At night, Yu Fu had a nightmare, a man in white was chasing after him, holding a dagger in his hand, the blade was still dripping blood.

He ran desperately, but the man was still haunted. When he saw that he was about to be overtaken, he staggered and threw himself on the ground.

With a yell, he sat up in shock from the bed, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Master, are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?"

The book boy pushed the door open and came in, holding a basin of hot water, helped him sit up, looked at him worriedly, and handed him a clean handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

"It's okay, maybe I was too tired during the day and didn't sleep well." He shook his head and softly comforted the book boy, his face was pale and his smile was a bit forced.

Putting on his shoes, he took warm water and wet his face. When the wind blew, it was a little cold, which made him wake up a lot.

In the dream, it is hard to distinguish between true and false, every scene is very real, the scene of being chased and killed is vivid in his mind, he is clutching his chest, his heart is still beating fast, and he has not yet recovered from the horror of the nightmare.

That feeling was like being choked by someone, almost suffocated, all weak, hands and feet seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, unable to lift up, wanted to struggle, but couldn't do it, even calling for help was an extravagant hope, and I couldn't make a sound.

Strangely, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see the face of the man in white who was chasing him.

He looked at himself in the bronze mirror, and couldn't help being dazed.

The beauty is picturesque, the drops of water slide down the beautiful jaw line, sinking into the white clothes that are not stained with dust, which attracts people's imagination and outlines the curves that make people think.


Suddenly, his head tingled slightly, and some strange pictures flashed in his mind.

His white clothes were stained with blood, and he lay weakly on the ground. Many people around him looked at him and surrounded him, their eyes and expressions were full of sympathy and pity, and they talked a lot, but no one reached out to save him, and no one pleaded for him.

The next moment, the picture changed suddenly, and the onlookers became hideous, showing blue-faced fangs, pointing at him, opening and closing their mouths incessantly, as if a mountain was about to overwhelm him.


He pushed down the bronze mirror, and the blurry picture disappeared instantly, the breathless discussion disappeared, the person in the mirror was shattered, and the injured self and the onlookers also disappeared without a trace.

He suddenly felt a pain in his heart, clutched his chest, leaned over the desk, and gasped for breath.

How could this be?

Why did those images that he had never experienced before appear in his mind?


Before he could figure it out, the book boy suddenly ran in from outside in a panic, panting, and called him anxiously.

"What's the matter?" He walked over to give the book boy a hand, told him to sit down, and poured him another glass of water.

"Don't worry, talk slowly if you have something to say."

He said softly to the book boy, he calmed down quickly, shook his head, drove those strange people and things out of his mind, walked out of the hallucinations, and left everything behind.

He still looked a little pale.

The book boy took a big mouthful of tea, gasped heavily, pointed outside, his hands were shaking, and said to Yufu, "My lord, there are a lot of people coming outside, they all say they want to see you, go and see Let's see."

Yu Fu froze for a moment, pushed the door and went out, there were indeed many people surrounded outside the door.

"What's going on here?" He looked at the group of people outside in surprise, with a surprised expression.

Before Yinyue left, she set up a lot of traps outside the small courtyard, the purpose was to guard against the monster race, and it didn't work on mortals.

Of course, there are also some mechanisms that are actively triggered to prevent thieves and have a certain lethality, but these people, at first glance, are unarmed ordinary people, without bad intentions, it is naturally impossible for Yufu to keep people out.

He never discriminated against those who came to seek medical advice.

"The genius doctor has come out!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone's eyes fell on Yu Fu.

Many people approached him, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps, leaning against the gate.

These people suddenly knelt down in front of him.

"Everyone get up first."

He froze on the spot in bewilderment, came back to his senses, quickly helped the villagers up with the book boy, and persuaded him, "Get up first, you don't need to perform such a great gift, if you have anything to do, please speak slowly, I will help you if I can .”

The villagers are very excited.

Mo Che hid among the crowd and was still on the sidelines. He did not act rashly. If these people did something to hurt Yu Fu, he would not stand by and watch, even if he was condemned by heaven, he would not be afraid.

This matter is too strange.

The strange disease is spreading like a plague, there is no cure, and it is fierce. Many people have died. In addition, in this poor land, the imperial court does not care whether they live or die, and is even more afraid that they will harm the peace of the capital. They have issued a death order and are not allowed to leave their residences , otherwise, punish him.

This is tantamount to letting them wait to die.

The villagers couldn't sit still, and began to find ways to save their lives. It happened at this time, and the news that there was a miracle doctor on the mountain who could cure strange diseases spread like wildfire.

Mo Che pays special attention to every move of these people, for fear that they will be harmful to Yu Fu, in the face of desperation, human nature is gone, and people are forced to do anything.

These people, ranging from white-haired old people to infants in their infancy, are all emaciated and sallow, and they are chronically malnourished at first glance.

Like people who fell into the water, they grabbed the driftwood and held Yufu's hand tightly, their cries were deafening.

Yu Fu was pinched by them, his face turned pale.

