I'm not a soaring boss

Chapter 23 Purple Name NPC

【Ding!Loading game data...]

[The data is loaded. 】

[Race: Human race. 】

[Please select the place of birth. 】

[The initial data has been completed, the game is loading...]

The beeping sound from the ear system gradually disappeared, and Pei Mingxu opened his eyes again. The sun was warm and he could vaguely hear the chirping of birds.

Looking around, I finally saw the novice outfit I was wearing - a blue tight-sleeved long coat, which fits the style of the game very well, very fairy-like.

The environment here is also very realistic and has a strong sense of substitution. It is indeed a holographic game that has been promoted for so long.

Unlike other players who start looking for tasks as soon as they come in, he is a leisure party. It is very interesting to enjoy the scenery and take pictures when playing games.

When choosing the birth point before, he purposely chose Xuanling as a place that seemed relatively remote and sparsely populated, just to avoid encountering a large number of task-upgrading maniacs as soon as he entered, which would be too tiring.

There is no rush to upgrade or anything, just look at the scenery first.

Because the Hunyuan Realm is too big, even if there are many players coming at a time, there is no second novice player near such a remote place as Pei Mingxu.

After reading the surrounding environment, Pei Mingxu unhurriedly opened his attribute panel.

After a series of readings, uh, there is actually nothing interesting when I first entered the game.

Anyway, except for the initial attribute, the other values ​​are all 0.

After closing the property panel, Pei Mingxu followed the instructions on the mini-map to the nearest small village. He didn't choose his birthplace just because he saw a remote place. If he walked thousands of miles, he couldn't find anyone. , it's funny.

But before he had gone far, he suddenly felt that it was getting dark, and when he looked up, he saw a large black mist.

At the same time, Luo Sha, who had been on the run for several days, also saw Pei Mingxu.

Uh, the four eyes meet, a little awkward.

Pei Mingxu checked what the thing in front of him was, but the data displayed was speechless.

【Name:? ? ? ? 】

【grade:? ? 】

It was full of question marks, and the blood volume was shown, but Pei Mingxu gave up after taking a look at it. This long series of 0s broke through the sky, and he knew at a glance that he had met a big boss.

As soon as Pei Mingxu thought of this, the next second he was overwhelmed by the big boss.

The Heavenly Ghost Raksha, who had killed and silenced people, was about to leave when he saw the person he had just killed resurrected on the spot. What's going on?

He has been completely wiped out by the people who appeared a few days ago. He hasn't come out for thousands of years. Are the people outside so different?

But no matter how different the practice of spells is, there is no one who dies and comes back to life immediately, right?

At this moment, Tiangui Luosha felt that his cognition had collapsed a bit.

Of course, Pei Mingxu doesn't know what Tiangui Luosha is thinking. Now he is at level 0 and is in the novice protection period. There is no punishment for death, but there is punishment. Now he has not done any tasks, so what can be deducted?

Tiangui Luosha killed Pei Mingxu again, and then history repeated itself, and he was resurrected after a while.

Before entering the game, Pei Mingxu lowered the pain by 50%. It stands to reason that the pain of death is reduced by half, and the pain is still there, but the big boss killed him too fast, and he died before he felt it.

He has been killed several times back and forth, and the Heavenly Ghost Raksha is no longer wasting time here. Now people in the Hunyuan Realm are besieging and killing him. Although this person is weird and can be resurrected from death, he is not a threat. After printing, he ran away, and came to study this person after he recovered from his injury.

When he first entered the game, he met the big boss face to face. Pei Mingxu, who had died more than a dozen times, felt that there was something wrong with his account's luck.

Because it is a hologram, the feeling is very real. After the big boss left, Pei Mingxu resurrected silently, looking at a [Broken Soul] buff on his head.

[Broken Soul: In this state, the blood volume disappears by 2 points per second, and the duration is to be determined. 】

After reading the buff description, Pei Mingxu was sure that he was really black. He had received a negative buff before completing the task upgrade. Fortunately, he was still in the novice protection period, and the continuous blood loss buff did not take effect.

If it takes effect, his blood volume at level 0 is only a few hundred points, and it will be gone in a while, so he can't do the task until he finds a way to break the buff effect.

After all, without the novice protection, even if you level up, you will be downgraded by this broken soul.

