The principle of extracting alcohol from liquor is very simple.

The boiling point of water is 100°C, while that of pure alcohol is 78.4°C. Between these two temperatures, alcohol vaporizes faster than water, and if it is cold, alcohol will condense*1.

Wen Lin was eager to try it, but was told that there was no private brewery in the palace.

If she wants to go out, she must first obtain the permission of Her Majesty Vicia.

The Minister of Seals, Brown, who is in charge of the affairs of the royal court, looked at Wen Lin who was deep in thought, and asked,

"Does Miss Wen Lin want to taste wine? There are all kinds of mellow ale, mead, fruit wine and beer in Wang Ting's wine cellar. If you need it, I'll send someone to fetch it."

Smiling and shaking her head, Wen Lin said frankly, "I'm just interested in distillation tools,"

Bessie and Namer knew nothing about this, so they brought Wen Lin to find Mr. Brown, and they heard that he knew a little bit about everything.

Not disappointing Wen Lin, Brown quickly proposed a solution,

"If Miss Wen Lin doesn't mind waiting for a while, I can have someone bring in a complete set of distillation tools,"

Wen Lin expressed her gratitude very happily, and at the same time asked insincerely how far the distillation tools of this era have developed.

Brown is a dedicated subordinate, but at the same time he is ambitious and hopes to have more opportunities to show his talents.

Brown knew the news of Wen Lin's stay in the White House last night. He realized that the Queen's attitude towards Wen Lin was very intriguing. Perhaps this was an opportunity that should be seized.

So when Wen Lin came to ask for help, Brown was very enthusiastic. When talking about the structure of the distillation tool, he went into details.

Distillation originated from church medical officials, who took the lead in creating primitive distillation equipment for distillation of resin, gold, silver, lead, etc.

They believe that by obtaining the essence of the distillate, they can bring wealth, glory, and freedom from disease.

The distilled liquor was originally used as a medicine, and medical officials used it to treat rotten and smelly wounds, some skin diseases, and poisonous insect bites.

Later, people discovered that drinking distilled wine can bring more pleasant and stimulating feelings, and this gradually became a leisure drink for people.

Having said that, Brown deliberately paused before continuing,

"Current distillation tools roughly consist of a steamer in a bath, a gooseneck for collecting steam, and a serpentine tube that can be elongated for condensation,"

While speaking, Brown also explained the function of each structure in common language. He thought that Wen Lin would not understand such details.

But Wen Lin's next question obviously surprised Brown.

"Mr. Brown, what is the approximate length of the coil?"

"How is the distillation temperature controlled in the winery?"

"If the heat is too high and the steam in the wine cannot be condensed, what will be done?"

These few questions caught Brown immediately. Wen Lin asked the question from the angle of an experienced brewer, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's estimated that you have to ask the experienced master craftsman in the winery,"

Brown couldn't help but quietly looked at Wen Lin again when he answered.

It's really too weird, obviously her demeanor is elegant and calm, and her noble temperament is even more outstanding than all the noble ladies in the capital.

Why does she know so much about winemaking?Obviously even the baron of the lowest rank among the nobility doesn't bother to understand these things.

Bessie and Namaner followed behind the two, their eyes almost fell to the ground. They knew that Wen Lin knew a lot, but they didn't expect that even Mr. Brown, who had always been well-informed, would be questioned by Miss Wen Lin.

The two looked at each other tacitly, with well-disguised smiles in their eyes, and at the same time, their admiration for Wen Lin grew stronger.

"Then I need to trouble Mr. Brown to help me find another experienced brewer to come to the palace with me,"

Wen Lin spread her hands with a smile, her attitude was always kind.

With a smile, Brown then ordered the servants around him to find an experienced brewer.

The affairs of the royal court are very complicated, and there are different things that need to be dealt with almost every moment.

After getting the information she needed, Wen Lin tactfully bid farewell, and made an agreement with Brown before leaving that she would inform her as soon as the distillation tools were delivered.

After leaving Brown's place, Wen Lin wandered around the castle, and before she knew it, she arrived at the lake in front of the White House. The wind through the forest was blowing just the right amount of water vapor, and she walked among the vibrant green grass, comfortably. The weather, the suitable temperature, Wen Lin narrowed her eyes comfortably.

The queen's private animal garden is not far from Whitehall. In the past, when guests from other countries came to live in the castle, they often visited the animal garden.

Bessie was worried that Wen Lin would feel bored, so she actively suggested that Wen Lin go to the zoo.

Listening to Bessie's description, Wen Lin also became a little interested, and the group walked slowly towards the animal garden.

Before going to the zoo, you must pass by the left side of the White House.

At this time, five members of the Privy Council were sitting in the White House's Council Hall. They sat around a long table on both sides of Vicia, except that Grandal, the guard of the royal capital, was missing.

William Cecil's tone was as worried as ever.

