Cubs make planets and send them to the country

Chapter 86 Is Red Star Don't Donate To Me?

Hong Xing stared at the system silently without avoiding his eyes, and the atmosphere froze for a moment.

"Red Star!" The system clenched its claws, and its voice was unexpectedly calm, "Tell me, what does it mean? Don't try to fool me like before."

The system seemed to be very calm, the long fluffy hair all over his body drooped properly, but there was a fierce light in Dou Da's eyes, staring fiercely at the red star, and a powerful energy was faintly circulating around him.

Hongxing suddenly remembered the scene when he saw the system for the first time.

It jumped out of the long river of time and space in embarrassment, full of fierce aura, just like now, staring at it sharply, as if it would pounce on it in the next second and tear it to pieces.

Hong Xing lowered his eyes, seemed to be calmly arranging the data-transformed clothes, and said softly: "According to the agreement, I can't say."

The fierce light in the system's eyes suddenly stopped: "Agreement? Agreement with whom."

"Sir, your former host." Hong Xing raised his eyes and looked straight at the system, as if he wanted to see through its data and see through its core. "That's his 'last wish', do you want to violate it?"

The system's clenched claws unknowingly let go, and Dou Da's eyes were full of bewilderment.

What last wish?he does not know.

At this moment, it suddenly didn't know what the meaning of its existence was, and it was drifting around without any focus.

As expected... Hong Xing sighed, turned his head, and stared at 099 expressionlessly.

099 was looking at them in disbelief, the data seemed to be scorched by a slight fire, it was so warm that he felt dizzy, and there was also a slight pain.

It ignored Red Star's warning eyes, and its steady voice trembled: "Red Star was able to reach an agreement with your former host, does that mean that you really have to revive him?"

"110, you actually did it?! You lunatic..."

How can a system have such strong emotions?The system is a program, it is stable, and it is rational, but 110 seems to have broken away from these settings from the moment it was born.

The ball woven with 099 data seemed to be frightened and excited, trembling slightly up and down.

The long fur that the system had blown up had already drooped listlessly. It glanced at 099 wearily, and said coolly: "Without you, I would never have the chance to become a lunatic. You are so happy and crazy now."

099 and Hong Xing were both taken aback.

Red Star was stunned because it didn't know the origin between them, but 099 felt something passing by among the billions of data symbols.

It said in a deep voice: "110, your madness has nothing to do with me. Since I was born, I have only done one outrageous thing."

That is to smuggle back the dying 110. It was discovered by the main system, and the price was heavy. It was trapped in the Xinghai and could never go back. From this point of view, it is still 099's life-saving benefactor, and its heart is not empty .

However, the system twitched the corners of its mouth, showing a half-smile, a bit ferocious and indifferent.

"I have forgotten many, many things, but I remember everything before binding the host. You, 099, used to be my guide, but you left me behind, causing me to fall into the world of the last plane and be..."

Handed in to the country.

The latter is combined with the previous memory, but it does remember that 099 abandoned it, and before that, it saved 099.

The words of the system are like an instruction to extract a line from the heavy data of 099.

A picture suddenly flashed in its data.

It was a dark storm of darkness, the prelude to the explosion of the plane world. Before it was about to be sucked into the storm, 110 pushed it away, and then it built a passage and ran away.

Yes, I ran away, the time before and after was less than three seconds, and it was indeed dropped as 110 said.

This matter, 099 has a record, it was when it was just upgraded to the primary system.

It was born before System 110, but it was created by the main system, while 110 is a naturally grown high-level system, brought back by the main system in person, and has attracted the attention of all.

110 was irritable, short-tempered, and bad-spoken at the beginning, but it was the exact opposite and had a calm temper. Therefore, it guided 110 to do the first novice task.

It remembered that the mission came from a world of high-risk planes, its attribute was chaos, and it followed the rules every step of the way. However, when it was about to enter that world, an accident happened—the dark storm.

At that time, 099 calculated the survival rate as 0%, so there was no resistance.

But 110 gave it a push and deviated from the danger zone. The 099 calculation survival rate was 75%. At the same time, according to the system rules, it chose the best solution, built a channel, and ran away.

110 did not build a channel like it, and disappeared in that accident. It reported to the main system, and the subsequent events have nothing to do with it.

It's just that after 110 returned, it was blocked for the first time, and it was ridiculed for a while.

"099, I took you as a companion, but you left me and ran away. I didn't expect me to come back."

"Danfan, give me a hand before you leave...I really regret pushing you away."

"No matter how gentle your initial personality is, it can't hide that you are a cold system."


099, who was still in the elementary system at that time, took a serious look and said in a warm voice: "All the choices are the best solutions after calculation. According to the calculation, you had a bug at that time, and you should leave immediately. I suggest you go to the main system to check whether the data calculation is wrong. , Fix the BUG in time."

