The venue of the banquet was set at Wen Lin's manor.

There are 130 ministers and parliament members who will be invited, plus the wives and ladies who will attend together, there will be about 400 people.

This manor was once the property of the royal family. It has a large area, and the spacious front hall can accommodate them without any problem.

The headache is the layout of the venue, Wen Lin wants to take this opportunity to do a promotion.

Not just clothes and soap, but boats, farm implements, new cakes, new flavors of milk, and so on.

Wen Lin plans to open three stores first, one selling ready-to-wear, one selling farm tools and taking orders for boats, and the other selling bread, pastries and milk at cost prices.

On the day of the banquet, the entire street of Tuva Road was occupied by the carriages of ministers and nobles.

When they walked into Wen Lin's mansion, they were even more surprised.

"Oh my God, have you ever seen a banquet like this?"

"It's weird, but it's undeniably interesting to watch," he said.


Beautiful colorful tents were erected in the garden in front of the front hall. The flags representing various families were fluttering in the wind on both sides of the path. A huge model ship was placed in the center of the garden, looking towards the wide grass on the side of the manor. Go, there are all kinds of strange-shaped farm tools on it.

Unheard, unseen.

Everyone: This is completely different from what I imagined.

Walking along the way, everyone stopped from time to time to see what was placed in the tents on both sides of the road.

The transparent soap engraved with the crests of different families also has a refreshing flower fragrance, which is more exquisite than the transparent soap received before, just like pieces of expensive handicrafts.

A servant explained to the side, "Gentlemen, this is called soap. It not only has a better cleaning effect, but also leaves a fragrance on your body,"

Speaking of which, the servant took out a piece of demonstration, and signaled that they could also come forward and try.

The white and dense foam and the pleasant fragrance that gradually spread out further aroused everyone's curiosity.

Not just soap, but many other novelties.

For example, a variety of delicious food, mellow fruit wine, exquisite ship models, and many new long dresses and matching accessories that are enough to dazzle the noble ladies and wives.

As soon as they entered the manor, Bessie and Namaner handed out a small card to everyone. On the card was a hand-painted map of the manor, marking what was in each area, and explaining that everyone was free to move around , Looking around, His Excellency Wen Lin will always be waiting for them in the front hall.

At first everyone felt strange, but as soon as they walked into the garden, they instantly understood Wen Lin's intentions.

A good banquet was turned into a product exhibition by Wen Lin, but no one thought it was wrong, on the contrary, it turned around with great interest.

Clothing is the highlight of this banquet. Apart from the new long skirts, there are also various new styles of hats, cloaks, gloves, veils, brooches and other accessories. Especially in the castle, there is a separate one that only women can enter. Area, inside you can try new styles of close-fitting underwear.Clothes and underwear.pants.

Except for the food, everything else is clearly marked with a price, which is several times the price compared to the usual similar items.

The ladies were busy looking at the clothes, while the gentlemen were distracted by model ships and farm implements.

There is a wooden sign hanging on the model, and the wooden sign has an explanation, "Three-masted sailing ship, the speed is faster, and the load capacity is twice as high as that of a cargo ship of the same size."

The farm tools were held by the servants to show how to use them, explaining that this would make farming more efficient and double the yield of crops.

These two points have undoubtedly penetrated into the hearts of the nobles. Most of their sources of income depend on the harvest of the land in the territory. If they can really increase production, it will be golden money!

There are also ships. It is now popular among the nobles to sponsor navigators to go out to explore the sea, and the rare goods they bring back can be sold at a high price in their home countries.

These are all ways to make profits that the nobles flock to.

In the resplendent and resplendent front hall, Wen Lin was sitting at the top with a smile, and there was a contract waiting to be signed on every seat beside the table.

Already two or three noble gentlemen walked in, bowed their heads to Wen Lin, Wen Lin returned the gift gracefully, and motioned them to look at the contract on the table.

"Gentlemen, all the items here can be sold at half the price today, and when my store officially opens, it will only be sold at the listed price,"

The deed on the table is very detailed, and each item has different detailed regulations.

For example, for soap, the deed states that each mansion can reserve a year's supply at half price in advance, and the goods will be delivered once a month.

Another example is a new style of long skirt, each person can only buy one at half price.

Another example is whether the nobles are most concerned about whether the agricultural tools can really achieve the effect of increasing production. The contract explains in detail that there will be special personnel to teach the farmers how to use them, and teach different farming methods according to different soil conditions. Send after-sales service.

The nobles were caught in all kinds of entanglements. They didn't want to try something completely unfamiliar, but they were afraid that they would really miss the opportunity to increase production.

Originally, he wanted to find out about Wen Lin's reality, but Wen Lin was completely confused when he came in. The rhythm of the nobles was following Wen Lin's expectations.

Gradually, some nobles who wanted to befriend Wen Lin began to sign contracts. As more and more people signed the contracts, those who came in later naturally began to line up to sign the contracts.

