Cubs make planets and send them to the country

Chapter 94 Bullying Red Star, We Don't Fight Them...

Xiao Xu seemed to be drawn by an invisible thread. He crossed countless starry universes, shuttled all the way, and finally stayed in a vast and bright universe.

There are many planets there, with a scorching sun emitting a faint brilliance, one of which is particularly dazzling, Xiao Xu's eyes are glued to it, and he can't take his eyes off it no matter what.

It was a planet that looked very similar to Junk Star.

The azure and white clouds are interlaced, wrapped in thin water blue fluorescence, the color is transparent and flawless, like a beautiful crystal ball.

A familiar wave of energy suddenly emanated from one of the points on the planet, and quickly spread out from that point, like stars shrouded in beautiful stars flickering.

It was those stars who guided him here.

Not only that, but he also felt an exceptionally familiar aura!It is exactly the same as the Guoyun egg, like a young heart, beating violently and vigorously.

Stronger than before, no sickness, no crying!

Dad didn't lie to him, Huaxia is very good, much better than before.

Xiao Xu's eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help showing a bright and happy smile: "Huaxia!"

Subconsciously, he wanted to rush down towards the blue planet, rush to the familiar place, and throw himself into his father's arms.

However, he couldn't move, Xiao Xu felt aggrieved, and stared at the planet reluctantly, after an unknown amount of time, the twinkling stars covering the planet suddenly merged into a brilliant river of stars, attacking him in front of him.

Xiao Xu subconsciously leaned back, and faintly heard Hong Xing's chuckle.

The laughter was a little dull, a little muffled, and weak, which made people's heart subconsciously tug.

"Red Star."

Xiao Xu exclaimed, and instantly came back to his senses, showing a beautiful little face with light green clear eyes.

"Shi Yangyang, what did you see?" Xiao Yuandan poked his bulging baby fat.

Xiao Xu blinked his eyes, still in a daze: "Dad, I saw Dad."

Little Yuan Dan immediately raised his eyebrows, with a look of surprise on his face: "Wow, Shi Yangyang, you actually saw it. You are indeed a human being with strong perception. I thought you had to bond a little longer to succeed."

"Shi Yangyang, you are very good." Xiao Yuan Dan patted Xiao Xu on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

Xiao Xu pursed his lips tightly, but he was not excited about being praised. He kept a serious face, and his eyebrows were pulled up, showing a very heavy look.

Seeing this, the smile on Little New Year's Day gradually dissipated: "What? Something happened? Is the Blue Star gone, or Huaxia is gone."

But it's not right, the live broadcast room is still running well, and the audience is still very noisy.

Xiao Xu pinched his hands subconsciously: "I, I seem to have heard..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the system say in a deep voice, "Red Star?"

"Well, it's smiling, but it's weird and not very good." Xiao Xu pursed his lower lip, "But I didn't see it."

When the lake was sent to Huaxia, the system had an accident. He saw the red star once when he was leveling up. It was a vaguely tall and powerful body, but he only saw the blue ball.

Xiao Xu asked nervously, "Brother, is Hong Xing okay?"

The system patted its paws and stared at the background of the live broadcast, not knowing what it was doing. Hearing this, he pondered expressionlessly for a few seconds before saying softly: "It's okay, I'll go to Huaxia to have a look."

Xiao Xu: "Then you go quickly..."

At the beginning of the urging, he was interrupted by 099: "The red star is the source of the origin, the main star of the origin, Yangzi, is fine, and the red star is also fine. Before going to Huaxia, let's settle the matter here first?"

Xiao Xu raised his head in confusion: "What's the matter? Yangyang will do it right away."

"It has nothing to do with you, just do the task honestly." The system dismissed Xiao Xu, suppressed his anger and stared at 099 through the head of Little New Year's Day, and said sullenly, "099, since you know that the red star is the origin, you should know you You can't get past it, don't think about pushing me out to be a wooden warehouse envoy."

"I know I don't have a good relationship with Red Star, but I'm not stupid, okay?"

"I won't be used by you. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to make a decision. I'll talk about it when I come back from Huaxia. If Red Star doesn't come, I won't agree to anything. Don't say that I'm holding Xiaoxu back."

The system's tone was not good, but it unexpectedly did not growl.

099: ...

