Hearing what the system said, Xiao Xu suddenly opened his dark eyes, and instantly frowned, forgetting all the accusations before.

He snorted softly, and said proudly, "Brother System, I told you I'm not lazy. If you don't believe me, I'm a little soldier. Little soldiers don't lie and lie."

The small sapling not far away is shaking its branches and leaves, and every texture on its body reveals the joy of winning the battle.

The system opened its mouth, but didn't try to defend itself, and wanted to bury itself in embarrassment: "It may be that I have a bug somewhere, and there is a problem with the data."

As he said, he scratched his head angrily: "But it doesn't make sense, I'm an advanced system, there's no way I don't know about bugs, no, I have to check."

If there is a BUG that it can't detect, it will be a big deal.

The system looked dignified, and immediately stopped dual-tasking, put aside the matter of buying props for the time being, and rushed to the data core to conduct a comprehensive inspection.

The program is fine, the data is fine, and there are no bugs.

system:? ? ?

It hesitated for a while, opened the unchecked records, read it again, and compared it with other data, and finally found the problem.

The problem is - Shi Xu!

Xiao Xu dug up more than a dozen pieces of garbage from the garbage mountain, and only disassembled it once before overdrawing. He didn't replenish his physical strength once during the whole process, and he didn't take a break in the middle.

No wonder he only earned 3734 points of energy, no wonder he was overdrawn until his consciousness collapsed.

The system was in a trance for a moment, and then, he gritted his teeth, a surge of anger rushed to his forehead, and his teeth rattled.

This small sound sounded like a mouse biting something. Xiao Xu couldn't help but feel a little scared. With his pale face, he lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "Brother System, there is a little mouse in Yangyang's head. Did it get into the mouse?" Are you at home?"

After all, the system can make a home in his head, and the mouse must be able to, too!

Xiao Xu was in a hurry: "Brother, quickly drive the little mouse away."

The sound of the system grinding teeth stopped suddenly, and his face turned completely black, and then the anger intensified, and the whole body exploded with rage.

"You're the mouse! You're really pissing me off!"

"You are a newly born first-level planetary consciousness, with a big fist of power, how dare you act so recklessly!"

"You idiot, don't you know how to rest when you're tired? Don't you know how to buy props from the mall to replenish your strength? Why do you have to work hard!"

The more the system talks, the more it hates that iron cannot be made into steel.

A normal person knows to stop and rest when he is tired. He does not stop. A normal host knows to go to the mall to buy props.

If it weren't for the fact that this planet still has some original vitality, he would have to die here.

The system is heartbroken with anger.

Xiao Xu was dumbfounded by the training, and his face was full of confusion: "Brother, why are you angry? Yang Yang doesn't understand."

After finishing speaking, he hugged his little head and shrunk in, opened his eyes wide, and asked in horror: "Is it because the little mouse can't drive away, did it make you angry? Brother...Yangyang doesn't want the little mouse to live in his head. "

By the end of the sentence, there was already a little crying.

System: #*¥&(#¥

"No mice!" The system yelled angrily.

Hearing this, Xiao Xu carefully looked around, covered his mouth and listened carefully, there was no sound of the little mouse gnawing in his head.

He let out a long breath, a blush appeared on his pale face, and said shyly: "Yangyang is not afraid, it is the little mouse that is not good, it will steal food, it is in Yangyang's head, it will eat Yangyang's head Lose."

The system can't get up with a sigh of relief, goddamn little mouse, it's because it was so angry that it grinds its teeth.

"Forget it, you will remember in the future, rest when you are tired, and go to the mall to buy props if you don't rest, to replenish your strength."

The system was tired, but what he said was calm, plus the little mouse was gone, Xiao Xu listened to it, but his eyes were even more confused: "What are shopping mall props?"


It subconsciously plucked its ears: "You don't know the items in the mall? When you started the mission, it was clearly written in the system manual that the system gave you."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu suddenly realized, his face was hot, he scratched his cheek a little embarrassedly: "Yangyang didn't know those beautiful square characters at that time, but Yangyang does now."

As he spoke, subconsciously, a thick system manual appeared in his mind, full of words.

He read very slowly, the pain in his body made him unable to concentrate, but he still stared at the manual closely, reading word by word, with the corners of his mouth twitching, as if he was reading silently.

I forgot about the system for a while.

The system is in the mind, looking at the manual, dumbfounded.

In the past, most of the hosts it brought did not like to read the manual, and were more keen to explore by themselves, or ask it directly.

So it was not taken seriously at the time, but now it has become the fuse.

It's because it didn't notice... The system's face became very ugly, and it subconsciously sorted out the process of getting along with Xiao Xu. After a few seconds, it suddenly looked at the fully automatic trash can on the ground.

That was its masterpiece, a trash can specially made for the convenience of Xiao Xu in using his skills.

Fully automatic, no limit, as long as the capacity is full, it will be automatically decomposed.

It's a fool's operation, completely tailor-made for Xiaoxu, but the problem is that there is no, there, limit, and restriction!

If the physical strength is insufficient, the strength will be overdrawn, and if the strength is overdrawn, the consciousness will naturally collapse.

