In the south of the royal capital, Miletus Arena.

The blood of countless blood gladiators and trapped beasts soaked this land.

For the nobles, it is a good place to make people's blood spurt and indulge in carnival.

At this time, Wen Lin's eyes were covered with a black cloth, so she couldn't see a ray of light, her hands were tied behind her back, and she was mechanically allowed to be pushed and shoved by others.

Wen Lin didn't know where she was going to be taken, and the narrow space where she dangled seemed to remind her of the difficult situation she was about to face.

With the passage of time, the strong smell of blood around him almost turned into substance, Wen Lin slightly frowned.

Wen Lin's hands and eyes were not free until she passed through a long and dark corridor and heard the last sound of the iron gate closing behind her.

The vision gradually changed from blurred to clear, and what I saw was a dark stone room, with thick to black blood stains everywhere on the walls and the ground.

There were other people in the room, their upper body naked, panting heavily to wipe off the sweat stains on their bodies, holding stone axes, broadswords, spears and other weapons tightly in their hands.

For Wen Lin's arrival, most of them were indifferent.

The despair, fear, numbness, and lifelessness in the pupils filled here together with the blood.

"Miss Wen Lin, from now on, the life or death of you and your subordinates is in your own hands,"

Madam Yaz's cold voice suddenly sounded behind her, Wen Lin turned around, puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Taking a deep look at Wen Lin, Mrs. Yaz left straight away and quickly disappeared into the chaotic blackness.

In the stone room, there was a gloomy gaze also observing Wen Lin.

After Mrs. Yaz left, the people in the corner said,

"Wen Lin? The Wen Lin family who once ruled the three counties of the Sutherland Heights?"

Sliding her hand calmly to the part where the iron plate was hidden on her waist, Wen Lin walked slowly towards the person in the corner, denying it expressionlessly,

"No, Wen Lin is my first name, not my last name,"

"That's a pity, it seems that Wen Lin's family is really dead,"

The person in the corner showed regret. Unlike the others here, he looked leaner and stronger. Compared with the others, his more vivid expression made his facial features look more handsome.

After initially judging that there was no malice, Wen Lin stopped and looked into her eyes, "Who are you?"

"Beautiful lady, I'm Artust, but my identity is meaningless. After all, we may not be able to see the sun rise tomorrow?"


"Don't you know where this is?"

Artust was extremely surprised, and before Wen Lin could answer, the iron gate on the other wall of the stone room was suddenly opened, and the eyes of the others finally fluctuated.

It was deeper despair and fear. Some of them murmured, "The next game will be our turn."

Wen Lin walked towards the light, and the huge arena came into view without warning.

This is a huge elliptical building made of marble. The auditorium is built on the mountain, rising layer by layer, and in the center of the whole building is a wide open space.

At this time, a barbaric, bloody, and violent torture is taking place in the open space.Kill, shocking.

A large number of wolves surrounded and killed dozens of people, scattered stumps, internal organs that were bitten by hungry wolves, and the head that was gnawed with only half of its face left...

Cruel and tragic.

But the cheers in the auditorium fell like mountains and seas with the arrival of death. This is entertainment paved with death.

Artust looked at Wen Lin's indifferent expression with almost no emotional ups and downs, surprised and curious, "There are very few women here, and the women who come here are all dead without exception."

Yatusite tried to find a trace of fear on Wen Lin's face, but unfortunately, it was still calm without ups and downs.

"If we both get out alive, I'll have a toast with you, I've never seen such an interesting woman,"

Pure praise, without the slightest frivolity.

Wen Lin looked away at the fearless Artust, and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but being afraid can't change anything, at least I can still see the sun today," Yatuste shrugged indifferently, but his tone subconsciously revealed his sadness.

There was a slight touch in Wen Lin's eyes. No one would wish death to befall him. As long as he still has the desire to live, he must still have life.

She suddenly turned up the volume, looked straight ahead and asked, "How can I get out alive? Kill those beasts?"

Get out alive?

These words stimulated everyone in the stone room. There was a glint in their eyes, but it soon sank again.

A voice came from the crowd, "There is no hope. Today is the annual celebration day. The ratio of one hundred hungry beasts to ten people in each game is how to kill them all?"

"Celebration day?"

"Yes, Golan's annual celebration day will change the usual ratio of one to one to ten to one,"

The spreading silence seemed to swallow up the remaining hope. Everyone looked at the battle that was coming to an end on the field, silently waiting for the death sentence.

Wen Lin endured her heart trembling and closed her eyes. Ever since she came to this world, she made it clear that she didn't want to be involved in power struggles.

Although things backfired, no one should easily judge her life or death except herself.

Opening her eyes again, the restrained sharpness and creepy murderous aura poured out, Wen Lin walked to the gate where she came, and said loudly into the darkness, "Tell Mrs. Yaz, I request to take back what originally belonged to me. arms,"

Wen Lin's clear voice echoed in the narrow dark passage, but no one answered.

In the originally quiet crowd, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, then laughed and said, "Are you crazy?"

"Hahahaha, why would the nobles pay attention to our request?"

"Thought it was a different woman? But that's all,"

"It's all here, why not die before..."


"To shut up,"

Wen Lin and Artust spoke at the same time, and when those people were about to refute, they were shocked by Wen Lin's sharp eyes, and closed their mouths embarrassingly.

She scanned everyone's face, calmly stated,

"If you can't fight to the last moment like a warrior, then I suggest that you kill yourself now. Compared to being eaten by wild beasts, suicide is much more dignified,"

No one would think of being taunted by a woman before they die. They blushed, their lips trembled and squirmed, but they were speechless.

Wen Lin snorted coldly and said nothing more.

At the same time, the fighting in the arena is over, and it only takes a few minutes to clear the venue.

