Cubs make planets and send them to the country

Chapter 76 Catch them all, this is ours...

Those people were only wearing loose and simple white clothes and white trousers. The cloth was made of ordinary cotton and linen. Perhaps because they had been walking through the forest, they had already got some dust on them. They were barefoot, staring at Canglan and his party in unison. The dark eyes are full of doubts and strong repulsion.

Cang Lan guarded Banya and the others behind her, and looked at them vigilantly: "Who are you?"

They looked Cang Lan and the others up and down.

Cang Lan's body was tense, and the muscles on his arms were slightly swollen. He was not fat, but had a lean body. Although his strength was mental power, he had also learned melee combat.

But with such a group of nearly a hundred people, he wasn't sure if he could protect Banya and the others.

The two sides were vigilant against each other, and for a while, only the rustling of trees, and occasionally the chirping of birds could be heard.

Just when Cang Lan could bear it no longer, a soft and sweet female voice suddenly sounded from behind the crowd.

"Who are you? Outsiders."

The voice was as soft as Wu Nong's soft words, and it seemed that he was just curious, but the word "outsider" was like a thorn in the middle of the two, showing the positions of both sides.

At the same time, the crowd slowly moved out of the way, and a young woman walked slowly.

Cang Lan and the others shrank their pupils and blurted out almost at the same time: "Snow Wind Clan!"

She has long hair like ice and snow, her curved eyebrows are as white as her fine downy hair, her skin is even more white than snow, and can be broken with blows.

The color of the eyes is light, between white and silver, like circles of light spots, one glance seems to be sucked in by her.

She was very thin, looked fragile, and could fall down at any time. She stepped on the wet soil that hadn't completely dried out with her small bare feet, looked at Cang Lan and the others curiously, and playfully touched the roots of wild grass with her toes.

Innocent and lovely girl.

But Cang Lan dare not relax at all.

In Xinghai, the largest number are ordinary humans. Of course, there are also some unique bloodlines with unique abilities, forming a unique race.

The Snowstorm Clan is one of them.

They live on the top of the snowfield mountain, and as long as the hair on their bodies is white, it is similar to the albinism on the blue star, but in fact, they have no other problems except for their weak bodies.

On the contrary, their brains are particularly clever, and they are called humanoid supercomputers.

Perhaps it is because the brain exceeds the computing power of the computer that it drags down the body?

And this woman was created by Xiaoxu with an extra 2 million energy, and she is the only one who can call herself a Fengxue clan.

Cang Lan and the others were a little confused. They vaguely thought of the research room, which was the portable research room of the Fengxue tribe, and belonged to the adult who promoted the establishment of the "Xinghai Pact".

"Are you the descendant of that lord?" Cang Lan's voice fluttered, and she asked this question almost subconsciously.

He still doesn't know the cub with wings who came back with them, the 099 in his mind is the adult he adores so much.

The woman raised her eyebrows, showing a soft and sweet smile: "You outsiders also know the Fengxue clan. It seems that some clansmen have also betrayed the origin."

For some unknown reason, Cang Lan and the others felt chills from her laughter.

Cang Lan's pupils were shocked even more, she mentioned - the origin!

On the way to Garbage Star, Cang Lan once rushed to the guard of the Shuren University and tapped the name of Garbage Star.

The Tree Guard said, "It's called Origin."

This title, even the Xinghai Convention, is just a guess, but the woman bluntly stated the origin, and the "betrayal" in her mouth...

Cang Lan suddenly remembered that when he met the tree man for the first time, he had a verbal confrontation with the tree man. At that time, the guard of the tree man used the word "abandoned".

"Abandoning" under certain circumstances is also a kind of betrayal.

This shows that the "abandonment" in the cognition of the tree man and the "betrayal" in the cognition of the woman may have occurred at the same time node, and it should have occurred in the Xinghai calendar without any historical records.

And that adult from the Fengxue Clan was born in Xinghai Erli.

Cang Lan was shocked, and immediately realized that this woman, or these people surrounding them, was not related to that adult from the Fengxue Clan as they thought.