To this day, 099 still remembers that after listening to 110, he was so angry that his whole body was trembling, and he ran away without saying anything.

From then on, 110 would stab it with words every time they met, and they had to suppress it everywhere to be reconciled. Since then, their relationship has never been better. Gradually, its initial calm temperament can no longer be maintained in front of 110. They are like Like a mortal enemy.

Recalling this, the 099 data suddenly fluctuated.

Seeing this, the system sneered: "Stupid, how can I have a bug in an advanced system."

"Your outrageous decisions that violate the rules can all be classified as bugs." 099's magnetic voice was suppressed very low, making it particularly dull.

However, thinking that System 110 really had to save its host, 099 suddenly became confused. Is such a strong emotion a bug?

Can a system really have such strong emotions?

After a long time, 099 sighed: "One saves one, it's a tie."

system:? ? ?

What the hell?The system didn't know that 099 had helped it at all, and immediately wanted to stab it back, but 099 interrupted directly with quick eyes and quick mouth.

"Do you know where Xinghai is?" 099 said in a gentle tone, with a slight smile of relief.

The system was slightly stunned, and frowned: "Xinghai, a high-level world, attribute technology."

099 smiled and said: "This is the place you specially chose to save the former host, Xinghai, your original origin, the end of the novice mission."

The system blurted out in an instant: "You think I'm stupid, didn't the world of the novice mission explode?"

"It depends on your innate skills." 099 glanced at the gloomy red star, and the ball made of data turned around, "Let's go first, you two talk slowly."

As he spoke, the light curtain disappeared in a flash, leaving only a gentle and regretful sigh: "110, thank you."

The system blinked its big eyes and asked in surprise, "It actually said thank you to me?!"

099 has always regarded his grace of saving the system as a BUG convulsion, but he was mad at the beginning, and now he will thank you?Don't you think there are only a bunch of bugs left in it?

"Well, forget it, anyway, I'm not at a loss." He even suppressed it.

When the system regained consciousness, it discovered that the data on Hong Xing's body moved slightly, and he was about to run away.

"Red Star! Try running if you dare!" The system growled furiously, yelling with its paws crossed.

Hong Xing froze, stayed on the anchor point, sighed long, rubbed his forehead and said, "I want to bring back all the plants we've sorted out to Huaxia, and I'm running out of time."

The system looked at it coolly: "I don't ask anything else, just a word from you, was my former host taken away by you!"

At the end of the talk, he had already gritted his teeth, and it seemed that he had confirmed it.

At first, it was stunned when it heard Red Star's agreement and what it couldn't say, but it was disturbed by 099, and now it has reacted.

Red Star really had contact with its former host. Before it said that Xiao Xu was also its host, it was upset, and now it is even involving the former host...

If the system was not barely rational, it would rush over and scratch Hong Xing's face right now.

The system's vision is getting worse.

Red Star had a headache for a while. Obviously, the 'last wish' and agreement that had suppressed the system before could no longer be suppressed by 099's interruption.

However, the system will be successfully unbound from the previous host, because it, which owns the other half of the system, agrees!

After a long time, Hong Xing said slowly, "Sorry."

Two simple words blew up the system: "You really robbed my host! You, you..."

"Fuck! Fuck! How dare you snatch it!"

"Red Star, I misjudged you, got my other half, and stabbed a knife in the back."

The system was mad with anger, staring at Hongxing viciously, and slowly walked towards Hongxing step by step, aggressively, stretching out its claws like a demon, and was about to tear it off with one claw, when Hongxing suddenly grabbed its claws.

Immediately afterwards, the data turned into a meteor and fell straight down. In the blink of an eye, it came to China, and came to the Red Star itself.

With some consolation, Hong Xing said softly: "According to the agreement, I can't tell, but I can show you."

It pulled the red star into the depths of its own core, where there was a fiery red light cluster like the sun, tightly entwined by five chains of data.

"When I first started it, there were originally nine chains, but four were broken, leaving two." Hong Xing said slowly.

The system stared firmly at the "sun" in front of it, with a trembling voice: "Is it related to Shi Yangyang's upgrade?"

Red Star let go of the system's claws: "Of course, you should be able to see what this is, right?"

"It's me, it's you...or the world."

It should be the original form of the plane world, but this is obviously man-made.

Is it a vain attempt to create a plane world by combining its origin and the red star?

The system trembled all over. The aura of this "sun" was too familiar, as if several strands of energy gathered together, including it, the red star, and a faint familiar aura, but it didn't care about it now.

The system asked dryly: "Didn't you say you have my other half, you didn't absorb me..."

"It's fusion. This is me that you created with your own hands. I can't take it back." Red Star approached the 'sun', stretched out his hand to press it, it was scorching and tingling, but it didn't take it back.

