In addition to the noble children, Wen Lin also wanted to choose a few poor children for Latimer to serve as attendants.

The indifference and arrogance of the nobles towards the poor has been engraved in their bones, and in Latimer's spiritual soil to be sown, if a seed belonging to the bottom class is buried, it may one day grow into a luxuriant big tree.

Wen Lin was very impressed by the skinny boy who questioned her in the slums of Fontins that day, and she ordered someone to find the boy.

Wen Lin asked, "What's your name?"

"Your Excellency, my name is Hader." The young man's dirty face was inlaid with a pair of pure and clean eyes, and his thin body stood upright under Wen Lin's gaze, without showing any timidity.

"Can you read?" Wen Lin continued to ask.

"My mother taught me, but I don't know much about it."

Born in the slums of Fangtings, it is very rare to be able to read and write. A short smile flashed across Wen Lin's face,

"Would you like to be Xiaodi's attendant?" Wen Lin didn't reveal Latimer's identity. When he was in Yinhe Village, he got along with everyone as Wen Lin's student. After that, Wen Lin didn't intend to reveal it The identity of the Latimer royal family.

Only the closer you get to the people at the bottom, the deeper the shock and reflection will be brought to Latimer.

Blinking his eyes, Latimer understood Wen Lin's intention half-knowingly, and turned his head to look at Hader at the foot of the stone steps.

"Had, if you don't mind, you can also call me Xiaoti," Latimer's voice was soft and soft, which sounded very cute.

Hader swallowed nervously. Whether it was Bishop Wen Lin or the little boy she was leading, their attitudes were unbelievably gentle. They were not strong orders, but gentle inquiries, which flattered him, and made him feel alive. Not the slightest bit of malice.

After standing still for a moment, Hader mustered up the courage to ask, "Your Excellency, Xiaotie, I am willing, but can you take a few more people away?"

Without waiting for Wen Lin to answer, Hader said anxiously, "It's the three orphans who wandered with me in the Fontanes slum before,"

Raising her eyebrows, a playful smile appeared in Wen Lin's eyes, "If you don't take them with you, are you still willing to go?"

The young man in front of him clenched his fists. Seeing the indifferent expression on Wen Lin's face, his heart sank slowly. After struggling for a long time, Hader gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want to,"

There was an unrecognizable chuckle in his ear, and when Harder meant that Wen Lin would take Latimer away, he saw Wen Lin looking at Xiao Di and saying,

"Xiaoti, whether to keep them or not is up to you to decide,"

After finishing speaking, Wen Lin turned around unhurriedly and walked towards the door.

Latimer looked at the back of Wen Lin leaving for a while, and stared at the slightly nervous Harder for a while. He looked at the ground and pondered for a while before saying,

"You call the others over,"

There was no clear promise, but this was enough to make Hader excited. He ran away in a hurry, and shouted loudly while running, "I'm going to find them now, please wait a while,"

The other three were obviously not as bold as Hader, and they kept their heads down when they walked over, looking very timid.

Latimer surveyed them from head to toe with appraising eyes, and then said softly, "Let's go then,"

The surprise came too suddenly, and the people who were originally anxious raised their heads in an instant, stumbling and saying thank you.

Latimer nodded calmly, and led them to the front, showing a bit of Wen Lin's usual demeanor and posture.

Seeing a few people behind Latimer who came out, Wen Lin smiled unsurprisingly.

Latimer and Wen Lin rode together, and the others were arranged into the carriage and rushed to Yinhe Village together.

The clouds in the sky were receding, and it seemed that it was going to rain. Wen Lin speeded up, and the group arrived at the entrance of Yinhe Village before the sky darkened.

Wen Lin hadn't been to Yinhe Village for a while, and the rudimentary stone houses and roads were in good order. Looking at it, it felt like a resort.

The village is still busy and bustling, and the aroma of food can still be vaguely smelled.

This time, Brown didn't show up immediately, and Wen Lin walked into the village with a few children.

The busy villagers quickly recognized Wen Lin and Latimer, hurriedly wiped their hands off, surrounded them, and said excitedly,

"Lord Lord, His Excellency Brown is overseeing the construction of a livestock shed, and someone has already sent someone to call him,"

Wen Lin nodded with a smile, and asked about the overall construction progress. From the outside, the tarpaulin shed temporarily used to shelter from the wind and rain had been demolished, and it was estimated that the residential area should have been built.

Immediately, a mason in the crowd greeted him loudly, "My lord, the main houses have been built. On your plan, there are only some public facilities and specific village beautifications that have not been completed,"

The speed was unexpectedly fast, Wen Lin couldn't hide a satisfied smile, and asked them if they had any other needs.

Unexpectedly, everyone shook their heads one after another, and the eyes looking at Wen Lin were full of gratitude.

"My lord, we are already very satisfied. Not only do we have a spacious stone house, delicious food, free mills, ovens...and no need to pay complicated taxes, the life here is just like heaven,"

"We shouldn't ask you for anything more greedily,"

Everyone thought to themselves, even the lord has thought of things like medical clinics, schools, and defense facilities that no one dared to think about, so what else can they be dissatisfied with.

The Hader four who followed Wen Lin widened their eyes, looking at the clean and beautiful houses in the village in amazement and ignorance, and listening to the villagers' compliments to His Excellency the Bishop.

Do the nobles in the villagers' mouths really exist?

Latimer silently observed Wen Lin's attitude and behavior when talking with the villagers. She was neither overly enthusiastic nor indifferent. The villagers would not get too close to her, and always kept a distance of about an inch. Warm but respectful.

Brown came very quickly. As soon as he came, the villagers automatically dispersed to both sides to disperse them. Only then did Brown come forward, looking radiant.

