The formation of lethality and the environment are very important, but Xiao Xu is only a three-year-old child who grew up in a peaceful age, so how could he have lethality.

This problem is very serious.

The team members behind him were hesitant to say anything. They haven't got any exact information about Xiao Xu. They originally thought that Xiao Xu was only three years old, an age when his personality had just formed. It's not a big problem not knowing the specific situation. Big enough to go!

However, Meng Gaoge shook his head, pretended not to see it, and secretly wrote down this point, and had to report it when the leader Wang Shuo came back.

When they were in shock and had a brief exchange, the live broadcast room had already been swiped with rewards.

"Zaizai is right! If you dare to bully Huaxia, you should fight back."

"Hahahaha, the gift you sent is really timely, Zaizai. Recently, some countries have jumped around and bullied our country's father. Now I really want to interview them about what kind of face they are."

"Fortunately, I have saved some carbon points in the past two months, and I will give a wave of rewards, son, use it as funds, and get more weapons."

"Zai Zai, send the starship cannon!"

Recently, because the foreign media doubted the authenticity of Xinghai's live broadcast, everyone was holding their breath. Now that Xiao Xu's live broadcast started, he also gave two high-profile gifts, and everyone was very enthusiastic about rewarding them.

"Someone is bullying daddy..." Xiao Xu stared at the barrage that said 'bullying our country's daddy', the expression on his face was a little bit frozen, and something seemed to be waking up in the depths of his originally clear and black eyes, stained with blood .

Seeing this, the system frowned. It was very familiar with this look, but it shouldn't appear on the little boy.

It glanced at him, pretending to be disdainful and said: "What are you afraid of, if you send a little more, Huaxia will become stronger, and...the red star is there, what can happen."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu blinked, and all the bloody murderousness in his eyes disappeared, without any trace.

"Brother is right." He nodded heavily, smiled at Guoyun Dandan, and said confidently and proudly, "Dad, don't be afraid, Yangyang will make you stronger."

As for how to become powerful, send garbage... no, give gifts!

Xiao Xu ran to find D13, hoping to make something super powerful, but he himself rolled up his sleeves and continued to rummage through the trash.

When he was doing things, he was full of energy and had a smile on his face.

When he smiled, his brows and eyes were curved, with two sweet dimples, white, tender, and soft, but his eyes were extraordinarily firm. He looked full of hope.

This is the Xiao Xu they are familiar with!

Meng Gaoge, who was about to open his mouth to do psychological counseling, can't bring it up again now, so he can only turn to ask about Xiao Xu's specific situation during the live broadcast.

Guoyun Dandan: "Yangyang, Huaxia hasn't seen you for a long time, what have you done?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xu's eyes lit up, he was still in a child's mood, and couldn't help showing off: "Yangyang has upgraded, and has become super powerful, and can turn into grass and florets."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed back: "The saplings grow taller, and Sansan is also taller. They are not as strong as Yangyang, and they can't make grass and flowers."

The live broadcast camera turned in the direction he was pointing at, and only then did the audience realize that beyond the mountain of rubbish, there was a [-]-square-meter green grassland with a big thick tree in the middle.

I can't tell what kind of tree it is, with luxuriant branches and leaves, each leaf is as green as jade, and with the surrounding garbage mountains, it seems to be a giant standing between the sky and the earth like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Xu was stepping on a mountain of rubbish, they would have thought that Xiao Xu had changed sites.

"Zai Zai's living environment has finally improved! At least it's not all rubbish."

"66666 Cubs are awesome. It's only been a while, and the saplings have grown so big. Did they use black technology?"

"It's just an upgrade! The rewards in the live broadcast room have increased to such a degree. If I hadn't saved some carbon points in the past two months, I wouldn't even be able to support my cubs."

"Several environmental protection bosses have exploded, Baa Baa Zai and Yueyue have never stopped tipping, and the tipping is all the candies in the front row!"

"It's not just them, there's a wave of people following behind, look at the tipping rankings, our building is no longer No. 1!"

"No.1 has a gift!"

The barrage unknowingly changed the subject and turned to rewarding.

Before Xiao Xu started the live broadcast, the system had already replaced all five tipping items.

Rainbow Jumping Candy (instantly restore all physical strength): 10W carbon points;

Fruit hard candy (continuous recovery of 100 points of physical strength, lasting 10~20 seconds): 5w carbon points;

Toffee sandwich (restores 200 points of stamina): 3000 carbon points;

Boutique children's clothing (automatic recovery of 0.5% of physical strength): 2w carbon points;

Common furniture: 500 carbon points.

Among them, children's clothing is upgraded and has a self-cleaning function. No matter how many rewards, it will not be able to wear it, and the excess is directly recycled into carbon points.

Furniture... I didn't even build a home, so I want a fart of furniture. This is the system that is specially used to reward people with few carbon points.

Both of these are for recovery, while the first three candies are all for restoring physical strength, ensuring that Xiao Xu will not overdraw, and can decompose garbage every minute and every second.

