Astonished, at a loss.

And a little exasperation at being deliberately humiliated.

The condensed eyes seemed to see through Wen Lin's thoughts, Visia sneered, and fainted a little coldly, she still curled her lips,

"Your Excellency, when you unbuttoned my long skirt rudely, I was also annoyed, ashamed, and angry,"

Visia's chest heaved rapidly, her beautiful eyes were full of tears, her tone was cold, and she condemned and accused herself coldly.

There was a momentary blankness in her mind, Wen Lin pursed her lips, unable to say anything to refute.

Visia's sight was like a sharp knife, cutting her open from the inside out, not allowing her to escape for a moment.

The stiff hand slowly lifted and landed on the tie behind the neck.

Wen Lin was wearing a loose nightgown, as long as she untied the tie, she could quickly see her beautiful body.

With a gentle tug of his cold fingertips, the nightgown slipped loosely from his shoulders, exposing a large piece of skin under his neck.

When Wen Lin was about to continue pulling the nightgown off her shoulders, Visia's eyebrows jumped, and her blue pupils, who were quiet and unable to distinguish any emotions, had some subtle changes.

She lowered her eyes and ordered, "Turn around,"

It's like a game that can be manipulated by people at will.Wen Lin secretly pressed her fingers hard, and the edges of her nails turned pale.

Biting the tip of her tongue, the pain made Wen Lin regain her composure.

Compared with unbuttoning the clothes covering her body, Wen Lin felt more embarrassed by Weisia's gaze as if she was looking at an insignificant item.

In addition to the embarrassment, there is also a dull pain like being caught in the heart.

She has never been in such a predicament, confused, dull, without thoughts...

The air in the room was cold, but Wen Lin was naked.A light layer of sweat oozes from the exposed skin, and under the outline of the lights, it depicts a warm.Ambiguous color.

The posture with her back to Visia made Wen Lin's body straighter and tighter, and the gaze of the man behind her made her feel like a light on her back, and she just wanted to run away immediately.

Both of them were silent, separated by a short distance.

It was a secret and long torment.

With confused thoughts, Wen Lin said in a strange way, "Your Majesty, has Lord Robert ever undressed in your room to serve?"

As soon as the words came out, regret filled Wen Lin's dark eyes.

This sentence not only reveals a strong possessive desire, but also extremely provokes and offends Visia.

The sudden anger was like throwing a match on the grassy wasteland, and the violent wind instantly ignited the whole wasteland.

"Get out," Visia's low growl with the utmost restraint was accompanied by the harsh sound of metal scraping against the stone floor.

The anger that was really expressed made people tremble.

Wen Lin's hands trembled, she didn't turn her head to look, she quickly got dressed and walked out.

Inside and outside the door are two completely different worlds.

Taking a deep breath, Wen Lin walked downstairs quickly, splashed water on her face, and her paused thoughts gradually returned.

The slender fingers were tightly clenched, and she forced herself to deliberately think about the little poem on the back of the oil painting.

It seems that only in this way can I barely calm my restless and flustered heart.

Deriving according to logic over and over again, giving up halfway over and over again.

After many failed attempts, Wen Lin had to stop, and after refusing to follow the maid, Wen Lin wandered aimlessly in the castle.

Thick clouds floated from the sky, covering the moonlight, just like Wen Lin's depressed mood now.

Sitting blankly on the stone steps, Wen Lin's empty eyes fell not far away, without any sleepiness.

All the things that happened in the past six months were mixed in my mind, and suddenly a string was plucked in my mind.

A question that had been troubling Wen Lin suddenly appeared in her mind, and it was associated with the little poem she discovered today.

When I came to this world, where did Wen Lin of this world go?

And all the memories of Wen Lin in this world why the platform appeared in my mind for no reason.

She can be sure that the Huaguo in her memory is real, and that she also exists in this world when she came to this world.

The little poem just now was written in three different languages, one is Golan, the other is Chinese, and the other is Wen Lin who can't recognize her, but can guess her meaning based on the words before and after.

If Guinevere really came from an interstellar civilization, it means that it may not be a coincidence that she came here.

Is it possible that the Wen Lin in this world is a clone left behind by Guinevere who has no personal emotions, and she exists only to wait for the real Wen Lin to arrive.

