Zhan Zhao rubbed his sore neck with a slightly painful expression. He had never been so tired from practicing before.

"Tired?" Bai Yutang saw his movements from the corner of his eyes, and asked him casually.In fact, his hand has already reached out to his treasure bag. As long as the other party nods, he will immediately offer the contents inside with both hands and give a free massage with hundreds of massage techniques without repetition.

"I'm not tired." Zhan Zhao smiled at him, "You've worked hard these past few days. You've been running around helping me, looking for Shiji and Xiaoli, and today you're helping me distribute medicine and food to the people."

Bai Yutang waved to him, "It's all trivial matters. The affairs of the people in the world are my Bai Yutang's affairs, and it's not just for helping you."

"I know." Zhan Zhao nodded, "The Five Rats of Zikong Island have always been chivalrous and have done countless good deeds. There have always been good stories about you in the Jianghu. What about the story?"

"Really?" Bai Yutang's eyes flickered. Could it be that his wife went to hear about his heroic deeds? !Sure enough, he has his own in his heart!

"Last time when I was patrolling the streets, I met Xiao Liu, a guy from the teahouse. I helped him find the lost taels of silver, so he took me in for a cup of tea." Zhan Weiwei was very honest.

"..." Bai Wuye hurried forward a little frustrated.

"By the way, this time the matter is over, if there is nothing else important, I will accompany you back to the empty island." Zhan Zhao looked at him with clear eyes.He thought in his heart that Bao Zheng had asked him to talk about Bai Yutang before, and since his lord had clearly mentioned it, it would be more appropriate for him to send him back.Although it is indeed a lot easier to have him follow me, and I am also a little bit happy.

Lying!groove!Bai Yutang instantly froze.Is this the rhythm of taking the initiative to go home with yourself to meet your parents?The progress is too fast and I am not ready at all!

"Actually, if you're busy, it's okay to be later." Bai Yutang turned his face away and said calmly.

Zhan Zhao rubbed his head, "No matter how busy you are, you can still find some time." And after finishing this time, it is estimated that there will be no new cases in a while.

Bai Wuye raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but he grinned a big smile in his heart.Abducting a daughter-in-law was successful!

"I've been busy for a long time, go and rest first, I'll go and see Xiaoli and Wang Chao." Zhan Zhao said as he turned to the wing on the right.

Bai Yutang obviously didn't want to be thrown away by him like this, and followed behind him like a little tail, "I'll go too."

Pushing open the door, Xia Xiaoli and Wang Chao sat neatly dressed and sat facing each other, staring at each other silently, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Seeing that they were all awake, Zhan Zhao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Is your body all right?"

"Master Zhan." Wang Chao stood up and saluted Zhan Zhao.

"Sit down." Zhan Zhao waved to him, and then sat down with Bai Yutang next to them, "Tell me, why did you suddenly faint."

Wang Chao shook his hands firmly on his lap, and said slowly: "This subordinate was originally ordered by Mr. Gongsun to follow Hu Bingwan. I saw him hiding in the kitchen and thought it was suspicious, so I hid I kept staring at him at the door, but unexpectedly, he suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye. The subordinate was impatient at the time, so he rushed in without thinking about it. Before he could check carefully, he felt a heavy knock on the back of his head. click, and then the subordinates will not know anything.”

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other, "Do you still remember that Hubing Wan disappeared in that area?" Zhan Zhao asked.

Chao Chao scratched his head, "This subordinate vaguely remembers that he went straight to the water tank after entering the kitchen."

"I see." Zhan Zhao stood up and patted him, "You can rest a little longer. Yutang, let's go and have a look."

Bai Yutang stood up and followed closely behind him.

"Zhan Xiaomao!" Xia Xiaoli also stood up, and came out after the two of them, "How did I get back? How is Shijin?"

Zhan Zhao smiled at her, "It was Yutang who heard your screams and saved you. Shijin was infected by the diseased people, and she hasn't woken up yet."

"Oh." The little raccoon nodded lazily, and suddenly asked: "Has Mr. Gongsun already prepared the antidote for the common people?" The people she saw in the yard when she woke up must not be her dazzled people.

"Don't worry, the people have already taken the medicine, and their consciousness has come to their senses. Your lord has reported the situation here to the Holy Majesty. We should be able to go back after we capture the real culprit." Guard Zhan said truthfully.

"Who is the real culprit? Is it that Hubingwan!" In fact, she had been suspicious of him early on, and Sherlock Holmes' conjecture was correct!

"Basically, it can be confirmed that it is him, but there is no evidence yet, and some doubts have not yet been solved." The key is that no one can be found now, but relying on the intuition of Zhan Weiwei for many years, this case is over. It shouldn't be far from being cracked.

It is easy to solve the case with Mr. Bao, no pressure at all!

