Tilia could clearly feel that her body was enduring irreversible exhaustion because of the bowl of medicine.

She exhausted all the prescriptions left by Wen Lin, and drank bowl after bowl of bitter and unpalatable herbal juice, but it didn't work, and it even made her body weaker.

Gradually, Tilia stopped looking for Mrs. Wormien, and at the same time, with her acquiescence, Wormien began to be released to move freely in a small area.

Tilia watched Mrs. Wormien recover a little bit in the dark, watched her get in touch with her former confidant, and watched them successfully find Philip's son who was not actually dead—Mike s.

Sure enough, in politics, Madam's methods have always been straightforward.

Tilia took a small breath, and let out a muffled snort accompanied by bright red blood. Tilia looked at the blood-stained handkerchief in her eyes faintly, and walked away without looking back.

After that, Tilia would stay in the narrow passage every day, obsessively watching Mrs. Wormien's every move, but she never appeared in front of Wormien again.

Mrs. Wormien was a little wary when she was found by her confidants at first. After nearly three months, she seemed to have discovered something, and began to use the hands of her confidantes to wait for an opportunity to escape from the Sistine Palace.

Tilia knew that Mrs. Wormien wanted to leave here, leave her, she smiled silently and whispered softly,

"Ma'am, how could I really let you escape?"

When listening to the clerk's report on Madam's movements, Tilia was still a little surprised, and at the same time, she was also a little unspeakably ecstatic. She thought that after Madam came out, she would think about how to kill herself, but now it seems that she only wanted to kill herself. Just leave.

But after being happy for a while, Tilia felt very sad again. She would not live long, and whether it was love or hate, the lady had nothing to do with her.

The sun was spreading in large swaths, falling on the dome-shaped roof, refracting a dazzling white light.

Tilia stretched out her hand and watched the light fall on her hand. It should be warm, but thinking of the next arrangement, her fingertips felt cold.

Tilia thought sadly that not only did she not escape the fate of the Sistine royal family living in the shadow of the Holy Court all her life, she also did not catch the light that had fallen in the gloom.

I don't know whether to be thankful or regretful, this short and sad life is coming to an end soon.

In Tilia's meager memory, the only bright color was Mrs. Wormien.

Madam stood in front of him, blocking the heavy snow and storm...but what did he do?Tilia looked at her hands and thought in a daze.

The clerk stood on the other side of the corridor and hesitated for a long time, watching Tilia's face carefully, thinking of her mad look when she gave the order, the clerk finally walked up.

"Your Majesty, Noli's escaped servant was caught, and he confessed."

"Who is it?" Tilia turned her head suddenly, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"It's Archbishop Bredin. He poisoned you under the order of Archbishop Bredin. If you are successfully poisoned, the Holy Court will use your death to launch a crusade against the Wormien family. If you survive by chance, they will kill you." Use this to drive a wedge between you and the Wormien family."

When the clerk spoke, the cold sweat rolled down his head uncontrollably, and when Tilia's gaze swept over him, he felt more and more difficult to breathe.

Especially when he found that His Majesty did not become happier when he heard the news, but became even more depressed.

Tilia's expression turned ferocious for a moment, and she waved her hand. When the surroundings returned to silence, she suddenly started laughing loudly while leaning against the wall, followed by heart-piercing coughs, each of which became more intense.

Waiting for the pain in her heart to subside, Tilia summoned someone expressionlessly and rushed straight to the dungeon.

The waiter was kept alone in the lowest cell, with wooden shackles on his limbs, and even a mouth shackle to prevent him from committing suicide.

He was imprisoned here, taking turns to experience some punishments that were not fatal, but punishments that made people unable to live or die. He did not last a day, and he recruited them all.

When he saw Tilia walking in, the waiter trembled even more, and he couldn't stop begging for mercy.

Tilia stood at the door of the cell, turned a deaf ear, and only asked him, "Is there any antidote?"

The poison provided by the holy court was originally made by mixing various poisonous substances. How could there be an antidote? The waiter's pale lips trembled and he remained silent.

Although she didn't expect much, Tilia was still a little disappointed. She pulled out the long sword beside her, walked over and stabbed her into the waiter's chest with all her strength.

"Do you know? Your master has been here for three months without confessing, and he didn't say anything until he died."

Officer Noli bit down Mrs. Wormien's order to death, and Tilia believed it. Her decadent body made her mentally chaotic and insane. She was only able to recover from the extremely excited state when Mrs. Wormien was tortured to death. After the emotions faded, I found a trace of reason.

When she walked out of the dungeon, Tilia's expressionless face was covered with tears. She walked slowly back to the hall as usual.

Along the way, Tilia couldn't stop thinking, at least he couldn't die now, at least he had to kill all the people in the Holy Court.

The highly respected cardinals in Madeli did not expect that Tilia, a wolf cub, would deal with them desperately, not only for her own life, but also for those who were loyal to her. on heart.

It is always a situation where both sides suffer. Tilia doesn't care, but the Holy Court does.

Due to various concerns, the Holy Court is further in decline.

On the night when Tilia dealt with Bredding, she unconsciously walked to the door of Mrs. Wormien's room.

According to the latest news, Mrs. Wormien will successfully escape from the Sistine Palace tomorrow night, and the people sent by the Wormien family outside the palace gate have long been ready.

Tilia stood in front of the door for a long time before opening the door and entering. Mrs. Wormien's face showed a momentary expression of astonishment, but soon she regained her composure, turned her head away, and turned a blind eye to Tilia as before.