"Who the hell are you?" Cang Lan's clear voice trembled uncontrollably.

"The descendants of the origin, those who betray the origin are unforgivable." The woman stared at her sapphire-like eyes, her sweet smile was like a poisonous dessert, "You are from the sea clan, and you have good mental strength. We just came back and happened to need labor force."

"High mental power can control a large number of machines, which is very good."

The woman smiled slightly, then clapped her hands lightly: "Catch them all, this is our first batch of prisoners."

As soon as the words fell, apart from this weak and inexperienced Fengxue tribe woman, the other eighty or ninety people rushed towards Cang Lan and the others.

There were 13 people in the group, and only Cang Lan could fight in close quarters. Banya, the medical team, was thrown down before he could struggle.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention bullying the few with more, Cang Lan counterattacked no less than ten moves before she was captured alive and pinned to the ground immobile.

He raised his head with difficulty, his pupils were filled with disbelief, these ordinary humans are different!Their physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people who have been specially trained in Xinghai!

The woman bent down slightly, and looked into his eyes: "Those who betray the origin will eventually be abandoned by the origin, and the blood is getting thinner, but that's okay, only us surviving descendants are qualified to be children of 'God' .”

"take away!"

The woman turned around and was about to leave, but Cang Lan shouted: "You can't catch us, we are invited guests here, and the one who invited us is the guard of the tree man."

Hearing this, the woman suddenly turned her head, full of surprise: "Master Guard? Where are they?"

Cang Lan: ...

They really don't know this.Cang Lan is not good at fooling people, so she can only say vaguely for a while: "They are going to work."

Unexpectedly, the woman just nodded slightly, and the surprise on her face subsided: "Traitors are used to lying and deceiving people. Before we find the guard, you have to be taken prisoner."

Cang Lan opened her mouth, stretched her neck high, and looked up at Banya who was also suppressed.

Banya shook her head slightly.

Cang Lan pursed her lower lip, and none of the group mentioned the existence of the cub Xiao Xu, let alone the laboratory. They would never bring danger to the cub until they were completely sure that these people were harmless.

A group of 13 people escorted Canglan and his party, like chickens, to go deeper into the forest.

Thanks to the hard work of the tree people, the forest is huge, and there is no sun, moon and stars on the planet, so Cang Lan and the others couldn't tell the direction at all.

No one spoke along the way, only the occasional sound of wind, the sudden roar of beasts, and the sound of feet stepping on fallen leaves.

These people were barefoot, and they walked more steadily than they wore boots. On the way, they also hunted a huge adult mountain gizzard. They did not use high-tech weapons, and they relied purely on ten people to fight.

According to Blue Star's standards, it is equivalent to ten six or seven-year-old children going up the mountain to beat an adult wild boar.

Cang Lan opened her eyes wide, her heart was beating violently, her brain was buzzing, and the woman's words "abandoned by the origin, her blood is getting thinner and thinner" kept ringing in his mind.

But Banya, who was traveling with him, looked at this group of people with scorching eyes. He is a doctor, so of course he knows that these people's physical fitness is higher than that of ordinary humans in the star sea.

There are nearly a hundred people here, which shows that high physical fitness is not an exception!Banya's fingertips trembled with excitement, his eyes sparkled.

The woman seemed to notice something, turned her head, her eyes flicked over the scar on his face, and then the corners of her mouth turned up, revealing a perfect sweet smile.

The kind that's too sweet.

Banya's entire face stiffened.

I don't know how long they walked, how many trees and jungles they passed through, Cang Lan and the others were hungry and tired, their throats were hoarse and sore, and their vision began to blur. Just when they were about to faint, suddenly their eyes suddenly opened up, and they came to the central area. edge.

It was a meadow with no trees, weeds swaying in the breeze, unknown flowers, and a brook leading out.

The small stream must have just been dug, only a man's calf deep, surrounded by wet mud.

At the junction of the grassland is a towering garbage mountain. At the foot of the mountain is a strange house, twisted together like a twist, using various "cabins" dug out of the garbage mountain. There is a weird combination of dirt and technology.

