Cubs make planets and send them to the country

Chapter 55 The cub is not alone, he has...

Cang Lan breathed a sigh of relief, as the headquarters said, she did not immediately kill her.

He rolled his eyes at the two subordinates behind him, and they carefully moved out of the hatch. Seeing that the tree man didn't respond, they immediately dragged the half-dead Warner and quickly drilled back into the ship.

"Thank you." Cang Lan nodded slightly, her gaze fell behind the tree guard.

Below that is a lush forest. When he entered Garbage Star, he saw them on the spaceship pass through the hands of the tree man, from a scattered grove to a forest that would make every Xinghai person's heart beat.

How could such an ability be wiped out?

Habitable stars are so rare, who is willing to kill them? !

Cang Lan was puzzled in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface, and asked slowly: "This green state is so beautiful, was it born because of you?"

The tree guard looked at him coldly, his voice was a little old, and he showed a meaningful smile that could be regarded as malicious.

Being stared at by such eyes, the blue alarm bell rang loudly, his back felt cold, and there was a faint sense of ominous premonition, and then, the mocking tone of the tree man sounded again in his ears.

"There are fewer and fewer habitable stars in the star sea, are they going to be extinct?"

Cang Lan stared fiercely at the tree man's eyes, light green, cold and sharp, as if turning into a giant hand pinching Cang Lan's heart.

Cang Lan's breathing was a little unsteady: "Since you know, you should be more clear about what this represents."

He pointed to the large green state under the rubbish mountain, and even under the actions of other treants, the forest expanded steadily.

"Junkstar is the biggest star in the sea of ​​stars. With you tree people here, it will become a complete habitable star sooner or later, right?" Cang Lan bravely met the tree people's eyes, "Here can Once all the residents of Xinghai live here, once they become a livable star, no one will give up, can you stop it with only a hundred or so Shuren?"

"If you can exterminate the clan once, you will definitely be able to exterminate the clan a second time." Cang Lan has a lazy temper and speaks without any scruples.

The two subordinates behind him trembled, wishing they could pounce on him and cover his mouth. They didn't want the captain anymore, so they were really not afraid of being strangled to death by a tree branch.

However, the tree guard lowered his head, paused for two seconds, then turned his head suddenly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, without any hint of sarcasm, and his eyes were neither sad nor happy.

"You have no chance."

"If you abandon this place, you will never be accepted again. You will never be forgiven, and you will never be able to set foot here again."

The tree guard waved a long branch and pointed upwards: "Get out of here, don't have delusions anymore."

As he said that, the already hard long branch suddenly turned into a long vine and rolled up the small airship, about to throw it out.

"Wait." Cang Lan hurriedly grabbed the ship's door, "Why is the portable research room of that lord of the Fengxue Clan here? His favorite work, D13, is still alive. Is he still alive?"

The movements of the tree guard's hands stopped.

Seeing this, Cang Lan quickly said: "In 2332 of the Xinghai Second Calendar, he came here and sent you into the Xinghai, but was surrounded by all parties. It is rumored that he is dead."

"However, the portable laboratory of the Snow Feng Clan is still there. If he dies, the laboratory will explode. So, is he still alive?"

"Do you know where he is?"

According to the secret information sent by the headquarters, the adult from the Snow Wind Clan came to Garbage Star to cultivate people, and the relationship between them should be very friendly.

Because of this, the headquarters would let him venture in here and contact the tree people.

Because the Xinghai Convention was formed by that adult!

Sure enough, the tree man didn't yell at the people who belonged to the Xinghai Pact, so Cang Lan had a little bit of confidence.

The tree guard was stunned for a long time before slowly saying, "He's not here."

So, he is still alive!The blue eyes brightened for a moment, that lord advanced the Xinghai Convention and the development of science and technology, and was the idol of many people.

Before Cang Lan continued to question, the tree guard had rolled up the aircraft and turned over. The hatch was closed urgently, and Cang Lan's face hit the glass. Seeing the tree men raised their hands, they were about to throw them out.

"Wait a little longer." Cang Lan yelled, "Are you going to enter the Star Sea again?"

If it comes, will the adults of the Snow Wind Clan show up?

If it comes, will it also turn other planets into habitable stars?


