If the stitches are removed too early or too late, the stitches may affect the healing of the incision.

Based on Visia's wound recovery, Wen Lin took a week longer to remove the stitches.

On the porcelain-white skin are distorted black-purple blood scabs, which form a strong visual impact with the surrounding intact and delicate skin, making it look particularly terrifying.

Seeing Wen Lin's gradually frowning eyebrows, Visia smiled indifferently,

"Wen Lin, I'm still alive, this is already the rarest result,"

Vicia is called Wen Lin in Chinese.

With a move in her heart, Wen Lin pulled the corners of her mouth, as if she had never shown any displeasure, she looked at Visia and said, "I'm going to prepare some ointment for light scars these days,"

After clarifying and talking, Wen Lin and Vicia got along more comfortably and harmoniously when there was only each other.

Generally speaking, wounds on the chest are more prone to hyperplasia, so Wen Lin paid great attention to cleaning and disinfecting Visia's wounds to prevent hyperplasia caused by repeated infections.

In the past seven days, Visia strictly followed Wen Lin's request to recuperate, and the recovery of the wound improved visibly with the naked eye.

The oppressive atmosphere in the White House has also become lighter due to the Queen's gradual improvement. Even Mrs. Yaz, who has always been serious and rigid, occasionally shows a rare smile.

After having breakfast together, Wen Lin sent Visia to the council hall as usual. The maids were no strangers to it. When the sun was setting, Wen Lin would show up on time again, without letting anyone know, just quietly outside the hall. wait.

The first time Wen Lin waited until late at night, the night wind blew her hands and cheeks cold. Since that night, Visia would always come out before sunset.

The two of them will go to dinner together again, and on the way here or there, Wen Lin and Vicia will slowly talk about everything about China, from customs and customs to scientific theories, in simple terms.

After the shock of the first few days, Visia gradually became calm, and when she encountered a topic of particular interest, she would ask Wen Lin more deeply.

Today Wen Lin talked about the thunder and lightning in the sky.

The Golan has entered the early winter, and it is humid and rainy. In normal rainy weather, billowing black clouds and lightning bolts can often be seen in the sky.

Wen Lin looked at St. Margaret's Cathedral standing tall on the other side of the river. In the center of the bamboo shoot tower was a tall golden spire, which seemed to pierce the sky.

With a gloomy expression, Wen Lin suddenly said, "Lightning strikes a high place,"

Weisia didn't hear clearly, but she keenly felt Wen Lin's breath suddenly sinking at that moment, she stopped and asked, "What did you just say?"

With her hands behind her back, Wen Lin smiled at Visia and continued, "Thunder and lightning are formed because there is a sufficient potential difference between the upper and lower parts of the cloud, resulting in the phenomenon of lightning and thunder."

A few days ago, Wen Lin had just explained the difference in water level with Vicia. The reason why the water flows down is because of the difference in water level. This is a relatively easy concept to understand.

At that time, they also discussed the problem of flooding in the southern Golan, and Wen Lin took advantage of the opportunity to mention several feasible methods of flood relief.

It may not be accurate enough to compare the potential difference with water level difference, but Wen Lin doesn't know how to describe it more rigorously and accurately.

Visia's ability to accept and learn is very strong, but the gap between this era and the Huaguo of 21c is too great, Wen Lin can only draw it slowly, and start everything from the superficial.

In this era, the clergy of the Holy See often linked various rare celestial phenomena or various natural disasters with the will of God, which in turn involved the rule of the monarch.

The lingering flood in the south of the Golan undoubtedly became one of the powerful excuses for the Holy See to attack Vicia.

The real situation is that many disasters have caused serious consequences, purely because people lack the guidance of scientific theories and have no effective measures to avoid or stop losses.

The various new things that Wen Lin described with Visia these days are of greater significance to establish the concept of science in Visia's mind.

Do your best to understand everything Wen Lin said, and Visia will not struggle with things that are really difficult to understand.

The world described by Wen Lin seems to have opened a door for her to peep into the kingdom of heaven. Visia will silently record more practical methods, such as how to extract alcohol, how to deal with floods and the spread of diseases after floods, and how to improve land quality. The output and so on.

