#林依hand in hand with national treasures to tell the story of cultural relics#

#Lin Yi, classical temperament#

#文heng山private museum unveils its mystery for the first time#

Lin Yi is a new national floret in the past two years. She has gained a firm foothold in the entertainment circle with big-produced dramas such as "Spy War", "The Wind and Cloud in North Shanxi", and "Lonely City".

She has good looks and acting skills, and her family background is also good. Relying on her own superior resources and the operation of the team behind her, every time her name is searched, it will soon explode.

This time was no exception. Seven or eight o'clock in the evening was the peak time of Weibo surfing. Two entries with Lin Yi's name appeared soon after.

Reposts and likes exceeded 30 in just one day, and comments also reached more than [-].

[My sister is really awesome to be invited by CCTV]

[Looking forward to my wife! 】

[Classic number one beauty, no one should object to me saying this, right?]

【Love, love, I wish my wife a smooth work and filming】


Among the many comments like this, there are occasionally one or two comments that are particularly out of place.

[Is it the private exhibition hall in Gancheng?Is it even open?]

[Going back upstairs, it’s incredible. It was only two years ago that I heard that the local government planned to use 150 acres of prime land as a condition, and wanted to invite collectors to come out of the mountain, but was rejected.]

These two very inconspicuous comments were quickly brushed off by the comments.

Netizens didn't know that these two were the grandsons of Tao Hua and Yu Cheng, the leading archaeologists in China. They tacitly found the entry with the private museum of Wenheng Mountain, and discussed it enthusiastically in the comment area below.

[I have been fortunate enough to see a few collections inside. According to my guess, the collections in Wenhengshan Museum are definitely not inferior to any provincial museums.】

[I agree with the above, I have seen a complete set of Ru porcelain that flowed out of the Wenheng Mountain Pavilion at the auction, and it was auctioned for 2.4 million Chinese coins at that time]

[It's a pity that it has not been open to the public before! 】

[Those brothers upstairs, just blow it up, the private museum is not open, do you rely on the sky for food? 】

[That is, neither fame nor money can be earned. Is the boss behind it a fool with a lot of money? 】

Regardless of whether it is a state-owned museum or a non-state-owned museum, the nature of cultural public welfare is more important, and they don’t care about the amount of revenue. What they really care about is the social influence of creation. As far as private museums are concerned, the collectors behind them will Care more about that.

According to reliable records, Wenheng Mountain has been privately owned since the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, but no information has ever been leaked about who owns it.

One thing that puzzles everyone is that the Wenhengshan Museum has never been opened to the public. The outside world has speculated that the daily maintenance fee alone is already sky-high.

Occasionally, each of the collections that flow out of Wenheng Mountain can be the finale of the auction.

It is a great pity that no matter how curious everyone is, the Wenhengshan Pavilion is still as mysterious as ever.

This time, the news of the opening suddenly broke out. Tao Xingxing and Yu Muqi didn't care about arguing with netizens who didn't know how to do it, and immediately went to find their old man.

"Grandpa, haven't you been thinking about going to the Wenhengshan Museum? Didn't the program team invite you this time?"

Tao Hua is one of the most famous masters in the archaeological world. He often appears on various channels. He is a refined and funny little old man who is very popular among young people in Huaguo.

Tao Xingxing watched his grandfather frowned and stared at the phone for a while, then walked out with a serious face and started making calls.

The beautiful Chinese faintly passed into Tao Xingxing's ears from the balcony,

"Guo Zheng, I heard that Wen Hengshan's program is made by you, right?"

"Damn it, you bastard, tell me how many times I've tried to trick you,"

"You still care about his fucking stuff, if I can't go, what else do you have in the future, don't come to me,"

Tao Xingxing collapsed on the sofa with his waist in his hands and smiled. Speaking of his grandfather, he usually looks like the most upright old scholar in front of people, but as long as he has anything to do with cultural relics, he can turn into a violent emperor in minutes.

Tao's father and Tao's mother persuaded him many times, saying that this is not good, until the doctor said that it is good for the elderly to vent their emotions in time, so no one talked about it.

Guo Zheng also looked embarrassed when he heard the beeping sound from his mobile phone.

Before he could figure out how to turn around, Yu Cheng, another famous archaeologist, called. Guo Zheng didn't need to think about it to know that he must also be looking for Wenheng Mountain.

After finally appeasing the ancestor, Guo Zhengsi thought about it, and carefully dialed a phone number.

After connecting, a clear female voice came from the phone, "Hello, Director Guo, what can I do for you?"

Hey, hello, Director Wen, I just went to Wenheng Mountain to record a program, I want to discuss with you, can we add a few more places? "

The other side was silent for a while, and the muscles on Guo Zheng's face almost stiffened from laughing. It's funny to say that he is almost 30 years old, and he has seen all kinds of people in the wind and rain.

This is the only curator Wen who has only met once. Although his attitude is a little cold and his words are a little less, he can be regarded as gentle and polite, but Guo Zheng doesn't understand. He looks younger than himself, so he doesn't know. Where did that intimidating aura of calmness and prestige come from?

Even if there was no reason why he had to wait so hard for someone to enter Wenheng Mountain this time, Guo Zheng always felt that he had to be more careful in breathing when facing Curator Wen.