It took a deep breath: "110, I didn't use you as a wooden barn!"

It just sees that Red Star has a good relationship with System 110, and that Red Star directly gave up Junk Star because of the system's request, letting Little New Year's Day stay and take root, and mess around with the system.

After all, the origins between them are entangled, which is much better than it, which has left everything behind.

However, the system didn't listen to 099's explanation at all, Chao Xiaoxu said quickly: "I'm going to Huaxia, you create a wave of mutated plants, and then create some humans..."

Speaking of this, the system couldn't help but think of 099's proposal. After thinking for a while, he grabbed the long hair on the top of his head angrily, and said angrily: "You don't have to rush to create human beings, just add a little at will, and focus on cleaning up garbage and purifying it. , Now that there is the sun, there will be no money back, you can create a batch of species in the new area, and let the treants expand first."

If Red Star is willing... to be more active, it is really possible, one task will be completed as soon as it is opened.

After the system explained them one by one, seeing Xiao Xu nodding obediently, he left in a hurry and followed the signal from the live broadcast room to Huaxia Site.

It is going to find Red Star. In the past, Red Star came to it through the signal of the live broadcast room, but after Xiao Xu called Red Star, it discovered that the anchor point for Red Star to locate it is gone!

Not only that, but it searched for Red Star based on the background of the live broadcast room, but it couldn't find it at all.

The system was a little anxious, and couldn't stay there immediately. After all, the red star has half of it, and rounding it up is another self. If the red star is gone, maybe something will happen.

After the system left, Xiao Xu suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Xiao Xu asked cautiously, "Brother Jiu, what do you want my brother to promise?"

"Yang Zai, listen to your system brother and do what he told you first." 099 was gentle and playful on purpose, "When it comes back with the red star, I will definitely tell you. If I tell you now, then I will Breaking the contract is a rule of breaking promises, so I'm sorry, Yang Zai, I can't tell you for the time being."

Xiao Xu pursed his lips and nodded sullenly: "Then...let's talk about it when brother comes back."

"Thank you, Yang Zai." After coaxing him, 099 heaved a sigh of relief, and stayed still in Little New Year's Day's mind.

Then I saw Xiao Xu and Xiao Yuan Dan staring at each other, neither of them said a word.

099 waited, then called softly, "Little New Year's Day?"

Little New Year's Day pretended to be surprised and widened her eyes: "Ninth Brother, you are still here. I was thinking where to take Shi Yangyang to have fun. I'm a little bored. Do you want to go busy with other things?"

099: ...

The acting is exaggerated, obviously to distract it.

It's cubs! ! ! 099 endured it: "I'm going to the teaching room. D13 is studying the construction of water villages in the southern region. I'll fill in its vacancy and see the situation of Huaxia's new research and development."

"Yeah, Brother Nine, go quickly. You created D13. You are much better than it. It would be best for you to teach Huaxia." Little New Year's Day hurried to urge it to leave.

The 099 data jumped, and suddenly it occurred to Xiao Xu to obediently call 110 brother, responding to the system's arrangements one by one, speaking in a milky, sweet voice, not annoying at all.

And his own host... is driving it away.

But... 099 still: "Remember to call me if you have something to do."

After speaking, he left Little Yuandan's mind through the laboratory's signal network. It was not worried about Little Yuandan. Although Xiaoyuandan was a five or six-year-old cub, he didn't need to look at it as a cub in essence.

As soon as 099 left, Little New Year's Day immediately pulled Xiao Xu out of the research room, drove into the flying car, and headed straight to the southern area.

It wasn't until he stopped in the southern area that he blinked at Xiao Xu: "No one is watching us now."

Xiao Xu nodded with a stern face, leaned against the window of the speeding car, propped his chin, and said sadly: "Brother Nine and Brother System are hiding things from Yang Yang, and Yang Yang is also very powerful, why did you keep it from me? "

"Maybe I don't want to lose face." Xiao Yuan Dan said with a look that I understood very well, "My lord, I hate losing face in front of children the most."

Xiao Xu tilted his head and looked at Xiao Yuan Dan: "Are they going to do something that would embarrass them? Doggy, do you know?"

"Of course, I'm not like you. My memory has been washed away by the system, and I remember everything." Xiao Yuan Dan sat cross-legged on a chair, facing Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu kept her waist straight and tried to keep her face straight, but her dark eyes were full of stars, and the little milk voice asked happily: "What is it?"