"Ma'am," Tilia called her in a low voice, her voice sounded unexpectedly soft.

Seeing that Wormien didn't respond, Tilia restrained herself rarely. This time she didn't go crazy, but walked to Wormien, knelt on the ground, and gently wrapped her arms around her arms.

Wormien wanted to back subconsciously, but held back, Tilia was a little abnormal tonight, and Wormien didn't know if she had noticed something.

While Wormien was thinking, Tilia rested her head on her bent leg, rubbing her head lightly like she did when she acted like a spoiled child to her wife when she was a child.

Being drawn back by Tilia's movements, Wormien was in a trance for a moment. She looked at Tilia's moist eyes, and there was unconcealable disappointment and disgust in her eyes.

Mrs. Wormien hid these emotions that might irritate Tilia very well, but Tilia still found out. She pretended not to notice, put on a smile, and moved her hand to Mrs. Wormien's neckline. , asked, "Ma'am, I want it, can I?"

Wormien looked at her, his long eyebrows furrowed, but he didn't answer.

During this period of being imprisoned here, Tilia had never asked her own wishes, and the sudden subduing and showing of favor, no matter how you look at it, she had ulterior motives.

Perhaps it was to appease Tilia, or she was completely disappointed. When Tilia kissed her, Mrs. Wormien didn't struggle, and Tilia was surprisingly gentle.

During this period of time, the marks on Mrs. Wormien's body have disappeared and faded, and her porcelain-white skin is dazzled by the light.

Tilia stroked her lips inch by inch until it stopped in....

Tilia supported Mrs. Wormien's bent calf, buried her head down, and the same elegant fragrance as Mrs. Womien's body penetrated into her nostrils.

The close touch, the undulating warmth...everything makes Tilia love it.

While under Tilia's gentle caress, Wormien lost her mind several times. When she recovered, she was startled and frightened, and the feeling of indulging in it would make her spurn herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tilia caught a glimpse of Mrs. Wormien's frowning eyebrows. On the last night she could hug Mrs. Wormien, she ended hastily.

After cleaning up both of them, Tilia hugged Wormien's waist tightly and fell asleep on the bed.

Tilia didn't really fall asleep all night. When she left at dawn the next day, she said softly and almost silently,

"Madam, if it weren't for my dilapidated body that can hardly support me, I would definitely not let you leave here just like that."

At night, Tilia stood behind the dark wall and watched Mrs. Wormien leave.

Early the next morning, Tilia attacked the Wormien family one after another, becoming increasingly unscrupulous in political affairs, and she pressed forward step by step towards the Holy Court.

The Wormien family, who were forced to be driven by Tilia, started a tentative counterattack after rescuing Mrs. Wormien.

Tilia thought she would be ousted from the throne soon, but as time went by, she realized that the rest of the Wormien family did not seem to know that Philip's son was still alive.

If they had other options, Tilia would undoubtedly become useless.

It is self-evident who concealed this news.

In the following days, Tilia hanged herself with decoction, and formed a delicate check and balance relationship with the Wormien family. It was a pity for Tilia that Mrs. Womien never showed her face in public again.

When Tilia was haggard and unable to maintain normal actions, she pulled out all the hidden threads that had been buried.

Once again, she forced Mrs. Wormien to come out to clean up the mess. When the Wormien family's private soldiers broke into the palace, Tilia walked back to the small dark room where she met Mrs. Wormien for the first time.

At that time, she was huddled in the corner in fear, waiting in fear for the nobles to pronounce her fate. It was the madam who opened the door, hugged her, and told her not to be afraid.

Tilia returned to that corner again. She curled up, feeling the collapse of a mere inch of consciousness until she was completely submerged in the darkness of nothingness.

It's a pity that I still haven't been able to see my wife.

When Wormien walked into the hall, she looked at the empty throne and frowned calmly. She told the guards beside her, "Search, but don't hurt her privately."

Max was only five years old, and he was a puppet completely controlled by the Wormien family. Wormien quelled the turmoil in a very short period of time.

But when Wormien came back to think about it, she quickly realized that something was wrong, it shouldn't be so fast.

At the same time, the guards finally found the news about Tilia, and Wormien rushed over. In his memory, Tilia was almost thinned into a skeleton, and her chest could not be seen rising and falling.

Wormien's eyes were moved for a moment, and she was stunned for a long time before she dared to step forward, breathing with her fingers, and there was still a little warmth.

"Look for the medical officer and save her." With an unwavering tone, it seems that the companionship of the past decades has been destroyed.

Everyone thought that Tilia would definitely die, but Mrs. Wormien tried her best to save her. In the end, she miraculously saved her life and survived as a living dead.

She slept in a spacious and bright room all day long. After she learned that she would not die, Mrs. Wormien never visited her once, and ordered someone to take care of her at all times.

Time flies, on the day Mrs. Wormien learned that Wen Lin was not dead, she went to see Tilia, and she stood by Tilia's bed all day.

One month later, Sistine reported the news of ceding the sea rights of the Wake Strait to Golan. Two months later, the palace reported that Tilia died of a serious illness. After that, Mrs. Wormien Also lost track.

Several years later, in a small village on the outskirts of Golan King City, a foolish fool sat on the threshold, looked at a gentle woman coming from a distance, tilted his head and shouted sweetly,



The author has something to say:

The process of writing is a self-healing process for me. If I can be lucky enough to heal you in this process, it will be my honor. I look forward to seeing you next time.

(End of the book)

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