"Boss Xu hasn't spoken yet..." Someone whispered.

Only then did Xu Yan raise his head and look at the person who spoke, "I didn't say anything just now, I was waiting for Mr. Jiang's opinion. Now we have a unified opinion, so there is nothing to say."

After speaking, he picked up the pen and tapped the tip of the pen on the table, "Xiao Wang, bring the dismissal contract."

Only then did Secretary Wang nod as if waking up from a dream, "Okay."

The surrounding employees looked at each other in blank dismay.

How do you say dismissal is dismissal?

Some of them actually don't really want to leave, and they know in their hearts that the majority of companies are silent at this time.

It's just that since someone took the lead first, others always wanted to take advantage of it.

Who would have thought that if he didn't take advantage of it, he would be in an embarrassing situation.

Of course, there are indeed people who want to resign. Someone has already bought a ticket to the inland area and walked out first, "Sorry, I can't go with the farm."

Immediately afterwards, a few angry ones took the contract and wrote their names on it.

Xu Yan glanced at these people coldly, "Is there any more? Call the others over."

Other employees were called one after another, but the latter ones were obviously much quieter.

They didn't participate when the prickly head was instigating people to make trouble, and naturally they won't participate now.

After all the dismissal contracts were signed, Xu Yan sorted out the contracts slowly, looked at Jiang Mo, "tell me."

Regarding the welfare reform on the farm, the two of them planned to wait for the news from various sources to stabilize in a day before talking to the employees.

After all, the important news that is really related to future survival will be released between tonight and tomorrow.

The two had good intentions at first, thinking that the employees would at least get relevant information so that they could make further plans for the future.

There are pros and cons to staying on the farm.At that time, a meeting will be held to ask their wishes. It is up to them to decide whether to leave the farm or not.

But I didn't expect there to be so many impetuous people among the employees. Since they want to leave, let them go.

Jiang Mo knocked on the table, "Those who want to stay can come to me to see the new contract."

"Wages are suspended, and basic wages are temporarily converted into materials for distribution. The materials are based on the food and clothing required by each person per month as a reference standard."

Encourage people with abilities to join the farm, and people with abilities can double or triple their wages depending on their abilities.

The farm canteen includes three meals for employees and provides free dormitory.

The dormitory does not provide heating, water and electricity, and the water and electricity quota is determined by the employee's position. At the same time, part of the salary can be deducted from the water and electricity quota.

The farm guarantees the safety of the living environment and food safety of employees.


In the apocalypse, the benefits of farms are absolutely overwhelming, but Jiang Mo also knows that the apocalypse is not yet complete, and the benefits he proposed may not be regarded as benefits in the eyes of the employees.

But that's all he could say.

Once the rules of the farm are established, they cannot be changed, and he does not have so much time to influence the employees.

On the contrary, he needs transparent and receptive employees to protect the farm so that he can conduct research on various mutant plants in the future.

Finally, Jiang Mo added, "Those who signed the dismissal contract, please leave the farm before [-] pm. The rest,"

He glanced around the meeting room, "Give me an answer before four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

The tone of the two bosses was so tough, the gang who took the lead in making trouble had no choice but to leave in despair.

At this time, Wei Xinghe came late, his face was pale, and there was sweat on his forehead.Collided with the first wave of people who walked out of the meeting room.

"Hey, is the security chief awake?" the leader sneered.

Wei Xinghe rubbed his forehead and raised his head.

He recognized this person, and he was usually very cynical, and always liked to say that others came in through the back door.

He had a fever all over his body, and he had a terrible headache, so he didn't bother to talk to him, and gave way to the side.

"Okay, I'm leaving now, and I won't fight against you, captain of the security team. From now on, those of you who stay on the farm should guard Island S. Oh, you don't know, City S will become Island S in the future." Thumb and index finger compared, "I don't know if that little space is enough for you to stand."

"Let's go?" Wei Xinghe was stunned for a moment. He looked at the employees who came out of the conference room with different expressions, and only realized what happened afterward.

"But I just read the news before I came here," Wei Xinghe said. "The latest news from the experts is that the sea level will rise, and the sea water will break through the earth's crust and flow back into the rivers, and the inland areas will also be submerged."

"Experts are now not encouraging residents to flock inland, but to find nearby high places above 100 meters above sea level to gather for self-rescue and wait for evacuation."

All the people who came out of the conference room stopped at the same time.

"Oh," Wei Xinghe added, "You haven't read the news yet, have you? The western suburbs of City S have been designated as an evacuation point for five nearby cities."

For a moment, Wei Xinghe, who was surrounded by wonderful expressions, couldn't bear to look at it.

There were shocks, regrets, rejoicing, and some people suddenly turned their heads to look at Jiang Mo and Xu Yan.

Jiang Mo took a list and walked lazily in front of Wei Xinghe, "These people leave the farm before four o'clock in the afternoon."

He glanced at Wei Xinghe, "Fever? Congratulations."

"Congratulations?" Wei Xinghe asked strangely.

Jiang Mo patted Wei Xinghe's shoulder, "Insider information, fever is a precursor to awakening abilities."

Inside news!

People are keen to capture the word.

It turns out they have inside information!

No wonder their attitude was so tough, no wonder they looked at the person who was arguing to leave just now, as if they were looking at a clown!

Since the western suburbs have been designated as a refuge point, it means that even if the sea level rises, the western suburbs will not be flooded, so why are they paying high prices for evacuation tickets and signing dismissal contracts?

Shen Mingxia answered the phone restlessly, saying "hmmm, ahhh" in a perfunctory manner while winking at her son.

After hanging up the phone, she sighed, "Your little aunt in N City wants to come to our house to take refuge. She has such a big family, how can she live in our house?"

Li Kai frowned, "Can't we not let them come?"