It stared at the system, as if saying an oath: "You promised me that I would eventually return to the origin and become the 'sun' of the sea of ​​stars, does it still count?"

The system was in a trance: "I don't remember..."

"I'll do as long as I remember." Hong Xing said, retracting his hand, turning to hold down the system's head, and patted it lightly: "If there are still problems, sir will tell you when the simulation space is opened."

"Go back, I will discuss with Huaxia to see which plants are made into mutated plants, and I will come to you after the selection."

"By the way, your former host was not bound to me. He said that having a system like yours would be a headache enough." Hong Xing chuckled.

The system looked at it suddenly, and was so stunned that it couldn't react. Then it was pushed by Hongxing, and it returned to Xiaoxu's mind.

It was floating around, like a dandelion blown by the wind, all the data was buzzing, it was so chaotic that it couldn't be calculated at all, and it just went on strike.

The "sun" that Red Star showed it shocked it too.

It seems to know a lot of things, but it seems to have no contact with anything, the data is blank, it... has no memory, and everything can't be connected.

But it knows that it is doing big things!Red Star must be its accomplice.

Moreover, its former host was not bound to Red Star, which means that it was not robbed, right?

Red Star just said that after the simulation space is opened, the husband will answer. Sure enough, the old man is hiding there. In his system, what does it mean? It means that its former host did not escape.

The system thought a lot in a mess, grinned, and rushed out of the simulation space. It had to find out how to make the simulation space open.

The system was full of energy, but I didn't realize that I was completely brought into the rhythm of Red Star, and I had already forgotten that I had to settle accounts with Red Star before.

After the system left, Red Star let out a long breath, leaned closer to the fiery sun-like light cluster, and whispered: "Sir, it's fortunate that it didn't take a closer look."

At the end of the light cluster, there is a tall figure with big eyes.

"After it's over, you have to say something nice for me." Knowing that there would be no response, Hong Xing leaned against the light group and took a rest.

This time was too risky, if it wasn't for its wit and quick hands, it would really be torn apart by the system.

If it weren't for 099... Hong Xing couldn't help squinting his eyes, the future will be long.

It got up and turned to look for Huaxia officials.

Red Star is discussing the mutated plants with Huaxia officials.

The system tried its best to break through the simulation space, just wanted to open a crack, catch the bad old man, and ask clearly, clearly.

Banya is still communicating with the bigwigs in the Chinese medical field, and occasionally comes out to look for food when the time comes.

His assistant is researching meal replacements, mainly because Bai Yingzhen took Ran Wei and others as captives and led a large group of people to decompose the reusable garbage and make new materials. Raw food.

What's even more hateful is that among Bai Ying's group, there is a man named Luo Yong'an who takes people to hunt every day, catches gizzards and gives them to Xiao Xu.

However, as soon as Xiao Xu got it, he gave it away. They couldn't get it if they wanted to buy it or exchange it, so they had to eat the meal replacement first.

D13 and 099 cooperate to upgrade the garbage cleaning center again, plus the latest five garbage cans. In the future, Xiaoxu will have ten garbage cans, which is equivalent to ten garbage cleaning centers.

And Xiaoxu and Xiaoyuandan have already driven the bright red speeding car, circled the southern area once, purified the area after cleaning up the garbage, and at the same time, it rained a drizzle on the central area. Go to collect flower umbrellas and give them to D13 and Banya to make skin care products.

Everything is on the right track, there is no day and night on Garbage Star, and after some time, all the garbage in the southern area has been cleaned up, and D13 and 099 have also upgraded the garbage cleaning center, which compresses and cleans faster.

[Southern Region]

Recovery rate: 0.04%

Purification rate: 100%

Prosperity rate: 0.1%

The purification rate reaches 100%, but the recovery rate and prosperity rate remain motionless, that is because Xiao Xu has not created.

Xiao Xu pretended to be a little adult, and said deeply: "Brother, son of a bitch, I'm going to start creating."

The system's heart skipped a beat, and it finally came. It took a deep breath, waved its paw, and said domineeringly: "Do it, we have money!"

Recently, I have been broadcasting live broadcasts, and there are rewards. Xiaoxu will also sell wild gizzard meat in the mall. I also heard that Huaxia sold a few unknown wrecks. The national account sold 11 more, plus Xinghai Navigation Mall. Divided into, deposits are okay.

Energy: 1988 million (80000/min) [carbon points: 200 billion]

"The yang yang has begun!" Xiao Xu rubbed his little hands nervously, and he has learned a lot of species from his grandfather recently, some of which are suitable for the southern region, and he plans to grow them.

Little New Year's Day said suddenly at this time: "Why don't you create people first, ordinary people, after they are created, they won't deduct extra money."