When Xiao Xu decomposed the garbage, he had already reached the limit. As a result, as soon as the trash can was automatically decomposed, his strength was completely overdrawn, and he directly GG.

The eyes of the system turned black, and all the data trembled violently. It suddenly collapsed in Xiaoxu's head, and his eyes were full of deep fear and fear.

"I, I almost killed the host..."

It has brought hundreds of hosts, and it is the leader in the world, the top ten big bosses, and has saved billions of private money. It has the capital of absolute pride.

But now... Although the host is not dead, its pride cannot be forgiven!

The system tremblingly opened its own data core, reported itself, applied to the main system for system change, and sent a private message secretly.

[My lord, my host is a three-year-old cub, don’t make any random matches, change to a gentle and patient system, 099 is good, it’s a milk system, very experienced in raising cubs. ]

It and 099 looked down upon each other, but for the sake of the cub, it bowed its head.

This message was sent out, and since then, it has been a head short in front of 099, which is definitely a big blow to it.

However, a few seconds later, the report was kept on file, but the application was called back.

[Main system: 110, your host chose you, and you cannot be replaced. As a punishment for dereliction of duty, no matter what the result is, it will be counted as failure of your auxiliary host. ]

That is to say, work for nothing, no money.

The system stared at the information for a long time, then suddenly rubbed its eyes, realizing it belatedly.

The host chose me?

What's the matter?When will the host be able to choose a system?

has a problem!The system squinted its eyes, and quickly sent a message to ask the main system, but there was no response.

It rolled its eyeballs and looked at the other party: "Shi Yangyang, why did you choose me as your system? How did you do it?"

Xiao Xu raised his head ignorantly, with a puzzled look on his face: "I didn't choose, isn't my brother always here?"

Obviously don't know anything.

On the contrary, Xiao Xu was interrupted by the system, his concentration on reading the words was scattered, and the pain sensation came back again.

Xiao Xu couldn't help trembling, cold sweat broke out on his pale face, his chapped and white lips kept trembling, and his body was limp and paralyzed, but his eyes were still bright, and the spiritual light inside was not extinguished at all.

The system was in a trance for a moment, with a feeling of déjà vu, the data was stuffy and uncomfortable, and even the calculation seemed to be sluggish.

It flipped through the system-specific shopping mall quickly, originally looking for affordable items, but now it went straight to the best one - the source liquid.

Although the substitute of the original vitality cannot make up for the consumed "original vitality", it can restore the consciousness of nurturing.

Xiao Xu's consciousness has collapsed and been damaged, eating it will not only stop the pain in the future, but also make the consciousness more tenacious.

Once there is a target, the system finds it right away, it looks like a ball of marshmallow, it is not as big as Xiao Xu's fist, but it needs 500w of energy.

A quarter of private money.The system gritted its teeth, closed its eyes, and bought it.

As soon as the source liquid was obtained, the system quickly pushed it into Xiao Xu's consciousness.

The source liquid melted into Xiao Xu's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, and Xiao Xu suddenly felt as if he was soaking in warm bath water, and seemed to be touching his little head with the warm hands of his grandfather. Asleep, eyes drooping.

He yawned delicately: "Brother, I want to feel sleepy."

Xiao Xu didn't know about the source liquid, the system thought he had hurt him, let alone mention it, scratched his head, and said dryly: "Sleep when you're sleepy, I promise, it won't hurt when you wake up."

Xiao Xu blinked, then smiled, showing two dimples on both sides of his cheeks: "Thank you brother, I believe in you."

Hearing this, the system was stunned, and suddenly remembered that Xiaoxu said that he was not lazy, it didn't believe it, the system couldn't help lowering its head, the data was boiling hot and steaming.

"My brother promised that nothing was wrong. He said he contacted his father and he got in touch. My brother is still a bit powerful, but he is not as good as my father. My father is super powerful. I want to grow up quickly so that I can see my father." It's..."

Xiao Xu was so sleepy that he turned into a little nagging ghost, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

But the system heard it clearly, with a complicated face, it was turning a corner and using it to praise his father.

However, it can be regarded as a compliment.The system floated back and forth in Xiao Xu's mind, his eyes wandering: "What's wrong with seeing Dad, when you wake up, I'll give you your dad."

"Huhu..." Xiao Xu had already fallen into a deep sleep, snoring lightly.

The trash can was very small, and he curled up in aggrieved form. As the source liquid took effect, Xiao Xu's pale face turned red visibly to the naked eye, and his chapped lips became plump, tender and fleshy. His brows stretched, and his breathing became longer and longer.

I slept very soundly.


"Forget it, let's treat it as a surprise." The system is full of energy, and it promised that the little boy will receive it after he wakes up.

Sending "Dad" can start with the live broadcast pendant, but the little boy keeps saying that Dad is the country, and Bluestar Huaxia needs to cooperate in this matter.

After making up his mind, the system decided to make a quick decision, quickly drilled into the background of the live broadcast pendant, followed the signal and slipped to the Blue Star side, but before it landed, a pile of "virus garbage" fell down.

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