All the logic was connected, Wen Lin shook her head,

If the guess is true, then he is indeed the last blood of the Wen Lin family.

But what is Guinevere's purpose?

I have already sent myself to Huaguo in 21c, why did you let her come back?

Help the Wen Lin family clear their charges?Or is it true, as the poem says, to create a society with justice, equality, freedom and order here?

This is ridiculous.

Wen Lin couldn't help denying herself, but couldn't think of a more reasonable explanation.

Maybe Vicia knew something?

Thinking of Vicia, Wen Lin began to fall into a state of bewilderment again.

As a woman, Visia is obviously a promising monarch who relies on herself. Behind her pride and fortitude is a long and difficult process.

How could he stab her with baseless stupid words?

Those words were like a sharp thorn, piercing deeply into Wen Lin's heart.

So much so that now Wen Lin doesn't know how to face Visia.

she stood up

He patted the dust on the robe, raised his head and glanced upstairs, and quickly put it back.

In the hazy night, it seemed that something had penetrated into his chest, causing a slight but lingering pain.

Walking into the deeper and darker shadows, the light was getting farther and farther away from her, and Wen Lin felt lighter instead.

He found a tall tree to lean against, and his whole body was hidden in the thick black shade. Wen Lin's frowning eyebrows never loosened.

Inadvertently, his gaze passed over the layers of branches and leaves, where there seemed to be a faint flame burning.

There is a long distance from the main building of the castle, and there is a row of trees in the middle. It is so late, who will appear there?

Wen Lin immediately became vigilant and approached cautiously.

The dancing flames clearly reflected Visia's slightly sad side face. She was sitting on the grass with her knees bent, her skirt spreading out like petals.

And in front of her was a small grave.

Wen Lin hesitated for a long time, but still walked out of the woods that covered her.

Under Weisia's surprised gaze, Wen Lin slowly approached her, her face without any emotional ups and downs looked a little stern under the faint light of the fire.

She squatted down and looked at Visia, "Your Majesty Visia, I'm sorry for saying such stupid and ignorant words,"

Looking at Wen Lin, who was so close to her, Visia's face changed slightly, she calmed down her emotions very quickly, her profound facial features spread out the detached majesty,

She smiled lightly, "Your Excellency Wen Lin, many people have thoughts like yours. If it is forced, I don't mind using my body as a weapon for the sake of Golan, but Robert or any mediocre people with high self-esteem , was never worth my compromise,"

Breathing stagnated for a few moments, Wen Lin was engulfed by surging guilt.

She lowered her head, slowed her breathing, and said firmly, "Your Majesty, I will not let that day happen unless I die,"

Weisia didn't answer, she stretched out her hand to hook Wen Lin's chin, and lifted it up.

"Your Excellency, are you making a promise to your fragile moral sense?"

Visia's blue pupils seem to contain countless twinkling stars, whether they are full of smiles, sadness, or stinging anger, it is undeniable that they contain a thrilling beauty.

Wen Lin opened her lips, wanting to deny it, but her cold fingertips landed on the corner of her lips first,

"I am the monarch of the Golan, the whole Golan is mine, and you will be mine too. I don't need anyone's mercy and charity, I don't need the church, I don't need the Sistine, and I don't need you,"

The plain statement, but revealing a kind of insolent and domineering, every word is resounding.

Wen Lin's heart skipped a beat, she had to admit that perhaps she had never seen Visia clearly.

Hesitantly said, "Your Majesty, I just want to tell you that I sincerely apologize to you,"

A few strands of hair hung down and gently swayed in the narrow space between the two of them. After looking at each other for a long time, Visia let go of her hand.

She stood up and took a few steps to the other side, her skirt hanging down to the floor drew a careless arc in the air.

The smiling face was hidden, half of it reflected the firelight, and half of it was dormant in the shadows, as quiet as a statue outside the church door, leaving only majesty.

Standing up, Wen Lin silently stood aside, and inadvertently saw the stone placed in front of the small grave, with a name engraved on the stone---Bonnie.

Head sideways, thinking for a moment.

Queen Bonnie died for treason, and according to the law of the Golan, her body should have been hung on the Brienz Bridge to be eaten by goshawks.

Unexpectedly, it was buried here.

In order to stabilize the throne, Visia can only draw a line with the former traitor on the surface, and can't even mention it.

