"he died."


"He died right there." The black-haired group pointed to the corner.

In the muddy ground beside the basketball court lay a man in blue tights.Mitsui just thought it was a piece of plastic, didn't he think it was a person? !

"Dead... dead..." Mitsui rushed to the man's side and felt for his pulse, "Oh my God, call the police as soon as possible!"

Mao Tuan remained calm: "It's okay, he dies more than a dozen times a day, today is the first time he dies, and he will be resurrected in a few minutes."

"What do you take your life for? It's a joke!"

"I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, you'll be fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dead man in tights jumped up: "Haha, I'm resurrected!"

A tennis ball flew from the sky and hit him on the forehead.

The man lay down on the ground again, breathless.

Now, Mitsui finally believed it.

"Oh, I'm dead again," Mao Tuan shook his head old-fashionedly, "Lancer said that Kanagawa is very fun, so I reluctantly agreed to come and relax. But I lie down a dozen times a day, and I can't play anywhere!"

"Your uncle died so many times and you still want to relax?"

"Of course you have to relax when you're in a bad mood," Mao Tuan lowered his head in disappointment, "I've lost my love, and my lover ran away without a trace."

"Breakdown?! How old are you!" Mitsui couldn't help complaining.

"Seven years old, next year will be eight years old."

"Seven-year-old is not the same as eight-year-old is a minor! Did you get caught in the rain here because of this kind of thing?!"

"No," Mao Tuan said, "We found a basketball court here. Before it rained, there were many elementary school students playing basketball here!"

Mitsui thought, aren't you a primary school student yourself...

"In order to relieve the unhappiness, I reluctantly agreed to play with those ordinary people. In the end, they dared to say that I was being foolish..."

It's only this big, and it's not tall, Mitsui can imagine what this hairball who doesn't understand the rules will foul.

The rain finally stopped.

Suddenly, Mitsui became interested in teaching children, so he picked up a basketball and threw it to Maoball.

"They say you're being naughty, can you show me how you're being naughty?"

"It's just that they didn't recognize my score!" Mao Tuan muttered, "Isn't basketball just throwing the ball into the basket?"

"That's right, but you're only partially right. A sport like basketball depends on teamwork..."

"Group collaboration, what is that!" The child snorted coldly, "I just beat the shit out of all five of them! Look, it's like this."

He threw it casually, and the ball floated slowly in the air.

"What... what?!" Mitsui was shocked.

Then the ball flickered over the rim and dropped in.

"Look, it's super simple! I didn't make a foul!"

"You know supernatural powers?!"


"You're just being stupid! What is this called playing basketball? Isn't this a competition of supernatural powers!!"

A college student quarreled with a seven-year-old elementary school student.

"Ah..." Mao Tuan shrugged, "It seems that big brother is also an ordinary person... For the game, as long as the goal is good, there is no need to stick to the process."

"Basketball is about skill and physique. Do you know what sportsmanship is?!" Mitsui pointed at the tip of Maotuan's nose, "Don't insult sportsmanship, bastard! Playing basketball is not a competition of special abilities!"

"Can't you use thought power?" Mao Tuan thought thoughtfully, "That's what you said..."

It was too late to say it, but before Mitsui could react, the little devil raised his dantian and threw the ball out with a "huh".

The basketball was launched like a meteor and disappeared beyond the horizon.

"Who the hell are you..." Mitsui asked with a twitching corner of his mouth.

Mao Tuan pointed to himself with his thumb: "I am Hades, the king of the underworld, mortals should kneel when they see me! Kneel quickly!"

Of course, Mitsui couldn't kneel down to a Maotuan Douding. He suddenly felt very tired, so he walked silently to the stands next to the arena and sat down.

The roof of the stand is still dripping with rain, who knows that it is winter, the weather is bad, there is no way.

"Master Hades" was standing in the middle of the court with a basketball in his arms. No one paid any attention to him, and he soon became bored.

Children are like this.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before he ran to Mitsui and looked around curiously.

He called him by his first name: "Mitsui...Mitsui Shou...is this your name?"

"How do you know my name?" Mitsui was a little surprised, but considering that this child will specialize in functions, it seems that it is not difficult to see through other people's names.