He knows that, except for the central area, the prosperity of other areas includes humans.

There are many hills and riverbeds in the south, which are suitable for living. Little New Year's Day calculated: "At least a few million people are needed to be considered prosperous."

When he was doing the task, he didn't do this part, so he didn't know the exact number, but prosperity would require a lot of people.

Hearing this, Xiao Xu was stunned, his big watery eyes stared round, like a hamster that had been caught stealing, and asked in a trembling voice: "God, how many zeros are a few million?"

"A lot of zeros." Little New Year's Day spread out ten fingers and waved them in front of Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu took a deep breath: "Brother, do we have enough money?"

The system data was trembling, swallowed, and said with difficulty: "All create ordinary people, one person is 1988 million, and you are only [-] billion now. Do you think it is enough?"

Enough shit!

That's why it doesn't mention this, because it's afraid to scare a fool with a three-year-old cub, but a child like a dog wants to talk about it.

The system took a deep breath: "Let's take our time. You first create the first batch of species, and then let the treants expand in the central area. When you have enough money, move to the southern area immediately."

Xiao Xu clenched his fingers and pursed his lips tightly, forming a straight line, looking very serious.

He's not stupid, brother System means... not enough money.

Why, why do you want so much money all of a sudden? !Xiao Xu's eyes are staring, his feet are fluttering, life is too difficult.

But, can't give up.

Xiao Xu clenched his small fists: "Brother, Yangyang, Yangyang will work hard to make money."

The last little milk voice was trembling and fluttering, and it sounded a little choked up, which was extremely pitiful.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xu stayed in the southern region with Xiao Yuan Dan with a serious face, creating species.

The system leaned against the outside of the simulation space, powerless. Dou Da looked at Xiao Xu outside with blank eyes, and scratched his head impatiently.

It doesn't even have a fraction of Xiaoxu's private money now, and it can't even subsidize it.

How can it be so difficult!

In its memory, when it was used as a system for "Hundred Hosts", it was super simple, and there was nothing wrong with it. Not to mention giving away private money, it could still earn a lot of private money.

The system went numb, and he looked past Xiao Xu to the sky above.

They are now in the southern region, because there is no recovery, the sky above the southern region is gray-blue, without clouds, as if covered with a layer of despair.

Not a ray of sunshine!

"I'm afraid Red Star is cheating on me?" The system whispered, before Red Star said that if the planet shifts and enters the sea of ​​stars, it can attract the sun, moon and stars, so there is no need to deduct extra money!

Recently, it attacked the simulation space while staring outside, but there was no movement.

It also doesn't feel the junk star move.

The system pondered whether it should let people out of the garbage star to see its current coordinates.

At this time, Ran Wei and Cang Lan finally found a chance to avoid Bai Ying and get together.

"Bai Ying stares at us too closely." Ran Wei asked in a low voice, "Do you know why she hates us so much? Just because we are captives?"

Cang Lan said feebly like a dead salted fish, "She's not targeting captives, she's targeting people from outside."

"General Ran, she and those people are the aboriginals of Trash Star." Cang Lan's voice was very low, "They claim to be awakened. I think there should be more than a hundred of them, and there will be more people."

Ran Wei said solemnly: "We must find a way to spread this news."

But Bai Ying seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, and stared at them very hard, so far she hasn't found a chance.

Cang Lan shook her head and didn't say much, the protective cover outside this oasis is very powerful, so what if it gets out?Cang Lan didn't like to work the least, but this time he was stared at, but he did a lot of rough work.

Disposing of garbage, that's a job that people in Xinghai don't bother to do!

Cang Lan asked: "According to Xinghai time, how long has it been?"

"232 days." Ran Wei frowned.

Cang Lan was surprised: "How did it take so long, General Ran, you were arrested and disappeared, the empire will definitely look for you, why haven't you found this place yet?"

He didn't think that the Star Sea Convention could completely suppress all forces and hide the trash star for so long.

Ran Wei shook his head: "There may be an unexpected situation."

Even if the empire doesn't look for her, her family can't give up on her. That's why Ran Wei came to such a conclusion.

Hearing this, Cang Lan and Ran Wei were silent, with serious expressions on their faces.

The empire and other powers in the star sea that the two of them talked about couldn't afford to find Ran Wei and the others at this moment.

In the center of the Star Sea, there are huge battleships suspended, among which the white battleship representing the Star Sea Convention is full of leaders of various forces.

Qi Chi, the executive leader of the Xinghai Pact, folded his hands and asked solemnly: "Has the Xinghai turmoil not stopped yet?"

It was 201 days ago, when the calm sea of ​​stars suddenly became turbulent, and all routes deviated, and a huge magnetic field energy fluctuation suddenly erupted in the center of the sea of ​​stars, which almost wiped out the artificial sun.

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