Even if it was her mother.

Wen Lin's emotions suddenly became a little complicated. She is also a descendant of a traitor.

If the previous speculation is true, then she is the daughter of Haradell and Gunivere.

This identity represents an unshirkable family responsibility, as well as a completely hostile position with Visia.


When Wen Lin was staring at the grave bag in a daze, Visia turned her attention back to her.

The lips were pursed lightly, and the clear contours showed an unpredictable indifference. Visia's eyes flashed a trace of deep meaning,

"Here lies my mother, once Queen Bonnie,"

Unexpectedly meeting Vicia's scrutinizing eyes, Wen Lin replied subconsciously without hesitation, "She must be a very good mother,"

This was an answer that surprised Vicia very much.

The night wind blew the long hair on the shoulders, Visia raised her eyebrows slightly, suddenly a little interested, she pointed out bluntly,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, she is a treasonous sinner,"

There were shallow folds in the bottom of her heart, Wen Lin suddenly took two steps towards Visia, her eyes were like a torch, closely observing any subtle expression on Visia's face,

"Your Majesty, who knows what the truth was back then? Is it really a treason who is charged with treason?"

"Oh, so your Excellency thinks so," Vicia turned sideways, avoiding Wen Lin's direct gaze, and no one could see the sudden warmth in her eyes.

Rubbing the cold back of her hand, Visia walked back unhurriedly, and Wen Lin followed beside her at a leisurely pace.

Wen Lin was able to get a glimpse of the memory that was so far away that it was almost blurred.

"My mother is a knowledgeable woman, she is merciful, sympathetic to poor slaves, and will give her property to the poor,"

"As far as I can remember when I was young, there was no one in the royal court who didn't like her. They praised her as the wisest queen,"

"But my mother made a mistake, the deadliest mistake of her life, in giving birth to me instead of

It's a boy,"

"The king who had no male heir quickly lost his love for my mother, and he joined the Holy See to make her a treason,"

"Soon the king had a new queen, but the irony is that although the new queen gave birth to a male heir, she died of a serious illness,"

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, isn't it ridiculous?"

From the beginning to the end, Visia's tone was indifferent, neither resentment nor hatred could be heard.

But these are obviously hatreds that go deep into the bone marrow.

Leaning close to Visia, Wen Lin reached out and held her hand, warm and cold.

The eyes of the two met, and it was an irresistible concern and warmth.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with Queen Bonnie, let alone your fault. You will be a very good monarch,"

Wen Lin didn't know how to comfort her, and her words were dry.

Heh~ With a casual chuckle, Visia didn't withdraw her hand, and the dull atmosphere between the two seemed to ease a little.

After a short silence, Visia seemed to mention Gunnevere unintentionally, she turned her head, her gloomy eyes lingered on Wen Lin's face,

"My mother's teacher, Mrs. Guinevere, she has a very similar appearance to yours, and she is also an oriental,"

The heartbeat speeded up suddenly, Wen Lin raised her lips very slowly, with a nonchalant smile,

"Your Majesty Vicia, it is my honor to be similar to your mother's teacher,"

"She also has a daughter. My memory of her is very vague. I only remember that when the Duke of Sutherland and Mrs. Guinevere came to rescue my mother, she was betrayed and my mother was beheaded. The Duke of Sutherland He and the Duchess were buried in the sea, and the sole heir of the Wen Lin family has disappeared, "

The meaning of scrutiny has not weakened in the slightest, Visia is like a beast that has sharpened its claws, trying to force Wen Lin step by step into a cramped space that cannot be escaped.

Sensing the slowly spreading pressure, Wen Lin couldn't help but increase her strength a bit.

Vicia let out a slight "hiss".

She suddenly smiled softly, "Your Excellency Wen Lin, you are nervous again,"

Following Visia's movements, a faint cool fragrance poured into her nostrils. Wen Lin looked at Visia who showed her gentle side, and immediately felt a strong sense of alert in her heart.

She turned her head calmly, and said quietly, "Your Majesty suspects that I am the child of Mrs. Guinevere? But unfortunately, there should be no such coincidence in the world,"

Wen Lin's breath was calm and her expression was indifferent. Visia slowly withdrew the scrutiny that fell on her face, and said in a low voice whether she was disappointed or grateful,

"Yeah, there will be no such coincidence in the world,"

After that, no one spoke, and they returned to the castle in silence all the way.