If someone else encounters this opening method, they will definitely have to cut their account and restart, but Pei Mingxu is different, it is the same whether they do the task or not, besides how troublesome it is to cut the account and start again, today is the first day of the Hunyuan World server opening, If you get disconnected, you have to wait for half a day to queue up.

After all kinds of considerations, Pei Mingxu can't do it even if he triggers the mission now, otherwise he will die faster.

【Map of Zhongtianyu】

[Wing Man]: I seem to have triggered a mission just now, but how do I play it?Is anyone around?Play for the first time.

[Fan Honghe]: Is there a task so soon?Post a location.

[Cen Wenlin]: Miss Sister, I am also on this map, maybe I am closer to you.

[Vibrant Vine]: [Location 34567849]

Pei Mingxu glanced at the map channel, and found that the location of the thorny vine was quite close to him, but he couldn't do the task together. He couldn't upgrade now, so he ignored it.

Because the server was just opened, the sand sculpture players were extremely excited, and the map channel was very lively, let alone the world channel. It was roughly [-] glances, and almost all of them were recruiting advertisements from major gangs.

Although guilds can only be created after the twentieth level, this does not affect the fact that the big guilds will recruit people in advance.

For these, Pei Mingxu, who has been a casual player in various games all year round, still knows a little bit. Everyone has their own way of playing games, just like he likes watching scenery, taking pictures, and learning life skills, and some people like to pk and make copies. , What's more, making money in the game, these are very common.

Now Pei Mingxu's most urgent task is to rush to Yinming City, which is the closest to him. The map shows that this is a big city, and see if the npc inside can find a way to relieve his broken soul state.

Therefore, Pei Mingxu, who is so leisurely, is extraordinarily different in the eyes of players who are busy doing tasks.

But they just glanced at it, and immediately went into the process of finding and completing tasks.

"Master, those white lights before are what you called celestial variation." Shang Lu intuitively felt that something was different in the Hunyuan world.

"Hmm." Lu Ming saw a lot of small red dots on the system, scattered on the map of Zhongtianyu. These are sand sculpture players who have just arrived.

"What exactly is it?" Shanglu asked.

"You will know in two days." The arrival of sand sculpture players is a big change for Hunyuan Realm. In the eyes of players, this is just a well-made holographic game. The people here are all NPCs in the game, but for For the monks in the Hunyuan Realm, this change had a great impact on them.

After all, it is too rare for this kind of phenomenon to be resurrected after death, not to mention that sand sculpture players are a group of people who are dedicated to making troubles.

"oh oh."

"Shang Lu, come here and take care of your junior brother, I'm going to be driven crazy by him!" Long Ya's voice came from afar.

"Come on, you can't do this well." Shang Lu turned around.

"It's obvious that your junior brother is bullying others, calling me stupid." Long Ya complained.

"You really aren't very smart."

"I'm going to breathe fire!"

"Spray it, and I'll lock you in the talisman for seven days."


He didn't care about the disciples' affairs. Ye Yuanli learned some details from his old friend, so he immediately went to Lu Ming.

"Xiaoye came this time to ask me about Tiangui Raksha?" Lu Ming is still here, so he must have something to do.

After the incident of Tiangui Rakshasa in Zhongtianyu, all the Yin family in Yinming City died except for his little apprentice. Naturally, the forces in this city have to be reshuffled. As for Fancheng and Cangcheng, because the people affected are the The owner and guards who came here, so the changes in these two cities are not very big.

Lu Ming just waited for the Pagoda of Rebirth and the others to finish the matter with the Heavenly Ghost Rakshasa before negotiating a business deal with Yinming City, Fancheng and Cangcheng. That's right, as the host bound by the infrastructure system, Lu Ming is now very chaotic for expansion and development. The consciousness of the Metaverse.

As for management talent and labor, don't worry, aren't these players just delivered to your door?

It's just that he still doesn't know how to send tasks to these players.

"Heavenly Ghost Rakshasa is good at hiding. At the beginning, my master and the others besieged and killed him for hundreds of years. I thought he was dead, but I didn't expect that he was still alive. Now there is a change of heaven. The major directions of Hunyuan Realm are in those After the light hours, a group of very weird people appeared, so I'm afraid that the matter of Tiangui Rakshasa will be put on the back burner, what do seniors know?" Ye Yuanli said that he came here to inquire about the news with Lu Ming.