"Task sharing." Little New Year's Day pointed to himself, "I am the host of Brother Nine, and the task I took was to revive Xinghai. In this ephemeris, after realizing you and 110, Brother Nine said, my mission is the same as yours. The tasks are exactly the same."

Xiao Xu frowned, and said doubtfully, "But, Goudan, my mission is different from yours."

"Ah?" Little New Year's Day subconsciously froze.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Xiao Xu read out his main mission, and then said: "My mission is to recover the origin and return to the sea of ​​stars. It's different."

Little New Year's Day: "...the origin and Xinghai are mixed together, of course they are exactly the same, the origin emmmmm..."

Little New Year's Day frowned and thought hard, and finally came up with a metaphor: "The origin is equivalent to the sun of the star sea. Without a real sun, the star sea cannot be revived, and my mission cannot be completed. As long as I can't complete it, Brother Nine and I will always be together." I've been stuck here all this time, it doesn't matter to me, I'm here by myself, but Brother Nine still wants to go home."

Speaking of the last sentence, Xiao Yuan Dan's voice weakened.

099 is trapped here because he smuggled the severely damaged system back. Thinking about it further, the reason why 099 is bound to him and becomes his ninth brother is because 110 recommended 099 to the main system.

At the beginning, 110 really thought that he was going to die, so he pushed his most reliable rival, but in the end... he didn't die.

However, they were the ones who dragged 099 into the water, Xiao Yuandan also propped up his chin and said, "I don't mind task sharing, and I don't think 110 minds either, but Red Star can't."

"Why?" Xiao Xu stepped forward and asked.

Little New Year's Day took advantage of the trend and approached, and the two cubs bumped their heads together and whispered together: "Xinghai is Red Star's enemy. To Red Star, Xinghai is like those countries that have bullied China."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu clenched his little paw, and asked with a tiger face: "Xinghai also bullied Hongxing like those bad guys."

Little New Year's Day nodded solemnly, sighing endlessly: "Yes, if it wasn't 110, Red Star wouldn't be here."

Xiao Xu pinched his little paws tighter and tighter, and said angrily: "Hong Xing is our little friend, if you bully Hong Xing, we won't play with them!"

For a three-year-old pup, not playing with someone is the worst punishment.

"..." Little New Year's Day shook his head, seeing Xiao Xu filled with righteous indignation, his face swelled up with anger, and he immediately shut his mouth like a little puffer fish.

His mission is to revive Xinghai. If the mission is shared, Xinghai cannot be left alone. How could he not bring them to play.

What's more, mission sharing not only allows 099 to return after the mission is completed, but also speeds up the progress of Xiaoxu's mission, which is a win-win situation, except for Red Star.

Little New Year's Day thought of System 110's tough attitude just now, so he didn't think about it at all, grabbed Xiao Xu's little fist, quickly changed the subject, and asked curiously: "Shi Yangyang, you saw Huaxia before, how do you feel now? Won't you be very tired?"

"No..." Xiao Xu insisted, paused, and then frowned, "It's just the buzzing in my head."

Knew it!Little New Year's Day said seriously: "You have a strong sense. Originally, you only wanted to take care of our planet, but now that you are connected to Blue Star, you have to bear the karma of that planet, and you will be affected. If you feel uncomfortable, you must talk about it."

It stands to reason that carrying two planets on his back would make Xiao Xu very tired, maybe even sleepy, and fell asleep from time to time, but now Xiao Xu just feels that his mind is a little noisy, and the result is unexpectedly good.

Little New Year's Day couldn't figure out the reason, so he didn't want to.

Xiao Xu didn't quite understand either, but he wasn't worried either, and smiled heartlessly: "I didn't feel uncomfortable. When I was at my father's place, I could hear voices. People often cried in my head. Now No one is crying anymore."

Speaking of this, Xiao Xu was very happy at this time, his eyebrows and eyes became crescent moons with a smile: "God, my father doesn't cry anymore, he is in great shape."

Only then did Little New Year's Day suddenly realize that Xiao Xu was born in a time of war, and the most indispensable thing was despair, evil and desire, and now Blue Star, except for a few countries, is in a peaceful age, not to mention, Xiao Xu is now connected to Blue Star, but the main perception should be Huaxia.