Wen Lin sent Visia to the door, and just before Visia was about to close the door, Wen Lin asked suddenly,

"Your Majesty, if I am really the daughter of your mother's teacher, will you kill me for treason?"

The spacious corridor was empty, and when Wen Lin asked this question, it seemed so quiet that even the wind stopped.

"Your Excellency, don't try to overstep my limit of indulging you,"

The bottom of the eyes was usually quiet, and no other emotions arose because of Wen Lin's sudden question.

Standing at the door in a daze for a while, Wen Lin looked at the closed door, unable to distinguish the meaning of Weisia's words for a while.

Absently, he followed the maid who appeared out of nowhere and returned to the sleeping room.

Wen Lin buried herself deeply in the quilt, digesting the huge amount of information that day.

It seems that Vicia has no deep hostility towards the Sutherland family, which is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

With her own background, Wen Lin's breathing gradually became heavier.

Wen Lin has complicated emotions about her parents, whom she has never met. She always thought that she was an orphan without father or mother.

Wen Lin in this world has almost no memory of her parents. According to the timeline, Wen Lin should only be two years old when they died.

It has been finally confirmed that Wen Lin is still more inclined to escape.

She pulled the quilt over her head and turned to thinking about the assassination.

The cold and murderous aura of those who were chasing him seemed to be overflowing. When they approached, Wen Lin could tell that there were many lives on those people.

who can that be?

Holy See?The old nobles against Vicia?

After thinking about it, Vicia couldn't think of anyone who would spend such a large amount of money on her.

Her head was a little drowsy, Wen Lin simply closed her eyes, waiting to fall asleep.

A good night's sleep.

The next day, with the soft sunshine, Wen Lin opened her eyes. After a simple wash, she walked to the main hall.

There is only breakfast for one person on the long table.

Wen Lin asked casually, "Where is Her Majesty Vicia?"

Wen Lin asked very naturally, not noticing the slight change in the maid's expression.

The intimate behavior of Wen Lin and Visia yesterday had spread among the maids. Some of them hadn't seen it with their own eyes, and no matter how others described it, they couldn't believe it.

And Wen Lin's casual and intimate gesture now seemed to support what they said was the truth.

Queen Vicia has never had any intimate contact with any man since she knew that Lord Robert was married.

She seemed determined to keep a certain distance from everyone except the servants.

The church often praises the queen's holiness for this.

Even if Wen Lin was a woman, it was enough to surprise the servants, so their attitude towards Wen Lin became more respectful and thoughtful.

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, His Majesty Vicia has already returned to the palace, and the carriage is ready in the castle for you to leave,"

Nodded, indicating that he understood, and settled the breakfast

Finally, Wen Lin did not forget to thank her.

Under the scorching gaze of everyone, Wen Lin felt a little burdened. She held the long sword and sat in the carriage with an elegant posture.

Gently and politely ordered the coachman, "Go to Port Royal,"

Sitting solemnly in the carriage, the majestic castle gradually faded away in sight.

Thinking of everything that happened with Vicia, complicated emotions flooded in, but Wen Lin had obviously begun to adapt and accept it.

As long as she doesn't appear on the same occasion as Vicia, her expression, breathing, and even the rhythm of her heartbeat are the same as when she is calm and meditating.

After Wen Lin left, the maids also started to pack their things and prepare to go back to the royal court. Women's nature of gossip made them talk about Wen Lin naturally,

"It's no wonder that even Namer, who is old-fashioned and boring, praised Miss Wen Lin, she is really a very well-bred lady,"

"Yeah, I think not only the queen likes her, but soon the gentlemen in the capital will also start to pursue her,"

They were talking about Wen Lin thanking her after breakfast. Nobles usually don't thank their servants for the food they have prepared.

Wen Lin's behavior was very approachable, as if she didn't treat them as servants at all.

Although a little apprehensive, there is no doubt that everyone is very happy in their hearts.

Ampton Palace was not far from Port Royal, and the scenery outside the car window gradually became wider, tall trees began to be replaced by low shrubs, and a wide river gradually appeared in Wen Lin's eyes.