He had been in Wushuang City for six or seven years, and he had been teaching Jing Cheng all the time, so his attitude towards Lu Ming was a bit like a friend, and his words were naturally a little casual.

For this point, Lu Ming is happy to see the success. After all, he pretended to be an expert at the beginning, and he was forced to do nothing. Now that he has the confidence, he doesn't need to hold it deliberately. Treat it like a living treasure.

"The change of the sky is also an opportunity for change for the Hunyuan world. The arrival of these aliens may bring unexpected gains, not to mention that we haven't had much contact with them yet. The specific handling depends on each individual. The opinion of the great sect and the three dynasties, my suggestion is to use it for my own use." Lu Ming said and poured another cup of tea.

In fact, if Ye Yuanli didn't come to him, he would find a way to reveal it. After all, the player and the npc in the game can't be on the opposite side from the beginning, so it's not easy to adjust the follow-up development.

Ye Yuanli listened to this silence, and thought for a while: "The junior understands what the senior means, and I will tell the Tower of Rebirth and Huanhai Flower City right now."

After Ye Yuanli left, Lu Ming turned on the world channel to watch the speeches of these sand sculpture netizens.

【World Channel】

[Mei Wenhua]: Xiaoyaoju is recruiting people. If you break through level [-], you will build a gang immediately. There are big benefactors with a lot of benefits. Players in Qingyu are given priority. If it’s too far away, I’m afraid you won’t be able to escape.

[Feng Jinghuang]: The old sword-wielding gang recruits people, and the masters gather. We have received the task chain of the Great Shang Dynasty, and the brothers and sisters who come in have the opportunity to quickly upgrade.

[Chaos]: Hold the sword, don't brag about the old gang, are you the bottom of the old gang?I don’t know how much money your boss lost in the last game, everyone come to my Xiziqing, there are many beautiful girls in the gang, there is a chance to assign someone~

[Qing Ying]: Is what the upstairs said true?Can playing games really allocate objects?

[Hayu]: Didn't you see his name called Luan upstairs?It must be nonsense, but also allocate objects?What are you thinking?Don't rush to upgrade?

[Feng Jinghuang]: You Xi Ziqing is a dungeon guild, and the dungeons are not open now, who are you in such a hurry to grab?Also, holding a sword is only a temporary trough, who do you look down on?

[Cang Hai]: Is it so exciting after only opening the server for half a day?But fight!fight!

[Yu Yu]: What are you hitting? I'm all talking now. I haven't left Xinshou Village yet. It's so far away. What a fart.


Lu Ming watched the enthusiastic conversations of these sand sculpture players above, and watched with relish. He thought that he was also a master of various games in the past, and now he has transformed into an NPC in the game, commanding players, which is wonderful.

Watching the world channel chatting to each other, Lu Ming also knew that a large-scale war of forces is unlikely to occur in the early stage of a game. After all, there are few resources now, and nothing has been done. Do you have to wear a novice outfit and hold a big stick to fight in groups? ?

Is this style of painting still a fairy tale game?

So even if there are deep old grievances, it is only in the middle and late stages of the game that there are large-scale gang power battles. After all, no one can afford to consume them during the development period.

Compared with the world channel, the map channel is more gentle, either chatting with each other, or doing tasks together.

Lu Ming looked at the speed of progress, and it took two days for the first batch of players to leave Xinshou Village. At this time, he could just make a decision on Zhong Tianyu's joining the logistics network. people will arrive.

At the beginning, only Yan Qing knew about his departure from Wushuang City, but now it is estimated that all the old foxes in Wushuang City have guessed it. He contacted the person in charge of the business firm in Wushuang City a few days ago, just to let him inform the person who is closest to Zhongtianyu For the branch of the commercial bank, send a capable person to be in charge of negotiating the handover with Yinming City, Fancheng and Zangcheng.

Although Lu Ming is currently in Zhongtianyu, his original body is still in Wushuang City, so it is very easy to contact Shencheng.

But the other party knew that he had gone out, but everyone didn't say it. After the Tiangui Raksha incident broke out, Wushuang City pretended to suddenly realize that their predecessors are now in Zhongtianyu.

So when Lu Ming used his body to talk to Shen Cheng, he was taken aback.

Shencheng understood these things better than him, so Lu Ming only hinted a little bit, and the other party understood, and he only said that people from the firm would be able to go to Yinming City in a few days.

