Vicia's hands were cold, and the pulse under her fingertips was weak.

After quickly confirming the general situation, Wen Lin tore out a few long pieces of cloth to fix the feather arrow, and then pressed the hemostasis around the wound.

If you let the blood flow, I'm afraid no one will be able to save it.

The medical officers quickly prepared what Wen Lin needed, and they were surprised to find that Wen Lin tapped around the wound a few times, and the blood gushing from the wound miraculously stopped.

Looking at this group of quack doctors, Wen Lin never felt that they were such an eyesore, so Wen Lin drove everyone else out except Dort to help.

If it wasn't for the failure to stop the bleeding in time, Weisia's condition would not be so serious.

The blood was dark red. Hemostasis through the hemostatic point was effective, and the artery should not have been injured. Judging from the angle of the feathered arrow and the shape of the wound, the feathered arrow pierced from the bottom up toward the shoulder and neck.

Not life-threatening at this time.

But there is a very difficult problem in front of Wen Lin.

The shape of the wound was not right. The shape of a normal arrow wound should be a diamond-shaped or cross-shaped wound of about one to two centimeters, but the wound on Visia's chest was a radial wound of about four centimeters.

This shows that there are barbs on the arrow, and the number of barbs is quite a lot. If the arrow is pulled out, it is likely to cause secondary damage.

No one can guarantee that the arteries will not be injured when the arrow is drawn.

The only thing left was surgery, but without anesthesia, it was difficult for Wen Lin to be sure whether Visia could survive.

Whenever there is a little accident during operation, it may cause massive bleeding.

Dort watched Wen Lin suddenly stop all movements, with a painful expression on his face, he walked forward carefully, brought up the medicinal soup that Wen Lin had ordered before, and said after deliberation,

"Perhaps you can feed the medicine first,"

What Wen Lin prescribed was a prescription that could boost one's energy in a short period of time, which is commonly known as a life-sustaining medicine.

Weisia's situation cannot be delayed, but Wen Lin hesitated, she was afraid of all possible unexpected results.

The important ministers of the Privy Council were arguing fiercely outside the door, and Mrs. Yaz blocked the door, "This is His Majesty's order. Miss Wen Lin can drive away the disease, and her medical skills are beyond doubt."

Although Mrs. Yaz was very worried, she knew that she could not show the slightest imaginative expression.

The medical officer, who was trusted by the Queen, slowly shook his head towards her in the crowd. Usually, there is only a slight hope that an injury of this degree can survive safely.

Mrs. Yaz's nails dug deep into the cracks in the wall, and she put all her remaining hopes on Wen Lin.

Death should not be the end of Queen Vicia.

She loves this country deeply, she does her best to maintain the justice of the trial, she fights for the common people to breathe, she even does not hesitate to use marriage as a bargaining chip, just to end this chaotic and turbulent situation.

What's wrong with her?

Why did God let so much suffering befall her, vicious curses and abuse, and unpredictable assassination all the time...

Obviously those people are the people of Golan, they should not be the enemies of the royal court.

Perhaps the only fault was that she ascended to the supreme throne as a woman.

But it's not the queen's fault, she's innocent, she's innocent.

Mrs. Yaz suddenly calmed down. She thought of what the Queen had said to her,

"Yaz, I will change all this ignorance with my own hands,"

The weather was obviously cool, but the people gathered at the White House felt unspeakably hot, their clothes were soaked in sweat, and all their thoughts were being pulled by Weisia, who was in an unknown situation in the room.

Everyone saw the feathered arrow on the queen's chest. She fell from the horse, and the blood gushing out was like a belated judgment.

Can she let everyone witness her unyielding again?

No one knows the answer.

Just then, the door opened from the inside.

Wen Lin was covered with icy cold aura, she looked at Regent Francis, "For three days, seal off the royal court, block off Bruns,"

When everyone tasted these words, Wen Linfu closed the door again.

Francis, who had been silent all this time, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Queen wrote a few words on his palm before he passed out completely -- Sachs.

It's another life-or-death gamble.

Francis and Vicia had a high degree of tacit understanding politically. He quickly withdrew from the crowd, his left hand clenched on the hilt of his sword, and his tense posture seemed like a beast ready to attack at any time.

Inside the house, Wen Lin was using a spoon to pour medicinal soup to Vicia little by little, and all of them flowed out from the corner of her mouth without exception.

Unable to swallow on her own, Wen Lin felt anxious, so she took a big gulp of the medicinal soup and threw herself on top of her body.

Weisia's lips were soft, but cold. I don't know if it was because of the bitterness of the medicine, or something else. Wen Lin's eyes, mouth, and heart were full of bitterness.

The tip of the tongue carefully pried open Visia's lips, and slowly transferred the medicinal soup into Visia's stomach.

Wen Lin thought about all the herbs that could act as an anesthetic, but there were none on the Europa Continent.

In the end, in desperation, Wen Lin could only follow Dot's suggestion and pour Vicia some wine.

Dort stared at Wen Lin's actions in a daze. He closed his eyes subconsciously, but he couldn't help opening them secretly.

This is no less than the impact of Her Majesty's injury on him.

How dare Your Excellency Wen Lin, how dare she!

When Dort was astonished, Wen Lin had already made preparations before the operation. She called in four or five female attendants around Visia, asked them to disinfect, and bound Visia's limbs together with herself. stand up.