The building has about twenty floors, with six rooms on each floor.

The woman asked Cang Lan and others to be stuffed into a small room on the first floor and locked up, and then sent someone to guard her, then she turned her head and said to the people around her: "Take care of the gizzards first, and give them some, that's ours." Labor, don't starve to death."

"They are too weak, only the blue-haired Sea Clan can withstand our three punches, and we have you, you can create high-tech items, what can they do?" Someone said dissatisfied.

This makes sense, the Snow Feng clan's brains are naturally used for research, she can use these rubbish to transform into various machines, and given her time, it is no problem at all to fight against a hundred or a thousand.

However, the woman just curled up a strand of white hair, twisted it between her fingers, and said coolly: "Our mission is to revive the planet. The garbage on this planet was dumped by those outsiders. Of course they will be punished."

"Besides, those people are all wearing uniforms, especially the one from the Sea Clan who wears some special clothes, and I think he has an unusual status."

When the woman said this, she raised her head and looked up at the blue sky above the central area, with a mischievous playfulness on her delicate and soft face: "If someone breaks in again and finds that they have become our captives, it will be interesting, isn't it?"

When she said this, no one objected immediately.

Although they don't have the memory of the Xinghai people's "betrayal" and "abandonment" of origin, this seems to be engraved in their bones, just like they knew their mission from the moment they opened their eyes.

If Xiao Xu didn't have the light cluster given by the red star, their cognition and thinking would be influenced by Xiao Xu, then their rejection of the Xinghai people would be much weaker. The country of Huaxia was angry.

But when Xiao Xu ate the light ball given by the red star, his cognition was covered, and their rejection of humans who left the origin doubled, but relatively, they understood the star sea better.

The woman walked a long way, panting slightly, sitting on an old piece of garbage, bending over and rubbing her ankles, her gaze was far away.

For some reason, she always felt that she was born in the palm of "God".

But her memory told her that at the end of the Star Era, 90% of the people no longer treated the origin destroyed by them, and left the origin with their only vitality, and their companions were the only ones who stayed and died with the origin.

They fell into a deep sleep, and it was not until the origin revived in the long years that they finally woke up.

This is a beautiful and sad memory that seems to be true or false, but in fact, there was no human being left behind, and the origin was completely abandoned.

The woman didn't know this, she stretched her waist, looked back at the towering garbage mountain behind her, and said with a smile: "It seems that the transportation must be made first."

At this time, Ran Wei and the others who were trapped [-] meters away from the research room did not know that Cang Lan and the others who were in charge of feeding them had been arrested, and were going around the research room to explore.

At the same time, it has been four months since Blue Star refused to close the live broadcast room.

There has been no movement in the live broadcast room for the past four months, and as Huaxia officially authorized some technologies to other companies, Huaxia's technology has exploded again, such as——

Nanjiang City’s latest subway ground line planning scheme exposed (new transparent materials are used, the subway channel introduces 3D light phantom to project a thick historical culture, and Dunhuang Flying Dance, so that passengers can experience the beauty of Chinese culture in person.)

It means that taking this subway, instead of being in the carriage like before, there will be a feeling of traveling through historical time and space.

A map of the sea of ​​jidicao flowers on the outskirts of the pilot new city (the flowering season lasts for three months, tourists are welcome to visit.)

The latest news from the Ministry of Agriculture, new achievements in the research and development of cotton fruit - it has sprouted~~~

The controllable nuclear transformation trial has come to a perfect conclusion. According to relevant units, it will continue to conduct in-depth research and develop a civilian version as soon as possible.

According to major media reports, the pilot new urban suspension vehicle network track has been laid out, and it is expected to be ready for test flight in three months.

The research institute released the latest version of the nanny robot today, and the researchers said that it will appear in the "Xinghai Voyage" mall in the near future.


In the past four months, Huaxia has no longer concealed it, and with a strong posture, it has released its results one by one, sweeping the networks of countries all over the world, and as the "Xinghai Voyage" mall has more and more products, even if some countries try their best to prohibit Nationals register for "Star Sea Voyage", but the number of registrations by foreign friends is still increasing sharply.

