A dilapidated old-fashioned garbage transport ship, loaded with garbage, headed straight for the star sea according to the established route.

There is only one planet there, and the whole is crystal clear blue, covered with a faint white mist, like a magnificent work of art.

"It's a garbage star?!" In the cockpit, a new deputy was shocked.

He can use his life to guarantee that in the entire star sea, there is no planet as beautiful as it!Moreover, it looks full of life, how can it be a stinking garbage star?

The chief conductor next to him is used to this, he looked at the huge "sapphire" off the screen, and sneered: "What's the use of being beautiful, a worthless waste star, with no water, soil, no resources, and serious air pollution , no race can survive in it, so it can only be used to hold garbage."

Speaking of this, he patted his deputy on the shoulder: "Don't look at it, make arrangements, empty the garbage and return to the flight, and come back next month."

The deputy froze for a moment, and quickly issued a series of instructions.

A hundred small ships flew into the planet with bins full of garbage, stopped at a high altitude, opened their back bins, and boomed—countless garbage dumped down.

Through them, a view of the interior of the planet also appears in the cockpit.

The gray, lifeless world is full of despair, there is no sound, no wind, no life, nothing but rubbish is rubbish, boundless, bottomless, endless.

You can smell the stench of garbage through the screen!

Obviously so beautiful... The deputy was extremely disappointed, immediately turned off the screen, waited for a hundred small ships to return, and immediately returned to the voyage. Next month, they will come to dump another wave of interstellar garbage.

They didn't notice at all that a one-meter-high sapling appeared in the middle of the planet, and there was a purebred human cub next to the sapling.

The cub is not as tall as the young sapling, wearing an army green cotton shirt, white and tender, and looks only two or three years old.

He raised his head high, watching countless rubbish falling down, his body was stiff, his lips were stretched into a straight line, and his eyeballs moved uneasily.

The sky was gray, like a dusty white cloth, with no stars, no moon, and no warm sun.

There are no familiar people or familiar houses around, only a mountain of rubbish with no top to see, which surrounds him firmly, like a monster with its bloody mouth wide open, staring at him fiercely, woohoo~ wanting to swallow him in one bite.

very scary! ! !

Xiao Xu's face turned pale, and his hands were tightly clutching the corners of his clothes: "Brother System... Where is this place? Can you take me back? I, I want to find my father..."

This soft little milk's voice trembled and trembled, which made people feel weak, and couldn't help but want to hold him in his arms and coax him.

However, the system number 110 in his mind is a well-known ruthless and irritable system in the system, coaxing people?Love children?does not exist!


"You are dead, now you are planet consciousness, and this planet is you."

"Little brat, you can't go back, find a father who is a fart, and obediently do the task, otherwise, you will be crushed to death by garbage, buried, and become so dirty and smelly that you can't die anymore."

"Start the mission, live well, don't daydream, understand, no, understand!"

The sound of the system is slightly distorted and appears extremely indifferent.

Xiao Xu was stunned for a few seconds, tears welled up in his eyes, he didn't quite understand the system's words, he only knew that he was dead.

die?It is to become a star in the sky like grandpa, to protect the most important person, but...he looked at the dark gray sky, and there was not a single star!

He can't even change the stars!

He can't hang in the sky to protect Dad, and Dad can't see him even when he looks up.

Dad will never see him again... Xiao Xu felt sad from the bottom of his heart, and opened his mouth to cry, and what his grandfather said came to mind: You are Dad's pride, a brave little soldier, who bleeds but not tears.

Woo - don't cry!Xiao Xu shook his lips, turned his back quickly, squeezed a small fist into his mouth, buried it on his knees, and finally let out a suppressed cry: "I want to become a star, I want to find my father..."

The sound was very small, like a sick kitten whimpering and whimpering, which made people feel sad.


Find a ghost daddy!

The little cub comes from Blue Star, and after death, it becomes a planetary consciousness of a garbage star. There are countless time and space nodes away from Blue Star, and there is no way to go back!