Each deed will carefully write which nobleman, what was pre-ordered, how much deposit was paid, and when the final payment will be paid.

Items that can be taken away on the same day, such as soap and long dresses, are paid for in one lump sum on the same day.

The servants trained in advance methodically and assisted Wen

Lin signed a contract with the nobles.

After a while, there was already a high pile of signed contracts in Wen Lin's hand.

After predicting the output in the following two months, Wen Lin stopped the signing of the contract in time after the order volume reached the expected output, and told those who did not come and those who signed the contract that they could wait for the store to open, or wait to participate in the next banquet.

However, Wen Lin didn't say the exact time of the next banquet.

"Gentlemen, have fun, and there will be small gifts later,"

Bessie and Namanel took the thick contract and followed Wen Lin upstairs.

The next step is to record all the goods and the order quantity of the goods by category. These things are done by the servants. Wen Lin went upstairs to see what the noble ladies and ladies think about the new style.Clothes and underwear.How acceptable are the pants.

She was a little worried, whether it was too avant-garde.

As soon as she walked up to the third floor, she saw a maid walking towards her, "Your Excellency Wen Lin, Miss Anne would like to invite you over, she doesn't know how to use new styles of corsets,"

Wen Lin paused, belatedly thinking that she should make a few models in advance as examples.

Namaner explained in a low voice behind Wen Lin, "Miss Anne is the daughter of the Justice of the Star Court, and she comes from the Burke family with a long history and rich heritage,"

Frowning secretly, Wen Lin asked, "Aren't there any maids in the castle to serve?"

Before the banquet started, Wen Lin trained the castle's servants in advance, and each area had a dedicated person to serve them.

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, it seems that there is not enough manpower. A noble like Miss Anne usually arranges a separate room for her to try on clothes," Namaner explained softly at the side.

Nodding, Wen Lin calmly let the maid lead the way, thinking that she was going to check on the situation, so she could just ask them how they felt about their clothes.

Annie was assigned a fitting room alone, and Wen Lin walked in with the maid, her sight blocked by a curtain.

Voices could be faintly heard inside.

The maid who brought Wen Lin came forward and told in a low voice, "Miss, Your Excellency Wen Lin is here."

"A maid came to help just now. I can only trouble Your Excellency Wen Lin to wait for a while," Annie's voice couldn't hide her excitement. She had noticed Wen Lin as early as at the royal banquet, and she had been suffering from no chance to make friends. Annie I want to take this opportunity to get to know Wen Lin better.

After hearing various versions of stories about Wen Lin, Annie's expectations for Wen Lin became even higher. The charm of a woman who is far better than men is often irresistible

Wen Lin nodded slightly, walked to the side by the window, and waited for Annie to get dressed.

In the front hall at this time, Visia walked in at some point. She was wearing a large cloak to cover her face, and no one recognized her along the way.

Following the guidance of the maid, Visia came to Annie's fitting room.

The door was not closed tightly, it was slightly ajar, and opened at the touch of a touch.

At this moment, Annie came out wearing only a new style of bra on her upper body, half of which was white and soft, dazzling white under the light, delicate and round shoulders and neck, and slender waistline, all of which had a charming style.

She looked at Wen Lin with a smile, "Your Excellency Wen Lin, take a look, is it dressed like this?"

Anne is recognized by the capital as some of the most beautiful noble ladies, with long fluffy hair and a soft expression like a deer, anyone who looks at it will not be able to help but feel soft-hearted.

Wen Lin was startled, she didn't expect that Annie would come out wearing a corset, and just about to turn her head, she saw the door opened, Visia was standing at the door looking at her and Wen Lin.

Her expression seemed a little stunned, momentary, and full of self-deprecating meaning.

Annie obviously recognized Visia, she put on her cloak in a panic, leaned over and said, "Your Majesty Visia,"

There was a bit of coldness in her eyes, Visia glanced at Annie who was bowing her head, and didn't let her get up, but stared at Wen Lin's slightly dazed expression, and said in a low voice,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, did I disturb you?"

Wen Lin reacted for a while, and felt that something was wrong with the current scene. She quickly waved her hands, then shook her head, "Your Majesty, it's not what you see,"

Wanting to explain, Wen Lin suddenly became clumsy. She opened her lips, but Fu Er closed them again.

After holding back for a long time, I had to order the maid to serve Miss Anne to put on the clothes first.

Seeing that Wen Lin cared about Anne first, the light in Visia's eyes dimmed, and she said coldly, "Your Excellency, I'll go back to the royal court first."

Visia turned around and walked away, her steps were fast and hurried, and she was about to disappear at the stairs in a blink of an eye.

Anxious in her heart, Wen Lin didn't care so much, and ran after her.

Unexpectedly, nobles came up to chat with them from time to time along the way, Wen Lin helplessly sent them away, and rushed to the door, Vicia's carriage had long since disappeared.

The author has something to say: Wei: Break through on the spot!angry!

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