The king has returned, the planet has a glimmer of life, they don't need to go to the star sea at all,

The tree guard snorted softly, and after uttering three words, he stopped listening to people's nonsense and threw the rolled up spaceship out.

The entire airship crashed into the large main ship staying in the sky.

Fortunately, the pilot was skilled enough to stabilize the ship halfway and flew back to the main ship smoothly.

"Captain! The tree man is chasing you."

As soon as Cang Lan climbed out of the small ship, she heard the subordinate in charge of staying behind shout in panic, followed by a notification sound on the main ship.

[Counterattack defense mode has been activated. ]

[Please confirm with the main commander, whether to counterattack! ]

The cannons around the main ship had turned their muzzles, facing the tree guards who were chasing after them.

Since there is no star network signal on Garbage Star, the people staying on the main ship don't know what Cang Lan and the Treeman communicated.

They only saw the tree man throwing Canglan's airship over after a disagreement, and then rushed over aggressively, looking like he was about to fight.

The tree guard who was going to throw the main ship out of the garbage star: ...

It looked at the eight cannons aimed at it, and unexpectedly remembered what its king had said in its mind.

"If they drop the bomb, we'll get it back."

Is this going to blow up?The tree man was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, forget it!

So he became faster, and within a few dodges, he blocked the front of the main ship, and inside the main ship, Cang Lan had already trained the people left behind to be dogs.

"You guys are crazy! Who started the counterattack mode!"

"If you want to die, get out!"

"Headquarters strongly advises that there should be no conflicts. If there is one, it counts as one, and everyone will be punished when they go back."

"Not leaving yet!" Cang Lan slapped the console.

The deputy next to him pointed tremblingly at the front of the screen: "Captain, it's blocking us, we can't leave..."

As soon as Cang Lan raised her head, she saw the big tree guard standing in front of her. She wasn't tall, but her aura was like that of a big demon king.

Just like what the textbook said at the time when I was studying.

The ferocious treant raised the long branch in its hand, and with a light wave, the entire main ship spun.

[Please note that for a first-level attack, the outer cabin of the main ship will be damaged by 10%. ]

[Please note that unknown energy has been discovered and cannot be suppressed. ]

"Captain, its branch is not easy, we must distance ourselves as soon as possible."

"Enable artillery fire."


Several deputies shouted eagerly.

"It's just trying to drive us away." He was on the small ship before, and the tree man wanted to throw them out.

Cang Lan ignored their suggestions, directly started communicating with the outside world, and shouted at the Shuren guards: "You don't need to do anything, we will leave here immediately, and leave immediately!"

"Please let it go in the face of Master Fengxue Clan."

The tree guard's expression remained unchanged, and with a flick of Changzhi, the main ship's power and energy components were broken.

The main ship rolled four or five times in mid-air, rumbled—and hit the garbage mountain in the southeast.

Cang Lan was so dazed by the turn, she managed to regain her senses by climbing on the console, and saw the tree man standing firmly in front, knocked on the shell of the main ship, and said calmly: "You have the intention to attack, the main ship stays behind." Next, you leave."

As he spoke, he waved the branches on his hand.

Cang Lan & Subordinates: ...

We haven't attacked this banditry yet!Cang Lan panicked inexplicably, this should never have happened.

"team leader……"

"Shut up and leave immediately!" Cang Lan took a deep breath, and had to be kind to the tree man outside, "Thank you for your mercy, let's leave immediately."

"Let's go by ourselves!"

Cang Lan gritted her teeth.The tree guard nodded noncommittally, with a hint of joy in his light green eyes.

When they are all gone, bring your own king to have a look.

Wang Shen has been asleep for too long, and he seems to be very interested in things from the outside world.

Cang Lan and the others took Warner who was put in the medical cabin, boarded all the small ships, and left!

Before leaving, Cang Lan carefully took away all the energy, weapons, and materials in the main ship, scraped them clean, and left an empty shell for the tree man.

The Treants watched them disappear on Junkstar.

After leaving the garbage star, all the spaceships went straight to a coordinate point, flew two star belts, and a white battleship that was bigger than before appeared in front of it.

There are faint stars twinkling on the ship.

It opens the hatch and all the spaceships fly into the white battleship.

Cang Lan took Warner, who was already awake in the medical cabin, straight to the office, and then sat down on the sofa, paralyzed there like a dead salted fish.

