes, his heart itched unbearably. The man ordered, "What are you standing there for? Hurry up and untie her. If such a skinny and tender beauty gets hurt somewhere, wouldn't it be a great loss?"

The servants loosened the rope for Yu Fu, and the eldest son walked over and took off the veil from his mouth.

"Bah!" Yu Fu spat all over his face, gritted his teeth and cursed, "Beast!"

His heart was filled with monstrous anger, and he wanted to avenge the book boy. If he hadn't lost his strength, he would probably have scuffled with this person, fighting to the death.

The eldest son smiled instead of anger, licked his lips, clapped his hands, and said, "Such a strong temper? I like it. I have many ways to make you obedient."

He picked up Yufu and walked towards the room.

Yu Fu kept struggling in his arms, beating and scolding, to him it was just a kitten tickling, harmless.

Yu Fuqi's eyes turned red, and she bit his shoulder, the teeth marks were so deep that blood was seen immediately.

The eldest son was in pain, his brows frowned, his expression darkened, he kicked open the door, ignoring so many sympathetic eyes in the yard, threw him on the bed, and bullied him onto it.

Yu Fu panicked, and while hiding back, he kicked him, threw everything he could throw at him, and cursed, "Don't touch me, you bastard, you're going to die!"

Those words were the worst curses he could think of.

The eldest son is not a good-tempered person, and he was finally irritated by him. He picked up a whip from the ground, held it in his hand, shook it threateningly, and asked in a deep voice, "I'll ask again, you never ?”

Yu Fu looked down and found that the room was full of strange props, his face turned pale with fright, but he still said stubbornly, "You are dreaming! I wish I could cut you into pieces!"

The eldest son raised his eyebrows, walked to the bed, and asked meaningfully, "I heard from the people below, did you see that boy from yesterday? What, you know him? He looks pretty good, but it's a pity, he's a bony man." It's too weak, and he's out of breath before he's played much."

Yu Fu almost collapsed when he heard this, he yelled and rushed towards the person in front of him, grabbed his arm tightly, pinched his nails into his flesh, and bit down hard with all his strength. down.

The eldest son threw him away, swung the whip down towards him, and whipped it hard, Yufu screamed in pain, Fu bit his lips tightly again, not letting himself make a sound, in a low muffled voice Hmph was stuck between his throats.

He folded his arms, curled up into a small ball, covered his stomach with his whole body, and turned his back to the eldest son.

But the less he makes a sound, the more angry the Eldest Young Master will be, and the whip will fall on him, drawing out the bloodstains all over his body, beating his skin to pieces, making him covered in cold sweat from the pain, and tearing his clothes Cracked into a hole.

The dense whip fell on his body, and he almost lost consciousness. The eldest son stopped suddenly, and he panted hard, thinking that it was over, but who knows, the eldest son was still puzzled, thinking that he was like a piece of wood There was no response, so he pulled his hair, pulled him in front of him, and roughly tore off his clothes.

"Don't..." he yelled in a daze, and was forced to tilt his head back, tightly protecting his stomach, kept stepping back, crying and shaking his head, pushing his hands against the hard chest that kept approaching him.

At this time, he was really a little scared, afraid that he would hurt the child in his stomach.

Seeing the fearful expression on his face, the Eldest Young Master smiled contentedly, lowered his head, and whispered in his ear, "Have you figured it out? Do you want to give it to me?"

The eldest son turned him over, made him kneel on the bed, poked his buttocks with the handle of the whip, and threatened lightly, "If you are disobedient, you will suffer a lot, but, It’s so delicate and tender, it’s really painful to break it.”

His tone was light, his movements were frivolous, and his dirty hands touched him from top to bottom, making his stomach sour.

Yu Fu pursed his lips and remained silent, endured it, but still couldn't hold it back, pushed his hand away, covered his mouth and crawled to the bedside, retching non-stop,

He hadn't eaten all day and only spit out some water.

The Eldest Young Master's complexion changed. Seeing that he was so disgusted, he became angry and wanted to be tough on him no matter what. Since he was young, there was no one he couldn't get.

He pulled Yu Fu's leg and dragged him back.

Yu Fu panicked, kicked him non-stop, grabbed the air with both hands, accidentally knocked down the candlestick beside him, the candle fell to the Eldest Prince's feet, and the fire burned his clothes.

The flames jumped up suddenly, half of his clothes were on fire, and he was so frightened that he ran out jumping and jumping, slapping the fire on his body non-stop.