Thinking of this, Little New Year's Day felt relieved.

And Xiao Xu was still muttering at this moment: "God, do you know where my father is?"


"On a blue planet with white clouds like glass balls, it's beautiful."

"It's very similar to our planet, it's all blue."

However, the blue star is shrouded in water-blue fluorescence, while the garbage star is shrouded in a faint white mist.

But they are all equally beautiful!Xiao Xu's eyes were shining brightly: "They are so similar, that ball must also belong to Dad's home!"

With the final word, he said it with a strong reason.

The audience, who had been stunned by Xiao Xu's series of cryptic messages, suddenly exploded.

It is foreign audiences who are bombarded.

"Blue Star doesn't belong to a separate country! Yang, you can't divide like that."

"You son of a bitch, it doesn't count if you assign your own garbage star to our Great China, even the blue star has been finalized. Mama supports you!"

"666666, Zai Zai is right. Blue Star is our home, but Zai Zai forgot that there are other countries. Other international friends, please bear with me. He is still a child! A three-year-old baby!"

"I glanced outside, but there was no thunder. Disappointed.jpg"

"By the way, have you noticed that the air quality on Blue Star has improved by more than [-]%, and the carbon point has increased a lot. Obviously we haven't done anything."

Huaxia remains silent on this point. In this case, any statement will become a directional statement in the eyes of other countries.

Huaxia officials didn't make a sound, and the two cubs didn't watch the barrage, completely unaware that they were arguing.

Little New Year's Day shook his head triumphantly, and echoed sincerely: "Of course, if it weren't for Huaxia on Blue Planet, our planet wouldn't look like this."

"We were slowly remodeling according to Blue Star, Shi Yangyang, my skills are not bad."

His master, grandpa, was talking about Huaxia, and his little friend, Shi Yangyang, was from Huaxia. So, after staying on this planet, he also thought about the planet where Huaxia was located. Subtly, it finally became what it is now.

Xiao Xu seemed to understand, and boasted without hesitation: "God Daner, your technique is really good, and you made it much, much bigger than Blue Star."

Little New Year's Day: ...

"I didn't make it so big." The pride on Xiao Yuan Dan's face faded, and he hummed, "Even if the size has nothing to do with me, it's my credit that it grows blue."

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that Xiaoxu would argue about the big and small issues again, so he pushed Xiaoxu's arm: "Okay, don't be lazy, hurry up and work, you have been lazy for so long, be careful, I will tell you Brother System. "

Xiao Xu's bright eyes widened instantly, and he said in disbelief: "I'm not lazy, you are the one who dragged me to talk!"

"But you didn't work." Little New Year's Day turned over the map and showed it to Xiao Xu, "Look, the garbage in the southwest area has to be cleaned up, and you haven't cleaned it yet. The humans in the southern area..."

Xiao Xu looked at him angrily: "These yang yang will be done soon, dog egg, first create mutated plants with me."

He covered Xiao Yuan Dan's mouth with his small hand, quickly landed on an open space, and sat cross-legged on the ground casually: "I created it according to the materials my father gave, you can classify it."

One category, the mutated plants that Huaxia wants to try to cultivate by himself, and after they are created, they will be given to Huaxia.

One category, you can't try to cultivate it, as a supplier, it's best to set aside a piece of land in the central area where all species can survive, hang it in the mall continuously, and transport it to Blue Star.

He is responsible for the creation, the supply later, and the docking with the tree people will be handed over to Little New Year's Day.

When Xiao Xu pulled Xiao Yuan Dan to work together, D13 was studying the water village construction map in the southern region, Banya and 099 were working hard as teachers in the classroom, and the discussion on Huaxia's "Star Sea Voyage" social platform was particularly intense.

What was discussed was not the red star that Xiao Xu and Xiao Yuan Dan mentioned when they communicated, but the genetic potion that Banya mentioned when he left!

What is genetic medicine?Anyone who has read novels or sci-fi dramas knows that it is the unlocking of genes, which is the evolution of human beings, and this appears in the teaching room that Banya said.

What this means is not difficult to guess.

"So, when Banya said that Huaxia was a genius, he was referring to the research and development of genetic medicines. If he hadn't been bumped into by Zai Zai, the father of the country could continue to hide it."