Bruns, the capital of the kingdom, is connected to the Strait of Dover through the Thame River. There is an endless stream of cargo ships driving on the river. The river wind blows the tall sails, and white birds pass by.

Hanvers was standing on the pier, with three or two officials and two rows of guards behind him, they were talking with the people on the pier.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Hanvers noticed Wen Lin's arrival.

He walked over quickly, the gentleman was waiting in front of the car, and he seemed to be very enthusiastic to say hello,

Wen Lin also responded enthusiastically. She jumped out of the carriage holding a long knife, and asked straight to the point,

"Mr. Hanvers, can you tell me what I can do for you now?"

With a friendly smile, Hanvers handed the parchment in the attendant's hand to Wen Lin,

"Excuse me for intruding, I want to ask some clues about the assassination,"

"Assassination?" Wen Lin showed just the right surprise, "Mr. Havers, you know that I have only been in the capital for a short time, and I don't know much about everything here,"

Although it has been more than half a year since she came to the Europa continent, Wen Lin spent nearly two-thirds of the time at sea. Most of her understanding of the country of Golan is based on the information provided by other people.

Upon hearing what Wen Lin said, the officials behind Hanfus unabashedly showed contempt.

I don't know what His Excellency Hanvers thinks, why he chooses to let a woman dictate.

It's just a humiliation to them.

The officials other than Hanfors were aggrieved. They squinted at Wen Lin, and suddenly their bodies froze and their eyes widened.

They saw the long knife in Wen Lin's hand, and the intuitive impression this knife left on everyone was that of tyrannical force.

Wen Lin intended to be low-key, but practice has proved that the appearance of a long stick wrapped in linen is also eye-catching. Wen Lin just held it in her hand openly, and it can also play a certain deterrent effect.

But soon, the officials reacted and found a reason to continue to despise Wen Lin. Being able to win in the arena does not mean that a woman has a bright brain.

Under their gaze, Wen Lin opened the sheepskin book calmly, and slowly flipped through it. After a preliminary understanding of the situation, Wen Lin asked with great interest,

"Everyone, what's your opinion?"

With a slender and tall figure and gentle and polite speech, it is easy for Wen Lin to overlook the knife in her hand.

Perhaps being soothed by Wen Lin's attitude, the dissatisfied officials calmed down a bit, snorted, and began to speak out their thoughts in a hurry.

"The inspection route is open to the public, any Catholic in the Golan could be an assassin,"

"It's too risky for me to say you shouldn't walk through a crowd,"


Some unhelpful guesses and complaints, the smile on Hanvers' face faded, interrupting them in time,

"The Queen's will is so, and it is difficult for us to change it. The important thing is how to find out the wrongdoers,"

Looking at Wen Lin again, Hanvers asked,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, what do you think?"

When dealing with Wen Lin, Hanvers has always maintained a gentleman's demeanor, his tone and attitude are very gentle, without any sense of oppression that makes people feel uncomfortable.

Shaking her head regretfully, Wen Lin suggested with a smile, "I have no idea, but maybe we can go and see the wreckage of the salvaged ship,"

According to the records in the notebook, Hanfus and the others have carefully tracked down all the details that may have been tampered with, but found nothing.

The only thing that is certain is that this is an elaborate plan, and it is closely related to certain nobles or wealthy businessmen.

After all, the person who can take out two ships as an assassination tool cannot be a commoner with little savings.

Wen Lin lowered her eyes, carefully recalling the scene of that night.

In a port with mixed forces, it happened that when the queen boarded the ship, the two nearest ships exploded at the same time.blew up and ignited several other merchant ships carrying wine barrels.

burst.Explosions, screams, falling water, wailing...

Firelight licked the wreckage of the ship until it sank slowly into the water.

Hanfus has already seen the wreckage of the ship himself. No matter how you look at it, they are two ordinary cargo ships. He asked unwillingly,

"Did you see something unusual that night?

situations, such as pirate ships that shouldn’t be in port,”

Strictly speaking, only her Liberty was there that night, Wen Lin shook her head amusedly,

"You know, pirates never do business at a loss. It's not the style of pirates to sneak into Port Royal and make such a big commotion. I'm sure there were no other pirate ships that night except the Liberty,"

Port Royal is different from other coastal ports. It is just outside the city of Bruns and is heavily guarded. Once exposed, it will be a life-threatening thing. No pirate is willing to ask for trouble.

