Do you want to learn a name? "

Mitsui touched the back of his head: "I can remember many names, but I will forget one or two. There is no way, there are so many people in one class."

"Yeah, there's no way..." Kana murmured and repeated, "But, those who have been forgotten, aren't they very pitiful?"

"Is it pitiful?" Mitsui thought about it, and it seemed that he was indeed pitiful.Obviously, I spent several years with everyone in the class, but I was forgotten by others without knowing it-such a poor sense of existence.

"However, there are more pitiful ones..." Kana lowered his head, "Those who never even had those memories—such as me."


"I didn't go to school. I used to be self-taught. I didn't have any classmates. I didn't have six years of elementary school and three years of junior high school. I never had a so-called classmate before. Like Mitsui, I have friends when I was a child. , I have none at all."

"Kana..." Mitsui didn't know what to say.

The sound of practice in the gym seemed to be pulled away.

"I came to Xiangbei to study because it is close to home, and it's only this year. I don't know what will happen next year..."

"Next year... will be graduating..." Mitsui imagined what it would be like for them to graduate, but he was a little afraid to think about it in his confusion.

Then they were silent for a while.

For the future, everyone is still afraid.

Then the silence was broken by Kana herself.

"Okay, the rest is over, Brother Mitsui passed all the exams last week, and his Japanese is still excellent, then we have to set a new goal: Shangdong University!"

"This is too suspicious! How could I be admitted to Dongda University!"

"Did you just give up at Dongda? I even set you a goal for Harvard!"

"The goal is too wide! What are you thinking about all day..."

The gymnasium at night is as lively as it is during the day.

Sakuragi's dedication to basketball allowed him to practice a good shot in a short period of time, and gradually began to show some problems.

His three-pointer finally made a breakthrough a month before the game, and he could score three out of ten, but Mitsui couldn't let him continue to practice.

The reason why Sakuragi practices three-pointers is nothing more than hoping to score more points than Rukawa. This kind of thinking leads to various problems.His shooting skills are getting better and better, but that's not a good thing.

A beautiful volley dunk, Sakuragi and the basketball fell back to the ground, his provocative eyes finally fell on Rukawa.

"Sakuragi, stop," Mitsui shouted, "Let's change the way. I'll defend, and you attack. Don't stick to whether it's a shot or a slam dunk."

Sakuragi looked at Kana: "Isn't Xiao San going to take tuition?"

Kana shrugged: "It's okay, today's practice questions have been finished. Next is recitation time, you can ask me questions while practicing."

"Okay let's start!"

Mitsui thinks that his strength is not outstanding, especially when facing a brute like Sakuragi, he can only win by skill.

Being blocked from the outside, Sakuragi wanted to shoot, and Mitsui easily blocked him.

Entering the inside line, Sakuragi wanted to slam dunk, Mitsui pretended to fall, and easily defrauded Sakuragi of fouling.

After going on for a while, Sakuragi began to curse as usual: "Damn! I can't even shoot after learning how to shoot..."

"It's very simple, you can only shoot when you are open...don't be too naive, after the battle of the mountain king, in the next game, you will not have so many open spots to shoot!"


"At this time, think about what you should do. Take a step back, pull back, shoot the basket again, and see the left and right... Miyagi, you also come to help! Guard his left!"

The two seniors guarded against Sakuragi together, they knew all the weaknesses of this kid, it was even more difficult than when he was fighting the king of the mountain.

Sakuragi was full of flaws in front of them, and Liang Tian easily stole the ball.

After a few more rounds, Sakuragi lost the battle: "Ahh! Don't play me! I'm still serious about shooting the basket..."

"No, Sakuragi, that's not the case," Mitsui wiped off his sweat, "You have learned a lot and are serious, but you don't have enough experience."


"Sakuragi, how many games have you played?" Mitsui asked.

"Ah... this... 1, 2, 3..."

Miyagi patted Sakuragi on the back: "Forget it, your math is taught by the physical education teacher, so don't count again and again."

Masashi Mitsui said: "It's just a few months, and it hasn't been a year yet, Sakuragi, and there are many opponents, you have never met, and you don't know how to face opponents with stronger attack capabilities than you Defense, and how to attack against a defensively capable opponent."

"But I'm a genius!" The genius Sakuragi began to brainwash himself, "I'm a genius, no one can guard against me!"