The situation was critical, and no one dared to neglect Wen Lin's order.

Picking up the sharp carving knife, under the terrified gaze of everyone, Wen Lin dropped the knife along the wound with precision.

In an instant blood spurted, and Vichy

Ya also moaned and struggled unconsciously.

Visia began to struggle violently from the pain of cutting her flesh open. Her whole body was trembling, and four or five people couldn't hold her down for a few moments.

Wen Lin's eyes turned cold, and she asked the maids to exert force in a deep voice, not daring to stop the movements of their hands.

The blue veins hidden under the white skin protruded terrifying veins, Visia opened her eyes in extreme pain, but her consciousness was not so clear.

Tears mixed with sweat rolled down from the corners of her eyes, and with a trembling voice mixed with chattering teeth, she called out Wen Lin's name very vaguely, "Your Excellency Wen Lin,"

Wen Lin suppressed her heart trembling, her nerves were tense, and she precisely picked out the pieces of meat from the wound.

Finally, while holding his breath, Wen Lin pulled out the arrow with bruises and pieces of flesh hanging from it.

Taking a sharp breath, Wen Lin still didn't dare to relax, picked up the alcohol and meticulously washed the blood hole on Visia's chest.

Visia struggled again, blood slipped from her chest, soaking almost half of the quilt.

Wen Lin's eyes were slightly red, but she still had an extremely calm expression.

The continuous severe pain like a tide made Weisia faint from the pain again, her eyes gradually dimmed, and her tense body softened.

Wrap it tightly with gauze from Visia's arms to her neck. After finishing all this, Wen Lin staggered back a few steps as if she was exhausted.

The muscles all over the body felt a sharp soreness at the moment Wen Lin relaxed.

Looking at the gradually brightening sky outside the window, Wen Lin belatedly realized that it was already dawn.

After taking a breath, Wen Lin turned her gaze back to Visia. Her chest was rising and falling slightly, as if silently announcing that they had passed the first hurdle.

After washing her hands, Wen Lin wiped her face, only to find that her face was covered with wet and salty liquid.

Carefully moved Visia away and replaced the bed with a new mattress. Visia's weak but steady breathing made everyone in the room breathe a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of this gap, Wen Lin quickly took a shower.

After returning to Vicia's bedroom, Wen Lin asked Dot to cook the medicine according to the new prescription, and told the kitchen to cook the broth according to her own method.

There was another crucial step that Wen Lin didn't do, which was to sew up the wound.

Visia lost a lot of blood, and at the moment when her eyes dimmed, Wen Lin's thoughts were disturbed.

Unable to tell what it was like in her heart, Wen Lin thought of how she felt when she was thrown into no-man's land by her master for the first time. The desire to survive and the despair of dying tormented her pervasively.

It was very similar to how she felt before she took the knife this time.

Indecision, timidity and fear, these emotions seem to have not appeared for a long time.

Wen Lin looked at the lines on her palm, and then at the pale Vicia.

This person should be different, Wen Lin thought silently, at least she could hardly accept Visia's death.

When no one was around, Wen Lin took out the cefixime sodium hidden close to her body, mixed it with the medicinal soup, and kissed it into Visia's mouth.

Different from the last time when there was no romantic kiss, this time Wen Lin's heart was beating heavily, her hot and humid breath was entangled in her nose, and many pictures of getting along with Vicia flashed in her mind.

Her cheeks burned suddenly, and Wen Lin suddenly backed away, her heavy eyes filled with self-blame and remorse.

She carefully helped Visia tuck the corner of the quilt, and her hand accidentally touched Visia's cold fingers.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Wen Lin sighed softly. She sat down on the side of the bed, rubbed her hands and warmed them, and then went to help Weisia warm her hands.

Visia has not yet passed the critical period, and Wen Lin did her best to disinfect as much as possible, but Visia's postoperative wound may still fester and become inflamed. Although she was fed with cephalosporin, fever may be unavoidable.

After taking a bath, Wen Lin seemed to be in high spirits. She stared at Visia silently, not daring to be distracted for a moment, for fear that she would not be able to deal with it in time when she had a fever.

The atmosphere in Bruns is as dull as that in the White House, and countless dark and dark things hidden under the surface are about to be revealed.

Francis has a kind and kind face, but his political skills are quite tough.

After Wen Lin reminded him, he blocked Wang Ting and Bruns as quickly as possible, and the knights of Wang Ting with cold light were patrolling every street.

The previously noisy capital was very quiet at this time, and even the busiest tavern was silent.

The Holy See is still an old aristocrat, Vicia has already given Francis the answer.

In a luxurious manor in Bruns, Earl Russell was pacing back and forth irritably, looking at the subordinates he sent out with a ferocious face,

"Is there no news at all? Is it dead or alive?"

After a pause for a while, he said sadly again, "Maybe he is about to die,"

Grandal, who stood by the window and looked towards the royal court, seemed much calmer.

"Eggers is back, which means that the queen has already suspected us. Wait a little longer, but in the past few days, the charge of rebellion has been cast aside. If she died of assassination, who would suspect us?"

The author has something to say: Wen: A person sneaking around, it doesn’t seem to be counted as a kiss, a kiss is only when two people are inseparable~

I still have to call for the Queen,

"Your Majesty, I am also waiting for you to change all this ignorance with your own hands!"

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