These are all miracles preached by the clergy, but in Wen Lin's mouth, they are just common sense that everyone in the Garden of Eden understands.

Surprised, Weissia also wanted to find an opportunity to verify it. Thinking that Wen Lin's territory had not been determined yet, Weissia suddenly had a new consideration in her heart.

Before they knew it, the two walked outside the council hall. Wen Lin stopped and said softly, "Your Majesty, let's go in."

The two had developed a tacit understanding. Visia smiled at her and was about to go in. When she reached the door, she stopped suddenly, turned around and said,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, the cow you asked Brown to fetch yesterday is probably ready by this time,"

Wen Lin nodded to indicate that she understood. She stood at the door for a while before walking towards the kitchen.

As for the food, as long as the basic nutritional needs can be guaranteed, Wen Lin has never been picky about the taste.

But during the time when Visia was recovering from her injuries, Wen Lin found that she always ate very little. It was inevitable that Wen Lin thought about the taste of food.

Most of the food in this era can barely be called edible. As for the taste and taste, it can be regarded as a luxury.

Before Wen Lin reached the kitchen, she ran into Mr. Brown who hurried over. He came to Wen Lin just for the cows.

"Miss Wen Lin, are you going to use milk to make cheese and butter?"

"No, I want milk,"

Freshly squeezed milk is hard to keep

In hot weather, the smell often develops within a few hours.

Generally, farmers would make milk into cheese or butter for sale, and the taste of freshly squeezed milk was really not good. Only poor serfs would choose to drink milk, while nobles generally disliked drinking milk.

Brown was surprised, but he didn't show it on his face. With his previous experience, Brown subconsciously thought that Wen Lin would do something different.

Two healthy-looking cows are tied to the grass outside the kitchen, gnawing grass leisurely.

The kitchen steward had received Brown's orders early in the morning, and was waiting outside the kitchen. Before Wen Lin approached, he greeted her.

Enthusiasm, but also a little trepidation.

Even though Wen Lin still doesn't have a clear identity now, her performance of saving Vicia and her divine help in the battle has already been spread in the capital, not to mention the various intimacy between her and Her Majesty Vicia during this period. of interaction.

Wen Lin's attitude was still easy-going, she smiled and explained her purpose, "Sir, I want to prepare lunch for His Majesty, is that okay?"

The manager couldn't hide his surprise, and asked hesitantly, "Are you here to prepare the food yourself?"

Wen Lin nodded with a smile, the steward's expression gradually became stiff, and after a while he continued to ask, "Miss Wen Lin, is it because the food we prepared is not to His Majesty's liking?"

Seeing the steward's expression on the verge of crying, Wen Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

After belatedly, it seemed that because of his arrival, all the servants in the kitchen became cautious.

She smiled reassuringly, "Sir, I just want to cook some food from my hometown for His Majesty to taste, I hope you don't mind,"

Quietly heaving a sigh of relief, the steward immediately said, "Of course I don't mind, it's our honor that you can come here,"

Few aristocrats would even set foot in a kitchen, let alone prepare their own food.

The first is milk. On the Europa Road, milk is a relatively easy to obtain and cheap high-quality food material. It is rich in calcium itself and is a good high-quality protein.

But people in this era don't know how to handle milk, and very few people are willing to drink milk.

The distillation tool used to extract alcohol last time is still there, and it happens to be used for sterilization this time.

Wen Lin put the two cans of fresh milk squeezed out by the maid into the steamer, which is the most practical pasteurization method.

Low-temperature long-term sterilization method, that is, to keep the milk at a temperature of nearly 60 degrees Celsius for about half an hour, so as to achieve the purpose of sterilization. 【1】

During the whole process, the temperature was controlled by the method taught by the brewer. When the time came, Wen Lin asked someone to take out the milk.

After asking the steward, there were six people in the council hall including Vicia. After stirring the sucrose into the milk, six cups were filled.

The others watched Wen Lin's actions in astonishment. They had never seen anyone drink warmed milk, let alone add expensive sucrose to milk.

After processing the milk, set aside to cool.

Looking at the ingredients in the kitchen, Wen Lin thought for a while and began to prepare other food.