Sitting at the main seat was Qi Chi, the executive leader, who frowned: "Where's the main ship?"

"I was robbed." Cang Lan returned to the lazy state before, and raised her eyelids, "Going out this trip is more tiring than arresting hundreds of people, so don't look for me next time."

"I warned you, don't conflict with tree people, you are lucky to survive, and you still have the face to cry tired." Qi Chi couldn't understand his appearance.

"We didn't do anything! We didn't touch a hair of the Ent!" Cang Lan closed her eyes, but it was the Ent who first wanted to throw them away, and then snatched the main ship.

He waved his hand and pointed to Warner who was still lying on the medical cabin and said, "He is there, take him away. According to the doctor, his injuries look terrible, but they are not fatal. I look at the shape, and it looks like he was killed." The tree man smoked it, you should ask him how he offended the tree man."

Without Qi Chi asking, Warner has already shouted in grief and indignation: "I didn't do anything."

No matter how ambitious people were before, their mentality was completely broken by this series of "accidents".

"The first article of the Xinghai Convention was triggered, and I wanted to do something to the cub, but I consciously said that I didn't do anything." Cang Lan sneered, "Maybe the tree man discovered your dirty mind towards the cub, and acted on behalf of the sky. .”

Warner's face turned red, white, and blue, like a color palette changing.

"I was wronged!" Warner still couldn't move his body, so he could only try to raise his head, and said expectantly and painfully through the transparent medical hatch, "I received a video from my nephew Saros, and I know that Junk Star may have an oasis. , come and check."

"I used the mosquito drone to collect the situation in the green state, and it turned out that the cubs were photographed."

"It was an accident. I didn't recognize him as a cub. I didn't know there would be cubs in Garbage Star!"

Warner repeated it several times, thinking about the behavior of the tree man again, he seemed to have been whipped hundreds of times, and the pain went to the marrow: "I don't dare to provoke the tree man. A branch of the tree chased and hit me, and finally threw me out of the oasis shield."

At that time, Warner really thought that the tree man wanted to kill him, but in the end he just whipped him, threw him away, and left to fend for himself.

However, his words made Qi Chi and Cang Lan get up abruptly, and ran to sit beside him.

"You entered the green state?"

"You still entered the laboratory?"

"What's the matter with the cub? Didn't you go to Garbage Star to avoid the Star Sea Convention?"

The two of you said one sentence to another, and finally said in unison: "Tell me everything you know."

They only know that there are treants and D13 of the Snowstorm clan, but they don't know about cubs at all.

Warner really said everything. After listening to Qi Chi and Cang Lan, they looked at him with sympathy. If what he said is true, it can only be said that this person is too unlucky. Bad luck.

Although it was a mistake, if Warner knew that the garbage star had changed and reported it at the beginning, and he didn't become greedy, nothing would happen.

Qi Chi patted the top of the medical cabin: "According to your charges, the cub has not been killed yet, so there is no need to sit continuously, but personal punishment will not be less."

Warner has nothing to love: "I know, in addition to dying, I have to go to the negative textbook."

Cang Lan thought of the main ship that was snatched by the tree people, and comforted her: "The negative textbook must be used, but what about death... If what you said is true, cooperate with us well, you don't have to die, you just have to do it for Xinghai A lifetime of hard work, such as some star mines that can only be dug manually."

Warner: ...

That might as well let me die!In the negative textbooks, his reputation was damaged, he was spurned by everyone, and he could still work as a coolie for a lifetime. He has never suffered since he was a child, okay!

Warner is even more hopeless, he would have known better if he had been whipped to death by a tree man.

However, at this moment, he heard Qi Chi, the executive leader of the Xinghai Pact, suddenly ask: "Is there anything else you haven't said?"

Warner's pupils shrank, and he looked at Qi Chi in panic.

Kichi felt strange after listening to all the content, why Warner couldn't recognize the cub?Still have to continue to explore?Why only cubs?

But Warner was too cooperative, and normal inquiries were not enough, so Qichi had to make a surprise attack, and it exploded.

Qi Chi stared at him closely: "What are you hiding?"

Warner lowered his gaze and avoided his gaze: "I've told you everything I know."