The flying flames ignited many things in the room, and in an instant, the room was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Yu Fu ran out of bed with the last bit of strength, and slammed the door shut, trapping the eldest son and him in the room, their faces illuminated by the fire.

The eldest son hurriedly took off his outer clothes, threw them on the ground and stomped on them a few times, staring sullenly at the man blocking the door, he lost his charming thoughts, and was furious, and grabbed him His face flushed, he couldn't breathe, and he said viciously, "If you want to die, I will help you."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Yu Fu's neck, threw him inside, and walked out, instead of asking someone to put out the fire, he ordered someone to lock the door instead.

Surrounded by raging fire, only one step away from death, Yufu suddenly became unafraid. He rubbed his stomach with a guilty expression on his face. It was just a pity that the child in his stomach hadn't been born yet, how could he have time to look outside? God, I will go with him.

He picked up the torn clothes on the ground and put them on with great effort. Even though the clothes were not enough to cover his body, it was better than nothing. Even if he died, he had to die decently, otherwise he would be jealous again if he met his senior brother under the Nine Springs.

He found a corner to lean against, the thick smoke made him cough continuously, and his consciousness became more and more blurred. When he closed his eyes, his senior brother's smiling face was all in front of him, and his senior brother whispered in his ear, "Yu Fu, live on, live well for our children."

In a trance, he had an illusion, heard the cry of the baby, and heard the child's milky voice calling him Daddy.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and a tall cabinet next to him was burned and fell to the ground. He hurriedly dodged to the side, but saw a passage behind the cabinet where the wall should have been.

He glanced at the fire around him, and ran into the passage decisively. Although it was dark inside, he couldn't see anything, and the future was unknown, but it was better than staying in the room and being burned alive.

He can't be so selfish and give up the hope of having a child.

This is the passage that the eldest son ordered someone to open in the room in order to do absurd things, but now he saved his life by accident.

He let out a sigh of relief and ran in without looking back. The passage was pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers. The passage was not long, and it ended soon. The arched door leading to the small courtyard outside, looked I saw the eldest son standing in the yard with a group of domestic slaves.

They watched helplessly that the fire in the house was getting bigger and bigger, and had a tendency to spread outwards, so they ordered people to fetch water to put out the fire, otherwise they would not be able to explain in front of the master.

Moreover, he still likes Yu Fu's face very much. He didn't eat it, and he always felt itchy. He only planned to teach him a lesson, but didn't really want to kill him.

Yufu covered his mouth and hid silently behind the tree, not daring to let out a breath, cold sweat poured out from his forehead, his clothes were ragged, a large piece of crimson skin was exposed in the air, and there were many scars on his body. The bloodstains from the whip were both painful and cold. The cold wind blew and made him shiver. He maintained a posture and stood numb at the door, not daring to move.

After the fire was extinguished, they didn't see anyone in the room, not even a corpse, so they wouldn't be so stupid as to think it was burnt to ashes, so they started searching for people all over the yard, and Yu Fu hid at the door tremblingly, with nowhere to escape.

Going on like this is not an option, he will be discovered sooner or later, it is better to give it a go, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

So, he took advantage of the fact that there were fewer people in the yard when everyone was looking around, so he sneaked out along the way he came.

But after all, he was outnumbered, there were so many pairs of eyes staring at him in the house, he was discovered when he ran to the door.

"Stop, don't run!"

The house slaves shouted at him, chased him with sticks, and sent someone to inform the eldest son.

He glanced back, his face was pale with fright, his whole body was trembling, and he instinctively quickened his pace. When he thought of the child in his belly, he got the strength he didn't know where to run, and ran much faster than usual, keeping those people far away. Far behind.

He couldn't go back to his small courtyard, and the person who could protect him was gone. He didn't know where to run for a while, and the more he thought about it, the sadder he became. Fuck these nasty guys.

The clothes on his body were thin, unable to resist the biting cold wind, his face was flushed red from the cold, he escaped in a hurry, the shoes and socks on his feet were missing, and he ran such a long distance barefoot, stepping on the broken stones on the ground A lot of scars were drawn on the soles of his feet, and every step he took was painful.

Gradually, his physical strength was exhausted, and he walked more and more slowly. The people behind him chased after him little by little, and forced him to the edge of the cliff.

It seems that this time there is no escape...

He looked at the dense group of people running towards him, and then turned his head to look at the bottomless cliff behind him. He had no choice. If he was caught by them, he would either die or be humiliated. It's better to die, to be clean and innocent.

He gritted his teeth, jumped and jumped off the cliff.

The people who caught up were stunned in place.

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