In just a few 10 minutes, 10 rainbow popping candies with 10W carbon points were collected, which is worth 100w carbon points!Others are not in the minority.

This amount can only be afforded by Xiao Xu picking up garbage!

But the carbon points needed for these props have caused many people to complain—it’s too expensive, but the audience can’t refuse, because the system also makes the tipping list transparent.

The reward list is placed in the upper left corner of the barrage message, and the ranking on it is constantly changing.

The country Huaxia is at the top, so naturally there is no change.

And Lou Guowei, who was originally ranked No. 2, has been suppressed by No. 3 baa baa, and Jiang Yueming, who was originally No. [-], is also climbing up, and the top ten is still changing.

Everyone has tacitly understood that, except for the country, it is very likely that the one who ranks first will receive the gift!

Anyway, the carbon points cannot be traded or exchanged for money, and can only be spent in the live broadcast room, so they can just throw them all down and get a gift back.

The audience who reacted were all silently tipping.

The barrage of rewards was refreshed too quickly. Xiao Xu glanced at the live broadcast panel. Most of the messages he saw were gifts and messages.

And Dad is going to be great too!Now, Xiao Xu didn't have the heart to show off, and hurriedly continued to rummage through the garbage mountain to find gifts that could make him stronger.

While "searching for gifts", he replied to Meng Gaoge's inquiry.

After some talking, Meng Gaoge finally learned about Xiao Xu's situation after he was upgraded.

"Purification! The recovery of the planet is really not just about decomposing the garbage. It doesn't matter if there is purification. There is no need to treat the land. I think the grassland after purification is very fertile and can be cultivated directly to grow vegetables."

"With the help of D13, there is no problem in the decomposition of garbage. I think it is better to let him upgrade to level 20. The system has always emphasized that after level 20 he can take off, there must be some reason."

"It's definitely a watershed moment."

"Also, Yang Yang mentioned that he didn't eat the candy until the gift was recycled by the system, so the system should be able to recycle the gift from the audience and convert it into energy, and this energy is the key to upgrading."

"I suggest mobilizing more people to give rewards, and apply for another batch of carbon points to directly push Yangyang's level to level 20!"

The task team analyzed as quickly as possible.

Meng Gaoge nodded: "Previously, the leader applied for a batch of carbon credits, and donated them all! Then let the 'Water Army' fuel the flames and guide more people to donate."

There was an official end, and for a while, the rewards in the live broadcast room intensified.

The system watched the country's Huaxia's tipping amount go up crazily, and couldn't help but float up excitedly: "Little brat, Huaxia likes you very much."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu stopped picking up trash, his face flushed red, he couldn't help smiling and showing a row of small white teeth: "Dad likes Yangyang very much...Yangyang, I also like Dad very much."

Talking about picking up trash harder, you have to touch everything, look through it, and see if it's super powerful.


It's not efficient at all... Not to mention D13, the system can find a lot of usable ones by direct scanning, but seeing Xiao Xu's energetic appearance, the system didn't intervene, and now D13 is helping to deal with the garbage. Asahi just needs to pay attention to eating sugar!

Garbage, pick it up casually, flip through it casually.

After clearing out 100 square meters of garbage, let him use the purification skills.

After level 20... the system squinted its eyes, opened the warehouse of the mall involuntarily, and began to calculate how many carbon points could be recovered and rewarded.

At the same time, Wang Shuo was sent to the underground base in the deep mountains of China for research as soon as he brought the laser weapon.

However, he is not responsible for the research. This application to come to the base this time has only one purpose.

He looked at Tang Jiangyuan, the person in charge of the base, with a serious expression: "Another brain activation helmet, our people are already in contact with Mr. Lou, trying to borrow it for research. If he agrees, we will send it through a special channel."

"It must be fast, and it must not be leaked." Tang Jiangyuan knows better than anyone how important research on the brain is.

Wang Shuo nodded: "This time, the most important thing is to ask Red Star to contact the system. We need to talk to it again."

"Gifts can no longer appear in the square. Some countries dance very well. When I came here, I heard that three countries have decided to visit China in the near future. They must come for gifts."

"There are too many people in the square, and it's too inconvenient to move around. Moreover, today's gift giving is not as quiet as Red Star's time. It is too noisy, and it is impossible to control those who care."

"But, you also know that Yang Yang is too young, he doesn't know much about the system and the live broadcast room, so he still has to find the system."

Hearing this, Tang Jiangyuan smiled: "We also saw the live broadcast, and we had already communicated with Red Star at that time, and it had already contacted. As for the gift... if it is swallowed into our base, it is impossible to spit it out."

At this time, the system didn't care about these things. At this time, it looked at Huaxia with the highest reward, and was very satisfied, and said excitedly: "Little brat, Huaxia is too good. As a return gift, the next time you give a gift Make another copy of the special effects Huaxia, and make the momentum stronger!"

It has tasted the sweetness.

However, just after it finished speaking, before Xiao Xu came to ask what the special effect was, the anchor point left by the red star suddenly flashed, and the red star suddenly appeared, stabbing directly on its territory.

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