The northern edge of Wen Lin's territory is adjacent to a swamp.

According to Wen Lin's order a few days ago, Brown ordered someone to build a temporary cabin in the dense forest on the edge of the swamp.

Looking from the outside, there is no trace at all, and it is extremely hidden.

Wen Lin tied the horse outside the house, stooped and walked in.

There was a brazier in the middle of the room, and various tools and materials prepared according to Wen Lin's requirements were piled up in the corner.

Roughly according to the ratio of one sulfur, two nitrates and three charcoal, Wen Lin divided them into unequal fires.The medicine package was tightly sealed into a square shape.

The next step is to start the fire.

Wen Lin fried the smallest portion first.The medicine bag was thrown into the swamp vigorously, and a burst of fire and white mist rose in the distance, and then there was no movement.

He threw a few more one after another, but none of them exploded except for the larger flames and white mist.

Wen Lin poured out the saltpeter and sulfur and twisted them to look carefully. There were many impurities and the particles were not fine enough.

Sulfur can be purified by evaporation, but saltpeter cannot be purified. Wen Lin patiently grinds the particles into a finer powder, according to the previous fire with the largest fire.Pack proportions, made for an extra large fire.medicine pack.

Light it up and throw it out, a small wisp of white smoke slowly floats up, other than that, there is no other movement.

Wen Lin was puzzled, she stepped lightly, Wen Lin stepped on the dead branch and landed on the fire.Next to the medicine bag, I want to pick it up and try to adjust the ratio.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud noise suddenly.

Wen Lin was immediately thrown back by the air wave for a long distance.

Fortunately, the fire.There were no fragments, no granulation or compression in the medicine bag, and Wen Lin retreated in a timely manner, except for a burst of tinnitus, no other injuries were caused.

Wen Lin concentrated on watching. After the white mist dissipated, a pothole about three meters wide and one meter deep appeared in the swamp.

Limited by the lack of purity, the power is still too small.

The spire on the top of the church is thin and long, and Wen Lin is thinking about making a bigger fire at that time.The ammunition package, the sound of blowing up the spire is used to bluff people, it should still be enough.

It's time to talk to Pete about the lightning rod, she is the best blacksmith Wen Lin has ever seen, even if it is a precise twelve-shot repeating crossbow, Pete can make it.

There are smoothbore guns now, but they are still in their infancy, and often after firing a round of ammunition, you have to stop to change the ammunition.

Most of them are still regarded as a status symbol by nobles, and guns are still more useful in actual combat.

Thinking like this, Wen Lin returned to Yinhe Village.

After the preliminary settlement of the gunpowder issue, Wen Lin immediately began to think about going to sea.

The situation at sea is complicated and changeable. According to Vicia, there will be at least twenty ships from the Holy See visiting Golan this time.

Vicia's original intention was to let Wen Lin avoid them.

However, pirates have always been good at winning many with fewer, and if they are at a disadvantage in numbers, they have to rely on careful planning and surprise attacks to make up for it, and Wen Lin is good at this.

Calling Erbo and his party over, Wen Lin led them to the Liberty, discussing the next action plan with them as they walked.

That piece of sea full of reefs is called "the wreck,"

As the name suggests, no matter if it is a merchant ship, a warship, or a pirate ship, if it strays or is forced to enter this sea area, there is a great chance that it will hit the rocks and sink to the bottom, and there are broken ship wrecks floating in this sea area all year round. .

Many fleets kept it at arm's length, but for Wen Lin, it was an excellent escape.

With Liberty's second-to-none speed, Wen Lin escaped from the siege of the Sistine Navy fleet many times.

For a while, other pirates followed suit, but they were not as lucky as Wen Lin. Only a few of them were able to successfully sail out of this sea area.

Hearing that he was able to go to sea again, Pete was particularly excited. He waved his crutches, "Oh, guys, we are going to start fighting at sea again,"

Someone laughed at him, "Peter, you never stepped on the diving board, the guy who hides in the dark and shoots the gun,"

Pirates have an ancient tradition. They often throw spears and launch rockets when fighting. When the two ships touch each other, they set up a springboard on the bow of the ship, and then use swords and battle axes to make close quarters. 【1】

Wenlin never followed their rules, preferring to use crossbows and small rowboats.

Often when the others were concentrating on fighting, Wen Lin had already sneaked into their ship and captured their captain.

The so-called capture the thief first, capture the king first, with the least effort in exchange for the greatest benefit.

Liberty's reputation at sea is very bad, sinister, cunning, rampant and vicious.

But when pirates talk about it, they often hate and fear it at the same time.

After all, a pirate ship that can play around with multinational fleets also angered them to a certain extent.

Everyone on the Liberty has cultivated a perfect understanding in the battle.

With just one mention from Wen Lin, they could understand Wen Lin's intentions.

After discussing quickly, Wen Lin made a preliminary plan.

In the end, Wen Lin said that Eggers and the one hundred royal court knights who were selected would go with them.

"Captain Wen Lin, are you sure they won't hold us back?"

After all, when they were at sea, they had learned that Golan's navy was weak. Not only were the ships heavy and heavy, but the navy on board was even worse. Whenever they encountered bad weather, they all huddled in the port and did not dare to go to sea.

With a helpless smile, Wen Lin joked, "We're on the same boat, are you scared?"

"Of course not," a voice retorted immediately.

After a faint smile, Wen Lin said seriously, "Gentlemen, they are also my subordinates, and you will fight shoulder to shoulder at sea together. You have to trust me, and you must also trust them,"

The ridicule was ridicule, and when it came to business, everyone nodded.