"Mother-in-law, let go first. If you have anything to say, you can say it. Our son will definitely try his best to help you." The book boy quickly pulled their hands away, and Yu Fu's snow-white sleeves were crumpled and dirty from being scratched. Xi's fingerprints, opened the sleeves, and a few purple-red finger prints were pinched out on the white and slender arms.

Mo Che leaned forward a few steps calmly, standing beside Yu Fu, within reach, protecting him all the time.

He possessed a mortal body, with an ordinary identity and an ordinary face, Yu Fu could not recognize him, so the curse of the Heavenly Emperor would not be fulfilled.

If she won't recognize him, won't get close to him, won't fall in love with him, Yufu will be safe and sound, and her life will be safe.

After these few days, he also figured it out, nothing is more important than Yu Fu's life, and both losers in the fight against Heaven and Dao, except for making Yu Fu suffer from reincarnation and gaining no benefit at all, it's better to just do it like this, with another It's good to be by his side as a person and to see him happy.

"Grandma, sit down and rest for a while. If you need anything, talk slowly. Don't worry, I will definitely help you."

Yu Fu softly comforted the old woman in front of him, looked around, everyone looked melancholy, haggard, like a terminally ill person, so he asked softly, "Everyone came from afar, what is the matter?"

He didn't go down the mountain for several days, Yinyue told him not to leave the small courtyard, so he didn't know anything about what happened at the bottom of the mountain.

He asked the book boy to pour hot water for everyone to drink, and added some calming herbs to the tea, which were picked from the back mountains. Some very common herbs are also used to make tea on weekdays, which can calm the nerves, calm the mind, and cultivate the body.

This group of people is very anxious, and this is the most useful thing at the moment.

It's just that there were too many people present, and he used up a lot of his usual stock, leaving very little left.

In the cold weather, holding a cup of hot tea warmed people's hearts, and inexplicably soothed their anxious emotions, and calmed down a lot. The villagers who came here regarded him as a living Bodhisattva who rescued the suffering.

The little boy brought some bamboo stools out, but there were not so many stools in the small courtyard, and many people sat on the ground.

The ground is covered with snow-melted water, which is too humid. They are tired from running around and don't care so much, they just want to sit down and have a rest.

There was a mother who was holding a baby and wanted to breastfeed the baby. The baby was hungry and crying, and she couldn't move easily. Seeing this, Yu Fu asked the book boy to take her in and put her on the bed.

Men and women don't know each other, and it's inconvenient for people to come in and out of a place like a bedroom, no matter a man or a woman, but he is a doctor and doesn't care about such mundane details.

However, if Yinyue knew about it and refused to follow her again, she would definitely miss him for a long time.

Yinyue dislikes him eating and living with patients the most, but when he gets busy, he tends to forget, and he is preoccupied with how to cure the disease.

"Genius doctor, please save us."

A younger man took the initiative to stand up and told Yu Fu the reason. He spoke fairly quickly, his symptoms were slightly milder, and he still had the strength to speak. He explained the matter roughly in a few words.

After listening patiently, Yu Fu frowned, and said in a low voice, "Let me take a look at you."

The young man lifted up his clothes, the skin under the clothes was abnormally red and swollen, layer by layer, as if the flesh had been separated.

A black cloth was wrapped around his waist, and there were vague traces of soaking in blood or water, and he slowly removed the black cloth with a dignified expression, as if he was enduring pain.


The horror under the black cloth was shocking.

The people around took a breath, turned their eyes away one after another, and showed expressions of resentment.

The skin around his waist was not intact, as if it had been eaten by ants. There were pits, large and small, flowing with light yellow pus. The original flesh fell off and was held up by the skin on the surface. , the newly grown tender meat is infected and rotted, so this place is getting more and more rotten.

According to him, people who contract this disease don't affect their daily life at first, they just feel itchy, which can be tolerated after scratching.

However, the terrible thing about this disease is that once there is a wound on the body, even a small scratch, the condition will deteriorate very quickly.

Among them, most of their ancestors have been farmers with their faces facing the loess and their backs facing the sky. They often have to work in the fields, knocking and bumping, and it is common to have wounds on their bodies, and their nightmares follow.

The wound will fester at a speed visible to the naked eye and spread to the surroundings. The skin around the wound will be completely necrotic in just a few days, fester and fester, and the pain is unbearable. No matter what method is used, it will not heal.

The man said that these wounds on his body were scratched with his hands when the itching was unbearable, and the wound was accidentally scratched, and it took half a day to become like this.

Wrapping the wound with a cloth is a last resort. He knows that covering it like this is not conducive to the healing of the wound, but if it is not wrapped, the wound will continue to ooze water and pus, and it is so itchy that people can't help but scratch it with their hands.

Seeing his wound, the book boy exclaimed, his eyes widened, he covered his mouth in surprise, and pulled Yufu's sleeve with one hand in fear.


He has practiced medicine with Yu Fu for so many years, and he has never seen such a horrible disease. The wound is seriously festered, and it looks disgusting, which makes him feel a little nauseous.

He quickly ran away, took the teapot, and took two big sips of water to calm down, but he didn't dare to look at the wound more.

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