"Then let's go to the nearby shipyard first. The wreckage of the ship is temporarily stored there," Hanvers nodded and smiled wryly.

It took a while to prepare the carriage, and everyone stood in front of the pier, looking at each other speechlessly.

Wen Lin began to look at the boats on the river. Most of the merchant ships in sight were paddle boats, which could not only walk by the wind, but also rely on manpower to paddle.

The biggest advantage of the rowing boat is that it can travel at a faster speed in calm seas or weak winds, but it is a great burden for sailors or slaves who are responsible for rowing.

Liberty is different from these ships. Wen Lin transformed it into a three-masted sailing ship in the shipyard, equipped with horizontal sails and vertical sails. In the event of a storm or strong headwind, the direction can be changed more flexibly*1.

This is also an important reason why Wen Lin was able to escape unscathed every time after robbing the Pope's ship.

Their heavy brig, with square or schooner only, could not keep up with the Liberty.

Wen Lin had carefully studied the development history of sailing ships, and she had a lot of sophisticated drawings of sailing ships in her mind. Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she turned to look at Hanfus, who was on the side.

"Mr. Havers, do you need royal permission to open a shipyard?"

"No need," Hanvers was very surprised that Wen Lin would ask this question, and he joked, "Your Excellency Wen Lin, do you want to drive a boat?"

It's just pure ridicule. Although the royal family's permission is not required to open a boat workshop, a lot of money needs to be invested in the early stage.

Hanfus never thought about Wen Lin's idea of ​​opening a boat workshop.

Smiling faintly, Wen Lin didn't answer, just thinking secretly in her heart.

Now the maritime trade between countries is becoming more and more frequent, and strange continents similar to the Europa continent have begun to be discovered one after another.

But what is surprising is that the overall shipbuilding technology on the Europa continent does not seem to have received significant innovation.

It seems that it is precisely for this reason that ships on the Europa road are difficult to support long-distance voyages, and exchanges between the East and the West are extremely rare and difficult.

Calculating according to the progress of history, Wen Lin couldn't hide her curiosity, would there still be a country named Ming in the East now?

In Wen Lin's impression, Sistine is the country with the most powerful navy on the Europa continent, and the most advanced ships should be Sistine's brigantine warships.

But it seems that their most advanced warship still has a significant gap compared with the Liberty.

Maybe this will be a good business.

It happened to be going to the shipyard, and Wen Lin immediately became interested. She could take this opportunity to learn more about the current shipbuilding process.

The attendants quickly prepared two four-wheeled carriages, and there were five officials together with Wen Lin.

Hanfors and the rest of the officials walked to the same carriage as a matter of course, politeness to ladies is the cultivation that a gentleman should show at any time.

But Hanfus was stopped by Wen Lin at the last moment when he got into the car, "Mr. Hanfus, may I invite you to take the same car?"

Looking at Wen Lin suspiciously, Hanvers clenched the hilt of his sword and confirmed, "Your Excellency Wen Lin wants to invite me to ride with you?"

Although Hanvers never regarded Wen Lin as a delicate noble lady, and gave her respect like a friend when getting along.

But no matter what, Wen Lin is a beautiful woman.

In Golan's custom, generally only lovers will ride with men and women.

Wen Lin stood on the sidelines and looked at Hanfus with a smile, as if she didn't know the meaning of the invitation.

Even more coincidentally, although Hanvers is nearly thirty years old, he is still not married.

He can be regarded as a very elegant and elegant uncle, and he has many admirers among the noble ladies in the capital.

The expressions of the remaining officials suddenly became strange. They sat in the carriage, looked at each other, and then discussed in a very low voice.

"I'll just say why Your Excellency Humphreys suddenly asked a woman to come over,"

"Tsk, sure enough women are poisons, even Hanvers, who is always cautious, can't escape,"

Under the sighing laughter, there was even stronger contempt for Wen Lin. They closed the car windows, as if Wen Lin was some kind of dirty thing, and even looking at it would tarnish their noble eyes.

Hanvers guessed that Wen Lin probably didn't know Golan's customs, and when he was considering how to remind Wen Lin tactfully, Wen Lin had already got into the car first.

In the end, Hanfus took the place of the driver and sat outside the carriage to drive.