"We can delay the trial of the Holy See until March at most. If the result of the trial triggers another rebellion in the country, it will be difficult for us to continue to win,"

Augustine, who has always been silent, rarely agreed with William this time,

"The matter of Grandal's betrayal must be resolved as soon as possible.

In charge of half of the army in the capital, "

"Everyone, don't forget that behind Grandal is the Sachs family. Countless Catholics in Golan are always looking forward to their rebellion,"

Francis was unsmiling, and pointedly pointed out the most crucial point.

The Sachs family has enough savings and supporters to provoke a rebellion, at least they cannot be detected before they completely evade Grandal's rights.

The atmosphere became more and more dignified, and someone said indignantly, "The stupid and hypocritical villains of the Catholic Church should be thrown into the Atta Tower,"

Visia rested her chin on her fingers, and her eyes swayed with the mottled tree shadows cast from the window. No matter how fierce the other people argued, she always maintained a proper calmness.

Under everyone's silent gaze, she slowly raised her lips, "Your Excellency, the people of the Golan will only be imprisoned for crimes, whether they believe in Protestantism or Catholicism, they are all equal,"

"Your Majesty Vicia,"

Everyone looked at the young queen who had never made a clear statement, and they couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

They need clear instructions and deploy countermeasures as soon as possible.

A trace of quiet determination flashed across the eyes, and the gaze was cast out of the window again, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in Visia's field of vision.

The blond hair swaying with the wind cast a little lonely light and shadow on the side of the face, Visia had a playful smile in her eyes, and she seemed to be casually saying,

"I will announce tonight that I agree to Sistine's marriage request,"

All kinds of voices of questioning and astonishment instantly exploded the peaceful council hall.

The result of marrying Sistine is equivalent to giving up half of the Golan, and it is very likely that Vicia will lose the remaining half of the country.

As soon as she gives birth to a boy, her existence doesn't seem to matter much.

Once Vicia fell, those who supported Vicia would also fall soon.

Calmly taking everyone's reactions into her eyes, Visia slowly stood up, holding up a strong momentum, "Everyone, is there a better way to solve the current predicament than this?

"That's it for today," he said as he clasped the edge of the long table tightly with his fingers, and his tone was irrefutable.

Once the marriage is agreed, Tilia will find a way to prevent the trial of the Holy See.

With just a little more delay, she would have room to fight back.

Francis looked up at Visia, and following his gaze, he saw the figure standing at the gate of the animal garden.

A bit thoughtful, a bit worried, but in the end Francis remained silent and walked out with everyone.

Animals such as eagles, leopards, lions, horned sheep, etc. are raised in the zoo.

Usually, there is a special person to clean and take care of it. The inside is very clean, without the unpleasant smell that Wen Lin imagined.

Looking at everything in front of her with some novelty, Wen Lin suddenly stopped when she passed a door, and the surprise in her heart could no longer be concealed.

From the corner of her eye, she kept paying attention to Wen Lin. Bessie and Namaner stopped and followed Wen Lin's gaze. It was an extremely fat spotted pig that had been raised.

Spotted Pig saw a person coming from the fence, and his fat ears couldn't stop flapping, and he was a little cute.

The maid explained solemnly next to it, "It was a gift from the Portuguese-Malaysian diplomatic ambassador. I heard that it is a new breed brought back from the New World,"

Most of the new continents that Bessie and Namer talk about are islands not far from the continent of Europa.

Why is it so similar to the Bamei pig in Yuhua Guotu pig?

Wen Lin was amused and didn't pay too much attention.

Walking to the end, the field of vision suddenly widened, and there were rows of eagle houses of different sizes, including kestrels, sparrowhawks, and eagles...

The feathers are smooth and bright, and the claws are sharp. The most rare thing is that the eyes of these eagles are alert and sharp, and they seem to retain a ferocious wildness.

It seems that these are the real pets of the Queen.

Visia, who came quietly, waited patiently for Wen Lin to finish looking at them before explaining, "They have all undergone professional training and retain their ferocious nature, but they will not actively attack people,"

"Good day, Your Majesty Vicia,"

Wen Lin turned around calmly and nodded in greeting.

In fact, with Wen Lin's hearing, she had noticed it from the moment Vicia stepped into the animal garden.

Vicia who came suddenly wanted to say something to her, Wen Lin waited quietly for her to speak first.

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, you are like these eagles, wild and unruly,"

Vicia's voice was very soft, but Wen Lin saw such obvious emotions on her face for the first time.

She looked at herself deeply, there seemed to be pity, pain, loss in her eyes, and struggles that Wen Lin couldn't understand.

The author has something to say: Babies can’t hold on anymore, the toothpicks are broken by my dozing eyelids, let’s go to sleep first

It is a special benefit for the Mid-Autumn Festival. After reading the comment area, I realized that the article that I clicked directly into the favorites did not see the subtitle I changed. I am very sorry.

*1 referenced in the post

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