Just when Guo Zheng thought it was a waste of time and regretted that he had offended Director Wen, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Who do you want to add?"

"It's two old scholars in the archaeological field and their assistants," Guo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard the reply, and quickly replied.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, then goodbye." The voice was still faint, but it sounded like heaven to Guo Zheng at this moment. He hurriedly said hello and waited for the other party to hang up first.

After wiping the sweat off his head, Guo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately called Tao Hua and Yu Cheng back, emphasizing that he could only bring one assistant in. The original shooting team had suppressed the personnel as much as possible while ensuring the quality. .

The chief director has already issued repeated orders, and he must pay attention to his words and deeds. Curator Wen's background is unfathomable, and the higher-ups want to connect with her and truly open her private museum to the public.

Although some people on the Internet have already speculated that Wenheng Mountain will be officially opened, but the real situation is clear to them in the industry, and there is no definite conclusion on this matter.

On the other end, Wen Lin hung up the phone, temporarily put down the paintbrush in her hand, put her forehead in thought, and suddenly felt a little sad. Almost 700 years have passed, dynasties have changed, and history is ruthless.

It has been more than 60 years since I returned to Huaguo last time, and this time I came back, I planned to stay longer and meet a descendant of the late Empress Ma.

When they arrived in Daming at the beginning of the year, they got acquainted with Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma who were out of the palace in commoner clothes by accident, and at the same time opened up the trade route between the East and the West.

As recorded in the history books of later generations, they are loving and affectionate husband and wife.

When Wen Lin and Wei Xiya were invited to live in Ying Tian Mansion, Empress Ma often played with them in common clothes, and they had a very good friendship in private.

Because of this friendship, Wen Lin and Wei Xiya hanged themselves on Meishan in Chongzhen, and left a death edict, "When I die, I will see my ancestors without a face. At the same time, he took a risk to save Chongzhen's third son Zhu Cijiong.

In the following hundreds of years, Wen Lin and Vicia no longer had close friendships with the world.

The treasure map left by Mrs. Guinevere, as predicted by Wen Lin, contains the spare energy of the metaverse. Relying on these energy, she and Vicia can live at least tens of thousands of years. In a sense, They are immortals.

The price of eternal life is to be stripped of history, to be alone and own.

The most basic criterion for using the metaverse is not to overly affect the development trajectory of historical civilization, otherwise it will be countered by the metaverse itself.

The afternoon sun was warm, and through the thick leaves, it sprinkled on Wen Lin's face like pieces of gold, and Visia walked in quietly.

Seeing Wen Lin staring at the bright sword on the shelf in a daze, without saying a word, Visia already guessed what she was thinking.

At first, Wen Lin was worried that it would be difficult for Visia to get used to when they had endless time, but now it seems that Wen Lin was more affected.

Spring flowers and autumn snow, vegetation, trees, mountains and rocks, the old man... Except for each other, everything else is aging in the erosion of the years, which is inevitably sad.

Weisia put her hand on Wen Lin's shoulder and asked her softly, "Zhu Mingyuan sent an invitation, this month's NO.15, do you want to go and have a look?"

Zhu Mingyuan is the grandson of Zhu Cijiong for countless generations, and their business in Hua is handled by the Zhu family.

However, despite the close business contacts, except for Zhu Mingyuan who met Wen Lin and Vicia once when they were young, no one else in the Zhu family had ever met them.

"Well," when Wen Lin saw Visia, the gloom in her eyes disappeared instantly, she pulled her to sit beside her with a smile, and leaned over to sit next to her, "Why don't we stay in Huaguo for a little longer this time? , Try a more lively day."

Seeing Wen Lin's happy expression, Visia nodded, how could she say no, and then took the brush aside and followed Wen Lin's composition.

During their time together, they learned many things together, such as sculpture, painting, embroidery, musical instruments...even modern fencing, skiing, rock climbing, etc. They will learn and try everything they are interested in.

Maybe it's because they have been together for too long, their styles are exactly the same for works like sculptures and paintings, and sometimes they themselves can't tell who made them.

From Wen Lin's point of view, Visia's back was straight, and the pale golden sunlight outlined her slender and fair neckline. She leaned slightly to write, and her already loose neckline was half-hidden.

Wen Lin narrowed her eyes, and suddenly approached Visia, her red lips lightly held her dark blue earrings, and said meaningfully, "Visia, I want to enjoy the plum blossom."

"Appreciation of plum blossoms?" There are still three or four months before the earliest plum blossoms in Huaguo, Weisia looked back at Wen Lin suspiciously.

Not too many detours, Wen Lin suddenly leaned over and pressed Visia on the back of the chair, took the paintbrush in her hand and threw it away, picked up another clean paintbrush, and followed Visia's exposed small A section of the collarbone is outlined downwards, neither light nor heavy.

"My custom-made edible paint, please stay still, and I will let the plum blossoms bloom here."


The author has something to say:

Because there is a time limit for Jinjiang’s lottery draw. If there is no accident, it should be the next week’s lottery draw. At that time, I wrote in the copy that Jinjiang coin is a full order, and then Weibo is to repost Weibo and add attention to comments (I haven’t posted any Weibo related to the lottery yet, and it will be next week)

Then I will write an extra chapter to follow the main CP Mid-Autumn Festival episode~

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