For two days in a row, Eggers took the Royal Knights to train under the cliff alone, until the last night, everyone gathered on the Liberty.

Taking advantage of the night, the Liberty quietly sailed out of the Thame River and into the Strait of Dover.

Everyone changed into loose dark clothes according to Wen Lin's request, and weapons without any markings. A few torches were hung by the railing. At first glance, they looked like black heads.

After confirming to stay away from the coast, several altitudes instantly lit up.

Standing on the wine barrel at the bow, Wen Lin said loudly, "Soldiers, you will have a hearty battle tomorrow, the rum is ready, and you will stay up all night tonight,"

It is rare to see Wen Linru's excited emotional state, and Eggers, who still doesn't know the situation, asked and answered Wen Linru.

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, what are we going to do when we go to sea?"

"Robbery, no, it should be said to be a friendly exchange with other ships,"

"with who,"

"Certainly the wealthiest vessel that pays tribute to the Holy See,"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, only to feel that they had boarded a thief ship.

Everyone knows that Sistine's navy is the most powerful. They often send fleets to protect the tribute ships. Ordinary pirates will only stay away from them when they see them.

Eggers could no longer maintain his cold expression, and said sadly, "Your Excellency, we are regular Golan royal cavalry,"

Smiling indifferently, Wen Lin said calmly, "What about the cavalry, victory must belong to us,"

Everyone: "..."

Wen Lin didn't care about the resentful eyes from everyone, and began to talk about the battle arrangement in detail.

Gradually, the discussion became quieter, except for the sound of the turbulent waves, only Wen Lin's calm voice remained.

Standing in the crowd, the meager light seemed to cover her body, making it impossible to move one's eyes away.

Knights who can enter the Royal Knights have in-depth research on military tactics.

Following Wen Lin's description, they faintly became excited.

Why would someone come up with such an insidious and shameless play?

While saying something shameless, they also secretly marveled. According to Wen Lin's arrangement, there were several key points that required her to risk herself.

It should be His Excellency the Guard Officer sitting at the back, but he wants to rush to the forefront of the battle.

The mood of the knights became very delicate when they faced Wen Lin again.

She is like a fog, there are no rules that can restrain her, and she will never be able to tell which one is the real her.

But always exudes an involuntarily convincing charm at the most critical moment.

Even Eggers had to admit that if it was someone else, even himself, he wouldn't be able to convince them so easily.

A gentle and deep gaze hidden in the crowd, she looked at Wen Lin from a distance, with a smile in her eyes.

This kind of Wen Lin is like the wind on the sea, free and unrestrained, shining with dazzling brilliance.

Viscia's eyes were too focused, Wen Lin looked in Viscia's direction precisely after arranging the follow-up matters.

The eyes of the two met unexpectedly in the trembling firelight.

Weisia's smile became bright in an instant, but Wen Lin was taken aback.

She pretended to walk to Visia's side inadvertently, and quickly pulled her into the cabin.

Putting her hands on both sides of Visia's body, covering her completely in her arms, Wen Lin looked down at Visia with a serious face, "Your Majesty, does Eggs know why you came on board?"

"He doesn't know," Visia followed Wen Lin's movements and stuck her fingers into Wen Lin's hair, "Your Excellency, I have an obligation to get to know you better, especially your outstanding talent when commanding naval battles ,"

Weisia's words meant something, and the warm breath rushed over Wen Lin's cheeks, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

Frowning, Wen Lin glanced at the noisy scene outside the cabin, and pulled Weisia into her bedroom without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, you always act willfully and recklessly," Wen Lin let go, and lit the stove for heating.

Then she sat in the seat farthest from Visia a little irritably.

Taking a sip of the rum on the table, Visia concealed the strong sense of narrowness in her eyes. It was the first time she was accused of being willful and reckless, but she seemed to feel very good. She took the initiative to say,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, I know you will win, so I am not putting myself in danger, let alone acting recklessly,"

Wen Lin frowned and looked at Visia, she was silent for a long time, a little discouraged and said,

"Your Majesty, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Miss you,"

There was a melodious singing just outside the cabin, it was Erbo and the others who were teaching the knights to sing pirate songs.

This was completely different from the majestic and cold Visia in her impression, and Wen Lin didn't know how to fight at all.

Paying attention to the changing emotions on Wen Lin's face, Visia smiled and said suddenly,

"Your Excellency, sing to me, a song that belongs to free, unyielding, ambitious and passionate pirates,"

The author has something to say: Wei: Yes, simply because I miss you

I’m a literary student, and the hair on my head really can’t be kept. The plot about gunpowder should be entertaining to watch. I’ve tried my best to check the information. I’m serious about those professional chemical equations. watch!At once!Outrageous!

At the same time, I recommend a friend's sex article "After Being Abandoned in Chaos" by Uncle Nine Emperors. This Gugu daily six is ​​the foundation, and daily ten thousand is the norm. Chasing her essay, I remember her highest record is Riwan has been here for two months or three months, and I never worry about running out of food~

In fact, I don’t know how to define a crematorium. The two had a misunderstanding on the premise of loving each other. One left with a broken heart, and the other went to chase her back. Is this a crematorium?It is still necessary to have the feeling of being scumbags and scumbags in the early stage, one party loves deeply, and then loves

Instead, lick the dog in a humble way, and finally leave with a dead heart. After leaving, the other party finds that he loves the other party deeply, and then chases him back. The latter is called a crematorium?

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