But the crying of the cub invaded its system like a virus, and the running speed was dozens of times slower.

It was the first time it took a cub, and it had no concept of coaxing at all. The more it listened, the more annoying it became, and it immediately yelled.

"Why are you crying? Don't cry!"

"It's useless for you to cry. You're dead. If you can't go back, you won't be able to go back. You can't find your father!"

The system stabbed in with a knife, and it was fierce and ruthless, without mercy.

Xiao Xu's crying was suddenly choked, and his small shoulders twitched like unguarded weeds in the wind and rain. After a while, he finally figured it out. He wiped his face and raised his head, revealing his crying red eyes and wet long hair. eyelash.

He spat out a fist full of saliva, with a row of small teeth marks on it.

"No, no crying, yes, it's the sound of slobbering, no, it's not crying, I'm a little soldier, and I hate crying the most." Xiao Xu sniffed, choked up, his black eyes were wet and dripping with water Light.

Like a little bird, he poked his head out cautiously, uneasy, and said hopefully: "Brother, I really didn't cry, I am very good, very obedient, and will work hard, can you tell Dad for me, I went to play, no, not dead..."

Xiao Xu said, his face wrinkled into a small bun, and he sighed like an old man: "Dad is like me, he will cry secretly when he knows I'm not here, he is an adult, and he will be scolded and ashamed for crying."

Just like when grandpa left, he couldn't help it, secretly hid and cried, was bumped into by a dog egg, and joked all day, it was very uncomfortable.

Xiao Xu had the mentality of an old father, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became.

But the system almost didn't come up: "No, contact your father. If you want to invade the Blue Star plane and violate the rules, if you are found out, my whole life will be over. Don't even think about it!"

The consequences are exaggerated, but the violation of the rules is real.

Xiao Xu was stunned, he didn't understand, but he also knew that the system rejected him.

His lips moved a few times, and he was speechless for a while.

Grandpa said that little soldiers can't trouble people.

Since Brother System said no, then he can't be misbehaving like a puppy, rolling around and cheating.

But Dad... Xiao Xu's eyes turned red, and he gritted his teeth for a long time, and said with a sob in his voice, "I'm sorry, Brother System, I, I won't look for it, and I won't contact Dad anymore..."

No more!No more contact!

The system was overjoyed, and was about to boast, when it saw Xiao Xu shrugged and lowered his head, the light in his eyes dimmed visibly to the naked eye, his whole body froze, as if his soul had disappeared, he was about to die!

The system panicked, and subconsciously looked at the small sapling next to it. It was one meter high, not dense, and the emerald green leaves drooped listlessly.

very good!The leaves are not yellow, except for being half dead like Xiao Xu, looking angry, there is no other problem.

The system breathed a sigh of relief, dazed, and suddenly discovered in horror that the green leaves on the young saplings were rapidly turning yellow.

In the blink of an eye, all the green leaves turned yellow and became more and more dry.

It's dying!

The little sapling is emotionally connected with Xiaoxu, and it is the embodiment of the consciousness of the planet. Once it dies, the planet will not be saved!Then, the mission fails...it will be reset to default!

The entire data of the system is about to explode: "Shi Xu!!! What the hell are you thinking about!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xu looked confused, and said in a daze, "I'm not thinking about the dog, I'm thinking about my father, I haven't seen him yet."

Speaking of this, Xiao Xuqiang cheered up and smiled, as if showing off his favorite toy, and said with admiration: "Brother System, my father is as tall as a mountain, as strong as a sea, and faster than a car." Quick, you can fly higher than an airplane, and you can jump to the moon in one jump..."

This is the first time he has smiled since he became a planetary consciousness. His eyebrows are curved, and his black eyes are shining. When he grins, two small dimples emerge, which are soft and flexible, which makes people happy to see.

But the system looked at the dying sapling: ...

What a joke!Obviously sad to die.