Running out of time.

Wen Lin looked at the dark passage, but still didn't respond, her calm face was filled with a little restlessness.

But soon, the restlessness was suppressed by Wen Lin.

A sharp whistle sounded outside, and she followed the crowd out of the stone room and onto the arena.

There were overwhelming cheers from the auditorium around, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

When it was discovered that there were women among them, the atmosphere of the audience reached its peak.

"Oh, there are still women,"

"Still the woman who played on celebration day,"

"May the goddess of victory bless her, don't die too early,"

"How is it possible, looking at her weak appearance, she must be an appetizer for the wolves,"

"Is this specially arranged by His Majesty to add to the fun?"

"It seems to be a beautiful woman, it's a pity,"

"Ha ha ha ha,"

Amidst the loud laughter one after another, all kinds of eyes fell on Wen Lin, including probing, disdain, ridicule, and anticipation.

She looked around, didn't care, and finally set her eyes on the high platform in the middle of the auditorium.

Visia sat in the center of the high platform, surrounded by nobles in exaggerated and luxurious clothes.

The gazes of the two passed through the crowd, met each other from a distance, and soon staggered away.

Standing in front of the high platform, the referee was impassioned and aroused the emotions of the audience, "A hundred wolves who haven't eaten for a week, ten brave gladiators..."

With the end of the last whistle, the gate where the wolves were imprisoned slowly opened.

Yatuste's expression was no longer relaxed, but replaced by a dignified one. He handed the hatchet to Wen Lin who had no weapon, "Here you are, you need it more than I do,"

Clenching the iron piece in her hand, Wen Lin shook her head calmly, "Thank you, but you should keep it to yourself,"

As soon as the words were finished, Wen Lin jumped up suddenly, dexterously avoided the surprise attack of a gray wolf, grabbed the back of its neck with her backhand, and the iron piece passed through her throat.

The battle has begun.

Yatesite watched the whole process from a close distance, and the shock in his eyes was hard to fade away. He swung an ax sideways and slashed at the attacking wolf with an excited expression.

"Wen Lin, I actually started to believe that you and I can get out of here alive,"

Dust rose all over the sky, and the crowd was quickly dispersed by the wolves. Low growls and muffled groans intertwined, and warm blood splashed down again.

Can't tell if it's human or wolf.

Wen Lin walked around the arena at an incredible speed. She observed the situation on the arena and changed her position quietly.

This is not the first time she has fought wolves.

In Huaguo in 21C, when Wen Lin had not yet completed her training, she was once thrown into the depths of the deserted and resource-poor grassland by her master.

That is the territory of the wolves, and if she wants to survive, she must learn to win food from the wolves.

On countless hunts, she has gone head to head with wolves.

Gray wolves are extremely intelligent and fierce animals, especially when they have to choose to attack in order to survive.

It is Wen Lin's usual trick to lock the position of the wolf head at the first time and kill it quickly to form a short-term threat and deterrent effect, and then take advantage of this gap to escape.

This method is also effective in the current situation where there is a huge disparity between the number of humans and wolves. It can disrupt the rhythm of the wolves' attack and have a short-term deterrent effect, thus giving other gladiators more breathing time.

But now, Wen Lin didn't have any long-range weapons to support her.

Quickly calculating the distance to the wolf in her mind, a steady stream of sweat rolled down her chin from her forehead. Wen Lin suddenly stopped and jumped off the ground. At the same time, a wolf flew towards her.

When everyone was puzzled, Wen Lin slapped the wolf's skull with her palm, jumped again with her strength, and then quickly fell in the direction of the head wolf.

With only a thin line, the sharp wolf teeth clenched tightly and stuck to the skin, while the iron piece was deeply inserted into the head wolf's neck.

The wet and fishy smell sprayed on Wen Lin's arms, she frowned slightly, and pulled out the iron piece without hesitation.

When passing by Yatuste again, Wen Lin evoked a resolute smile, her voice was sonorous and forceful, "For victory, for survival,"

"To win! To live!"

The other gladiators were horrified by Wen Lin's display of force. They couldn't help but follow Wen Lin's figure, raising their knives and dropping them, laying wolf corpses all over the place.

The gray wolves fell down one by one, and the iron piece was deeply embedded in the tender flesh of Wen Lin's palm. Dense sweat rolled from her forehead to her chin, but she didn't dare to relax at all.

The blood made the iron sheet slippery, and she couldn't hold it as long as it loosened slightly.

Visia, who was sitting on the high platform, smiled slightly, and the arc of the corner of her mouth remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

The Sistine missions sitting around were full of interest, and their focus was on Wen Lin just like Vicia.

They exclaimed, "I'm not dazzled, that woman obviously doesn't even have a weapon,"

"In terms of strength alone, she is not inferior to the men present,"

"It's just a pity, today she is destined to die in the belly of a wolf,"

"God, can anyone tell me what those weird movements are?"

When the mission was having a heated discussion, Ambassador Sistine, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke out with a sneer in his eyes,

"They can't last long, including the woman. Their movements are getting slower and slower, while the number of wolves besieging them is increasing and becoming more courageous,"

Compared with fighting for life, the patience and determination of wild beasts are always stronger than human beings.

The wolves seemed to have discovered Wen Lin's cunning, and they began to besiege her alone in an organized manner.

Hitting, swooping, biting...

Wen Lin's breathing became heavier and heavier. There were too many wolves in the pack, and she didn't have a moment to breathe.

Suddenly Visia's gloomy eyes trembled, and several gray wolves were preparing to pounce on Wen Lin's throat from different angles.

And the surrounding wolves were besieging, making it impossible for Wen Lin to avoid it.

In the next moment, the sound of the throat tearing seemed to be heard clearly in the ears.

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