The author has something to say: Bai Wuye: (^o^)/~Mao'er, I heard the little raccoon tell me what kind of festival it is on their side today.

Zhanwei: (⊙v⊙) So?

Bai Wuye: So let’s go on a date~(≧▽≦)/~

Guard Zhan: Bai Fu, please go to Xiangmanlou to order a whole fish feast. Your fifth master said he wants to eat it!

Bai Wuye: ... [What I want to eat is whole!cat!feast!All right]

[As an accidental drop chapter on Christmas Eve~ Please eat it slowly, little angels]

No.20 Four rounds of assists still need my help

Zhan Zhao walked slowly to the door of the kitchen with two little tails trailing behind him.Just as the door was pushed open, Bai Fu's voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone:

"Fifth master, fifth master!"

Bai Yutang frowned imperceptibly, and cursed in his heart: I didn't ask you to come out and make trouble!There was no expression on his face, "What happened?"

"The clothes and trousers you asked me to buy have already been distributed to the common people." Looking around, it was all white and it was scary, but he didn't dare to say the second part, because he was worried that he would be beaten to death.

"Very good, it's none of your business here." Bai Wuye waved his hand, a little impatiently.I still have business to do with my daughter-in-law, so why are I so blind!

"But there are still a lot left after all the distribution." Bai Fu sighed in his heart. Hundreds of sets of clothes... Money is not spent like this. He has to find time to chat with his wife, and let her help no matter what. Pull the fifth master's stinky problem.

Bai Yutang frowned, and was about to open his mouth to ask Bai Fu to throw away all the rest, when Zhan Zhaohu who was beside him continued, "Pack up all the rest, ship them to remote places, and sell them at a low price. "In this way, poor people can wear good clothes without causing them to have the mentality of getting something for nothing.After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "Remember to explain to the people that it was your fifth master who did good deeds."

Bai Fu responded immediately, smiling openly, you are so oily!Madam Zunsu is great!

Bai Yutang also listened silently and didn't speak, but he was very proud in his heart, and rushed to marry a very, very powerful daughter-in-law.

Bai Fu took the order to go, and he went to do his errands with a smile on his face. The three of Zhan Zhao finally entered the kitchen, and according to Wang Chao, they found the secret passage hidden behind the big water tank.

After breaking through the secret door, the three of them entered one by one. Zhan Zhao lit a fire in the front, and the faint light of the fire danced gracefully.

After climbing two steps forward, Xia Xiaoli, who was at the end, suddenly let out an "ah".

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang stopped to look at her.

"So those miserable white shrouds were bought for the common people!" She remembered the whiteness she saw when she just woke up.Well, it really is Bai Wuye's way of doing things.


The secret passage is very narrow and extremely dry, basically only one person can barely pass through.At this moment, Bai Wuye, who was deeply obsessed with cleanliness, had completely turned his snow-white robe to gray, and his handsome cheeks had several streaks of black spots on his handsome cheeks.

After climbing a distance of more than ten meters, the secret passage finally became much wider.The three breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to pat the dust off their bodies.

"According to this trend, this hole seems to be very long." After dusting himself off, Zhan Zhao helped Bai Yutang wipe the dust off his face.

Xia Xiaoli hides behind and squints at the two of them, short and oily, they are developing well!

The four walls of the cave were dug very rough, and it seemed that they must have been dug out hastily, so that occasionally a few strands of dust would fall on the top of the head.

"Ah!" Guard Zhan finished wiping Bai Yutang's face, and when he raised his head, he was caught by the dust on the top.He closed one eye, and the rustle of that eye was a little sore and uncomfortable.

"Did you lose your eyes? Don't move and let me take a look!" Bai Yutang stabilized him, gently opened his eyelids with one hand, then pouted his mouth and blew close.

Lying!groove!Xia Xiaoli felt that her blood tank was a bit empty, because from the angle she stood, the two seemed to be kissing!

"Is it better?" Bai Yutang snatched the fire folder, held it up to take a picture, "The eyes are a little red, it's best to wash them with clean water." Fifth Master was a little worried, there was dirt all around, where to find clean water?

"It's okay." Zhan Zhao covered one eye and smiled at him, "It will be fine in a while, I'm not that delicate. Let's go on, the business is important." He dodged back while talking.

wipe!How could it be over so soon!Xia Xiaoli hated iron for being weak, so he rushed over and gave Bai Yutang a push on the back—what are you doing in a daze!kiss it!

Bai Yutang was worried about his daughter-in-law's eyes, and he didn't expect that he would be attacked by someone, and Xia Xiaoli's strength was really strong, so Bai Wuye pushed him down so logically He fell to the ground, and his wet lips touched Zhan Zhao's cheek.

The battle was successful!summer

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