"Warner, you have no choice." Qi Chi said, "Don't forget, you were arrested by the Star Sea Convention."

Hearing this, Warner froze and took a long time to let out a breath: "D13's name is Cub Yangyang. He has a father and older brothers and sisters...not alone, but I haven't seen them."

Although he didn't have much contact with Xiaoxu, but because of his personality, he noticed that D13 and other robots were used to the names Xiaoxu mentioned when he was talking to himself.

He has been guessing that Xiao Xu is not talking to himself, but communicating with those people.

Qi Chi frowned and glanced at Cang Lan.

Cang Lan shook her head: "I didn't notice it." Even the cubs didn't notice it!

Qi Chi asked again: "Is there anything else you didn't mention?"

Warner's mentality has calmed down. He shook his head, faced Qi Chi directly, and said anxiously: "I really said everything."

Qi Chi glanced at him several times before nodding his head and asked someone to take him away, leaving Cang Lan alone.

Warner closed his eyes, his palms were slightly sweaty, and he concealed the fact that Xiao Xu was able to create the grassland oasis.

He didn't know that tree people could also expand the green state, he only knew that Xiao Xu's ability was against the sky.

As the head of the Xinghai Cleaning Department, he knows that the current habitable star is getting weaker and weaker. In time, the current habitable star will become a waste star like before.

Because of this, if Xiao Xu's ability is exposed, even if he is a cub, he will not be able to keep it. The survival instinct will make the people of Xinghai turn their minds on him.

Warner didn't know how long he could hide it, so he could only take one step at a time.

And Qi Chi is also mentioning Warner to Cang Lan at the moment: "He also concealed something, which may be related to the cub's parents, or it may be related to the adults of the Fengxue clan."

"Of course, he has entered Ouzhou and knows more than us. Let's see if his death sentence can be extended so that people can continue the trial." Cang Lan's water-blue eyes were cold and anxious. Said, "According to the tree man, the lord of the Snow Wind Clan is still alive, Kichi, we have to find him."

Qi Chi: "He died in the second calendar of Xinghai, and now it is the third calendar of Xinghai. We don't know how he survived and how he hid it."

"If we have to find it, we can only release news about the garbage star and the tree man. At that time, he may appear by himself, but." Qi Chi sighed, "The matter of him bringing the tree man into the star sea back then, some high-level officials will not understand. I also know that their attitude is not clear, and some people even think that he is a sinner, he brought out the tree man, caused a war, and made more habitable stars cease to exist."

"No, he is definitely not a sinner!" Cang Lan approached Qi Chi, her face was almost pressed against his ear, her eyes were shining with a strange light, "Do you know what I saw when I went to Junk Star?"

Kichi: "What?"

Cang Lan suppressed her voice: "The Treeman has an ability. He can expand the green state. I have seen with my own eyes that they have turned scattered small forests into large forests."

"Do you know what that means?"

"It means that they can improve the environment of the planet and create an oasis." The light in Canglan's eyes burst out, "I think that the master of the Fengxue clan brought them into the star sea not to cause war, but to create a habitable star! "

"He is definitely not a sinner." Cang Lan repeated, speaking firmly.

Qi Chi was shocked after hearing this: "Did you see it clearly?"

"It is absolutely clear, I guarantee it with my life and the prestige of the Star Sea Convention."

Qi Chi strode back and forth, and suddenly made up his mind: "Let's look for the matter of the Fengxue clan in private first, and I will temporarily delay the matter of the garbage star to prolong the time of discovery. During this period, you take people to the garbage a few more times Xing, in the name of...caring for the cubs, prepare more things that the cubs like and send them over, and go back and forth a few times, so we should be able to retain some friendship."

Cang Lan: ...

"I won't do it!" Cang Lan fell directly on the sofa, "It's too tiring to be in contact with the tree people. Even with the name of the Xinghai Convention, the murderous spirit of the tree people is still there."

Qichi didn't bother to talk to him, he had to do it if he didn't want to, he had been salted fish for long enough.

Cang Lan saw that he did not change his mind, so she could only agree with it sadly. When she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of something and asked curiously: "The tree man once said that we abandoned the garbage star. Is this true? What we learned According to knowledge, garbage stars have never belonged to the Star Sea."