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, do you have any other orders today?"

Wen Lin pointed to the children behind her, and mentioned the opening of the school. Before the official start of construction in Yinhe Village, Wen Lin explained the functions of each district to Brown in detail.

With the longer and longer time involved in the construction, Brown is looking forward to the official completion of Inn River Village.

Although the financial resources and manpower invested in the early stage were huge, Brown had never felt the enthusiasm and initiative of seeing the villagers working in the village during this period.

No matter what to do, as long as Brown gives an order, someone will respond immediately, and he will work hard from beginning to end.

The people working for the lord have always been reluctant to muddle through. Brown suddenly understood the intention of His Excellency Wen Lin's seemingly disadvantageous clauses.

A truly loyal citizen is worth several hypocritical supporters.

What Your Excellency Wen Lin wants is their true loyalty.

Hearing Wen Lin mention the school, Brown hurriedly talked about the situation of the school. As long as some tables, chairs, beds, etc. are added, the children can live in and study.

At present, everything in Yinhe Village is developing smoothly on the right track. Wen Lin looked at Brown with emotion. It is precisely because of Brown's full assistance that the current progress can be achieved.

"Mr. Brown, I don't know how to thank you,"

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, I should do everything," Brown said with emotion. Everything he did now gave him an indescribable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

There would definitely not be another butler as knowledgeable as him in Wangcheng, and Brown couldn't restrain his pride.

Of course, all these changes are due to Your Excellency Wen Lin.

After handing over the children to Brown, Wen Lin asked some experienced farmers to go with her to the uncultivated territory near the village.

There are many types of soil, and different soils have different uses. Some soils are suitable for planting grains, some are suitable for planting fruit trees, and some are suitable for grazing.

Only by adapting measures to local conditions can we develop agriculture well.

Before the few people left the village, it started to rain heavily. Wen Lin took a straw hat and rode her horse towards the cultivated land by the river bank first.

During this period of time, there are more rainy days and less sunny days, and the amount of water in the river is also large.

After getting off the horse, Wen Lin walked towards the river bank first. There was still a long distance between the river bank and the water under the grass had already overflowed Wen Lin's ankles.

While several farmers watched suspiciously, Wen Lin took a small hoe and dug a few times, put the excavated soil into a prepared container, and planted a small flag for marking on the spot.

After finding several points in a row, Wen Lin repeated the act of digging the soil to make marks.

The lord in the rain looked very embarrassed, which made the few farmers who came with him feel very panic. They took the initiative to say, "My lord, let us help you,"

Although I don't know what Wen Lin is doing, it seems that it is not difficult.

Hearing the sound, Wen Lin turned her head, smiled, and didn't say until she finished taking the last soil sample,

"I would like to ask you some farming matters, such as how to deal with the drainage problem of the swamp, how to solve the irrigation problem on the highlands, and the related methods of weeding, pest control and fertilization..."

These questions are really not like a nobleman can ask, but rather like an old craftsman testing his apprentice.

The farmers couldn't help being nervous, and their answers were confusing and lacked a logical system.

Wen Lin smiled the whole time, listened patiently, and carefully wrote down the methods they said, thanked her and rushed back to Wangcheng non-stop.

Wen Lin went back to the mansion to take a shower and change clothes before rushing to the palace.

It's not completely night yet, but because of the rain, the blowing wind is full of strong and damp air.

What was different from usual was that as soon as Wen Lin walked through the palace gate tonight, she noticed an obviously strange atmosphere.

Large flaming roses are clustered on both sides of the gravel road. The gorse flag representing the royal family of Golan and the goshawk flag representing the royal family of Sistine are alternately inserted in various parts of the castle. All the torches are lit, reflecting the castle. It's like daytime.

It is not the season for roses to bloom, and they are only cultivated in the greenhouses of the royal family.

Faintly, the music played by the orchestra could be faintly heard from the direction of the White House.

Wen Lin walked towards the White House hall without saying a word. From a distance, Wen Lin saw the bustling scene in the White House hall.

Visia was holding a luxurious white feather fan in her hand, and a very handsome and noble man was sitting beside her. Wen Lin keenly heard someone calling him Prince Philip.

Did the Sistine Mission come early?There was no movement this morning.

The two sitting at the top seemed to be talking intimately. Prince Philip always leaned close to Vicia and helped her fill a glass of wine, full of ambiguity and intimacy.

Weisia did not refuse his overtures, she took a sip from her wine glass, her gentle smile was full of seductive charm.

The flushed Prince Philip looked as if he had completely bowed down under the queen's skirt.

Wen Lin stopped in her tracks and looked at the scene in the hall without blinking. When Vicia's gaze swept over her, she quickly disappeared into the shadow behind the colonnade.

The nails dug deep into the palm, and Wen Lin felt a big stone was blocked in her chest, and even her breathing was achy and painful for a while.

But whether as a subject or as a lover, Wen Lin found sadly that she had no position to stop all of this.

Visia is not only her lover, but also the monarch of Golan.

The current situation of Golan forced Visia to exchange her marriage for a false alliance with Sistine, and she would definitely feel better than herself.

Wen Lin was thinking in a daze, and suddenly thought of whether Visia would choose to back down in the relationship between the two for the benefit of Golan.

Immediately, Wen Lin felt a sharp pain in her heart, as if being pricked by a needle, and even her body flinched in pain.

The author has something to say: ah, ah, after posting today's chapter, I will be able to get the first full attendance since I wrote the article, thank you for being with me all the way!

The old rules, comments send red envelopes, thank you~

And Prince Philip will not be a big point of abuse, at most it can be regarded as a booster for feelings~ Little abuse and sweetness

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