"Leave?" Xiao Xu's heart beat violently, his eyes sparkled, and he asked eagerly, "San San, are you going to take me to find my father? My brother said, my father is in the blue star far away, Can you take me back? I want Daddy."

Hearing this, the unlovable system lying in his mind couldn't help but sneered and shook his head: "This system can't make mistakes, I can't go back~~ I can't go back~"

Xiao Xu's eyes gradually clouded with mist, he bit his lip in frustration, and said stubbornly, "I'm not asking brother!"

These words gave him confidence, and he raised his head again, staring at D13 expectantly and anxiously.

However, D13 raised his only hand and sang loudly: "Losing a cub is a serious crime, and must be punished by the Star Sea Convention! They have no right to raise you anymore."

Xiao Xu's expression was stiff and his lips were trembling: "San San, you, what are you talking about? Yang Yang doesn't understand."

D13 looked at him with pity, elongated his tone, and began to recite his own poem, complaining for the cub.

"Poor cub in the star sea~~~ your parents lost you on the death garbage star."

"They are terrifying black holes~~~the notorious star thieves~~~the legendary star beasts who devour everything~~~"

"You should forget him and stay away from him."

"Don't talk about my father!" Xiao Xu finally understood, what he said was not good, he was scolding his father!

The mist in Xiao Xu's eyes completely rose, and he clenched his hands into fists, staring at D13.

D13 became more and more affectionate, looked at Xiao Xu, and said sincerely: "It is your father's dereliction of duty that put you in danger. Therefore, he will lose the right to have cubs forever. According to the Xinghai Convention, you have the right to choose your parents again."

Good guy, let someone replace your father directly.

The knife stabbed in, and all the melons in the system's hands fell, and it looked at Xiao Xu and Xiao Sapling fiercely.

I saw that Xiao Xu's face was flushed red, he clenched his fists, and was shaking with anger, while the young sapling straightened its trunk and rustled.

Each person and one tree looked like they wanted to fight D13, which was very fierce.


The system swallowed, touched its non-existent conscience, and said worriedly: "Cub, don't listen to its nonsense, it is a robot, a robot is not a human, and it doesn't understand human feelings."

So, take it easy, don't drop the remaining leaves when you're done getting angry!

"My dad is the best dad in the world, neither I nor my grandpa ever scolded my dad!!" Xiao Xu didn't listen and yelled at D13.

His eyes were wide open with anger, like a kitten encountering a natural enemy, arched his back, bared his teeth and lit up his little paws.

"Grandpa said, little soldiers can't hit people indiscriminately." Xiao Xu clenched his fists even tighter, but his little brows frowned, aggrieved, and began to cry, "But, you scolded Dad, Dad must be very sad, I want to vent my anger on Dad..."

He was obviously so angry that he wanted to pounce on D13 and scratch him twice, but he held back.

He was only three years old, he was the most impulsive, and at an age where he couldn't bear to be wronged, he actually held back!

The system didn't know whether to say that he was too obedient, or that his grandfather's education was too successful.

"Cub, I can just shut it down and scrap it, or clear its program so that it only obeys your command." The system suggested very friendly and kindly.

However, Xiao Xu was so angry that he didn't listen carefully.

Seeing D13's insistence, Xiao Xu also became more fierce and cute, like a little milk dog being stimulated, only growling at it: "You scold Yangyang's father! You are not good Sansan, you are not Yangyang's good partner!"

Xiao Xu clenched his fists and wanted to hit someone, but in the end he didn't do anything, so he could only fiercely put down what he thought was the worst sentence: "If you don't apologize to my father, I will never forgive you!"

As he spoke, he rushed past D13 like a gust of wind.

First, he touched the young shoots of the young sapling, and said with a straight face, "Sapling, Yangyang is going to pick up trash now, you stay here obediently, don't care about me."

After finishing speaking, he turned his hand, picked up the green trash can, and plunged into the garbage mountain to start picking up trash.

The previous earthquake caused a lot of garbage to be scattered around, and the garbage mountain was not as stable as before. Generally speaking, picking up garbage was easier than before.

D13:? ? ?

"The cub was detected doing dangerous manual work, please pay attention."

According to the latest detection tips, D13 immediately drove his tattered body, bang bang bang bang to Xiao Xu's side.

Stretching out the remaining mechanical hand to grab the trash can, a smiling face appeared on the screen: "What do you need to do, D13 will help you."

Xiao Xu clenched his fists and pulled the trash can violently: "I don't need your help, don't come here!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and ran away, seriously, ignore it!

D13 looked at him in confusion, checking and calculating.

"D13's treatment plan is excellent, and it does not violate the Xinghai Convention. Please continue to work hard."

"It was detected that the cub is doing dangerous manual work, please pay attention."

"Please D13 follow the instructions of the cubs and don't come close."


After a series of instructions, the operation of D13 failed, and the iron cover of the pot started to smoke.


"Tsk, the program is contradictory, what a tragedy." The system shook its head and began to invade D13 to help it stabilize the program.

Thinking of this, the system looked at Xiao Xu who was serious about digging up garbage with his mouth pursed, and couldn't help sighing.

Xiao Xu was still sullen, his lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, his eyes were red, and the water inside was bubbling.

He felt that he was useless, and he couldn't vent his anger on his father. Dad must be very sad and sad...