Qi Chi was taken aback, frowned and said: "If it's true, it should be a matter of Xinghai's history. There is no record in the history at that time, only sporadic legends, but the tree people never panic. This matter, I'll check."

"Go prepare the cub's supplies, leave early to go to Garbage Star, and get in touch with the cub!" Qi Chi drove him away.

Xiao Xu still didn't know that someone would give him a gift, so he was stuffed into the teaching room.

This teaching room is not the one in the experiment, but a classroom opened by the system alone. It is very spacious and has the effect of projection.

As soon as Xiao Xu entered, he found that he was sitting in a classroom, and there was a gentle female teacher standing above her, with brown hair in wavy curls and a smile on the corner of her mouth, her whole body was like gentle water.

Ten seconds later, the classroom was projected into the live broadcast room, and all the people watching the live broadcast felt their gazes flicker, and they suddenly changed places.

In a colorful classroom, the surrounding decorations are full of childishness.

The phantoms of hundreds of millions of people were projected in, including old people, young people, teenagers, and children of a few years old.

There were more people than those rushing for the Spring Festival travel rush, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Damn!! What's going on here? Why did you change places? Could it be time travel?"

"Traveling through the fart, there are phantoms all around. Look at the cub at the front, his eyeballs are about to pop out. Could it be that he frightened the cub?"

"Hey, I can't walk around, I want to go to rua~~ I can't do it with a handful of cubs."

"Zaizai~~look at me! I'm brother baabaa, ranking No.20 and second!"

"A lot of people. I'm already far behind, but I can still see clearly from the front. It's a bit like a holographic network."

"Niupi, it was done by the system, this time, I want to give you a thumbs up."

Although the audience also entered the classroom, they were still watching the live broadcast in essence, and their speech appeared on the live broadcast panel in the form of text, but Xiao Xu couldn't see it.

Xiao Xu was also in a daze, trying to climb up the stool, looking at them with burning eyes, raised his hands high, and waved to them excitedly: "Brothers and sisters, come to class with me."

While talking, he looked back and forth, looking to the top, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't see a very tall figure.

"Where's Dad?" Xiao Xu pouted.

"Zai Zai, the national father is here. He is invisible, but he is by our side all the time."

"You'll see him when you grow up, let's go to class first!"

The audience changed the subject, for fear that Xiao Xu would dig into a dead end like before, and at the same time, he was very interested in the current holographic-like course.

It's a pity that no matter what Xiao Xu asked, he only saw those brothers and sisters moving their hands and feet, chattering and opening their mouths, and he couldn't hear a single sound.

So angry!They were whispering and ignored him.

Xiao Xu puffed up his face and ignored him, then he will ignore him in the future... Just ignore them for a day!

Xiao Xu turned his head, leaned on the table and sat down angrily, with his feet hanging high, swinging around, raised his hand, and shouted childishly to the front: "Teacher, class has started."

After finishing speaking, he placed his hands neatly on the table, and his waist and back were straight.

Hey~~~ Zai Zai is still very serious.The audience took advantage of the opportunity and sat down, their mouths didn't stop, and everything was fresh.

The teacher at the front lowered his hands and said softly, "Class is starting, babies, please be quiet for now."

She raised her index finger and hissed between her lips: "The big baby in the back should also be obedient. There will be an exam after class, but you can't even compare with the little baby."

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes and blinked: "Today, the first class, I will tell you about the composition of energy elements."

"Every planet is full of various energy elements. Once the composition is not uniform, the environment of the planet will be unstable..." She spoke slowly, and various material elements appeared as she spoke.

Lively speaking, but...

Can't understand!

Where is this TM children's course? !

Except for a small number of people, everyone was in a trance, let alone the three-year-old Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu listened for a long time, and the more he listened, the more confused he became, his eyes were about to shoot stars.

The teacher said that there will be an exam after class. Before that, he and his father promised to get No.1 and get 100 points in the exam. How did they pass the exam?

Feeling guilty, Xiao Xu moved his butt uneasily, and subconsciously glanced at his brothers and sisters behind him to see how they were doing, but when he turned around, he met a pair of shining eyes.

The man looked only a little older than him, thin and frail, with a small face, looking at the material elements constructed by the teacher with burning eyes.

Hour Xu:! ! !

He understands! No.1 is gone QAQ

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