"National father 6666, that's a gene! I just want to know, if the research and development is successful, will the human body evolve? Will there be supernatural powers or something. Rub your hands.jpg"

"Sisters, this is all made up by our brains. We Huaxia didn't study this thing, so we developed a myopia vision! Really, foreign friends, trust us! Huaxia people don't lie to international friends!"

"When Banya left, he promised Zai Zai that he would be successful... Xinghai already had a genetic drug, even if the father of the country couldn't research it, he could always do it with a replica, right?"

"There are several bloodline races in Xinghai, they must be genetically different from ours, it's a fart to reproduce."

"Don't say it, don't say it, suppress it! It's nothing, don't add heat to it."

However, this matter cannot be suppressed!The other countries are not idiots. They were still furious at Huaxia for hiding their hole cards, and they were still suspecting that the hole card was a red star, but before they turned their heads, they dropped another deep-water torpedo.

Gene medicine!

They couldn't help thinking about the lifespan of the Xinghai people, and their breathing became short of breath.

This thing made them more jealous than the weapons Xiao Xu gave them.

The countries couldn't sit still, so they called Huaxia one after another and wanted to visit China!You must take part in it, and you can't let Huaxia eat meat secretly without even smelling it.

Huaxia's official phone numbers were all blown up, and the perimeter of the deep mountain underground base was full of troops, and there were racks of instruments at the entrance to test the inside.

"The energy fluctuations are unstable, and there are many unknown elements that cannot be detected." Mr. Xie was originally the highest-ranking researcher at the base. When people go in, the drone detection that was launched earlier fails before reaching one meter, and the small animals twitch as soon as they step through the door."

Although not dead...

Tang Jiangyuan looked inside solemnly: "The red star is still inside, Mr. Xie, if the soldiers wear full-body protective clothing, can it work?"

Mr. Xie pointed to a pile of fine debris like sand at the entrance: "The drone was crushed after it failed. Do you think those protective suits are broken? You must know that those unmanned surveillance drones use the latest and best s material."

Tang Jiangyuan fell silent immediately, they were indeed in a hurry, and they had to know the situation of Hongxing inside, but they couldn't send the soldiers in knowing that going in would be a death.

Such a completely meaningless sacrifice is not advisable.

"Three days have passed...the red star hasn't come out yet." Tang Jiangyuan grabbed Xie Lao's arm, "Think of a way, no matter what, we must go in and investigate."

Xie Lao nodded: "Of course, Red Star is my teacher. Whether it is for the country or for Red Star, we will do our best."

They were in a bad mood, and at this moment, Wang Shuo held up his mobile phone and sighed: "Don't think of a way, retreat."

On his mobile phone is a line of blood-red characters on a black background——Go away, don’t block yourself in and die, Red Star is doing well, hurry up and develop genetic medicine, if you don’t succeed, I won’t spare you! ! !

He pressed a blood-red claw from behind, deliberately made it super fierce, and it looked like the handwriting of the system.

Everyone looked at the line in Wang Shuo's hand, and they were puzzled. Mr. Xie said bluntly: "The system attaches great importance to genetic medicines. It knew what Huaxia was researching before, but it never cared."

"Maybe because of this change, there is another meaning." Wang Shuo looked at the entrance of the underground base in the deep mountain, "The system may be inside."

Wang Shuo was not wrong, the system is currently in the deep part of the underground base in the mountains, in the room where the Red Star body was originally placed.

It is a small ball, walking in step by step, inside is a viscous red "liquid", with stars twinkling, as if the whole thing is immersed in the bright sea of ​​stars.

These energies do not harm the system.

Finally, it walked to the center of the depths, and saw a fuzzy phantom surrounded by stars and shrouded in red "liquid".

The phantom was tall, holding a sun-like ball of light in its arms, glowing red.

However, the facial features that were already close to clarity have become blurred like a candle that disperses when the wind blows, and it is even difficult for the system to feel the breath of the red star from it.

"Red Star..." The system raised a small group of myself to the same height as the figure, the hair all over the body exploded, and the momentum was soaring, as if suppressing the strong anger, but when he spoke, the voice was not irritable at all, but calm Dry again: "Red Star, you promised to share the task, so you don't plan to go back?"

"I disagree!" it said.

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