"Miss Wen Lin, in Golan, men and women are not allowed to ride together at will,"

Stretching her head out of the carriage, Wen Lin looked at Hanvers' blushing face, feeling bewildered, and couldn't laugh or cry when she realized it.

Wen Lin hurriedly explained, "Your Excellency Hanvers, I just want to ask you some questions,"

Wen Lin was still not so at ease when the queen's favorite minister became her coachman.

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, you can ask whatever you want, as long as it doesn't touch the basic bottom line of my work," with a still gentle attitude,

The wheels rolled over the dirt road, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Wen Lin shrank her head back and asked, "Mr. Havers, do you know any shipbuilders with very good skills?"

"I do know a fine shipwright, my friend Rodode,"


Si still didn't expect Wen Lin to open a shipyard. He pondered for a moment and continued,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, do you want to buy a new ship? But the Queen will return the Liberty to you in the near future,"

Hanfus knew Wen Lin's identity as a pirate from the very beginning, and as for the purpose of His Majesty Vicia's kidnapping her to Bruns, Hanfus could more or less guess.

Sooner or later, Wen Lin will still have to return to the sea, after all, there is no faster way to obtain wealth than direct robbing.

But inexplicably, Hanvers couldn't feel any dislike for Wen Lin. As both pirates, Wen Lin felt completely different.

The brilliance in the black eyes is very pure. Whenever Hanfus looks at her, it always feels like he is looking at a sea full of vitality.

In some moments, Hanvers felt that Wen Lin's temperament was exactly the same as Her Majesty Vicia's.

Even though Wen Lin was wearing the simplest linen burqa, her every move still carried a certain charming quality, like a truly ancient and noble nobleman.

There is a fundamental difference between them and the arrogant and hypocritical nobles in the capital.

He always lowers his posture unconsciously.

Wen Lin thought for a while, and thought of a set of rhetoric before answering Hanfus,

"No, a qualified captain should know enough about her ship. I would like to take this opportunity to see the differences in the structure of various parts of different ships,"

There was a boatyard ahead, and Hanvers tightened the reins, and joked as he jumped off the carriage, "To be honest, you are more like a scholar,"

Wen Lin followed. The boathouse was simpler than she imagined, but the site was very large. The wall made of crushed stones almost covered half of the low hill, and there was a wide and gentle river on the outermost edge. There were two rivers on the river. A pulper that appears to have initially completed construction.

After walking in, you can see that each area has its own division of labor. There is a pile of thick logs on the far left. If you continue to move forward, you can see the general outline of the ship on the right.

After a few more glances, Wen Lin determined that this was a typical basic structure of a western-style ship, with keel, ribs and skin.

The steward of the shipyard saw that it was Hanfus, and quickly brought the group to the place where the wreckage was stored.

There are not many salvaged parts, most of which are half-burned masts, decks, and partitions.

The group checked again carefully, but found nothing special.

They looked at Wen Lin who was turning over the small pieces of wreckage with unexpected expressions, and even complained to Hanvers,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, can you tell us what you found? If you find nothing, aren't you wasting our time?"

Frowning deeply, Hanfus's face suddenly turned cold,

"Everyone, I invited Your Excellency Wen Lin to help find clues. If you think this is a waste of time, please tell me, have you found any useful clues in the past ten days?"

The officials who followed were all old aristocrats from the capital, and they always looked down on Hanfus who was born as a commoner.

Usually, Hanfus's temper is relatively restrained, and he will not be very strong in front of the old nobles.

It was the first time for him to question directly like today, and they were so frightened that they stopped talking.

But the mocking eyes always fell on Wen Lin vaguely, and they exchanged glances, as if they were waiting for Wen Lin to be deflated.

Kacha, Wen Lin suddenly drew out a knife, cut off a section of the mast, picked up the small piece of wood and walked towards Hanvers,

"If I'm not mistaken, the hulls of the two ships are made of strong but flammable scorpion wood. I remember that the scorpion tree species is originally from the Berber Principality. I don't know if this clue is useful to you. ,"

As soon as Wen Lin finished speaking, someone immediately jumped out to refute,

"My mouth speaks lies, it's obviously oak, sir, do you think we are all blind?"

Humphreys frowned, looked at Wen Lin, also puzzled, "Squid? But when we checked, we found

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