Now that Lu Ming can be so leisurely, it's all because of his calculations.

After watching the sand sculpture players' talk, Lu Ming began to carefully study the things after the system update.

When the server-opening player arrives, his infrastructure system is updated accordingly. Lu Ming regards it as a hang in the game. In order not to be discovered, it is natural to update it with the changes in the game. .

Because when he can see players speaking in the public channel, he knows that he is not an ordinary game npc.

[Update Announcement: The host has achieved very good results in the previous period of efforts, and the Hunyuan Realm has become more prosperous. Now that the arrival of many players, the system updates the dominant interface, please use your own ingenuity to carry out new tasks. building. 】

[Name: Lu Ming. 】

[Race: Human race. 】

【Level: (in shielding)】

[Experience dominance upper limit: 10 (expandable)]

[Apprentices: Shanglu (level 64), Jing Cheng (level 59), Yin Mingshuang (level 42)]

There are other basic information. After reading this, Lu Ming knows that the system has exchanged the various cultivation realms of the Hunyuan Realm into levels.


But why is his level blocked?As soon as he thought of this question, Lu Ming knew the answer. Others rely on cultivation to improve their entities, while he relies on the points and experience given by the system.

As long as the Hunyuan Realm is still there, he is invincible in a sense, so the level has no reference value.

As for the practice of the apprentices, at present, Shanglu is indeed a model of being a senior brother. He is the earliest apprentice and the apprentice who spends the most time on Lu Ming. It is always fresh to accept an apprentice for the first time.

But this is not to say that he is not good to the remaining two apprentices, but that Jing Cheng was born with sword bones, and he is a good young man who can practice swords. He can only provide the superior swordsmanship provided by the system, and Ye Yuanli taught him how to practice. many.

Speaking of Jing Cheng, Lu Ming opened his attribute page. He had to go to Tianyanzong two years ago because of his hidden attribute, so it should be enough for such a long time.

[Hidden progress 90%. 】

There are still 10%, it is really fast, Jing Chengka has been in the ninth grade of Yunling for a while, he guessed that when the progress bar is full, it is the time for the second apprentice to break through.

Maybe he made a breakthrough when he visited Yan Tianzong. As for Yin Mingshuang, who just accepted it not long ago, Lu Ming's observations over the past few days show that his talent is all on the way of alchemy. Maybe he can discuss it with Yan Qing .

In daily life, the little apprentice is half-crippled and still needs to be taught bit by bit. After all, he was locked up underground since he was born. Although he has mind-reading skills, he has kept away from outsiders all year round. Now there are a hundred thousand reasons.

By the way, in order to prevent being read again, Lu Ming specially spent a lot of points to exchange for a 'shielding device'.

How can a master be seen by his disciples as being careful? Doesn't he want to make it up?

Then clicked on the page dedicated to distributing tasks.

It was mentioned just now that his daily experience control quota is [-], which means that it can issue tasks to players, but the rewards for players to complete the tasks will be deducted from him.

Now the [-] experience per day is really nothing for him, but it is too precious for early players.

[Release task + (single task/task chain)]

[Task level: white, yellow, blue, red, purple. 】

【Mission Item+】

【Mission Reward+】

These are all options for him to publish the task page, and there is also a favorability system that has not been activated yet, probably because he has not contacted the players yet.

Seeing these, Lu Ming wanted these players to get out of Novice Village as soon as possible, so that he could try out how these were actually operated.

All afternoon, Lu Ming was studying the system panel, while Ye Yuanli conveyed Lu Ming's meaning to the high-level representatives who came to Yinming City.

Hearing this, everyone became even more curious about these aliens who suddenly appeared in the Hunyuan world. Since the seniors said so, they don't have to be too defensive, but they can see what these people are going to do.

"Senior Ye, my teacher asked me to say hello to you on his behalf." After the others had left, a young man in the robe of Huanhai Huacheng saluted Ye Yuanli.

"Understood, Xiao Ji, you go back and tell him that I will go to play chess with him in a while, and this time you are not allowed to cheat." Ye Yuanli said to his friend's apprentice.

"The junior must bring it."

"Salute, let's go back, I guess your sect is also busy with other things now."

"Junior retire."

After Ye Yuanli watched everyone leave, he sighed again, it's better to practice casually, freedom, less things.