The system collapsed in Xiao Xu's mind, it seems that this kid can't do without his father, this matter cannot be avoided.

It is impossible to go back, but contacting Bluestar can be done with the "live broadcast" pendant, but it is not a live broadcast system, and adding a pendant is an illegal operation, and once it is discovered, it will be punished.

The point is, the pendant needs 30 billion energy!The account is on the system and has nothing to do with the host.

The system sneakily counted his private money, 30.2 billion. It took hundreds of hosts to save such a fortune. After buying the pendant, it will be emptied!

The system covered his private money, listening to Xiao Xu talking about his father, his eyes darkened.

"My father is amazing." Xiao Xu finished proudly, and then sighed old-fashionedly, "It's a pity..."

Before the words were finished, the withered yellow leaves on the young sapling swayed at this moment, trembling like a residual wind, and they were about to fall off in the next second!

"Damn it!!!" The system was taken aback and yelled, "Don't drop it! Don't drop it! I'll help you contact your dad!"

Xiao Xu was stunned, his eyes were confused, and he didn't understand how he could contact him again, but he quickly realized that he was able to contact his father!

He jumped up, his cheeks flushed with excitement: "Thank you Brother System!"

As soon as the voice fell, the young saplings were like a dead wood in spring, and the withered and yellow leaves were full of vitality, becoming verdant, and the branches shook happily.

This face-changing speed... I always feel that I have been tricked!The system data is crackling, and I can't wait to beat the dog's head violently!

But Xiao Xu came forward with an expectant face: "Brother, I am a little soldier, I can help."

Hehe, help him spend his private money!The system thought of the 30 billion private money that was about to disappear, and every piece of data was in agony.

no!It's too much of a loss, I can't take responsibility, and I have to spend money, I have to get my private money back!

It gritted its teeth: "Little brat, hurry up and start the mission, work a lot, earn energy, and buy things! Earn a share for me!"

Xiao Xu didn't know much about energy and share, but he didn't ask, thinking it was to help contact his father, so he quickly said, "Start the mission."

As soon as the soft little milk sound fell, the system ran quickly.

[The endless sea of ​​stars heard the scream of the origin, the wanderer has long forgotten it, only the sea of ​​stars is calling, calling the exhausted origin. ]

[Ding!Start the ultimate main mission: Resuscitating the origin and returning to the star sea! ]

[Ding!Opening stage branch task: revitalize the central area, start with cleaning up the garbage~]

With the sound of an incomprehensible mechanical sound, the eternal universe suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Xu's eyes, and countless planets rose and died, but in an instant, calmness returned, as if nothing had appeared.

Xiao Xu blinked hard, but there was still nothing.

May be wrong?Xiao Xu didn't quite understand, he was only three years old, he was very forgetful, and soon his attention was attracted by another matter.

A lot of user manuals about the system suddenly squeezed into his mind, densely packed with words.

With a question mark on his forehead, Xiao Xu looked confused: "Brother, I don't understand."

The system looked at the rows of blue star square characters: "...you don't know how to read?"

"I can read, my grandfather taught me, 1234..." Xiao Xu opened his dark eyes and began to count with his fingers.

The system suddenly couldn't get up at a stretch, counting 1234 is literacy?What a crime it has done!

"Okay, you go to the task, and I will contact your father."

Xiao Xu's eyes widened, he stood at attention, raised his hand, and gave a non-standard military salute: "Received! I promise to complete the task!"

After shouting loudly, Xiao Xu asked curiously: "Brother, what is the mission?"


"Pick up the trash." The system was heartbroken for a while, and quickly smashed a green bucket in front of Xiao Xu.

This bucket is about 80cm high, just half a head shorter than Xiao Xu.

It is as emerald green as a small sapling, with two lines of characters written on it - decomposition box, with a capacity of 1 cubic meter.

"This is a trash can, I know it." Xiao Xu circled around it.

The system snorted softly. In order to make it easier for the three-year-old to understand, it deliberately changed according to the trash can on Blue Star.