The more Xiao Xu thought about it, the more angry he became, he picked up the scattered rubbish and threw it heavily into the trash can, his shoulders shrugged and he leaned against the edge of the trash can, like a little old man, heaved a long sigh .

The system paused while typing the code, bought a lollipop, and said with disgust, "Open your mouth."

Xiao Xu was sad, and subconsciously opened his mouth, a rainbow lollipop was stuffed into his mouth, and his mouth was filled with a sweet taste.

His eyes couldn't help but brighten, and his brows and eyes curled up: "Brother, Tiantian!"

Tsk, sure enough, children, emotions come and go quickly.The system didn't realize at all that the lollipops were spent on its own money!

It patted its hair proudly: "You can finally see what you look like now. Just now, your face was wrinkled into a ball, and you are so ugly."

Xiao Xu had a lollipop in his mouth, and licked it cherishingly, the little milk voice was still a little bit wronged: "Yangyang is not ugly, Yangyang is worried about Dad being sad..."

The system rolled its eyes: "Aren't you sad, you don't know how to start a live broadcast and ask directly!"

After speaking, the system also paused, and it forgot about the live broadcast.

Xiao Xu also forgot... He blinked and realized later: "Yes, I can hear Dad talking, and I even gave Dad a small gift."

Xiao Xu was instantly excited, his body swayed, and he turned on the live broadcast in a hurry.

The system is: ... (#&¥(#%(#&¥%

Gift!My 100 million private money!The pain of forgetting came out again, and the system smashed the code it just wrote in a fit of anger. D13, which was in a crash state, clicked and sat down on the ground.

Xiao Xu didn't care about that much, and looked at the live broadcast panel expectantly.

With the start of the live broadcast, Huaxia: It can be counted!

Everyone was overjoyed and swarmed into the live broadcast room. On Wang Shuo's side, the office where Xiao Xu communicated exclusively with Xiao Xu was full of people. The person sitting in front of the computer and talking was Wang Shuo again. Is a top researcher.

"Cub, where have you been in the past two days, and the live broadcast is not on, we are worried to death."

"Zai Zai, are you injured?"

"Cub, have you changed places? Why do you feel that there is more garbage, and you will be surrounded."

"It's finally opened! Cub, tell my sister quickly, did you send the things on the square?"

"I'll go. Father of the country hasn't done it yet. He cleared the place for two days. If we continue to do it, foreign conspiracy theories will come again."

Guoyun Dandan: "Yangyang, tell Huaxia quickly, are you injured?"

"Thank you dad, Yangyang is not hurt." With his dad, Xiao Xu has already forgotten all the unhappiness, blushing, he squeezed the lollipop, glanced embarrassedly at Guoyundandan, and said coyly , "Dad, Yang Yang accidentally forgot to turn on the live broadcast to see Dad, I'm sorry Dad."

Guoyun Dandan: "It doesn't matter, Huaxia knows, Yangyang also wants to see Huaxia."

"Yeah, Yang Yang really wants to see Dad, but Yang Yang hasn't grown up yet." Xiao Xu nodded heavily, his eyes were full of disappointment, and he couldn't help licking the lollipop.

Guoyun Dandan: "Yangyang has a lollipop? Can you tell Huaxia where it came from?"

"Big Brother System gave Yangyang sweetness." When Xiao Xu said this, he puffed up his face, leaned in front of Guoyun Dandan, and comforted him like a little adult, "Dad, don't be sad, Sansan doesn't apologize, Yangyang Yang won't play with it."

Huaxia Wang Shuo:? ? ?

So, who is Sansan?What are you sad about?What wronged the cub?

The professor next to him pushed him hard, winked at him, and asked him to ask the red crystal on the top of the square.

The time between Lan Xing and Xiao Xu is uncertain, so that thing has been hanging on it for two days!They tried their best, but they couldn't break through that invisible "protective cover".

I can only pin my hope on Xiao Xuna.

But Wang Shuo obviously felt that it was not good to go straight to the topic, and planned to exchange feelings with Xiao Xu first, and then slowly figure it out.

As a result, he was interrupted by this and did not reply in time. Xiao Xu thought that his father was very sad, so he rolled up his sleeves angrily, his little face turned red again, and said super loudly: "San San apologized, and Yang Yang didn't Forgive it! Three or three bad guys! I'll hate it ever since!"

National Luck: (????ω??)ノ

Wang Shuo frowned, apparently realizing that the matter was a little serious, and was about to comfort him. After asking, he heard Xiao Xu change the subject, look expectant, but pretended to be an adult, and comforted him maturely: "Dad is so sad. , you can go to Red Star, it is a good partner of Yangyang, it will protect Dad and not make Dad sad."

red star! ! !The big professors were all excited, and they slapped Wang Shuo on the shoulder fiercely.

Wang Shuo gritted his teeth in pain, and his heart was too excited, but he still had to confirm first.

Guoyun Dandan: "...Is the red star a cone, a triangle, something with sharp corners?"

Hearing this, Xiao Xu was stunned for a moment, his big black eyes were full of confusion: "The red star has no sharp corners, it is red and has many stars."

As he said that, Xiao Xu suddenly became nervous, his eyes widened, and he asked in panic, "Didn't Dad see Red Star? Did it get lost? What should I do? Red Star got lost."

Huaxia: ...

Throw it away, it's just this gift, it won't be accepted.

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