The root of the amaranth is oval and about the size of an egg. The outer skin is hard and black. After peeling off the skin, there are milky white loose rhizomes inside.

It is recorded in "Hua Ke Yao Ji" that the root of amaranth is ground into powder and applied to the face, which has the effect of cleaning, sterilizing and lightening spots.

With the help of Dot and Bessie, the amaranth roots that Wen Lin needed were quickly prepared.

The peeled rhizomes are sliced, boiled in a pot, then removed and evaporated to dryness, and finally ground into powder with a mill.

After it was ready, Wen Lin tried it on the back of her hand. It was not as smooth and delicate as lead powder, but it was better in safety and health, and it had a faint plant fragrance.

Most importantly, it can be stored for a long time.

Wen Lin filled a small box, leaving the rest for Bessie and Dot to use or study.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and it's getting late.

Under Bessie's urging, Wen Lin bid farewell to Dot in a hurry, and went straight to the room. Namanel was watching anxiously at the door.

"Miss Wen Lin, the dinner party is about to begin,"

Before she had time to say more, Wen Lin hurriedly changed into a taffeta dress, took advantage of the gap between Namaner and Bessie's braided hair, and put on a rough light makeup for herself, and finally put on a wreath decorated with feathers and gold leaves.

Bessie and Namer's eyes were obviously amazed.

And this astonishment lasted until the end of the banquet in the evening.

As soon as Wen Lin stepped into the front hall of the castle, curious, surprised, disdainful... eyes full of various emotions fell on her.

The movements of the ladies shaking their feather fans unconsciously slowed down. Their eyes glanced over Wen Lin's body as if unintentionally, and then they whispered to each other and discussed in low voices.

"Look, look, it's her, right?"

"It looks weaker than expected. How did such a slender body win in the arena?"

"I really envy her long straight and smooth hair,"


The semi-open front hall is bright and spacious, resplendent in gold and jade, with a huge crystal lamp hanging from the high arched dome, elegant classical decorations on the wall behind the queen, bright tapestry embroidered with gorse emblems on the edge of the wall panels.

Visia and Tilia sat at the front together, and the nobles sat on both sides of the lower head, leaving a large space in the center of the front hall.

Wen Lin walked through the crowd calmly, walked to the step of the throne, and gracefully gave a forehead salute to Visia and Tilia.

"Good day, to the great Queen of Golan and Sistine,"

The posture is casual, revealing a touch of laziness. The evening wind blows over the cold floor, swaying Wen Lin's long skirt with excellent drape, and her white and delicate ankles are faintly visible as she walks.

The chatter in the hall suddenly stopped, and they couldn't hide their surprise when they looked at Wen Lin who hadn't bowed.

Strictly speaking, Wen Lin's behavior is not in line with etiquette, she is just a commoner now.

But no one can say that Wen Lin's actions are ugly and vulgar, her every action seems to be covered with a layer of hazy veil, like an elf in the forest that touches people's minds.

With a waist like a soft branch and a face as beautiful as a saint, her attitude of taking it for granted seems to declare that it is not to be criticized and not to be profaned.

Everyone held their breath and watched Visia's reaction silently.

Would the queen fly into a fit of rage and throw the offending woman out?

However, to everyone's surprise, Visia's attitude was very gentle, she evoked an intoxicating smile, her tone was soothing,

"Your Excellency Wen Lin, this dress suits you better than I thought,"

A subtle emotion flashed in Weisia's eyes, and she looked undisguised in her smile. When she looked up, she could see a faint red mark on Wen Lin's shiny shoulder and neck, running through her left collarbone. Like some kind of ambiguous imprint.

It was left by herself, rubbing the rim of the silver wine glass, Visia swallowed silently.

Taking a small sip of the wine, Tilia's curious eyes flicked back and forth between Vicia and Wen Lin, as if she had discovered something interesting.

In the five years since Queen Vicia came to the throne, there have never been any rumors of exceeding the etiquette in terms of feelings.

Except for the news of the marriages of various countries for political purposes, her relationship seems to be blank.

It's really interesting, Tilia let out a sly laugh from her throat, and when she was about to pick up the glass again, Wormien's eyes suddenly swept over.

She had to put down her wine glass, and stuck out her tongue at Wormien when no one was looking.

Maintaining a dignified smile, Wormien raised her eyebrows very quickly. After making sure that Tilia would not steal another drink, she returned her attention to Wen Lin.

The interaction between Visia and Wen Lin is unpredictable, but it is certain that Queen Vissia has a very tolerant patience with her. It seems that Wen Lin's pawn can play a greater role than imagined.

Under the open or dark gaze of everyone, Wen Lin straightened up calmly, "Your Majesty, I'm glad you like it,"

Wen Lin's voice was very low. In the ambiguous atmosphere, the original cold tone was diluted, and it seemed that a low and seductive whisper hit the eardrum in a trance.

After adjusting her sitting posture, Visia suppressed the little impulse in her heart, turned her gaze to the lively hall, and resumed her condescending tone, "Your Excellency, I wish you a pleasant night,"

Nodding kindly, Wen Lin quickly disappeared into the crowd.

She picked an inconspicuous corner to sit down, but obviously because of the episode just now, she wanted to keep a low profile but couldn't.

There are always people who seem to pass by Wen Lin's desk unintentionally, or glance here inadvertently.

Fortunately, under the queen's signal, the melodious melody sounded, and everyone was distracted.

Suddenly, the front hall returned to a lively discussion scene.

Gentlemen, ladies and ladies rushed to the open space in the center of the front hall. They were divided into two rows and gracefully extended invitations to each other's dance partners.

Women should show the modesty and nobility of a lady, while men should show the chic and demeanor of a knight.

The gorgeous skirt swirls and flies, releasing warm emotions with a brisk rhythm.

Vicia was among them, and her dancing partner was a tall, handsome, blond boy.

They sometimes get close to the music, and sometimes stay away. Under the blurred light, the blond boy's face flushes abnormally, and there are whispers around,

"Look, it's another man who is overwhelmed by the queen's charm,"

Inexplicably, Wen Lin felt a little restless in her heart, tapping her knuckles on the table irregularly, but her eyes couldn't help but follow the figure on the dance floor.

After taking a big gulp of wine, Wen Lin stood up and walked to the pillar, breathing out the strong smell of alcohol.

Staring blankly at the coat of arms on the stone pillar, Wen Lin tried to calm down gradually, she seemed a little lost?Feeling a little lost?Because of Vicia?

I don't know the effect of alcohol, or because of the various aromas mixed in the hall.

Wen Lin was a little confused, she closed her eyes and tried to calm down as soon as possible.

Wormien has been observing Wen Lin, she quietly appeared behind Wen Lin,

"Your Excellency, have you been bewitched by Golan's rose? Is the only fire of the Sutherland family going to be extinguished in the hands of the Plantagenet royal family again?"


The author has something to say:

In fact, before I wrote it, I thought of a particularly awesome plot, that is, during the religious trial, watching the sky caused thunder to blow up the spire of the church, scaring them to death, and you commented that Wen was too powerful, I dare not I wrote it hahahahaha


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Tongtian;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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