In fact, this "trash can" is a decomposition box. Anything thrown into it can be decomposed into the energy needed by the planet, including garbage of course.

Using it to clean up garbage can maximize waste utilization.

"The fully automatic trash can, when it is full, will automatically dispose of it. You just need to pick up the trash and throw it in. It's that simple, right?"

"Yes!" Xiao Xu clenched his fists, his eyes were burning with flames, he knew how to pick up trash, two bottles cost a dime, he picked them up, it was amazing.

He must be able to pick up many, many bottles and fill up the entire trash can, so he can contact Dad more.

Xiao Xu rolled up his sleeves, and with a whoosh, pushed the trash can that was about the same height as him, and ran to the foot of the trash mountain in one breath, then stared at the trash pile with bright eyes, and plunged into it.

He is not afraid of being dirty or smelly, so he pouted his buttocks, hummed and began to pick up garbage, shaking his head and humming: "Line in line, pick up bottles, pick up bottles for money, five cents a bottle... "

The young saplings on the side swayed the branches with the singing, cheering him up, especially the energetic and healthy one.


Hehe, it's good to be active, it would be even better if he didn't spend his private money to contact his dad!

Everything is for the task!The system no longer looked at Xiao Xu, dug out his private money, endured the pain in his heart, and secretly bought a live broadcast pendant, using Xiao Xu as the anchor point to locate Blue Star.

At the moment of launch, all mobile phones and computers on Bluestar, whether they are connected to the Internet or not, will immediately jump out of a live broadcast room as long as they are turned on.

[Positioning is successful, start binding Blue Star...]

[Automatically sign the anchor—Shi Xu. ]

[The signal magnetic field is unstable, starting to shrink the projection range...]

[Detect that the anchor is from Huaxia, and confirm the final projection range - Huaxia territory. ]

In three seconds, before everyone could react, the live broadcasts all over the world shrank rapidly, and finally only the mobile phones, computers and live broadcasts in China's territory were available.

Straight to rogue bully screen!

The magnificent rubbish mountain in the live broadcast room flashed by, and when the camera turned, everyone in the Huaxia territory saw a thin and small child squatting in front of the garbage dump, with a gray head and a gray face, so dirty that only a pair of jet-black and shiny clothes were left. Grape eyes can see.

He was holding a piece of soft material with no visible material, and looked at the live broadcast panel that popped up suddenly with a dazed expression.

"Fuck! What is this live broadcast room, it popped up out of nowhere and scared me!"

"Who is the child? Who is so shameless to live broadcast the child digging up trash and doing things? This is absolutely abuse."

"As for his parents, you can't even look at this dirty little face."

"If you have time to care about this little kid, why don't you hurry up and care about your privacy! This live broadcast room can't be closed, rogue virus."

"The cub looks like it's only two or three years old. It's such a small bunch. What do you know?"

"What kind of garbage is Zai Zai holding in his hand? It's about to be thrown away. It's black and sticky. I'm afraid it's not poisonous."

"Call the police, who the hell threw the child into the trash."

"Am I the only one who thinks the trash on Zai Zai's back is a bit strange? None of them look familiar."

"Fuck! Which hacker is doing something, my files! My contract!"


On the translucent live broadcast panel, bullet screens swiped past quickly, too fast to be seen.

Xiao Xu looked at the familiar square characters curiously, hesitated for two seconds, and raised his little hand: "Brother, what is this? I can't understand it."

The system is surreptitiously merging live broadcast accessories and adjusting the signal frequency. Only when the frequency of the live broadcast is consistent with the system, will it not be found to violate the regulations.

It was also because it was an illegal operation, and it was very careful in the integration. When Xiao Xu opened his mouth, the signal almost leaked.

The system took a deep breath, and loaded Chinese characters into Xiao Xu's consciousness: "I installed the live broadcast, and your dad can see you every day, so you can pretend to be in a video call with your dad, and what you want to say, what you want to say, the barrage yourself Look, don't bother me, do the task and clean up the garbage, otherwise, I will cut off the live broadcast, so that your father will never see you again!"