Before he could sigh for a while, he thought that he didn't seem to be very free with Jing Cheng, and there were not too many things to do, and suddenly felt that he was trapped by his senior...

No matter how late Ye Yuanli was, Lu Ming took his two apprentices and Longya around the city for a few days.

Outside Yinming City.

Pei Mingxu drove all the way from the remote birth point to this city. On the way, he met many players. Some were busy running tasks, and some were almost like him. Pull him to do the task together!

He was so scared that he ran away quickly. This action made the other party feel that his kindness was not rewarded. Pei Mingxu did not dare to stop and explain to her. If he really shared the task with himself, he would have experience when the other party finished it.

If you meet such players when you first enter the game, they can go together, but now Pei Mingxu who has the soul-shattering buff does not dare to ask for experience upgrades.

He wasn't bored while on the road, the game was directly connected to the forum, and he could browse the forum while in the game.

Pei Mingxu posted the tragic start he encountered in the game to the forum.

The name of the post is quite interesting [About the tragic start of my game opening server, meeting the top boss, and being killed more than a dozen times. 】

As a senior game party, of course, I am familiar with the first essentials of posting: the name of the post should be attractive.

Otherwise, people would not bother to click on the name of the plain post, let alone reply, and the food depends on the appearance of the food.

At the beginning, Pei Mingxu narrated all the tragic things he encountered in the post. This forum comes with the Hunyuan World game, and the server has just opened recently, and the popularity is very high, so the forum is naturally very lively.

The most important thing is that everyone enters in Novice Village, and the tasks they encounter are running errands, delivering things, etc. It takes time and experience, so the forum is even more lively.

After Pei Mingxu's post was sent out, many people responded. Most of them didn't believe it. Now that they are all in Xinshou Village, which top boss will go to Xinshou Village?

But seeing what Pei Mingxu said was so true, everyone thought it was fun and kept chatting with him.

At first Pei Mingxu was quite eager to talk, but later he also saw that these people didn't believe it, so he didn't update it anymore, but it happened that he also went to Yinming City.

Looking at the tall building in front of him, Pei Mingxu took a screenshot and walked in.

He had played a lot of holographic games before, but it was the first game that was as real as it is now, with such a strong sense of substitution. It gave him the feeling that it was real, and every part revealed the truth, without any data sense.

"Hey, are you going to enter the city or not? What are you doing standing in the middle of the road?" Pei Mingxu was pulled back by the sound.

"Excuse me, excuse me, I'll go in right now." Pei Mingxu didn't understand anything in the past few days. For example, if the player said something related to the game display, these npcs couldn't hear it and blocked it automatically.

Entering the inner city, one can see that it is extremely prosperous.

The interior of the main city is quite luxurious. Anyway, with his current level of 0, everyone is very powerful.

Because the clothing that comes with the system is the same as the style here, so there is nothing eye-catching about him.

At this time, Lu Ming just brought the three children out, and suddenly saw a little red dot appearing near him.

Could it be that some players have already left Novice Village?

As soon as Lu Ming thought of this, his little apprentice walked in that direction.

"Junior Brother, where are you going?" Shang Lu immediately saw Yin Mingshuang walking towards another corner.

Lu Ming followed.

In the blink of an eye, Pei Mingxu saw a purple NPC standing in front of him, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic!Anyone who plays games knows that purple is a good thing. The most common thing he sees along the way are white and yellow NPCs. Now a big purple name is standing in front of him.

If he takes back his lucky value as rubbish, his account is definitely lucky, okay?Excitedly thinking about this, subconsciously took several pictures, post this time to see who still doesn't believe it!

"You have his things on you." Yin Mingshuang looked straight at Pei Mingxu.

"Ah?" Pei Mingxu didn't understand what this sentence meant.

"Junior Brother." Shanglu and Longya followed closely behind.


Purple...Purple...Purple name npc!three!

【Name: Yin Mingshuang】

【grade:? ? 】

【Name: Shanglu】

【grade:? ? 】

【Name: Longya】

【grade:? ? 】

Three purple-named NPCs stood in front of him, and there was a row of question marks in the column of level, which was not low at first glance.

This shock was too great, making Pei Mingxu feel a little unreal, isn't it said that it's hard to meet purple-named NPCs?Now there are three standing in front of him!This luck, did he save the galaxy in his previous life?

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