There are no peppers yet, but there are many kinds of spices, sage, cinnamon, pepper, fennel, mint, sea kale, coriander, etc.

Asking the servant to go to Dot to get several kinds of medicinal materials, Wen Lin started to cook chicken soup, and simmered it slowly on a moderately low heat.

The servants seemed to be performing their duties, but in fact they couldn't stop looking in Wen Lin's direction.

They watched as Wen Lin processed the chicken, and then began to process the fish. The meat of the fish was firm and delicate, which was different from the cooking methods they used to stew, roast, and bake.

Wen Lin cut the fish into crystal thin slices, removed all the fish bones, then wrapped them in flour, and fried them in oil.

The sound of zi la came out along with bursts of aroma, and the person beside him swallowed unconsciously.

Wen Lin's movements are pleasing to the eye and extremely elegant, not like cooking, but more like handling a work of art.

There were still many people who were skeptical, but after smelling the aroma of fish and chicken soup, they instantly dispelled their doubts.

Exquisite presentation, tempting aroma, you know it must be delicious just by looking at it.

And after Wen Lin made other foods one after another, they couldn't help discussing in a low voice,

"I never thought food could be so beautiful,"

"Is the East really so magical? Even the cooking methods are extraordinarily profound,"

"Oh my God, she shaved off all the bones with just one knife,"

"I'm really curious how on earth she turned one piece of dough into so many thin strips?"


One serving of noodles, one serving of chicken soup, sweet and sour fish fillets, egg custard with minced meat, and a refreshing stir-fried gorgon.

After Wen Lin finished everything, it was almost lunch time.

The kitchen servants delivered the food into the White House, and the food placed in front of Vicia instantly grabbed everyone's attention.

The first is the particularly beautiful color, and the second is the fragrance, which is very fragrant.

The ministers looked at the bread and fried meat in front of their eyes again, and seemed to lose their appetite in an instant.

Weisia was also surprised, but after thinking about it, she guessed that Wen Lin should have prepared it.

The steward of the kitchen stepped forward and verified Weisia's guess, "Your Majesty, His Majesty Wen Lin specially prepared this for you,"

The beautiful lips raised a joyful arc, and Weisia's troubled thoughts due to government affairs suddenly became extremely smooth.

After the servant tried the poison, Visia slowly began to taste it, and the admiration with a slight smile and the slightly accelerated eating speed once again tempted the other ministers.

They swallowed without showing any trace, picked up the wooden cup of the same style as Her Majesty Vicia's, sniffed, and there was a sweet milk fragrance.

Is it milk?Francis and Hanfus tasted it first with unconcealed curiosity.

Suddenly his eyes widened, and he drank a few more mouthfuls. Looking at the steward in the kitchen, Hanvers asked, "Is this milk?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, this is also prepared by Your Excellency Wen Lin,"

Hanvers raised his eyebrows unsurprisingly, and sighed, "Your Excellency Wen Lin is the most charming woman I have ever seen, second only to Your Majesty,"

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became brighter. Someone teased Hanfus, "Your Excellency Hanfus, I think the noble ladies in the capital must not know that your mouth is much more attractive than your handsome appearance,"

Visia was also amused, and she continued, "Everyone, I don't mind if you praise Your Excellency Wen Lin, she is also the most attractive woman I have ever seen,"

William, who was always serious, drank a glass of milk calmly, and suddenly asked, "I want to know if there is more food for Her Majesty Vicia? Or as much milk as you want,"

William asked the question that everyone wanted to ask, and the air suddenly became quiet. They all looked at the steward in unison, waiting for his answer.

"Unfortunately, gentlemen, there are no more," the steward wiped his forehead guiltily.

In fact, there were still some left over, but they were distributed to the kitchen staff by Her Excellency Wen Lin to taste them.

The steward silently confirmed his determination to learn cooking skills from Wen Lin.

Except for Vicia, the other ministers all showed regretful expressions. It would undoubtedly be a very enjoyable thing to taste delicious food during the busy work.

The author has something to say: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah No, I can only update [-] in the past few days~ I'm sorry, my dears~

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