After finishing the speech, the system went straight away, and concentrated on integrating the live broadcast accessories.

After Xiao Xu finished listening, his face changed drastically, as if he was facing a big enemy. He understood the video and could see people from far away.

He's videoing his dad!Dad is watching him!

Xiao Xu subconsciously shook off the rubbish in his hands, got up in a hurry, put his dirty little hands behind his back, pursed his lips, and said uneasily, "Dad, I'm Yangyang..."

As soon as the words came out, the voice turned into a cry.

"Dad, don't cry. Yangyang is not dead. Yangyang just went out to play and lost his way. Brother said, as long as he picks up trash, Dad can see Yangyang every day. Yangyang will definitely work hard to pick up trash! Dad...Dad, don't be disgusted. Dirty and dirty."

Xiao Xu's voice became smaller and smaller, and he buried his head in aggrieved, he knew that adults hate dirty children, he is so dirty now.

"My heart is so sad. Daddy Zaizai is about to cry when he comes out soon."

"Don't cry, you are not dirty at all. If your father dislikes you, we will support you and not your father."

"That's right! It's not a good father to be able to send the child to the garbage dump, so don't worry about it."

"Didn't you find the elder brother Zai Zai mentioned? It was the elder brother who asked him to pick it up! Garbage! Garbage! Here comes the question, is it my brother?"

"The police have been called."

"The hacker made this live broadcast just to save Zai Zai?"


With the in-depth integration of the system, the live broadcast widget is becoming more and more user-friendly. It was originally impossible to exit, but now an exit button has been added.

The live broadcast room turned into a star sea icon, quietly lying on the mobile phone or computer, and viewers can click the icon to enter the live broadcast room and exit freely.

As long as there is no coercion, the mood of the audience will soon stabilize and they will be able to watch the live broadcast. As for the "hackers" who create the live broadcast, of course it is left to the state!

Xiao Xu didn't wait for "Dad" to respond. Grandpa said that he was too young and hadn't grown up yet, so he couldn't hear Dad's response.

He was already used to it, sniffing his nose and squeezing his eyes hard to make sure the tears didn't flow down, so he raised his head and just saw the translucent live broadcast panel.

He was surprised to find that he recognized those beautiful square characters.

Those words ran very fast, but Xiao Xu had a system and could see clearly. He was instantly furious, and Pufferfish roared: "My father is a good father! It's me who got lost, not my father's fault! He is a great hero." ! You can't hate him!"

"Emmmmm okay, what you said is right, then where is your hero's father and what is his name?"

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry, when Zai Zai is angry, the little soft flesh on both sides of his cheeks bulges up, so cute."

"A live-action version of gas blowfish.jpg"

"Zai Zai, who is the brother you just mentioned? Why did he ask you to pick up trash? Do you know where you are?"


When Xiao Xu saw someone asking about his heroic father, he straightened out his small chest and boasted proudly: "Grandpa said, my father has protected more than a billion people for thousands of years, so many people, for so long, right? Super awesome."

Xiao Xu tried his best to open his arms to the maximum, but when he opened them, he saw his dirty little hands. He brushed them and put his hands behind his back. He glanced at the barrage with a guilty conscience and found that no one said he was dirty. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, pretending that he never reached out his hand.

"Wow, your dad is amazing, tell us who your dad is? PS: I didn't see anything."

"Listen to you, let me meet your amazing dad, I didn't see anything +1"

"Zai Zai, who is the brother you are talking about? Why does he ask you to pick up trash? Do you know where you are?"


At this time, the topic of "brother" gradually came up.

But Xiao Xu selectively only saw the bullet screen and asked who his father was. He raised his head and chest, and his whole body shone brightly: "Grandpa said, my father is from the country, and his name is Huaxia. He is very powerful and a great hero!"

audience:? ? ?

Dad is the country Huaxia?

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