"You look in a bad mood," Mao Tuan sat beside him with a serious face, "Have you lost your love too?"

"Well...it can't be considered broken love..."

"What could that be?"

"Lost, probably this kind of feeling," Mitsui said, "Although it seems that life is better than before, but sometimes, I always hope that I can stop like this forever..."

"There is nothing permanent in this world!"

"I know..." Mitsui took out the unopened letter from his bosom, "Human life is like this, it will disappear one day. But...some people live too short compared to others ..."

"Life..." Mao Tuan had a little realization.

"Aren't you Hades the Hades?" Mitsui thought, joking with him, "Then, it should be very simple to revive a person?"

"That's true," Mao Tuan said, "but everything in the world has its own rules, and the same is true for life and death. It's easy for me to resurrect a person, but the temporary violation of the rules cannot be repaired for a long time."

Mitsui smiled wryly, "That's why it's not right, I'm just asking casually..."

"However, life is endless!" Maotuan said again, "Maybe it seems to you that it is a dead person, her soul has been transformed into something else, and she still lives in this world..."

The dark clouds dissipated, and a ray of sunlight sprinkled from the gap between the clouds, just falling on Mitsui's feet.

"Human life is short, happiness and sorrow are inevitable, otherwise, the memory of human happiness would not be so precious, and what you miss now would not be worth remembering."

Are you sad?

Then remember the sadness now.

In the end, there will be a day when the rain will pass.

Mitsui opened the letter anyway.

The paper is not as yellow as the previous ones, probably because it is well preserved.

Dr. Asano clearly said that there is no letter anymore.

Perhaps, this is what he found and sent later...

"Brother Mitsui, I'm fine," said the same sentence at the beginning, "This is my last letter. I hid it under the cabinet and never sent it. So, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it."

"I just want to write some more truths... I'm sorry, I lied to you about many things."



When I first met Brother Mitsui, you were a gangster.

You lead your subordinates to fight with gangsters from other schools, your subordinates are all strong, and you stand by and watch them fight.After the fight, you and your friends walked away, and you only threw a banknote to each of the opponents who fell to the ground: "Look at how badly you have been repaired by us, and the medical expenses are taken away, so you dare to try again in the future!" !"

Then I laughed unkindly.

I have never seen a gangster who returned the other party's medical expenses after a fight. At that time, I thought, can such an idiot be the leader of a gangster?It's really going downhill...

As a result, one day I heard that you returned to the Xiangbei Basketball Club.

You are not a bastard anymore, as expected you are not.

You are an athlete, your name is Mitsui Shou...

That's great.

You play really well, you are so accurate in consecutive three-pointers, and the parabola you draw is so beautiful...

Ah, by the way, I'm really sorry, but actually, I've only watched two of your games.

The first game was against Xiangyang. My seat was far away, but it was enough.

After that, Dr. Asano said that my condition does not allow me to have too much ups and downs in my mood, and I will tell me after I invite him to watch every game in Xiangbei.

The second game was the practice match between Xiangbei and Lingnan.

It was the first time I sat so close to watch a football game.I don't know much about basketball, but as long as I see everyone running so hard on the court, I think-so I have lived, and I have seen such an exciting game with my own eyes!

I looked at everyone and felt my heart beating like I was about to die...

Didn't Brother Mitsui ask me, what is my ideal?

Speaking of this life, I have two ideals, one of which is to become the number one scholar in the world, which I have already told you.Well, there is one more.

My final ideal is: to be able to die without regret.

But I still have some regrets... I may not be able to see Brother Mitsui when he goes to college.

My condition suddenly deteriorated, and no one could control it.Sometimes I lie on the bed and I am still so tired that I have no strength at all.I am still alive, but I can feel that I am slowly dying a little bit...

Sometimes I will cry alone, but no one will know.

Brother Mitsui, of course I know the taste of salt.Like tears, so salty.

Brother Mitsui is about to go to college, but I am about to die.

But I am no longer as scared as I used to be.

Because I see everyone working so hard for the future, I also feel that I have infinite courage!

I am not weak at all, I am also strong!

Before being pushed into the operating room, Dr. Asano asked me, do I like life in high school?

I said: I like life in school very much!I like it very much!

I really like the feeling of being alive.

I like Mitsui very much

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