His newly bought building is in the eastern suburbs. When he woke up this morning, he found that the first floor was flooded. He was so scared that he took his wife and children back to his hometown.

Looking at the owner group just now, the sea water has risen to the third floor.

I can't go back home for the time being. He and his wife and children feel crowded here, and where the father-in-law and mother-in-law will live has not yet been decided. Who has the leisure to receive relatives and family at the moment.

"After all, it's your sister-in-law." Shen Mingxia rolled her eyes, "Why don't you let them go next door? Didn't Lao Jiang's family move out?"

Li Kai instantly remembered Fang Nan's attitude towards Jiang Mo, "Don't."

He paused, "Then Jiang Mo has quite a lot of contacts, and he also opened a farm with Mr. Xu... Let my sister-in-law and the others live in Zou's house."

Jiang Mo and Xu Yan checked the contract to be signed tomorrow for the last time and locked it in the safe.

He looked up and wanted to say something to Xu Yan, seeing Xu Yan still had that cold and businesslike expression, he touched his nose.

"Still angry." He muttered in a low voice, seeing that Xu Yan didn't respond at all, he didn't bother to talk to him, "I'll borrow your car, I'll go out and collect mutated plants."

"The key is in the garage." Xu Yan said.

Jiang Mo waved his hand, went into the elevator and went down to the garage.

When he was leaving the gate of the farm, Jiang Mo met Aunt Zou and Zou Yang who were going out with umbrellas.

"Where are you going?" Jiang Mo pushed down the car window, "I will take you for a ride."

"No," the mother and son said with a smile, "we'll go to the city center to collect money, buy some things, and then go home and move again. The route is quite complicated, and we've already made an appointment for a car."

On the first day of the last days, the mutation has not yet begun to appear. Although the moon is incomplete, it is hanging in the sky well.

Most people still cherish the idea that one day the sea will recede.

Online car-hailing drivers are also willing to come out to make money.

Seeing that the mother and son had made arrangements, Jiang Mo ignored them and drove out.

It is not easy to find mutated plants now, the vegetation is not completely dead, and the mutated plants are mixed with the unmutated ones, so it is not easy to find.

Fortunately, Jiang Mo had some impressions of some mutated plants in his previous life and remembered their characteristics.

He first drove around to the back of Biyun Mountain.

In the previous life, there were two mutated plants here, one mutated apricot tree, which would bear fruit once every year when the winter was extremely cold and the summer was extremely hot. The fruit was sweet and non-toxic, and it supported many people.

The other one is the mutant ghost needle grass.

As soon as his hand touched the mutated plant, the system in his consciousness jumped out.

[Enter the mutated apricot tree, do you want to put the mutated apricot tree in the garden? 】

Jiang Mo chose yes, and a small apricot tree seedling immediately appeared in the 3D garden.

[Variation apricot tree: a tree that likes extreme weather and challenges itself. 】

[Enter the mutant ghost needle grass, do you want to put the mutant ghost needle grass in the garden? 】

[Variation ghost needle grass: It's a stalking little fairy, it's best not to be stalked by it. 】

Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows, and pulled out the ghost needle grass stuck to his trouser legs.

Different from normal ghost needle grass, its needles are extraordinarily slender and flexible, making it difficult to find. The end of the needle-like seeds is a small empty sac.

There is nothing in the empty bag at the moment, Jiang Mo leaned up to his nose and smelled it, but he could smell a faint smell.

He threw the seed on the ground and walked away.

Plants can be included in the system with a touch, and there is no need to delete them.

The two plants, Jiang Mo, stayed in place, allowing them to grow freely.

He drove to the eastern suburbs.

The situation in the eastern suburbs is completely different from the calm western suburbs. Although the western suburbs are also congested and the shopping malls and supermarkets are crowded, the overall mental state of the people is still calm.

The eastern suburbs seem to have come to an end, and despair is everywhere.

Since last night, the sea has been rising.

Half of the eastern suburbs have been flooded.

The lifeboats marked with the Lord's logo were fishing for people in the water, and the evacuation horns in all streets were loudly shouting.

The road has long been blocked, and many people have abandoned their cars and walked out with huge luggage bags on their backs.

The gymnasium, science and technology museum, library, and all public places in the city center are open, and from time to time you can see people crying standing at the door looking for relatives.

People who were white-collar workers and elites a day ago described themselves in a state of embarrassment, hugging the blankets issued by the relief center, and queuing up at the entrance of the supermarket with no end in sight.

Jiang Mo parked the car in the eastern suburbs, and walked into Central Park in the direction he remembered.

He remembered that there was a mutated pine tree here. The mutated point of this pine tree was extraordinarily tall. In his memory, it seemed to have been growing until it was cut down and burned for warmth in winter.

[Enter the mutated red pine, do you want to put the mutated red pine in the garden? 】

[Variation Korean pine: It has growth-compulsive disorder, which is too silly.The gun hits the head of the bird, and the ax cuts the head of the tree, doesn't it understand? 】

Jiang Mo: ...

When he walked out of the park, he casually glanced at the artificial lake.

Among the half-dead water lilies, a large green lotus leaf is particularly abrupt.

Jiang Mo was overjoyed.

Sure enough, places with dense vegetation have a higher chance of mutated plants appearing.

He waded into the water, reached out to touch the lotus leaf, and the phone in the other hand suddenly rang.

[Enter the mutant duckweed, do you want to put the mutant duckweed in the garden? 】

Mutant duckweed?Jiang Mo was taken aback, chose yes in his mind, and pressed the answer button on the phone.

[Variation Duckweed: It is extraordinarily large. 】


Aunt Zou's voice came from the phone, "Xiao Mo, where are you? Zou Yang is injured and the ambulance can't get there. Can you help him?"

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