After all, Lou Guowei's "all-in-one machine" combines mobile phones, tablets, and computers into one, which is very technological and no one can refuse.

Coupled with Huaxia's unique programming system, many excellent software have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Those who came said yes, and those who came, of course they were reluctant to leave!

And once they use "Xinghai Voyage", their code of conduct must follow China's and be supervised by Jinwu.

As time went by, the scope became wider and wider. Some foreign countries couldn't hold it at all, so they could only bow their heads and follow China. Even the Lighthouse Country had to let go of its ridiculous threat.

Because the new energy - controllable nuclear fusion, has entered the stage of civilian use, if they don't bend down, they will definitely fall from the position of the world's top countries.

The audience, by contrast, was not happy.

"It's been more than four months! The year has passed, and Zai Zai hasn't started the live broadcast yet. I thought I could celebrate the New Year with Zai Zai this year."

"Zai Zai was not in the right mood before turning off the live broadcast, so he won't start the live broadcast in the future, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense upstairs, you scare the old lady! Even if you don't want us, you won't want Huaxia. I feel sad for no reason.jpg"

"Hey, you guys are just worrying blindly. This kind of situation has happened before. Everyone, please wait quietly. When the big gift package appears, the live broadcast room will open."

"Oh~~~Yeah, Zai Zai said that he would give us skin care products made of flower umbrellas!!! Looking forward to it."

"Cub, if you want a gift, you need to open a live broadcast room!"

"Damn it! Everyone, check out the latest news from the official website. The University of Medical Sciences is researching medicine to restore vision. It is said that it can be permanently strengthened. It is not the kind of myopia surgery. If it is not properly protected, it will relapse."


"It shouldn't be slow, Zai Zai has found the entire medical team to be a teacher for our country's father."

"Sisters, it's such a good news, why don't you come with me to swim in the Sea of ​​Grass and Flowers?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the country's father is working hard again. It hasn't stopped in the past four months. It is seriously suspected that Zai Zai will not start the live broadcast, so the country's father is here."

"...It just happened to happen. It has been almost a year and a half since the live broadcast room started. During this period, Zai Zai sent a lot of things, and D13 classes started. It is almost time to produce results by now."

In fact, based on normal project research and development, this time is quite outrageous. For general projects, it starts in one or two years, five or six years is fast, ten years is normal, and even some new fields cannot be researched after more than ten years.

But it can't hold Huaxia not only with the strength of the whole country, but also with bugs!

With the Red Star theory master laying the foundation, and the D13 hands-on master correcting and giving pointers, the whole process was given a green light. Huaxia was running as fast as it could and did not allow itself to stop.

In addition, the soldiers who were washed away by the great lake from the sky have long since awakened and are now recovering.

At the same time, one of the most important events - the new school "Day by Day" was formally established. Those Huaxia students who performed well in Xinghai Children's Open Class will officially enter the school after the end of this year's summer vacation.

Among them are the gods who always occupy the first place-Da Gongju, and the ones who are always in the second and third places-Shan Youmu Xi Chongyun.

Wang Shuo, as the general manager of the "Live Room", had the honor to visit the Zhuri Campus.

It was not built in a busy city, but a piece of land was designated in the capital where every inch of land is expensive, and it was specially chosen by Mr. Feng Shui!Backed by the mountain lake, the scenery is beautiful, and I feel a little better when I look at it.

The Zhuri campus covers an area of ​​2800 mu, with only six buildings, dormitories, canteens, classrooms, libraries, gymnasiums, and the largest laboratory building.

The entire building is full of student laboratories, and it occupies the largest area of ​​any building.

Its overall area is incomparable with other famous schools, but it recruits fewer students!

Wang Shuo was standing in front of the campus, looking at the school badge. It was a giant dragon embracing a round sun, and the dragon was carved lifelike.

Wang Shuo stared at the sun, and the Maitreya-like smile on his face became more real, and he said with a smile: "This will be the starting point of the new generation in our country, and the school will start in three or four months, and we can guarantee that it will be completed." ?"