"Having such confidence is a good thing," Mitsui said with a smile, "However, it is better not to practice some redundant skills."


"You practice those messy shooting skills to compare with Rukawa, right?" Mitsui pointed to Rukawa, "Don't practice brilliant skills just to compare with Rukawa. When you are actually competing, you have to consider when these skills are suitable for use. , rather than how to use it indiscriminately.”


"Don't dismiss my words," Mitsui said in a deep voice, "I don't have much time to teach you, and I will graduate in a few months."


"In the future, Xiangbei will be led by you." Mitsui took the ball from Sakuragi's hand, "So practice the basics of offense and defense well, don't be lazy! Because next year, maybe it will be up to you to guide newcomers!"

"Oh! I will definitely train the rookie to be as talented as me!"

"Big idiot."

"What are you talking about, Smelly Rukawa!"

Miyagi reprimanded: "Don't divert your attention, concentrate on Sakuragi!"

"Xiao Liang..."

"Next, I will attack, Sakuragi will defend, and Miyagi will help me break down."

"Sakuragi, you are optimistic. When the other party dismantles the file, you will do this..."

They simulated the opponent's or their own common moves in several games, and taught Sakuragi a new understanding of offense and defense little by little.

Between the training sessions, some strange questions and reprimands were interspersed.

"Outside the line, a three-pointer... No! Next time you shoot the basket, take it easy on your shoulders, don't be so stiff..."

"Uniform circular motion, angular velocity—"

"ω=Φ/t=2π/T=2πf! Sakuragi, don't get stiffer the more you miss, relax, bastard!"

"Senior Mitsui, don't talk about him anymore, the more you talk about him, the more rigid you will be, let's just let nature take its course."

"Yeah, just close your eyes and cast."

"Stinky fox, how could you hit the shot with your eyes closed! I'm not you!"

"It's rare, you admit his strength, Sakuragi..."

"No chatting! Translate this sentence into English: I have spoken to him on the phone, but I have never actually met him."

"Ah?! Why did you suddenly ask English!"

"In this way, the review can be more comprehensive. You are not allowed to ask the teacher, and now you are asked to answer."

"Uh... this...can you say the title again..."

"I know this sentence! Ah Cai helped me review a similar sentence, it was: I've..."

"Shut up, Miyagi is not allowed to rush to answer! Let me think about should be: I've talked tohimonthetelephonebutI'veneveractuallymethimfacetoface!"

"Spell actually..."

"a, c, t, u, a, l, l, y, actually!"

"Ahhh, Xiaosan, you're babbling like birdsong, you're pissing me off!"

"Big idiot, you are the loudest one."

"Smelly fox, you won't plug your ears!"

"Brother Mitsui, the formula for the non-metal element..."


The days are spent in noise, and what needs to be faced in the end will still come.

There is only half a month before the winter trial county competition. On this day, Coach Tian Gang brought the Lingnan team to Xiangbei.

For them, it was a friendly match, but for Mitsui, it was a good chance to measure their strengths.

There is only one qualifying place for the winter trial county competition, that is to say, before the winter national competition starts, more than half of the teams will be eliminated before the summer competition.

Xiangbei must not be one of the eliminated ones!

When Lingnan arrived, the horn of the qualifiers sounded ahead of schedule.

Due to the influence of the summer games, the gymnasium in Xiangbei was full of people, and students skipped classes to watch the games.

Before the game, Caizi found a small figure in the crowd.

"Ah, isn't that Kana-chan?"

She called out, and Mitsui also noticed her.The kid was so crowded among a group of tall high school students that he couldn't even stand upright.

"Kana?" Mitsui dragged her out of the crowd, "How come you are a good student and skip class!"

Kana put her hands behind her back and said disdainfully: "The teacher's explanation is too simple. My level is obviously higher than his, so I just came to watch the game."

"It's really embarrassing for you to say that..."

"Hey, why is there a little sister here?" Xiandao, who came to Xiangbei for the first time, was curious about everything, "Is there an affiliated elementary school in Xiangbei?"

"No! How is it possible..."

"Haha, that's Mitsui's younger sister! But you don't look like much..."

"Nonsense, she's not my sister!"

"I'm not his sister," Kana shook hands with Xiandao politely, "Hello, I'm Mitsui's classmate and tutor, my name is Mizumi Kana, please give me your advice!"

"Oh...that's it!" Xiandao knelt down and touched Kana

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