"Most of the decoration has been done, but some customized experimental equipment still needs to wait, but it will definitely be installed before school starts." The person accompanying him explained.

"Okay." Wang Shuo sighed.

"Let's go inside and take a look? This school uses new building materials and is connected to the Jinwu system. It will be more convenient to go to school and live in it."

Of course Wang Shuo would not refuse, followed the accompanying person to scan their faces and entered the school.

Huaxia is moving forward step by step, and it seems that it has not been affected by the closure of the live broadcast room. However, in a hidden office building, the team responsible for communicating with Xiao Xu and the task construction team squat in the live broadcast room 24 hours a day. They developed dark circles and became more irritable as time went on.

Because they clearly knew that Xiao Xuguan was not in an ordinary state before the live broadcast, but they wanted to communicate, but no one was there!

If Hongxing hadn't said that Xiao Xu was fine, Huaxia wouldn't be able to sit still.

It is precisely because of this that during the four long months, Huaxia began to release the research results, in order not to let the audience be unfamiliar with Xiao Xu, and to divert the speculation about Xiao Xu's emotions before the live broadcast.

At this time, Xiao Xu had already purified the yellow land in the southern region.

In the purified southern area there is a series of rolling hills and mountains. Xiao Xu conscientiously selects animals and plants to create and puts them in a suitable position.

Create some per mountain range, and leave the rest to the treants.

Save money and be happy.

Xiao Xu looked at the rising energy points. In addition to selling a little balance of the national account, the energy harvested from the decomposition of waste and the feedback of natural ecology have reached 23 billion.

In conversion, 23 ordinary humans can be created.

"Brother, do I still want to create humans?" Xiao Xu has not rejected doing this since he knew that he would not affect the thoughts of those people.

The system is pressing the red star, and without raising its head when it heard the words, it opened its mouth and said, "People must be created. The central area is special, so the prosperity rate can be increased by species, but not in other areas. Their prosperity rate and population are very different. difference."

"If you don't mention the freedom of love, if you really arrange a marriage, those people created now will not be able to survive."

The system rolled its eyes when it said this. Here, the birth rate of cubs may not be suppressed, but those people cannot be created just to be studs, and they will give birth to babies and humans every day for a year.

The system would rather spend money to create people.

Xiao Xu tilted his head and thought for a while, then asked suspiciously: "Population, do people from outside count? Like Cang Lanlan and Yaya."

"Not counting."

Before the system could speak, Hong Xing spoke up first, with a sarcasm on the corner of his mouth: "They abandoned this place, so our planet also abandoned them. Even if they live here, they will not be recognized."

"They are people without a hometown. In Huaxia's words, they are duckweeds without roots and without protection." Hongxing didn't deliberately hide Xiaoxu.

The people of Xinghai have lost everything in Xinghai, so they don't know that dumping garbage here and annihilating the vitality of the planet are actually seeking their own death.

If the planet does not recover, there will be fewer and fewer habitable stars. In the future, their bloodline will gradually degenerate, the population will decrease, and eventually, like other species, they will become extinct one by one.

very cruel.

Hong Xing showed an expression of seeing through everything again, and the system was so angry that he slapped down with his paw again.

Damn it, Red Star knows a lot, so it doesn't say anything. It just asked Red Star about the hidden information of the light cluster, but after mocking for a long time, the answer it got was - its dignified advanced system fled to Xinghai in a state of embarrassment, and asked it for help.

Will it ask Red Star for help?impossible!

Thinking of this, the system slapped it with another paw, but Hong Xing spun around to avoid it, and even squeezed its paw with a big hand, so that bullying it would not grow bigger.

"It's going to be arguing again..." Xiao Xusheng let out a long sigh.

Brother System and Hongxing have been arguing in his mind for a long time!I really don't know what they are doing, so childish.

Xiao Xu shook his head and shook his head, intending to create something more. At this moment, Xiao Yuan Dan galloped in from mid-air, shouting while rushing: "Shi Yangyang, the prisoner sent by Dashu has escaped!!!"

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